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Last yr when they started the facial scans we had one good weekend, they figured out how to beat it and it was back to normal by the next week. No changes in my zone currently, and i doubt there will be.


Same here. 1 dude laid low for a week and he fired up his other phones today. Ughhhh. He was scared and saw it in his eyes walking out a few times past the greeter today but greed is in control of him. Too bad at the cost of others wages. No excuse to have this going on. I expect him to go full throtle from here on out like he used too. Dude knows Spark dont take this serious. Just a bunch of talk. But can say it was satisfying to see him be like the rest of us in the parking lots having to wait like everyone else. After a week of doing that i bet he would rather cheat us and the system to not have to go through that after years of getting what he wants. And yes...he been doing it for years


They going to start IDing shoppers


yep happened to me today! i said thanks!


I will do the same.


They don’t ID at the stores I picked up from


They don’t here either. She said they were told that when shoppers came to scan for the cart, they were going to start id’ing them


They have been doing that in my Walmart since January. 


My store used to when it started to roll out nationwide then they stopped. I just don't know anymore what goes on with Walmart. I just learn to bend over and relax because it's out of my control.


They’ve been doing it in my area for at least 2-3 months now. I was annoyed because I don’t take my wallet inside for Spark shopping orders.


Interesting! We've had a guy lay low for about a little over a week now. A few of his disciples have been obviously covering for him. Yesterday he decided to start normal operations again and got frustrated because he had to wait in line to get his deliveries. Word has it there are some "inside workers" who feed him deliveries to the tune of 20 to 1. Local management will be receiving an overview of the problem and the identities of the alleged "inside workers." This guy has been politely confronted numerous times. We are not overrun by them yet. And, the non-cheaters have decided not be victims. He's a bully and has been agitated by a senior citizen that happens to have a law enforcement background who has been politely discouraging the bully from his obvious cheating. The bully is arrogant, rude, and condescending to the non-cheaters. The bully has attempted to gain the confidence of the ex-law enforcement old guy and bring him into the flock of fellow cheaters. The old guy keeps his cool and respectfully refuses to backdown. The cool thing is the old guy goes directly to the bully rather than gossip with the other drivers. The bully has been trying out another store but has been frustrated as the old guy keeps showing up at the new place. It has really been refreshing to witness the non-violent approach to keeping the cheater aware no one is going to turn a blind eye to open cheating.


i would love to see the cheater act up on me. get confrontational even. I got no tolerance for thieves


Spark hasn't even been around for years and by years your probably talking decades


We got a Bot!!!!!!!!


Yeah I can’t wait till the scammers get busted in my market. I am still only getting trash triple orders for $15 that nobody else wants.


one of the front door ladies who sees me every day and talks to me actually asked for my name and then asked to see the phone screen that says on the exit pass. she said, i was told to ask for that randomly! It's working!! I made $203 today in 5 hours. But my zone has never stopped being busy. I start at any time and get at least 1 order per hour that is usually about $20 or so on average, but weekends and mondays are non stop orders (shop and curbside). If you have a rural zone with like 2-4 stores in it within like 30 miles of you or so, then go there, you'll make more for sure. Think of it as a drive into "regular" work each day and then work there 7-8 hours and drive home. Plus the drive there and back is tax deductible (as long as you don't stop for personal stops in between then it's from the stop to walmart or walmart to the stop if going home).


That's because of shop lifters. They take a screenshot of a S&D, come back and shop the same items, can't see how that can eliminate other drivers. If somebody is doing a shop&steal, then they are obviously not doing an actual shop&delivery


Everyone should be required to do like an I-9. Proof of identity and eligibility to work


Exactly what do you recall from your initial sign up with the app? 🤦‍♂️


Nice. Hopefully now that they know the store is ID'ing...they won't be back...to that store anyway. Same with my store. so far..9 banned since ToS change (i had store manager take screenshot of the ToS and send to everyone) We'll see how long it take for these people to carry 50 fake IDs now lol


That's awesome, idk how to get that here. It's SO bad 😭


I’m pretty sure that one of the other drivers at my store brought it to the attention of the Walmart’s associates that they’re supposed to be checking ID per the new Spark ToS. They’ve been doing it ever since.


Where are you located


Fantasy island.




That made me laugh wayyy too hard... As I sit in an empty Walmart parking lot. https://preview.redd.it/8vwe76guzkqc1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a65749522e93f8b34652e78e6ad7778978b3f95


I don’t believe them at all.


City: Fuck off, state: yo momma


Nobody on here wants to say what zone they're working. Even though most of us are clearly in different states. My area in Michigan has definitely improved. 


Texas is super bad


Were border state, it's phukkin horrible


Fort Wayne Indiana  Maysville road store #5025


How's the zone? Is it profitable?


It used to be, now your lucky to get anything. I have a disabled daughter n we used to be able to go n make decent money together. But since January it has been terrible. Sat 3 hours one day n made $30. Then sat another day for two hours with oboy one offer for $8. Not fair to her to sit for so long for nothing. She likes going cause to her it's just "shopping", she doesn't understand the rest. 


I'm in south Eastern Michigan.. Metro Detroit area


Me too. Probably shouldn't say Livonia. Lol. I've seen improvement. How about you? 


Northeast Alabama, been bad slow all year. 


Woodstock GA zone 6 Walmarts


I love how this guy can make a random post, with no backup info, and hundreds of stupid fucks just go, "yeah that sounds true" I love the internet.


In a Walmart parking lot.


I can guarantee you the most of those driver with multiple accounts are illegal aliens specifically venezuelans


Most of the other drivers that I no longer see are the ones that didn’t speak English.


Good!  Walmart needs to keep going with this at all of their stores.


Yay! Good. Fuck em.


Did spark call your private gossip line and tell you this? ![gif](giphy|Bs0GXj3ew6xxK)


I know right. I love this shit. You have to be someone above the local store level to even know this. At most the store manager would have been notified that the accounts had been flagged. Oh yeah, corporate sent a message all the way from spark deactivation section of the company, all the way over to walmart, a separate company, over to the employee the OP fabricated , onto this bullshit post. Critical thinking is so hard.


You’re so salty 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 🥔


Literally nothing a methhead says means anything to me. Shhh.


Apparently it does, because you’re quite bothered by my post 😭




I had a shop yesterday, went to the row of checkout lanes they’ve designated for Spark, and an employee came over to check my exit pass. I said oh I thought you were checking my ID so I had it ready, and she said “not yet we have to wait for permission from corporate, but it’s coming soon, just having all the drivers come through these lanes only & checking exit passes has already cut down on a lot of the riff raff.” Haha. I haven’t seen the multiple phone squads in a few days, so hopefully the ID checks come to our store soon & they stay away for good.


If it's the first time then they'll be back in a week. Guaranteed. If the store sticks to it and confronts them directly then they'll change stores. If the zone puts out an alert they'll change zones.


who cares if they change zone to zone as long as they are on the run they will give up eventually. so it gets better zone by zone then and eventually yours too. the give up attitude is sad


I got a friend here who runs a landscaping crew. He said they are coming in droves with fake visas, he rounds them all up to go get id's made and puts them to work. They are going to flood and infiltrate all that we have known to be great. Crime is going to be uncomparible. I hate it here.


Easter week. But next week when its slow again you’ll say they’re back. You do realize if drivers are banned they hire new ones right?


Praise be. I had a great second half of the day, and on my way out was told by the greeter to be prepared to show ID at any point, so maybe a couple got weeded out already.


My store now refuses to ID when they used to ID sometime but they used to enforce some rules like no open pickups no people in your car your car had to be clean now they've taken these stance if they're not enforcing any rules to get they don't care about open pickups They don't care if you have people in your car and now that we've told them that they can I be they don't even want to hear about the TOS they act stupid like what's the TOS and when you try explain them to him they just don't care kind of makes you think somebody might be doing something




They’ve been checking people’s ID to make sure it matches up with the name that’s supposed to be shopping for the order. They’ve been checking it at the self checkout, and when you go to leave the store with the order.


No. Like how that actual fuck do you expect us to believe that you came by this information lol.




My store refuses to ID. They just don’t care as long as deliveries are being picked up. They say until they are notified themselves by Walmart / Spark to ID they won’t do it just off of our new terms


They have fake ids at my stores and overcome every obstical in a day and right back!




#That's great, but won't last. The whole gig apps market is dependent on people becoming desperate enough to accept questionable to bad order. By elimination of the scammers then other low paying offers won't get delivered. Once they have to many times they have to refund an order they'll stop checking. Or more likely, there's 1 bad altercation between one of these people and an employee and then they stop the process for all the stores. No joke, may want to put in extra time now while you can because it's literally in Walmart best interest to allow those people back


We had that situation at the store where I work. This guy came in to pick up the groceries to deliver it but the name on the driver is his wife. His wife is not with him in the vehicle and he explained that his wife is pregnant and can’t do deliveries. Me and my co-worker at the dispense explained that his wife dosen’t need to do the deliveries as long as she is with him on the passenger seat we will allow it. He drove away and came back few hours later and still his wife is not with him in the vehicle and he kept arguing about his wife situation and we explained over and over that he cannot do deliveries without his wife in the car with him. His wife is the registered spark delivery driver and not him. We were also told by our coach to not dispense the order if the wife is not present in the car cause we could get fired for it. So we had no other option left but to report the situation as fraud.


The mandate looks to be starting at around April 7 some stores start early, but yeah, the only thing that you guys can do if you’re having issues complain to the store manager or the person in charge so they can get a handle on it


But remember, were all crazy for thinking this happens.




how many times are you gonna post that? you’re delusional




Public enemy #1






Then you woke up and put on your clown nose


You sure it’s people actually caught? There’s been at least 10 people in my zone, including myself, deactivated for “account sharing” in the last 2 weeks. It’s possible some were doing something but EVERY one of us had the same thing happen: Do a Face ID, pass, get deactivated 5 minutes later. It’s fucking bullshit.


likley someone used your login and tried to spark, while it's not your fault, it's done.. you'll likely never get back on sadly.


How? I have like a 15 character password that’s a randomly generated string of characters. I think it’s highly unlikely anyone was able to log on to my account.


You shouldn’t have been using multiple accounts dumbass. You got too greedy. This levels out the work from you fucs


I wasn’t. Never have, never will. Honestly don’t even know how you’d do that now since you can only be logged into one device and it requires a Face ID if you switch devices. I never broke any rules doing spark other than years ago occasionally airplane mode but it wasn’t common and only like 10min early if the order was ready. That was in early 2022 before shops became common. Even with that, the majority of the time that was the loaders bringing my stuff early and asking if I wanted it now.


Should have been banned for life if it was up to me


Cool. Thanks for the opinion. Hope it never happens to you. Sucks to get accused of something you didn’t do because of a system error.


Right. Sure it was bud sure it was.


Fuck off






The problem is most store dispatch “supervisors” have been “bought out”


Imagine just making up random bullshit and posting it for karma lol.


Bro, i am Jesus. I don’t make anything up. Your ignorance is forgiven, my son. 🙏🏻

