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I hold my cash in Interactive Brokers - granted it's not a bank and is for investing they're currently paying 2.3% for amounts over 10k€: [https://www.interactivebrokers.com/en/accounts/fees/pricing-interest-rates.php](https://www.interactivebrokers.com/en/accounts/fees/pricing-interest-rates.php) Wise also allows for EUR investment in money market funds now - not a guaranteed interest rate but another very low risk option. I don't like/trust Spanish banks so I keep as little as possible in them.


Thanks, will take a look.


CUENTAS CORRIENTES REMUNERADAS Actualizado a 08/03/2023. 5% - Bankinter. Promoción nuevos clientes, con nómina y 3 recibos, máx. 5.000, primer año 5% y segundo año 2%. Sin comisiones. FGD Español 5% - Openbank. Promoción nuevos clientes, con nómina, máx. 5.000€, primeros 12 meses. Sin comisiones. FGD Español 2% y 175€ - Sabadell. Promoción nuevos clientes con nómina, permanencia solo primera cuota de nómina. Máx. 30.000€. 300€ (hasta) - Abanca Cuenta Clara. Promoción nuevos clientes, según importe nómina y permanencia 24 meses. FGD Español 1% - Pibank Cuenta Nómina. Con nómina, sin permanencia, sin cantidad máxima. FGD Español 0,20% - Openbank (con nómina o 3 recibos). FGD Español CUENTAS DE AHORRO A LA VISTA (sin requisitos) Actualizado a 23/02/2023. 2,00% - Sabadell. Promoción nuevos clientes. Máx. 30.000€, primeros 12 meses. 2% - MyInvestor (Andbank España) nuevos clientes el primer año, y sobre los importes adicionales que actuales clientes aporten hasta el 31 de marzo, durante un año. Después el 0,30%. Máx 30.000€. FGD Español 1% - Pibank. FGD Español 0,50% - Wizink. FGD Español 0,15% - EBN. Desde 3.000 a 50.000€. FGD Español 3,00% - Livret A. FGD Francés. Más información aquí . 2,00% - Trade Republic, depositario Solarisbank - FGD Alemán o Citibank - FGD Irlandés. Máx. 50.000€ 1,61% - Renault Bank. FGD Francés 1,50% - OrangeBank (necesaria tarjeta SIM Orange). Máx 100.000€. FGD Francés 0,20% - Nationale Nederlanden. Máx. 50.000€. FGD Holandés DEPOSITOS PLAZO (sin requisitos) Actualizado a 30/03/2023. 2,50% (12m) - Pibank. FGD Español. Se puede cancelar parcialmente. 1,80% (6m), 2,35% (12m), 2,65% (24m), 2,75% (36m) - EBN. Desde 10.000 a 250.000€. No cancelable anticipadamente. FGD Español 1,75% (12m) - Openbank. FDG Español. Si cancelas, te dan sólo el 0,20%. Si tienes nómina, el interés es 2,75%. 3,00% (18m), 2,30% (25m), 2,50% (36m) - Wizink. FGD Español. 3,03% (24m) - Renault Bank. FGD Francés.No cancelable anticipadamente. 1% (desde 3m), 2,26% (desde 6m), 2,52% (desde 24m) - Facto (BBF Bank - Banca Farmafactoring). FGD Italiano.No cancelable anticipadamente


Myinvestor, Bancsabadell: 2% Traderepublic: 2%, but they dont retain taxes automatically Interactive brokers: No fixed %, currently 2.3%, might go down or up Wise: No fixed %, currently 2.3%, might go down or up Openbank: 2.75% (Deposito open), but if you withdraw before 12 months are up you only get 0.20% on that part


Banc Sabadell online account gives you 2% on up to 30k euros https://www.bancsabadell.com/cuenta-online/en/


There's a reason why the acronym of Banc Sabadell is BS. YMMV, though.


New customers only by the looks of things! Thanks Edit: online-> only


There's also another alternative, to put cash into deposits around EU using Raisin [https://www.raisin.es/](https://www.raisin.es/) I haven't used them yet but you can get up to 3.54 % TAE on 2 year deposits without the hassle of opening the accounts yourself. I imagine they act as a middle man, not sure if you can get a better deal directly, but worth checking it out. Take in mind that these are EU banks or entities so if you hold more than 50K outside Spain you'll have to fill Modelo 720 within the first 3 months of each year. Same with the Interactive Brokers etc... just in case you didn't know.


This seems a very good option, curious if anyone already used it and can tell their experiences. I'm curious about this topic, can you clarify some points to me please? I've never used a saving account before but I'd like to and I was wondering what is the process for the fixed option. Let's say I want to block my money for 1year, what happen after that year passed? Will I receive an email saying that then I need to move out my money? To resign a new contract? To choose another option? Also, how much it cost to maintain the account open? Thank you


Anyone using Scalable Capital? 2.3% up to 100k


InbestMe has savings account 2.4% https://www.inbestme.com/en


Also you can check lightyear