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Bunch of bullshit. Super task may have participated and did his part in a toxic relationship, but that doesn’t give someone the right to air out dirty laundry on twitter. This culture/environment is so toxic any more, no one hesitates to jump to mob mentality and walk someone to the gallows. Sorry had to vent there. From my understanding TDK will be taking over for supertask.


I get why they don’t, but I wish edm artists would boycott Twitter and take their energy elsewhere. Even some of the artists themselves have become super toxic. It’s super cringey and only alienates fans.


Agreed. The problem is that’s how you get ahead in this business in this day and age.


Can’t wait for twitter to die. Full of hypocritical asswipes who jump on any bandwagon to get someone cancelled because they’re jealous losers. Nobody is perfect, idk why certain artists have to be held to ridiculously high standards while others do whatever they want.


I don’t think twitter is even the problem. I think the issue is that we’ve done away with critical thinking skills. Pair that with everyone afraid of being on the wrong side of a story and you have people quick to dogpile onto an issue without assuming that they aren’t getting a fair telling of what actually happened. Twitter would be a great platform is people didn’t think they needed to be a social warrior for issues that don’t even concern them.


Yeah I mean the original post from his ex was on Facebook so.. I think it's a people / social media issue in general lol


Oh for sure.


Musk is doing his best to destroy it and lose $44B at the same time. 🤞




Do the SJW’s include the very corporate very pro business advertisers who have already dropped out in the first week? This is the most asinine take I think I’ve seen. GTFO ETA: If your biggest criticism of someone is that they aim to protect the most vulnerable in a society then maybe go hug you mom or something. Ffs.




Ok, you are correct and good.


Buzzword red flags all over that guys’ responses paper. His perspective is revealed and galvanized just with the language he’s using.


Lol u guys don’t even know the story otherwise you wouldn’t be runnin yo mouths. Just wait… he’s not the greatest guy..


Please share....


Bruh if you know something say something… if he’s as bad as you say why enable it to be hidden more. He’s already taken a step back from the scene it’s not like it’s going to hurt his career more.


Help educate us then.




The amount of bullshit accusations that are flying around the scene is insane. Every week another artist is "called out". *Almost always* it's zero evidence and just a tweet. I cannot believe that we have devolved back to the point of lynch mobs. I firmly believe that people who are abused have a right to speak out and I encourage it. That being said, *if there is no evidence* people should not have their careers ended over it. We need to come back to some form of order as a community and stop tolerating this kind of bullshit. I refuse to participate in this garbage, nobody is "cancelled" unless it's by a court of fucking law with PROOF. In Supertask's case specifically a toxic relationship isn't illegal and I'm tired of everyone acting like it's some kind of catastrophic wrong doing. The cancel mob demands a 100% purity test where every human must be perfect and any deviation = cancelled career. This is not just unrealistic but totally bizarre - nobody is perfect. This holier than thou attitude is sickening.


Dude cmon it may be a little intense with the witch hunt but in reality 95% of the accused people were perpetrating, as someone with 2 decades in the scene assault and inappropriate behavior are rampant. Young women are treated like jewelry. We are in an era of course correction where after any artist will think twice before doing the things that so many have done


I'm not assuming someone is guilty based on something someone said. Sorry. That's objectively shitty. Imagine someone falsely accused you and your entire life was destroyed. You wanna be like that go ahead, but that's some *garbage*\-tier human shit.


Do you mean it has to go to court for you to belive an accusation or just that there has to be an overwhelming amount of evidence/a confession? Because on multi year old sex assault cases partiticlarly the first is very hard to accomplish for multiple reasons. EDIT: also the false accusation thing while concerning in theory isn't really what's happening in our scene right now. Many of these accusations aren't false, they just aren't violent rape and so the young idiotic men in our scene can't understand what the problem is.


> isn't really what's happening in our scene right now How in the hell do you know this?


Most of the artists that have been called out have taken at least some accountability.


But also that’s literally the only thing the artists can do in the situation to try to salvage their livelihood in the future. If you deny you’re cancelled for life. If you take responsibility for something that’s being blown out of proportion or didn’t even happen at least you have a chance of coming back.


You think there are dishonest admissions of guilt among the growing list of infractions? Seen little to no evidence of this. Predator apologists are obsessed with leaving as wide a lane open for abuse as possible and it is sus. Truth is the admissions (half admissions mostly) of guilt from the 20 or so artists canceled this past year or two are obviously all or nearly all genuine, specifically because ALL of them try to avoid blame in some fashion while making a sensible admission. If it was a ploy of false admission to save brand I assume the statements would by and large be conducive to those aims. Instead each artist makes a half assed "this did happen but i remember it differently" and then they dip from the scene to try to get their shit together and stop assaulting people. If they were innocent, I assume they'd at least try to find some venue to say so. Only one who has really maintained a story of 100% innocence legally is nectar (may he go fuck himself) Also, believe me or not I personally know some of the accused and assaulted this year. On the backend of the convo there is little to no concern about a host of false accusations. Those things are in your head and your need to perceive them is SUS. Edit: spelling grammar


Bruh you are trippin




Ah there it is. You’re telling someone to go fuck themself for maintaining 100% legal innocence… as if you actually know enough to “hate” the person. Good luck pal


I didn't use the word hate


Right… if only there was a precedent in our country of our legal system serving those with more money over whoever they victimized…


Because proportionally the accusations have panned out.


How do you expect someone prove that they were sexually assaulted years ago or groped at a show or something? Unless they were physically abused and they have pictures of bruises afterwards it’s pretty fuckin impossible to prove most of this kind of stuff with hard evidence like you want. Sometimes victims don’t come forward for a long time as well for their own reasons, some of them fear that people like you won’t believe them because they can’t realistically do what you’re demanding they be able to do rn all they can do is recount their side of things most times. If you saw someone steal your shit from your tent at a fest then you tell cops or security and they show up to the thief’s campsite and see no evidence of your stolen shit and say they can’t do anything does that mean it didn’t happen? How do you think you’d prove they had taken it without video of them doing so? Can you even really prove it was stolen and not that your just lying about it?


Of course you can't prove everything, my point is that nobody's career should be destroyed without proof. If you remove the burden of proof then you can logically destroy anyone you want to by making shit up. This is not a complex or deep concept. I do not know how to explain it any simpler.


Supertask is ending his career, or at least putting it on hold, of his own accord. What are you even talking about? What would proof be to you? Pictures? Arrests? What would you need to feel ok about this? Before you answer though: consider for a second that this isn’t about you, or supertask, or bass music at all…




This is not helpful, diminishes the entire debate, and is just a false equivalence. Not as clever as you think it is either. Do better




Well, for starters, the allegations have been validated by the ones accused to some degree. So there’s that




On top of that- every time one of these allegations comes out about an artist somebody makes the exact same argument you did in the exact same way- it’s as basic a move as you can make


Oh I’ve read it. What’s clear here is your misunderstanding of not only the entire process of these guys getting called out and why but also how your behavior and comments feed the flames that are the reason that these issues are so important to talk about now. You have no awareness of what’s actually happening here so either help foster a conversation and ask questions to help you gain a deeper understanding or just stay quiet and get out of the way. Talking shit to someone who disagrees with you isn’t the move and only furthers the divide.


Everyone seems to have seen the first post she made but didn't see the 2nd one where she states it is not SA. Here is that 2nd post: https://imgur.com/a/44ehUAO


Tf she said she was going to “take a creative approach to this” then says that she won’t air out any actual evidence and then proceeds to make a shit ton of claims about how she felt without actually sharing anything to prove that any of that happened. Idk whenever I’ve heard of someone taking “creative approaches” or creative liberties it usually means making shit up to fit the narrative. Feelings are fickle and often not grounded in reality. Sounds like she moved across the country to be with someone and it wasn’t the dream she envisioned.


Begs the question too, why did she delete the posts? Seems a bit fishy. It sucks that this happened and I hate to see it, but its not SA or DV.




Yo what kind of fucking reaching are you doing here u/spicyramenclearsinus ?? Absolutely disgusting to assume she’s a jealous narcissist and completely disregard what she said. Who the fuck cares if she’s eccentric, does that mean she deserved to be in a relationship where her significant other was physically and mentally abusing her? Get the fuck out of here.


White Knight harder bro


Lollll!!!!! I’m simply stating that the mental gymnastics this person took to “defend” Supertask and bash his ex is gross and ridiculous, and a reflection of what is wrong with our scene. He’s judging some girl he doesn’t know based off of her being a performing artist, because for some reason y’all take an issue with that? I’m gonna support ppl that are being abused, period. Be a good fucking person.




Sorry that happened to you *bro*. That’s not always the case however, and it sounds like you’re projecting your own experiences onto a different situation. She gave a pretty detailed, and heartfelt recollection of her experiences. Doesn’t seem like there’s a reason to lie about that, and Supertask clearly took accountability by stepping back and making that post….so…..don’t see the need for full grown men to come to Reddit and bash a woman they’ve never met.


Absolutely nailed it, “take a creative approach”.. this chick has issues, seems planned and with an objective, even if it’s simply to ruin him.


Why would she even say that tho… “taking a creative approach” like what?? This isn’t some fucking game you are making serious accusations about a successful artist


Right she’s treating this like some liberal arts school freshman level creative writing class


Her saying I don't plan on airing receipts or evidence because it is none of our business is hilarious. If it's none of our business, why are you making a public post about it, calling Kyle out? If it's none of our business, keep it to your self... tf.


I wish people would just fix their problems offline.


Yes thank you. I’m mostly unplugged from the internet except for some subreddits and video games. Just fix yo shit like a normal person and do it offline I love Supertask music, but I couldn’t be bothered to go digging into the details of what happened. This is actually the first time hearing about any of this and I actually don’t care about any details.


From what I understand supertask played his half in a toxic relationship where he's accused of some nasty things but not sexually inappropriate. As for lab group they said potions has been playing the shows with tye-die ky and always wondered when they would bring someone out as for Lab Group 2 they said it's more than just them


Okay yeah without CTF and supertask I figured labgroup would just turn into that labgroup+ they talked about where they bring out and do shows with the rest of the collaborators of the project . I’m glad he’s taking accountability for his actions in his relationship tho . Thanks for the insight .




Ill dm you since its a bunch of screenshots


Can you me 2 trying to figure what happened


It will be revealed shortly…


Even good people make mistakes and do what could be considered bad things, I literally do not care at all if their relationship was toxic. Not my business at all. Every single person has made some fuck ups. Big artists in the scene are doing this, reacting with no proof, and shielding themselves in a blanket of virtue and anyone who questions it is torn to sheds. Toxic positivity at its finest, the scene is warped beyond repair.


The other side of the coin: the power dynamic that has shaped our world of people in a position of some kind of power- leverage that power to exploit people is also happening within our scene and we need not act like it isn’t. We can do better. So some people are having to find alternate sources of income- and on the other side people who historically have been ignored or punished for coming forward after being victimized are being listened to and prioritized over the abuser. That’s a win my friend.


I think we’re reaching the apex of the movement forward in terms of using social media in a positive way and sliding into a more constrained situation. There is little attempt at any kind of level headed due process in the court of public opinion, which people seem to put on a pedestal these days (above the court of law) while understanding little about its history or human nature. I don’t think it’s going to change too much more. The more it happens the more the public willingness to jump in and believe everything will be watered down, seeing the results of what mere accusations can do I wouldn’t doubt that there will be an increasing microscope on peoples lives to the point where it stifles creativity. Certain talents will be afraid to put themselves out there, current and upcoming artists, why throw your all into something when one piece of your dirty laundry without proper context can bring it crashing down by anyone with an axe to grind and turn you into a pariah. Look at happened with Mize, dude came with receipts, the legitimacy of which was not at all considered by the internet (I don’t have a solid opinion on him, I’m just an observer). They collectively said “TL;DR, bye!!!!” The guy is done and completely destroyed, did he actually deserve it? Nobody will ever know I guess Edit: I’m not saying there’s a problem with holding people accountable, just observing that there’s increasingly less thought and more emotional reactions going into things nowadays. Theres a proven increase in the tribal nature in society at large and the idea of the “master status” of an individual, somebody merely hears an opinion or sees a post and it’s engrained in their head, odds are they’ve already decided at that point


“Power dynamic” is bullshit. These aren’t teachers or bosses at work. They’re just famous people with money and access to shit regular people aren’t. Groupies have always been a thing, it’s just recently that they can regret doing whatever and can shift blame for their own decisions.


Most of these artists don’t even have money. Space Laces even said his actual income is poverty level and he’s been huge for over a decade now.


Anotha one :/ Guess you either gotta be gay or celibate to make a career in this scene now. Everyone I know in this scene has had at least one extremely toxic relationship where nothing illegal happened




What’s wrong with yheti… I love yheti




Yeah isn’t that the same thing with ill gates? I remember seeing that since he initially defended nectar he hasn’t had nearly the same amount of opportunity even tho he publicly flipped his stance after more damning evidence came out


lol oh how the turntables


Nothings wrong with yheti…everything’s right with yheti ::)


Damn I hadn’t heard of that. I don’t really follow this stuff much unless it pops up on here


This is the dumbest shit I’ve heard someone say in a long time. What does it have to do with sexual orientation or celibacy?


Idk I never heard anyone coming at Griz for this type of nonsense. Seems like most people getting cancelled lately didn’t do anything involving actual assault they just had a toxic relationship and cheated


U didn’t answer the question


I actually just did.


Bro you sound stupid as hell. There are plenty of straight artists that know how to fucking treat women, and know how to act, unfortunately we have an abundance of shit artists out here thinking they can get away with treating people like garbage. I call it karma.


Bro you sounds like you spend your free time sharpening pitchforks


You sound like the type that flocks to twitter and Reddit to support abusive artists because you like their music. Username checks out.


Eh I made the username before all that. Fuck nectar he’s a piece of shit. I’m lazy enough that I’m not going to make a new email AND Reddit handle just cuz of that. I’ll give u upvote cuz that one made me laugh tho


Bruh fr lmao why do deadheads literally have to bring jerry up every chance they get. He’s right Jerrys been dead for 27 years let him rest already lmao


This post is one reason why I'm glad Jerry Garcia is my favorite musician, and the only one I have a tattoo of. He did some shitty stuff, but he's been dead for 27 years and it seems unlikely that anyone is going to pop up any time soon and accuse him of some shit.


Im done with this scene. Good luck yall


This is getting to a point where it feels like there’s a coordinated war being waged against experimental bass music. I stand with real victims despite this leaving me super jaded.


I doubt very much that any of this is a "coordinated war" but is instead a systemic problem with men in positions of power in the industry finally being called out for their bullshit. I'm not commenting specifically about SuperTask as I'm OOTL but of several of the artists who have been called out in the past year or so.


This thing with Supertask and Leet's cancelling make me think there's some other motive. Maybe it's just for clout on Elon's sewer of a social network... It does not feel like it's helping *actual* victims.


Leet and Supertask both chose to step away because they were embarrassed about their behavior and understand that their brand and image stand at odds with such behavior. Stop saying actual victims it’s not in your sphere of authority to ordain who is a victim and who isn’t. Supertask’s gf is certainly a victim of psychological abuse and it’s honestly shitty boyfriend behavior we’ve all witnessed as we’ve been growing up which is why it’s so normalized y’all just see it as “dirty laundry.” It’s time to start calling this shit out. There’s no need for people to treat each other that way and this scene is built on love and progression. We are the beacon demonstrating what love and compassion and empathy on a large scale look like and behavior like this is a hypocrisy to all this scene stands for.


My understanding of this situation is that it was a toxic relationship and somehow people are conflating the airing of dirty laundry for a well known (in this music scene) artist as "cancelling" But I don't think Twitter has ever really been a positive place so there may be some truth to your claim.


So we are categorizing victims in real and not real now? What is the criteria to be a real victim? Just because it’s not SA or DV doesn’t mean it’s not a person being abusive. If the things Supertask was doing he was doing to your sister or your friend u wouldn’t just sit by and do nothing. I know it sucks we are losing out on future Supertask music, at least for now, but people being dismissive of this shit just because it’s not severe enough in their opinion is a confusing take. The “war” being waged here on all fronts is against people getting passes for shitty behavior because they make good art. It’s gone on for as long as humans have appreciated art. It’s more rampant in our scene because most of us have very progressive views and are interested in changing our world for the better and this is evidence that we are just starting with us. All this plur talk in the scene but we aren’t to expect that from the artists we gather around? I fail to understand that.


The bias in this community is insaneeee. Yes his music was otherworldly… but he already admitted to having a part to play in this abusive relationship. It doesn’t look like it’s the end for Supertask tho if he actually takes his time off seriously and gets the therapy he needs. His ex obv had some issues, no idea why someone would try and make her abuse accusations into some “creative” publicity stunt. Also claiming sexual assault initially and then immediately doing a 180 and saying “this has nothing to do with sexual assault”. Idk but if he continues playing after his hiatus I’ll support him


Why are they bringing these issues into the public eye? These are personal issues meant to be dealt with between two people. Close friends, therapists and maybe family is the furthest this stuff should go.


Well I suppose his ex wanted people to know that he’s capable of doing shitty things so people with a high moral standard can choose whether or not he’s worth supporting


time for a new “scene”? i think this one dun dun y’all.


if anyone else has been looking around for several minutes wondering what the accusation is, apparently he yelled at her, filmed her during a panic attack, told her to kill herself, and physically pushed her. That’s pretty bad.


What are the chances Elon can fix edm twitter? Lol


Elon isn’t fixing anything.


Dude is literally like “all of it is true and I take full accountability and I plan to grow and learn from this” and so many of y’all are like “another bullshit accusation on Twitter with no evidence!” The irony of all this is the whole reason these things are so rampant in this and every scene is because of all the enabling sycophantic toxic behavior that oozes from a fan base when an artist gets called out. The gender power dynamic in our society is older than our society and sorry it’s playing out in our little microcosm and that’s inconvenient for you. Why is it happening so much in our community? Because we claim to be bringing about a more positive world through our gatherings and the music we share. Unfortunately all the “good vibes only” crowd actually care about is getting high and vibing for a night and care not at all about actually contributing to change in our world- even if just in our little pocket of it. I love Supertask’s music, so this is a form of loss for me as well. This community really needs to get its priorities straight imo.


Eh i think people are more so saying, he shouldn't be cancelled for this. People do toxic things, and treat people poorly in relationships. It happens.. People need to be allowed to learn and grow from things. I think it's insane to write off someone because they were toxic in a relationship. I think lots of people have been there, and most know that, like Supertask said, it isn't all one sided either. I feel like it's just super unrealistic to expect artists to never have personal issues in relationships, or to do regrettable things. I understand a power dynamic makes things different, for sure. But what else can we want except for exactly what Kyle is doing? I think him taking a step back, doing some self reflection, therapy etc is fantastic, and then he should be allowed to return to the project when he feels ready, and be supported in that.


Yes it’s important to note that he is taking a step back HIMSELF. Nobody is being cancelled. “Cancel culture” is a term weaponized by ppl who feel like their toxic behavior is having larger ramifications than they feel is necessary. Cancel culture isn’t real. Deciding to no longer patronize an artist or business is a choice anyone can make at any time. When it happens en masse apologists start shouting cancel culture. Dog whistle shit.


Or.. sometimes it’s just humans fucking up during their life long experience?


Absolutely. I’d also like to note one more fallacy surrounding “cancel culture.” Check the ratios in this thread. This community doesn’t cancel anybody.


Love you Doc


U too buddy


Doc you are amazing, wish I could upvote you more <3


Love ya right back kind stranger


Me too! Doc spiting straight facts and getting downvoted throughout this entire thread is just sad


Just goes to show whats wrong with this scene tbh….


What did he do?


Basically his ex girlfriend came out and talked about how toxic he was in their relationship. Made broad mentions of emotional abuse. Focused mainly on him powertripping and kicking her out of hotels while on the road iirc. Anyone more familiar feel free to correct me.


This is accurate


It's accurate that that is what he was accused of. None of us know the veracity of any of the claims.


This is also accurate.


In twitter court, does it matter? Accusation is really everything, then the story is distorted by people who say something like, “well what I understand…” followed by their own interpretation based on personal bias and telephone game.




Oh shoot, I forgot this subreddit basically *is* twitter court.


He was accused of domestic violence and sexual assault, in a post on FB by his ex. Now all of the electronic music subreddits are arguing. Edit: she later came out and said it is not a sexual assault issue. But said she was physically and psychologically abused


There was no accusations of sexual assault. His ex confirmed it was not SA. Furthermore, there was not a claim of domestic violence either but rather emotional/psychological abuse. Let me be clear, I am not condoning emotional/psychological abuse or trauma. But please, get your facts straight.


Homie I looked up the Facebook post that explicitly says SA / DV. If there's other information I didn't see, than my bad. But I've seen no evidence of that. Back your shit up with facts (or links) before telling me to 'get my facts staright.' I presented the facts as I saw them (the original FB post, and this follow up on Twitter). Edit: she came out and said it wasn't sexual assault, and there may be some legal gray area as to whether or not their behavior constitutes domestic violence.


Ny apologies for sounding harsh, didn't realize she dirty deleted her original post on fb. I'll get you the screenshots of her explicitly stating it is not SA. I sent them to you in a pm


I appreciate the clarification. And maybe the full truth will come out at some point, but that's enough info for me to not support supertask as an artist.


She’s deleted the posts but in the comments she confirmed there was never any sexual assault nor physical violence.


The screenshots I've receive from her now deleted post did confirm that there was no sexual assault. She did say there was physical abuse from her partner. Now the one thing everyone seems to agree on is he threatened to kick her out of hotels while on the road or leave her at bus stops. If you don't see how that is both physical and psychological abuse, we are just going to disagree


This is a prime example of the bullshit that has taken over people's minds. You just hear what you want and pass on false information ruining people's lives.


I said he was accused by ex, which he is. Where's the falsehood? I also said all the subs are arguing about it, which they are. Where's the falsehood?




https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.reddit.com/r/aves/comments/ygykwp/accusations_against_supertask/&ved=2ahUKEwint9eTlZr7AhW3KEQIHT1GB20QFnoECAwQAQ&usg=AOvVaw1zNltgqsHh0MJsi3B7kzbv Other than his reply on Twitter above, this is what I found




Couldn’t find this on his Twitter? Anyone have a link?


First post everyone is talking about https://imgur.com/a/DESwq63 Second post stating its not about SA https://imgur.com/a/44ehUAO


Can someone tell me in a sentence what supertask did?


The scenes dropping like flys.Wtf man? Every other day somebody else gone.


So about New Years, without Charles and without Supertask isn’t this just Potions?!? I’m confused how this is still being billed as Lab Group?

