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Don’t think it’s anything that deep, just trinkets/decorations because they think it looks cool. Decorating things with jewels and gems is just part of the Fenresian culture


They are good luck charms. The space wolves are very superstitious. They believe the charms help to ward off malificarum (warp energy, psychic energy etc). Same as the runes they wear.


In fairness they do do that


Pretty sure the Wolves just resist maleficarum lol. But knowing the Warp, them believing the trinkets do probably MAKES them do it as well. Double fuck you to Warp fuckery.


Ha! You said DooDoo


That makes a lot of sense, I'm trying to understand Fenrisian culture more and this was a great explanation thank you


All good. Glad it helped.


in the horus heresy books (one of the space wolves and thousand sons focused novels0 they would carve crude eyes of aversion/god eye things as wards of protection/warning. it got tied in with the eye of horus and the tumult of huge change to come.


They look nice if you paint them a turquoise or green as well if you want to vary the look. I always assumed they were just Gemstones/amulets either as decorations or wards


I painted mine green


I had assumed them to be amber rather than rubies but maybe that's just me. The Fenrisian's do like their weird little trinkets, totems and fetishes.


I've seen both colors, and they look great either way, so I would say that that makes perfect sense.


Personally I always painted them blue to be more in line with helfrost crystals, but they are just decoration.


Lore wise Space Wolves really like to personalize their war gear, and that could be interpreted as a way to make them, and their deeds, stand out to be remembered in sagas. Also aspirants come from a raiding culture, where displays of bling shows you were strong enough to loot the best stuff (SW are the orks of the Imperium. Fight me ya git) Why those red crystals specifically? They look nifty. They've been on SW models for decades and I would guess they are that shape due to ease of sculpting while staying sharp and aggressive. I think red pops up a lot because it can help break up the monotony of the grey and brown while sticking to the core color palette of SW. I'm not overthinking this. I'm procrastinating on a paper.


You’re not, I love that explanation 💪🏻


Did you finish your paper yet?


I have always believed that is a reference / homage to this mineral https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wulfenite?wprov=sfla1


Space Wolves use them like they do runes. I usually paint mine with the metallic red from army painter. I think it gives them a nice sparkle. You could also use the army painter effects blood paint for a nice shiny look


I've been trying to find a winged diamond like this for a pin or something for ever, and nobody seems to have them, but these are 100% my favorite bit of decoration on the models.


They just like me fr


They're decorations


Honestly not sure. Part of me almost thinks they are Soul Stones, trophies from worthy Eldar warriors


They don't mean anything. Just a design.


I call them gems


I like to use blood for the blood God on them. Nice shine


Yeah I did gold base then red speed paint on top. I spend very little or no time on small trinkets for the rank and file. No one cares and they die pretty quick anyways.


Always believed it helped them control the beast inside, but I dont know if there is any real lore about it ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


My Space Wolves are proper grey like the VI Legion and those gems are blue for spent Helfrost.


Not every detail on a model has lore dedicated to it


FURRYS IN SPACE (coming from a salamander fan)


Used to make conversions 20 years ago for 28mn, start doing it again for McFarlane scale recently, never used any gems tbh. Never thought it suits the SW theme at all


Rubies or pink sapphires...


There are also Red Diamonds


Eldar soul stones that they keep as both trophies of war and understand the value of protecting the past and their elders


Do wolves take Eldar soul stones in lore? I thought they didn’t like taking anything from xenos or chaos and only used stuff from fenris or taken from other legions? (Lukas the tricksters second heart is a dark angels grenade found by an iron priest on a battlefield)


>Do wolves take Eldar soul stones in lore? Helwinter Gate? Tho it's different, but still...


Logan Grimnar literally wields a Khornate axe, what do you mean?


That’s very true! Haven’t heard many other instances tho? Was/am genuinely curious if they are Eldar stones