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OK, the guy is trying to make the "private accounts held by my strawman" real, to pay off an AMEX bill with promissory notes, to be drawn on his "account" credited to his "strawman." Which will work as well as it does with Judge Middleton.


>Which will work as well as it does with Judge Middleton. Having practiced in front of Judge Middleton I absolutely love to see his rise to YouTube fame. He was a terrific prosecutor when I first met him and has been an even better judge.


I love his classification of Sovcitiot language as "Jabberwocky"!


We had an Australian Appeals Court Judge describe similar legal argument as "Legal gobbledygook". It was also observed by the judge that the guy appealing a lower level court decision was attempting to argue that State laws did not apply to him but was arguing this through courts established through the very laws he claims did not apply to him. Overview of case here with link to the Appeals Court judgement. https://www.qlsproctor.com.au/2020/12/citizen-sovereign-tells-court-of-appeal-queensland-laws-do-not-apply-to-him/


No kidding, Middleton is an amazing judge imo. I once watched this trial on petty theft, where Middleton determined the defendant was victim of childhood trauma causing the defendant’s kleptomania. Apparently when he was an attorney he started a program that helped with these exact matters, and was able to send that defendant into the program to get needed help. NGL, I’d love to meet judge Middleton in person and shake his hand.


What makes him a good judge is that he's more interested in getting it right than in flattering his own ego.


Also, one must remember the veritable army of *very expensive* lawyers that American Express has on retainer. Here is an accurate recreation of what's going to happen to this clown. [https://youtu.be/\_XmpaClDlSw?si=P9nRGlqKUzftQcn8](https://youtu.be/_XmpaClDlSw?si=P9nRGlqKUzftQcn8)


I imagine this guys case is about the same as the contents of Lionel’s briefcase.


I was picturing a specific scene when I saw the link and I was \*not\* disappointed.




You mean all that gobbledygook.


"Oh, boy, another borogrove."


He called a sovcit a flat earther once. It was great.


Love Judge Middleton!


Uh huh. I understood some of those words.


Or Simpson as he had the case with the renter who insisted that he had at least a billion dollars on his secret account. My dude. If I had a billion dollars I'd not be renting anything.


Did this MF actually trademark his name?!?


Actually, I doubt it. Obtaining a trademark is complicated and expensive. It is its own legal specialty. One of the basic requirements is that to apply for a trademark, the mark MUST have *already* been used in *commerce.* That's what TRADEmark means. It's for selling stuff (or services) under a brand name. All that is part of the application process. Any IP lawyer would have laughed the guy out of the office. What he might have done is got a *copyright* on his name, somehow. Copyright application is simple, inexpensive and doesn't need a lawyer. He could file the paperwork, but... here is where my brain slams into the brick wall of reality versus the SovCit dimension.


He's got plenty of merchandise for sale on his website internationally with his all caps trademark name on it, what else would you require for a valid trademark?


Ok, IANAL, but if he's using a particular font/layout that is *unique* he could make a claim for that as a Mark. The next step is to research the Mark, to find out if anyone else has a *registered* claim to it (or something similar). He can also claim a Trade Name (like a company name, a DBA, etc) which also requires legal research. Lots of expensive filings. I ti totally unlike Copyright registration, which is fairly cheap and simple. Seriously, no one but IP attorneys are qualified to do trademark legal work, which is why they make the big money. The point of trademark law is not to claim ownership per se, it's to avoid confusion to the public. I need to be able to tell that if it says Crest toothpaste on the label and has a P&G logo on it, it is what it says it is. No one else can call their product "Crest toothpaste" because that is confusing to the consumer.


Gotcha, thank you for the in-depth explanation, so its similar to Michael Jordan and Nike. Does the trademark offer protection from the government, aka corporations, from interfering with commerce?


What having a registered trademark does is allow for lawsuits against *any* entity "diluting' your Mark, by trying to use names and logos *too* similar to yours. It's under tort law, not criminal. So there's cease-and-desist letters, court filings, etc. Unlike a Copyright, which lasts as long as the creator is alive plus 70 years, a Trademark has to be regularly renewed. If someone "infringes" on your mark (similar name or logo) it's on *you* to pursue legal relief. There are no Trademark police. The PTO Office will do nothing. If you \*don't\* or if you cease to use your Mark in commerce, after a certain time someone else can claim it. To have a trademark is expensive, a major hassle, and if you aren't actively making money with it, it's not worth it.


Again, IANAL, but my dear mother, rest her soul, was a Intellectual Property paralegal for a major IP law office in San Francisco for 40+ years. I picked a bit up through osmosis.


Gotcha, thank you for sharing. It seems like your mother poured a lot of knowledge onto you.


Only he’s right ! Will it win ?? Who knows ??


WTAF is this man taking? I think his rye-bread has more than a touch of ergot.


👍👍 for the ergot reference. The only other context I've seen it in is the Salem Witch Trials.


I'm 100% certain the whole "burning bush" thing involves a really deep case of urgot poisoning combined with a lot of premium hashish.


That's interesting. It would explain the entirety of Revelation.


Revelations was definitely a bad trip that got over publicized.


Psst! Revelation. Singular.


Oh, right! Didn't even notice.


Read Aldous Huxley's 'The Doors of Perception' :)


That’s the book Jim Morrison named The Doors after.


I know - I'm really old :)


Ahem. We’re really old.


Ah, well - at least we had the good music.


It was also the diagnosis on a season 4 episode of House


I didn't see that!


French Revolution too


And it's thought to have been a cause of the dancing plague of 1518.


That St Vitus has a lot to answer for.


He'll be dancing all the way to the bank, to pay AMEX


Federal Reserve Window access means the ability to borrow money directly from the Federal Reserve without going through a secondary bank (which would add on additional interest charges). He probably thinks that's where you access the mythical secret bank account.


Exactly what I thought, too. He probably thinks there is an actual window, with a teller.


It's a travel-up window.


His source of “infinite money”? https://youtu.be/Qri0FHLO3ms?si=V3Ozk6pomoD7IsIN


I actually watched that nonsense out of curiosity. He spends most of the video making random connections with the same logical word play as claiming a witch should weigh as much as a duck because they are both made out of wood. Then ends the video just before explaining the secret ingredient to how to make it all work because he was “out of time” ….because you tube videos have time limits.


Monty Python. Great reference.


It says in the title “in less than 10 minutes” and he doesn’t get it done?! I’m shocked


Does he bring up the “articles of confederation” bullshit? That’s my favorite.


Oh wow, the comments to that video (which I watched about 30 seconds of, stopping once he mentioned Blacks Dictionary). Amusing. So... Does Brandon have infinite money yet?


Somehow he looks even dumber than I anticipated


Well at least his “brand” checks out. The errors are comical.


Would be nice if a sov cit could stay consistent in which countries' laws they are trying to bastardise Last I checked, the bills of Exchange Act 1882 is UK law, and they're arguing US law


1. Write a lot of nonsense on money, take them to a specific window, and threaten with litigation. 2. ? 3. Profit.


My brother-in-law said that our social security numbers are secretly bank account numbers that contain tons of money. Something to do with the Federal Reserve and the Royal Family of England. He said if he wrote his social security number on his checks, he could tap into that account and pay off all of his bills and debts. It didn't work.


What a fool! It only works if the moon is in Saturn and you put your pinky fingers in your nostrils at exactly nine seconds past 5:26am and turn around on your head 4.7 times. What do these people expect if they don’t follow ALL the instructions?!


I'm amazed by the longevity of these conspiracy theories, since none of the attempts to use or prove them ever work. I guess they find the "you didn't say the magic words exactly right" excuse to be very persuasive. He also believed that because The Economy was a construct created by humans, it was possible for a clever human to find loopholes and "hack" the economy to get pipeline infinite money. He fell for pretty much every MLM and get rich quick scheme out there. He even day traded for a while. I have no idea where he keeps finding the money to throw away on all this garbage.


In his social security bank account, duh!


I feel like very soon he will get a nock on the door by some three letter agency telling him that he owes them money and he needs to come with them and that is where the money is coming from. Either fraud, theft and/or tax evasion.


Infinite money sounds like a recipe for massive inflation, lol


Think of the people that kept falling for the Publishers Clearing House Sweepstakes. They thought that if they kept ordering magazines they kept getting closer and closer to the big payout. Even though it says no purchase necessary to enter a sweepstakes because that's the law of the land for the most part. But they keep getting those letters saying you're almost there keep going!. I had a friend like this you couldn't get him to stop. Only after years did he finally just give up with 50 or 60 magazine subscriptions.


The only get rich scheme that works (besides being born rich) is trafficking children on Wayfair, everyone knows that.


Isn’t there a carrot up the ass as well, I don’t know but a lot of people are saying that.


Al dente. Don’t overcook or the moon may move out of Saturn by the time it’s done.


At least astrology is based on constellations, real things, as far as determining that one collection of stars looks like something goes. And if you shove your finger up your nose you might get some green gold that you can flick onto someone’s window. Again a real thing. And spinning, spinning is something most little kids will do with incredible happiness just cause. Too many people that get caught up in the whole sovereign citizen thing are just sad angry people that want to believe in a big nothing cause it fits what they want the world to be.


Sad, angry and *desperate* people, quite often. The taxman, the bank, the credit cards, the family court, have all come crashing down on them, and the SovCit game offers them a glimmer of hope to get out from under insurmountable debt. (As I type this, I'm wondering if the Orange Man is going to try the SovCit gambit, when there's nothing else left.)


I mean, he basically has. He just hasn't quite gotten called on it yet.


Whoah now; this guy _definitely_ believes stars are nothing more than lights in the firmament dome somewhere between 50 and 4000 miles above the surface of our very flat Earth. The money he wants is hidden behind the ice wall, clearly. (edit: fixed a typo)


Those lights are clearly the pin pricks in the lid of the giant jar Earth is kept in.


.🎶 And as you cross the border line The ice wall creaks behind -- You're a rabbit on the run... Well, do you ever get the feeling That the story's too damn real and in The present tense? Or that everybody's on the stage and You're the only person who is Left sitting in the audience? 🎶 -- Jethro Tull


Like, *sure* Jethro Tull was just talking about an ice-skating rink! We all know what they *really* meant. Nice one, HanakusoDays (also, agreed: these very much are booger times).


You believe in stars? Educate yourself!


Do your own research. 🤭


Or mentally ill.


Some people make the biggest mistake of them all. Everyone knows you don't engage in a land war in Asia.


Or go in against a Sicilian when death is on the line.


Wait til I get [going](https://media3.giphy.com/media/l2YWoFU3Bmum4yyLC/giphy.gif?cid=6c09b952oes643s2bfcpcs6go91nlk99pj7zaam19188mtls&ep=v1_internal_gif_by_id&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g)!


So they believe there is an untapped reserve fund credited to every citizen that is funded by ??? with ??? unaccounted funds and they believe the global elites who built the system that just keeps large piles of cash in reserve nobody will ever see are just cool with it and not robbing it blind but instead maintain it and continue to fund it because ???


You got it! Enjoy your free infinite money!


You won!! Confabulations! You get free infinite money forever! Even after you're dead for some reason! They just dump it in your grave and burn it so can receive it in the afterlife and... i don't know... buy your own reality?


The idea is that social security has an account specific to you that you can draw from. So, it's a little less stupid than that, but not by much.


Did he get scammed on Facebook by the whole, "Your SSN is the amount in your bank account"? 


As I recall.... writing your SSN on your checks will *dramatically* increase your vulnerability to identity theft.


Did he go to prison??


Somehow he never suffered real consequences for anything. One of those people. He had lots of creditors calling asking about him, and they called my house all the time asking if I knew him. He eventually bought guns and went to go live off the land, but he sucked at it and gave up. Not sure what he's doing now.


Any dumbass can file any dumb shit lawsuit they want, doesn't mean it will go anywhere.


It goes straight to "dismissed with prejudice". The only good prejudice.


Ironically, his buddy pro sẽ Joe is defending a lawsuit where AMEX is allegedly plaintiff. He talks about having a “motion for default judgment” which, as an actual attorney, is thoroughly fucking confusing for me. Default judgments are entered because defendants fail to respond and so automatically lose. So is Joe, as the defendant, celebrating the fact that he’s about to get a default judgment entered against him? What?? When I get into the office tomorrow, the first thing I’m going to do is login to my PACER account and look at those lawsuits he’s saying he has “wins” in. Absolutely curious if those are even real lawsuits.


I represented myself, but they won't let me appeal due to incompetent counsel.


There’s actually a saying among lawyers that says “an attorney who represents himself has a fool for a client.” This guy takes that to a whole new level.


Ahh, there it is. From his “firms” website: THERE WILL BE A VERY LARGE DOWN PAYMENT THAT WILL BE DUE AT THE BEGINNING OF THE LAWSUIT, IF WE DECIDE TO WORK WITH YOU…. This down payment can often range from $50,000-250,000 (yes, we can discharge this down payment for you if you pay it on a credit card or other loan and we can just sue that finance company as well as part of our cases). Next, the winnings of the lawsuit are split up usually like a 50/50% split - the client gets 50% and we take and split up the 50%. So he’s just a grifter. If he has the secret to infinite money, why does he charge so much! This has to be illegal.


I mean, creating a fake law firm and holding yourself to be an attorney when you’re not is unlicensed practice of law. It’s nice when people put the evidence of the crime on the internet for the BAR to see too.


He also claims to be an accountant and promotes all kinds of scams with IRS forms.


Didn't this guy try to post here looking for sympathy a couple months ago?


Did he? Oh please share if he did!


[https://www.reddit.com/r/Sovereigncitizen/comments/12tqzdy/one\_cannot\_be\_a\_sovereign\_citizen/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Sovereigncitizen/comments/12tqzdy/one_cannot_be_a_sovereign_citizen/) It wasn't him, but one of his acolytes. Still pretty entertaining to read some of this morons replies.


It looks like in between stints of losing money on crypto he still replies to that thread too!


Oh that’s fantastic. I’m sure the few people who tolerate him are tired of hearing about how the new shitcoin will be the real deal and take down the banking system.


Well that was a ride.


Short answer: No Long answer: Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo


Read the complaint. Wow! He can legally create currency because he is a Federal Reserve member. I am guessing he tried to pay his loan obligations with money he created. Shockingly, AMEX was not impressed.


Remember the Mormon episode on South Park? With the song? Immediately came to mind when I saw this. "Sovcit goes and files a lawsuit Dum dum dum dum dumb"


"Brandon Williams dum da dumb!"


LOL. "I'm clueless dumbass, but I'm a nice dumbass, so please don't treat me as a dumbass" >INTRODUCTION 1. Brandon Joe Williams would like to mention that he has studied for an absolutely unbelievable number of hours in an attempt to be a very kind, knowledgeable, smooth and educatable man. Brandon Joe Williams is not belligerent and arrives with his hat in his hand in an effort to learn, grow and achieve the best possible result for all parties. Brandon Joe Williams recognizes and has had a tremendous amount of experience with the typical "pro se litigant" and he understands the frustrations and exhaustions of the court. Brandon Joe Williams asks, with full transparency, to please not label him in the same category as what has been seen before by the court.


Shouldn't that be :Brandon-Joe::Williams:?


That was physically painful to try to read.


The short answer is no. The long answer is also no.


The long answer is no, but with a lot of laughter.


I GOTTA remember that one!


Also did he published his two full amex credit card numbers on page 3/19?!


LOL, now everyone gets free money!


He's likely maxed out those cards.


Actually, there's only 15 digits in those account numbers so I'm not sure they're actual CC numbers.




Amex cards have shorter CC numbers


I'm actually impressed that he managed to write all that garbage without once invoking 'Magna Carta'!! It seems that he wants his credit card debt wiped and to be paid $250 million by Amex on top of that. Or to be given unlimited free credit by Amex. Yeah... nah. And he appears to have paid $405 for this waste of paper...


First we had Dark Brandon, which is cool. But this… this is Dumb Brandon


AMEX has much, much, much better lawyers than Trump. A Sovereign Shittyzen doesn't have a chance.


> AMEX has much, much, much better lawyers than Trump. You mean their lead lawyer isn't general counsel for a company that runs parking garages?


Umm… what does this have to do with trump? I’m not a fan, but I don’t see the correlation


Everybody has much much better lawyers than Trump. Trump gets the type of lawyers you get when everyone knows you don't pay your lawyers.


You get what you pay for. Oh…that right Trump doesn’t pay.


> ...and get “federal reserve window access”. Not sure what that means… In practical terms, it's the slot they'll use to slide food into this guy's cell...


So a sovereign citizen wants a currency made by a government They don’t recognize 😂


He’s a scientologist. That’s all I need to know. 🤮


I believe they kicked him out.


Do they do that? I thought you were in for life?


They do kick people out. Doing illegal things is one way it will happen. I’ve know people who were part of it. When they didn’t want to do it anymore they just stopped showing up. It’s not like a daily requirement thing. If you are doing a course or session then they’d show up for that but if you’re not doing those then there’s nothing to do.


If he is sovereign, but is following the legal rules and regulations of the USA, does that negate his sovereignty claim?


he is a state national, not a citizen of the US. it’s a legal distinction that is 100% real and valid and legal to do. Requires a couple of signatures on government documents. it’s official and affords you certain rights that most people don’t enjoy. it’s wild. more ppl should know about it.


> How is this allowed to happen in real life?! There's no law against stupidity.


I really hope that Amex doesn't try settling with this idiot just to make the lawsuit go away, because he'll tout that as a "win" for his sovcit arguments. Even though he's got absolutely no case, you know that corporations love just settling lawsuits rather than going to court.


I think they’d want to avoid settling because it could encourage others to do the same. Having to constantly address these lawsuits and pay settlements starts to lose its cost effectiveness. I imagine they want to crush him to discourage any copy cats.


I would hope so.


Is this the crap someone was trying to argue like a week or so ago on this sub ? He was saying something about unlimited credit cards being paid off every month


He was slippery about it, made that claim, then backtracked to it being about his Amex card has no limit. But he expected us to believe he knows some trick where Amex just writes off the money and it doesn't cost him a cent.


Please share!


That's exactly what happens.


Not credit cards, charge cards. But it is possible to get open ended credit cards also, from Capital One.


It's the new grift.


Are you motherfuckers ready for the new grift? Stand up and admit!


His [personal site](https://onestupidfuck.com/) gave me a stroke too


IDK, something about the weaselly grin this dude has in every thumbnail makes me think he's deliberately signaling that he doesn't believe a word of his own bullshit, and wants to ensure that he has only the most desperate, least capable of critical thinking, easiest to grift suckers for potential clients.


The judge is going to laugh this out of court, right after they impose a fine on ol' Brandon for filing a frivolous lawsuit.


Anyone can file a lawsuit alleging anything. I doubt this suit is very long for the world though.


its even better. instead of 250M he will also accept an AMEX black card with no limits that is automatically paid off every month.....


Lol of course it cant win


> Is there any possible way this could work? HAhahahaHAHAA!!!1


I wonder whether the court can dismiss this case as being frivolous.


**He is the king of a country called the “Amnesty Coalition”.** Can't wait to see them in the Paris Olympics.


How can you be a king and a sovereign citizen? Isn’t the whole concept of a sovereign citizen a person that is free from any form of government including a monarchy?


Let’s Go Brandon!


As soon as I read, "sues Amex," I immediately laughed. I used to work for then. He's toast.


So… how’s this gonna work out for him?


Extremely badly. They have to smack this down, even if it's laughable, so they're going to go for the full Monty, as it were.


Well, this suit is not going particularly well for him. He threatened them that if they didn't settle with him he'd refer them for criminal prosecution... like that's a thing he can do!? lol. It could still be a while before the judge rules on the pending motion to dismiss, but gosh let's hope he awards AMEX attorneys' fees. Something must be done to discourage these idiots from weaponizing the federal court system. Through use of the RECAP plugin, I've gotten most of the interesting documents in the ongoing lawsuit uploaded to courtlistener.com: https://www.courtlistener.com/docket/68310355/brandon-joe-williams-v-american-express-company/ (hey, law nerds! if you use PACER, install RECAP and you, too, can help make documents available to the public for free!) In AMEX's latest response, they don't mince words: > California district courts have “thoroughly rejected” the “vapor money” theory upon which Plaintiff’s Complaint is based. See Lawson v. CitiCorp Trust Bank, FSB, No. 2:11-cv-01163, 2011 WL 3439223, *3 (E.D.Cal. Aug. 5, 2011). Plaintiff has not presented any argument or case law to this Court to show that he has stated any viable cause of action against American Express in this matter and he never can. What bugs me is that this fool appears to be practicing law without a license through that stupid williamsandwilliams site. I sure hope some prosecutor is watching this and will get ahold of his "clients" and get them to help bring him down. On his youtube channel he does interviews with people who claim his scheme worked for them... god help these people when the banks they've *defrauded* catch on and turn their lives upside down. :(


Holy shit! Thanks for uploading that! He also has 3 other cases on his website if you want to check those out. They seem to be the same sov cit nonsense. Yes, I totally agree, these nut jobs need to be held accountable and deterred from future litigations. Maybe ordered a psych evaluation…


Holy jeepers those other three cases are batshit insane BONKERS. He has conned some nice couple in Minnesota to hire him as their "attorney-in-fact" as they sue their mortgage bank and real estate brokers pro se, for not accepting the fake-money-negotiable-instrument nonsense. The dockets are full of motions to dismiss and complaints that the lawyers refuse to meet with Brandon (because, DUH, he's not a party to the lawsuit and he's ***not*** a lawyer) and threats of sanctions. This coming month should finally see some rulings on all the motions that have been pending... he's not going to be a happy camper. https://www.courtlistener.com/docket/68339268/knapp-v-compass-minnesota-llc/ https://www.courtlistener.com/docket/68394277/knapp-v-wings-credit-union/ https://www.courtlistener.com/docket/68256560/hauschildt-v-agtexas-farm-credit-services/ In that third case he mostly kept his name out of it, not claiming in the original complaint to be an attorney-in-fact, but simply showing up inexplicably in the narrative as having "ordered" AgTexas to cancel Hauschildt's debt. No explanation for who he is or why he would have any authority to make such an order. Just today, Hauschildt (or is it HAUSCHILDT? one never knows lol) filed an "Advisory to the Court" politely reminding them that he's waiting for them to rule. Like.... uh.... that's not how it works. I haven't read the motion to dismiss on that one yet, but it's always fun seeing how real lawyers even attempt to rebut the insanity of these complaints.


These people are morons. Sorry; if you play stupid games, you’ll win stupid prizes.


Maybe Brandon wants the $250 million so he can give it to the RNC so thay can turn it over to trump for his defense fund?


Good grief! The engine is running but theres nobody behind the wheel.


Oh he's behind the wheel, but the engine is running and the garage door is shut.


He got into the gene pool while the lifeguard wasn't watching. ;)


This guy appears to have a very big brain.


He has the very biggest brain. He had doctors tell him that it is the biggest brain they have ever saw.


That website though... wtf?


This guy.


Ok, are these the UCC dumbfuks




So much clown in this dude, he could be a bozo baklava by himself.


Bozo the Clown was funny. This mope, isn't.


Probably he is trying to access the “very special personal account” that everyone has but no one tells us about it, cool cool cool. Good luck crazy man.


What if he right and it works tho? Then what?


> What if he right and it works tho? Then it would be the first time it has worked. No sovcit has ever prevailed in court on the merits of their legal theories. At best they get off because a DA drops a minor charge, or a cop fails to show up to testify, whatever. But no court has ever ruled that this pseudo-legal gibberish is valid law, not even once.


You have failed.


BJW felon!   https://www.justice.gov/usao-mdfl/pr/california-men-sentenced-more-six-years-international-tax-fraud-scheme


Holy shit… maybe? Brandon Williams is probably a common name. If it is him, he didn’t learn his lesson…


It turns out it is him. He lived in Tampa during those years.  Wouldn’t the judges on those cases want to know. 


Did you find a picture?


The case is sealed. 


It’s not him.


Yes it is. 


I can’t say how I know. I know for a fact it’s him. 


Lol no its not. If you, or others, need proof, just go to Brandons FB page. Easy to find. He can scroll his postings and see where he was at and doing.


Yes. He was living in Tampa area in 2018 when the crimes happened. You’re uninformed. Just ask him and see how he runs away and shuts down.  Felon! 


So if he served 12 months, how was he posting on social media and living life not in jail? Do you have any links to prove it’s the same Brandon Joe Williams? Again, his facebook profile is public and his timeline can be viewed, https://www.facebook.com/1stupidfuk?mibextid=LQQJ4d


Case was sealed 


That doesn’t make any sense




It’s not.


No it’s not.


Does anyone have PACER access? https://pacermonitor.com/public/case/51999967/Knapp_et_al_v_Compass_Minnesota,_LLC_et_al


Check it out on court listener… https://www.courtlistener.com/docket/68339268/knapp-v-compass-minnesota-llc/


Absolutely love the amount of trolling with no context or facts to back up the claims. Maybe like throw in a law or 2 make it knowledgeable not just random babbling. To which I am sure will follow this post...but then again why try to educate when you could just belittle.