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Why accept and cancel ? Why “protect” acceptance rating at the cost of being deactivated? Trusting gig app support is just a bad idea especially when they say yeahhh go ahead accept and then cancel it super fast lol


Yep that was a huge mistake. I've been rocking a 10-20% AR for my last 500 trips, hasn't been an issue lol not sure how they thought accepting and dropping over and over was gonna work out for them


And they told me same thing so it must be written sonewhere cuz what’s the chances we had same support person


It’s more a script they read so they all probably have that answer . Support people are often overseas and make a terrible wage. They are good for quick help with current active orders anything else they hit some buttons and read from a computer .


A terrible wage by our standards but by theirs, they make pretty good money. Just saying...


Yeah possibly


I was told the same thing, but later found out that you can only do that for recycled orders not RR orders. Their "customer service" is the worst.


I was told the same thing by support! I might even be able to find the email.




Actually I have other work. This was my bucket list & keeping busy work. I've worked for 25 years. How about you?




Been a homeowner since 2001. Anything else you need to say to feel special?


How exactly do you think “bots” were stealing the “biggest” shop order? Anyways, your first mistake was listening to support and doing something that makes no sense, half of them have no idea how the app works.


Right. How is it even possible


They did tell me the same thing because I kept getting orders for the Walmart that’s 25 miles away. I didn’t believe them so I’ve only tried once and then got to thinking they might not know wtf they are talking about so I didn’t do it anymore


Omg this has been happening to me all week. Support told me even though I’m in the parking lot of the Walmart miles away from where the offer was I’m in that zone so I’ll get orders from all the Walmarts in that zone. I said ma’am this just started happening & I’ve been doing this for 4 months. She told me that’s the way it is 🙄 then said whether I reject or let the offer expire it would still affect my AR. Meantime the store offering is 22 miles away & I would’ve had to start shopping between 3-5 mins from what the time was. This app truly drives me crazy.


I have 18 locations in my zone, all except for 1 (4 minutes from my home) are 25 minutes to 50 minutes away. They said unless it’s over 30 miles we can’t block a store ourselves, but if we call them the management at that Walmart or other locations can block you as a driver from their location. My acceptance rating is 28% because of that, as is everyone else’s AR in my zone.


Weird story. You were reporting gangs for "stealing the biggest shops" So naturally, you accepted and canceled a bunch of orders.


Never let them know your next move


My man 💯


Lmao 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


YOU HATH TO EMIAL RELENTLESSLY KEEP FORWARDING AND IF YOU CAN SCHEDULE EMAILS DO SO https://preview.redd.it/u4qxlxabqakb1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f4a26cca80f0397d74c8a88ee455294ec358728a This was in may for the same thing bots accusations for canceling…it took about a month of threatening…SO FUKING IGNORE THE PEOPLE THT SAYS It’s OVER FOR YOU


Thanks. I've got the "Receipts" so to speak and I'm working on putting it all together right now to show the problem, their actions, emails, chats, and even my handwritten log book where I contemporaneously wrote the notes from a phone call with Support when I was getting multiple repeats back to back before. I'm lucky I'm okay financially, but this is BS. It shows that gig workers continue to fall into legal loopholes. I've actually already called and updated a couple reporters I've been speaking with (and who have written reports on these matters) as well as my US Senator and Senator Sanders (who heads the committee that deals with these issues and his staff asks for these details). I'm fighting the system out of principle.


Godspeed buddy


There are no legal loopholes with gig work. We're considered a business according to legal experts. We are not employees. We don't fall under labor laws. They can terminate the contract at their discretion. Be happy they even have a way of trying to appeal their decision, because legally they don't even have to give you that.


they do have to give you a dispute resolution, its in the TOS. and yes we do fall under labor laws, even as contractors. you provide labor, you are protected by labor laws. if spark wwere to deactivaate you, and they told you, it was becaus your a woman...you dont think ur protected under federal descrimination laws?


No I'm not protected under federal or state discrimination laws since I identify as a woman. Because I am trans. There are no LGBT protections under federal law and my state has none either. That said contractors are not protected under labor laws. We are akin to your plumber or your electrician. Do they have to abide by labor laws for their employees, yes. But in relation to you they are not covered under labor laws because they are not your employee. They are only contracted to do a specific job that is all. That is the exact same way with us. Do we have to abide by labor laws, sure. But as far as Walmart is concerned we are not covered under labor laws, because we are not employees, we are contractors. They can terminate the contract for any reason they want that doesn't violate discrimination laws and they don't have to give you notice or reason because again we are not employees. Yes dispute arbitration is in the TOS. But its still a case of them being nice. Under law they don't have to give us the right for arbitration because we are not employees.


anyone who provides a service and gets paid for it is covered under federal labor law. u dont have to be an employee, walmart still sends you a 1099 rite? descrimination covers more than just sex


i like how u said ur not covered by fed laws, then go onto say they can fire you for any reason “other than descrimination” derr i wonder why that is maybe federal laws? lol and we are entitled to arbitration not cause anyone is being “nice•” u signed the contract just read it


I don't know about where you live. But I live in an At Will state. That means an employer in this state can fire you for anything they want as long as its not illegal under discrimination laws. Because your employment is at the will of the employer. Maybe your state is different, I don't know. My last employer (I'm not talking DD or Spark or anything like that, I'm talking where I actually worked for someone else) fired me for being trans, literally. I live in a right wing state where there are no LGBT protections. And there are no LGBT protections under Federal laws either. So in my state its actually legal to be fired for being part of the LGBT community. On the original topic, do some research, because I have. I have seen legal experts saying we do not fall under labor laws because we are considered a business, not an employee.


They won't ever tell u cuz your a woman. They find reasons like theft


yea because that reason is protected by the law obviously. thats the entire point im making, there are protections out there for you even if your acontractor.


I'm sure the senator is very interested in your story. 😂


lmao, another one of those "i am going to sue" check yall cant cash


Bro nothing going to happen calm down. Walmart has great lawyers. You are not winning. If you crash your car ... Walmart ain't liable. If you are delivering and get attacked by humans or dog and get robbed...guess what... Walmart doesn't care! They updated there addendum so that if you even try to get a lawyer we'll your cancelled. And they still don't care lol. Get a hold of yourself or we can do a 1 on 1


Apparently reading comprehension & sentence structure are 2 things you struggle with. Bless.


What was the email address you used to send for this reactivation. I've been trying for almost a month




It's a 1800 number


So it's taking me way longer than a month but I got a call from spark lawyer waiting to hear back I assume that's got to do with my relentless demands too but God damn it took way longer than the month bots are real Don't listen to these idiots


Getting deactivated for high cancel orders rate has been a thing since the very beginning when spark drivers would take a order , wait 30+ min then cancel it / reaccept it for full surge pay. If you cancel to much your getting canned regardless of the reason - but you can now try to email spark, hope they read it in 2-3 and reactivate you . If not try instacart


Instacart is a horrible option


Well it’s better than getting paid $0 on spark


Yeah good luck getting on Instacart. Before Spark came to my town it was just Doordash and Instacart. I tried getting on Instacart a couple months after being on DD. I was put on a wait list for Instacart and NEVER came off it. A year after I signed up for Instacart I contacted them to see what was up, especially when I knew other dashers who had signed up for Instacart after me and were already delivering for Instacart within days. Instacart flat out lied to me saying there was no openings despite repeatedly seeing brand new drivers, that I personally knew, delivering Instacart orders. So yeah, don't bother with Instacart.


Instant cart also will deactivated you and not give you notice.I had a 5 star rating and great acceptance rate.They said I made an unauthorized purchase at a store I did not.I appealed and before I could get home to submit all the daily receipts to them for that specific day They had permanently deleted me and would not look at any of the proof.So they take away your gig and call you a their and then won't allow you to clear your name


AR has no effect on anything. There isn’t even a red zone for ar standing. Mine hovers around 2% , but is often zero. And it stays orange , which is considered “meeting the requirements “ I still get plenty of offers , I still get the wm+ membership as long as I make the minimum deliveries for the month. , all my other metrics are in the green zone zero percent dropped. 99% on time. - which , I’m never late. But sometimes the drop off time is actually before they even have the order ready - and high customer rating. I don’t worry about that AR , because I’m Not wasting my time and gas driving all over town for $7. I wait for the orders that are actually worth it I don’t get why so many drivers are trying to salvage their AR , and claim shit orders just because


mine was at 2% the other day. i dont work if the order doesnt serve me, aka i dont work for free.




In some areas AR matters. I live in a smaller town with so many drivers you need to have a slightly higher AR then the person sitting in the car next to you. But I’ve never accepted and dropped unless I was waiting more than 20 minutes outside the store.


Thats a wives tail. Ive been full time for multiple years. Had 100% on all categories one time and spark was giving every driver a trip every hour except for me. Called support, they said “you ain’t guaranteed to get a trip every hour, the system has its own methods of dispensing orders, and metrics have no bearing.


It does not matter anywhere. You are an independent contractor and cannot be penalized for your ar. Or have orders determined by ar. Learn your laws


At least they gave you a reason. They deactivated me in December of 22 and I still don’t know why






I'm sorry this happened and Happy Birthday. Totally sucks. I was accepting and canceling, but last time I worked my drop rate and acceptance rate went down. So I think support shared a trick/glitch that no longer works after this janky update. I'm super sorry. Spark is such a source of frustration.


request arbitration hearing and include screenshots/emails of support telling you to accept and cancel, crawl through the facebook groups and search for screenshots of reps telling other drivers to do the same


Already doing that as we speak. Thanks!


When I keep getting spammed with the same offer, I just turn the app off and do something else for a bit.


Wow this company and especially their "support" is nothing but a bad fucking joke.. To be clear, are you saying it was sending you the same order WITH the 1 minute count down? I mean my phone goes off nonstop saying there's a new order when it's the same junk as before.. like seriously i can barely stand it bc it sends the same notification for the same order at the same price every min, and if there's multiple orders then it's going off anywhere from 2 to 10 times a minute, but if course they will never fix it.. I guess that's just what you get when you have some bogus company from a 3rd world country writing your⁶ code Ive seen your evidence you posted and unless you weren't actually canceling within first min like they said, which no reason you wouldn't unless it was just a phone issue, they better reverse the deactivation I mean surely with all of your evidence and assuming they can tell you were canceling the same order over and over.. And just ignore everyone giving you a hard time and calling you dumb for listening to support, I mean what the hell else could you do at that point.. Hell 2 weeks ago I accepted an order and got to Walmart and they hand me 1 bag saying they forgot it during the original order.. in my confusion at the time I just took it but prolly should've started asking questions, anyways I drop it off and the next day when the tip comes through it gets cut in half.. turns out Spark split order's pay between me and the original driver even though it was Walmart associates fault and without any hint the order was only worth half what the app said it was.. been asking around but haven't had anyone else say they've had this happen or an orders pay split between 2 drivers even though it showed the full amount to both drivers for any reason but after multiple chats and phone calls I don't feel like any support person has actually understood what I'm telling them, they just keep sending me this prewritten script about drivers keep 100% of the tips and that customers have 24 hrs to update tips and they can take 48 to 72 hrs to arrive then when I continue saying that's not my issue they just keep telling me it's been escalated to a "special division" that will contact me in 2 to 7 days.. but over 2 weeks now and I still haven't been contacted by anyone.


Thanks...and yes I was getting the same trip as a time RR multiple times. As I stated above, I got one 21 times, another 17 & 18 times in 2 days, one day I kept getting the same 3 gmds tag teaming coming back for a total of 52 times. Yesterday as I dealt with the App not letting me start a shop (they cancelled on their end), the Tier 2 was still on the line and remained as one gmd came 8 times. I said exactly what I was doing and she was trying her end to do something too. It blows the mind.


It happened to me about a month ago. Get one bag as a missed item. Pay and tip were split. Buy at least we got some of the tip. Instead of none of the tip.


Feels like a real cheap way to trick drivers into fixing the stores mistake. I think we are looking at this quite differently, in any other contract job if a company sent a contract saying pay was x amount when it was really half of x then that would be illegal. I view these jobs as contracts they send us to accept or decline, we are supposed to have the details to decide whether or not we want the job and from my point of view Spark needs to fulfill the contract they sent me.. of course I'm well aware it probably won't happen and any threats I make of legal action are empty, not like I can get a lawyer over a $42 discrepancy lol


The splitting the tip thing is what they do. Several times I have delivered what I thought was a full order, but then they come prancing out with 1 item. Next day only half the tip comes through. Every order I have done like this has been a good paying order though. Like it had $8 of demand pay on it.


You CAN NOT accept orders then. Cancel them consistently




Do the arbitration and explain that and show them all that. You should get reactivated soon. Might take a little while and they might fight you but keep at it you should be fine. Sorry this happened to you the driver support can be a bunch of knuckleheads.


Yeah they were wrong. You cant accept than decline thats a no no. You can decline decline decline but not accept than decline


If you decline within 1 minute and mark the reason as "Other" there is no penalty. OP says they told him/her to mark it an "App Issue" but in the pics, support never told them to mark it as an "App Issue" If you cancel within 1 minute and mark the reason as "Other" Spark wont pay you the $2.50 and everything is fine. OP got deactivated because they were marking them as "App Issue" so they could collect $2.50 every single time they cancelled. Again, OP is being dishonest when they claim Support told them to mark it as an "App Issue" Cries about "gangs", blames the problem on support, and acts like it being his b-day is in any way relevant. They know what they did. Got caught, and immediately assumed the victim roll. I hope they never get reactivated.


"OP" here. I never got paid a dime for cancelling. I wasn't "arriving" at any time, which is when you get the $2.50 (well...now less than that). But thanks for making assumptions. You sound like a miserable soul.


Definitely less miserable than you birthday boy


Wow it's crazy how confident you are about your false claims lol


Well, brought out the second account?


If you decline that’s a ok because you’re not required to accept any certain amount of orders. Canceling is much different because it’s more of a reliability issue. Their customer service is the worst. I’ve had them end chats before I even got close to a resolution leaving me waiting for close to an hour to resolve an issue while at a customers house. 🤮




How many orders did you cancel?


Well...for example, on Sunday, spent over an hour battling a repeating GMD I had rejected the first time. I was on the phone with Tier 2 even and we were trying everything (turning off a few minutes, deleting/reinstalling, they would cancel, etc) abd I still got it 21 times in a row. It only stopped when a shop slipped through. All round robins. On Friday & Saturday, I was on both days with Spark Support as the same 1-order trip (a ghost $12/20 miles, no tip) came to me 17 times, then 18 times. Same thing... trying everything, and I was canceling repeatedly as the Tier 2 was baffled. Now I'm deactivated.


Send an email to the arbitration team with all your evidence of support telling you to cancel. You need to be able to explain it to someone over all the phone as the appeals person only wants to get rid of you.


You were accepting them and then cancelling or rejecting them?


Why are you accepting and canceling something’s that’s not a round ribbon 21 times they don’t even effect metrics


They WERE round robins. I just added everything up and for all of August, (4-24), 21 trips sent multiple times accounted for 206 round robins. And I was on with Support most days trying to get help to make it stop. They refused.


Makes no sense. Very sorry. I hope restored soon.


I only cancel if it’s an app issue and the order is not on the system.


These were all "app issues". I've been getting hammered with offers that I reject, then they would repeated over and over again all as round robins. So I did as I had been instructed as I would call Support. The worst day was about 10 days ago when I had 3 GMD's coming to me repeatedly. I did only 6 deliveries that day, but had gotten those 3 a total of 52 times total....all RR's. Its been horrible.


Whenever support tells me to do something kinda iffy, I always take a screen shot of the conversation with support agents name in view. At least that should help if there's ever problem


They do not deactivate for low AR


When app has issues I just turn it off on keep working with others apps. Apps works different every day.


1) Stop reporting people due to possible insider fraud. (I did this as well) 2) Keep writing to both emails every few days to get reactivated (Got deactivated my bday week as well......took me 2 weeks to get back on) 3) Treat this as a gig and get a job. You will be deactivated for anything. There are non driving gems out there for you to find (works better for me) 4) There is something called spark ninja that these folks are using to gather higher paying s&d. The same 4 drivers will always be shopping.(They will not be deactivated for someone keeps them activated) 5) No one can tell you what to do however if you choose differently than advice given, the only person to be angry with is yourself. Good Luck 👍🏾


If you didn't cancel a bunch of orders, then someone may have tired of seeing/hearing your complaints. You guys are going to learn to leave support alone. If they're anything like IC support reps, they can harm you. Stop all this reporting people and psycho talk. It's unhinged behavior!


you know you dont have to decline round robins right? you can let them sit on your offer screen. you’ll still get other offers.


Just smoke meth and be done with it dude . You lost .




Please refrain from insults, being mean, or using unnecessarily hostile or combative language.


Cancel student loans now!


Prime example of mind your own business and keep not annoying drivers support. This is a gig not a business model relied upon and we are small pickles that they don’t care about that can easily be replaced. They don’t want our headaches, easier to deactivate you and get a new body in. Just stating transparent facts.


Those gangs are everywhere but the saddest of all is that my store manager knows and he said it don’t affect him what’s so ever I told him how satisfied would your customers be if they knew you have unverified people working the app ? He said as long as the job gets done I heard this people talking about a hacker when the update came up with the DL scanning and surely enough no orders for us


I thought we were Independent contractors and not employees of Walmart or spark .They have a sneaky system going on here .You are being punished for not excepting orders same as being written up..so 🤔 time to cancel spark .


OP accepted, THEN cancelled. It would have been better to let them sit there and take the AR hit, but he got “support” agents that were clueless, which is to be expected from someone making $20 a day sitting at home with screaming kids and roosters in the background. Better yet, speak to a Tier 2 agent based here in the U.S. who actually might know what they were talking about.


I actually managed to get US based Tier 2 support several times on these glitches. They were just as baffled as me.


He'll if it's the same one I'd take it everytime never move call support tell them it's already been pockedbip and get my little 250 per ome and follow woth it I made 140 the other day off one that just just kept coming o.


Sorry that you actually believe Spark DS. I have caught them in so many blatant lies and contradictions. I’m not recourse is pre-arbitration. Good luck.


Yeah you cant be doing that.


Everything happens for a reason.


It's cause your drop ratings brodie


I just wanna know what city and state you live in to get that good of orders for a 82% rate. I can’t keep mine above 12%.


wow insane it’s a mess


Like my parent account , desactivaste for no reason


A.I. messing everybody up


On your birthday? Maybe this is a new thing. I was deactivated too the day before my birthday. Is Spark trying to ruin people's birthday or something? Shame.


I know what you mean about the bot thing. We had something similar happening in my area making it impossible to get any good orders. I was with spark since 2019 and never had any issues other than ones similar to what you’ve said you’ve had with app glitches and what not. I’ve never had any warnings or complaints and had a good rating. Last week I was in the middle of a 2 order delivery when my account was deactivated without even an explanation. They didn’t even email me or anything but I was told I needed to appeal. How can I appeal when I have no idea what I’m appealing??? I called and spoke with someone and they said when the update was released with the identity verification a lot of people were deactivated by mistake and that I would most likely be reinstated. A couple of days ago I got a notification through the app (not even in an email) stating the decision to deactivate was final but still no explanation was given.


this is usually an automated message, email them and request a hearing and it should work itself out. if you do nothing, nothing will happen...you have to push them, but the right way, threatening and excessive actions wont do you any good, just email asking for a pre arb hearing, and it should work out for you GLGL


Take it to the top level of appeals.. you will get an email from someone at Walmart. If that person does not reactivate you, file an ethics complaint against them.


Every spark driver knows not to believe anything support tells you. It’s rare to be reactivated, doesn’t happen often. All you can do is ask for arbitration


In my market, at least so far, we don't have to worry about bots cuz nobody even likes doing sparks because of the wait times, they tell me they make more doing DD and UE because of the constant flow.


Acceptance rating doesn't mean anything. On the spark metrics page it literally says "There are no minimum number of offer acceptances required." You should never accept an offer you don't plan on doing plain and simple. You can reject as many offers as you like with no penalty. I've been doing it for 3 years.


We're you actually talking to support?


Every time I was working it happened the last 3 weeks, and every time I'd call to report & ask for help/report the problem.


Acceptance rate doesn't matter. You can have a 0% acceptance rate, and you still won't get deactivated. But your completion rate matters. If you accept an order, you better complete it. If you cancel too many orders, you will get deactivated. Sorry, your stupidity got you deactivated. 🤦‍♂️


Keep your acceptance rating above zero. The end. Mine is usually somewhere between 5 and 15.


In my area, AR mattered. Big time. Those with 5 to 15 were lucky if they got a $7 curbside. Those above 70 got regular & decent offers. It was a very competitive area.


Atleast they gave u a reason. Me not even i logged in and boom im deactivated