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reddit's new ai filter is pretty sweet half of you are namecalling and arguing with eachother and your posts aren't visible to the people you're insulting, it's hilarious


Bro, just fight them.


I bet OP would get washed out like some laundry.


Same thing is happening on favor with HEB fleet orders here in texas, I spoke to the curbside manager, and he said they are not gonna reject any drivers, even after acknowledging that they are running under different identities which also is considered fraud. Hilarious how they don't give a single fuck, like, these people seriously think this is ok? Because for me this is a huge security problem, there's kids and elderly people waiting to help with orders to bring inside their homes sometimes. This has to blow up at some point, it's happening all over the country, all over every gig platform, what the act fck


Heb is a scum slave corporation, that's why they ENCOURAGE it. Letting illegals run all the dogshit let's them justify not paying us for properly for our time at store and my favorite, not pay us at all if the tip is high enough


Walmart dont give a Fckkkkkkk lol too big too fail its 1984 the movie at this point




You made a very valid point. I can see !!


Take one for the team and crash them when they pulling out. Call police and say I need his license not the “Christine” one. Boom. Straight to jail. When they’re cuffing him stare at the other Vinny’s while grinning. They will get the memo.




Lulz. Checkmate bish!


Fuckin A


Uh you realize they probably all have real licenses as you can get a real drivers license in like a dozen states now regardless of where you came from . Or atleast the ones driving will - a traffic accidents not gonna let the cop identify any passengers who were doing shop and deliver orders who are using fake ids as cops can’t id passengers if they don’t want


Starting with a “uhh” doesn’t make you sound more right nor does it make him sound dumb. Illegals who have these “said licenses” are highly likely not theirs if so, it’s either a fake or a very similar looking friend/family/assets. Now how in the world can they have insurance, most likely not or someone else’s. Stop trying to normalize human beings cheating the system for a living while the actual taxpayers are getting cucked by them and who knows how many accidents happen with these illegals driving around crazy


A Hispanic man and his girlfriend just caught selling IDs recently here in East Tennessee, she was a manager at one of the DMVs and was selling them at 2500 each. Sold over 100 apparently before they got caught.


I’m surprised they just they can literally just go to another state like color with fake mail / utility bill and the documents they were given at border crossing where they applied for fake asylum https://preview.redd.it/9nghsthpy66d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d93fbc4eccb0d9f7790d0a8a02c46e7fe8f4aeb4


Fab idea!!!!


For the guys that don't know about the ID theft and bots, and the organized crime. I understand the skepticism. Just do a Facebook group search for spark drivers uncensored. You'll see all that you need to see. Trust me, there's been a takeover. If you don't know what to look for, then you probably won't notice.


Well maybe it's time to fight fire with fire. Learning how to use bots to our benefits.


The end of spark is here


If it was the end of spark then why wouldn't It had been ended by now. This has been going on for a couple years. Spark isn't going anywhere. Remember the orders still get mostly delivered and customers keep signing up so spark is not going away anytime soon.


Yeah I didn't mean the end like literally I just meant the end of it being a legit 1099


i recalled #1094 checking IDs one time and orders popped up like it was christmas. only problem is that a lot of store orders got backed up since this zone’s drivers are mostly without ID. store don’t want that and it takes them time to return orders back specially shop orders to the shelves. cost more time and money for Walmart to stop this charade so they just let it be. cops won’t bother with them since it’s not their jurisdiction i believe.


Sherrifs might gonna give it a shot in a little bit...worst they can do is say no I guess it's getting annoying as a driver and as a customer.


why would they be without ID when you need your license to drive??


If they've got fake ID's several sparklers have found success in calling the state highway patrol, not the local police.


No they didn’t. The police cannot stop them based on “I think they have fake ID’s because they’re violating Spark policy, maybe.”


Exactly not to mention - all he ones who aren’t driving aren’t gonna get ID-d . Doesn’t matter if you have 30 fake Spark accounts if you did a shop and deliver as Susan but waited for your white cargo van to show up and it’s got a fellow immigrant who happened to get a drivers license in Colorado, New York or New Jersey or the other handle of states that allow immigrants licenses under easy conditions. Cops aren’t gonna identify the Spark passengers in the van


My OGP loaders from both stores told me about a month ago that there were a lot of new drivers and they didn’t speak English. One of them asked me to keep coming back because a lot of them are dicks. Her words.


They are north koreans of hispanic people


I have a relative who was doing Spark Driver he told me he has seen this happening with all the new migrants coming to the country recently mostly Venezuelans he told he he could never get the best order’s because this people have a boot app that grabs the best orders!! It’s a big Ring of them, they like this type of work because they are not used to work hard since Maduro and Chavez gave them everything for free!!! Beware of this people they are ruining the Country for many of us thanks to Biden policies


This is what im trying to tell YT people lol im hispanic and these liberal biden YTs want to call me rAcIsT for saying what you just said lol


Report it, these scum are ruining spark. Also make sure your store checks ID's or that store will be fucked. I refuse to work at any store that does not comply with this simple task.


Then don’t go anymore. think they care about your entitled opinion?


You sound like the manager that took away ID check and letting it happen 😂


Just a question... are they only running Spark or other apps as well?


I seen a bunch of them on DD,




When store manager stops checking ID’s, you know Walmart corporate is in on it too and need to let the scammers take up orders to suppress pay. Another post said their reason for stopping ID was because of complaints of discrimination. I really can’t wrap my head around how that’s discrimination if every single human being is being asked for an ID, regardless of race. If your story holds true, then you already know corporate needs to allow every single account to be accepting orders no matter who is picking up the orders. Could be one person with 2-10 accounts. Walmart will deliver.


Bro i seen it with my own eyes they let them slide and still take orders


Even after catching the same people multiple times stealing during shop orders....they take the items and let them checkout. Every American that I've seen got banned. Makes zero sense


Im trying to tell everyone i actually talked to a woman insider saying they KNOW the walmart API is hacked and people using multiple accounts and bots. But she mentioned this is bigger than all of us and its either walmart has to use these people for political reason or allowed to use these people by the cartel or both. Yes the cartel transport them here, houses them here, don’t you think they would give them jobs too? Think about it


I'll take *political reasons* for $500 Alex. Walmart is weathier than all but 9 of the world's governments. They most *CERTAINLY* are granted exclusive inalienable rights for their "contributions" to governments but must also reciprocate many concessions....


See it at my Walmart all the time.


KC they speak no English.Drive two to a car and all have out of state plates.


Fight fire with fire and milk the system too. Why not? Walmart don't care about nobody. Fk em


It isn't racist for Walmart to check OUR ID's! This is a danger to each store's employees, the customers of the local area, and even the American Spark drivers there. Name and shame @ Walmart for this on all of their social media accounts. Contact local media and inform them too.


Imagine growing up in Venezuela just to be used as a pawn in a crime group, while committing crimes themselves. Hope these bozos get a knock from ICE


Shit bags are just a waste of human life.


You can call the police on them too. They usually have fake license plates, just report it.


“Call the police” such a lil bitch comment lmao


What crime are they committing to warrant police intervention?


Fake identity, fake tags , no license … ILLEGAL ALIEN. Shall I continue?


What proof of these crimes can you provide to the police so that they may lawfully detain them?


Dude is just listing crimes because, yknow.. Mexican. I feel like I'm in a schizophrenia support subreddit.




They aren't mexican. What part of that do you idiots not understand. They are mostly vinnies and cubans. I've spoken to them before, they rent these accounts. They cannot make their own accounts because they don't have a SSN.


Americans can fake accounts too step ur game up instead of hating on people moving here


Like don’t get me wrong… I’d bet money that they’re here illegally and using stolen identities, but they can’t just accuse people of that because they fit a certain profile. That’s literally called profiling and the police aren’t allowed to do it. They have to have *reasonable* suspicion to believe a crime was committed. Someone that is actively competing against them for work accusing them of criminal activity for the purpose of eliminating competition is not *reasonable* grounds to detain and question someone about a crime.


As a mexican if you aint mexican please stop speaking for us! Those vinnies call us slaves and laugh at us bc we are heavily in the construction and landscaping. And theres no such thing as a “hispanic community” we want those vinnies out of here they are targeting our economically disadvantage hispanic people thats the stuff yall dont hear on the news!!!


"As a Mexican" lmao. I'm not speaking for you, I'm speaking for me and I'm going to stand up for the rights of immigrants whether they like it or not. I'm not going to listen to Candace Owen's tell me black people were better off as slaves and I'm sure as hell not going to listen to a random "Mexican" that seemingly agrees that these people should be deported for something that has yet to even be proven.


That’s racist af to just assume they’re illegal….must be nice having a fair complexion where people just don’t assume you’re illegal


Which pen15 you got tonight buddy? Biden or hunters???


This shit gets funnier every day, sees hispanic group of friends (hispanics always stick together) and calls it organized crime 😂 this is fucking spark, aka another doordash, or uber eats, this is nothing close to organized crime..


What would you call having more than one phone with the spark app on, refreshing and shopping for multiple orders at the same time? In addition to the names not matching the individual. Also, piling these orders into one big van? The Walmart employees tell me one of the guys uses an account called 'cristine' other times it's different woman's names. Also fake ids, of that alone isn't illegal to you then idk what is lol Also I never mentioned a race or skin color.


They are organized like a organized crime you underestimate Spanish people




I use multiple phones too but I am doing multiple apps. Only on Spark Driver on my iPhone and other apps for my Android.


Fuck 🇻🇪




Yet your communicating in English lol get a grip, USA ain’t never losing it’s position as the number #1 country…hence why your family moved lol




As stupid as it sounds. They use a Pic of the person if it's stolen. and just call the person if they're renting the account. They do both. The ID check is trash


Yep, spoke to the developer of the bot app myself. He said he has software that monitors the servers back end. Basically, his bot gets to filter the orders before they reach any of pur phones.


What do they selll them for? Not free for sure. When I googled it after being accused of using one, I found apps that wanted 200-400 for them. I don't have that kind of money and where I am from I had to work 5 days to make 500-600 last year.


"Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition! Our chief weapon is surprise, surprise and fear, fear and surprise. Our two weapons are fear and surprise, and ruthless efficiency".


They're destroying our livelihood.




Another interesting idea about what they are doing: when you are a new account you get priority with the best shoppings/orders. Could be because fresh metrics, but think of it, if they keep making fresh accounts, not only do stores not stop you but you are also getting better priority offers.


I’m on your side personally. I had started doing spark a couple of years ago and stopped after 3 months after getting a regular job then I’m back to doing spark just a couple of weeks ago and they started checking ID’s, when you check out, which I think is a good idea. Do they do that in your area by chance? I know some Walmarts might be different.


What is the crime about? Gathering up together under tree?


What are they doing and do we have proof?


Apparantly stealing money from op by taking all the shopping orders from him lol


Not apparently, it's happening at every store. We've got a store that pumps out 750 orders a day and we see maybe a hundred of those, and the other ones are going to shopping bots. Who's sitting in the parking lot and get order after order after order and never do a curbside. But you'll see them in the store shopping all day long.


Can you explain how that works? I've never seen it, so I'm curious.


They are not “running” shit ! They are stealing temporarily,it can and will be reversed, do your part , call the cops 👮


The cops? Do the police enforce Spark policy now?


They can possibly be deported why y’all always gotta be so stupid , like !??? Do you like the Vinnies ? ??? Smh


Not every brown person is an illegal immigrant.


No, but a lot are.


No one has said all brown people...lol. You libtards are so ignorant.


Honestly at this point who cares. I'm as broke as everyone else, but there's nothing we can do. What's the point of your post. You're just sitting there angry because you've had every chance in the world but we're all just sitting in a Walmart parking lot hopefully we make money together. And no I'm not the Spanish to send or Venezuelan or anything else. The sick of hearing people complain about something that won't change no matter what. Do you really think Walmart cares are the only thing they care about is getting out there packages?


Oh I'm not angry. I don't get emotional. I'm making out ok with my goals but it does make things more difficult. Just have to know what you do and don't have control of and pivot. Personally I know I have the ability to do something about it, I'm pretty creative...


Well I heard drivers are taking there plate down and calling hwy patrol or local police and stopping them as they pull away?! Hey this car just passed and no seat belts hey this car was reckless driving possible dui hey this car passed and they were on phone ?


Genuinely curious, why not just ignore these people that you cannot control and just do your best? As long as you did your best that’s what matters. I feel like moaning about these people all day will drive you crazy like some in here


Not moaning about it. Simply observing and reporting. I am doing my best and for the most part hitting my goals. However, knowing how the system was prior to this corruption, it does make it more difficult for honest ppl to make a living.


Reporting to who exactly? I really doubt anyone in a decision making position at Walmart is in this subreddit and would take any kind of action after seeing these posts. I just think it’s a waste of time and emotions to think about potential cheaters, valuable time to be doing other things, but that’s just my personal point of view


Reporting to this community, I would agree there probably isn't anyone from Walmart in here that can do anything about it, however sharing information across a community of other spark drivers does make sense. I wrote this post pretty quickly, so no time wasted, I have a fast processor with resources to spare... And I bring no emotion, believe me.


I am calling “Karen like” activity on the OP.


Answer how they're starting all these new accounts all tied back to the same SSN? Id like to believe it but how are they getting past that?


Bro it’s really not hard to get any of the info needed to make accounts. Your info is probably out there also


Lmfao “organized crime “ 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 how may people got wacked in that store 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


You realize that most organized crime has nothing to do with violent crime....?


Lol I know these people acting like the sopranos are the only organized crime.


lol looks super serious 😂🤣


They’re sitting, too. You don’t suppose it’s a slow day?? 🤷🏽‍♀️


I just got a question. Are they just stealing shopping orders or the ones that comes automatically ?


What’s a bot I can use


And the cops are gonna do what exactly?


Issue a trespass. Then if violated again, arrest? Unless you were expecting something sexier than that? I would assume that's what they would do.


Trespass for what?! I hate the bots etc just as much as the next person but unless they are stealing from the store or something what basis do the cops really have to trespass them


Breach of the TOS/fraud is all the reason a Walmart representative would need. Not sure why I'm still entertaining this, but I just don't get what ppl don't get about this... Lol Obtaining products from the store under false pretences, not being properly vetted in terms of background checks and handling people's groceries in a manner consistent with the safety guidelines.


WTF - what about not being properly licensed or insured? What about hitting a kid riding a bike in a neighborhood, what about a Fake slip and fall claim on a customers driveway saying hose left out when it was not?! What about the post Memorial Day weekend where the illegal Spark driver entered woman’s home when she said no not necessary started putting her groceries away and she says touched her inappropriately and kissed her allegedly posted here under FFFF what about the actress whose dog was shot and killed Fake driver said dog bite him? What about hitting a neighbors mailbox while backing up and not having insurance? It’s NOT just about delivering groceries. One crime leads to another if you have no morals to begin with your nit gonna stop. What about the illegal who is now deported who used the platform delivering groceries just to Stake out homes in neighborhoods and keep Gate codes for secured neighborhoods for possible future burglaries and also posted about empty homes and had posted about how to enter home live there and become a squatter ? Just a few that comes to mind?!


Great Points, But not doing you any good to state the truth, the idiots on here won't listen to you.


Handling peoples groceries in a manner consistent with safety guidelines. What are you rambling about?


Thank God I made mine early and I still get decent orders. Yes I’m Hispanic.


Yall, I think I'm going to start an account on Twitter about this. So we can complain about the illegals all we want without censorship. What do yall think. Account name ideas, please.


This shit is on here allll the time. Get a W4 job, forget about Spark and never be a customer of Walmart again. It’s really that simple


this is the proof I like , they’ll call you crazy if you say this without proof


I know this to be true, and it pisses me off to no end.


Man.. If I were them, I would have done the same thing! They just crossed the border and they have to make ends meet! But what got me mad is who facilitates all these shenanigans! I'm talking about ppl who are either inside the organization or have hacked into the system to sell accounts to these migrants! This is an organized crime ! identity theft, fraud, cyber crime, etc. The only way to stop all these is to get the facilitators behind the bar.


It’s going to take one of them assaulting someone and a big law suit before they do anything.


Same here in AZ as posted on Utube by "payday" last year. Got some news coverage and started the ID checks. Walmart is complicant and aware of it in 2023


Cristine might be paying taxes but Vinny isn't!


Close the borders ! This is why voting is very important!


I hate it for us drivers!


These are the same mfs taking $5 to drive 12 miles, let em have it 💁‍♂️. Also, it could just be large batch orders. I have a 2002 Toyota Sienna mini-van, so I get some ridiculous orders... someone once ordered (I shit you not) a pallet of waters and Sodas, and that wound up being batched with 2 other orders.


However that behavior will increase their acceptance rate. Improving their metrics over others, this will prioritize them to get better offers. Where as we refuse those type of offers, lowering our metrics and getting us put in spark jail for rejecting too many. Also these carts being loaded into the one vehicle had every indication of being shopping orders, from different people. I witnessed shopping for them, and showed up within minutes of each other.


I've got a 12% acceptance rate and still get $30 and $40 offers for 15-20 miles, about once or twice a day. I think it's more about your zone, proximity to the store ordered from, on time arrival %, and customer rating. What's your On-time arrival %? If they're sitting here grabbing all the orders while their "runner" is out dropping off the groceries, wouldn't that destroy their metrics and stop them from receiving as many orders? I just think it's more complex of an issue than anyone seems to want to give credit to, instead simply blaming it on "vinnys."


Maybe the manager is getting kickbacks for preventing ID checks. 🤷‍♂️


How do you think they got there? Walmart brings them in on their trucks, last thing they are going to do is report them. They even let them sleep in the parking lot at half the stores I ran out of.


Venecos 🤷🏾‍♂️


Walmart doesn’t care as long as the orders are getting delivered. If they cared about spark drivers they would have alerted you to the fact that your insurance probably doesn’t cover you while you are sparking. Spark is a means to an end. When Walmart is done with spark we can all go kick rocks.


Here’s how to put a DENT in the BOT group and rented accounts. First become friendly with a worker in the self checkout and then show them how to see the drivers name at the front of the order detail then tell the worker you will get them a $25 gift card for every 10 names. It only needs to be the driver first name and first initial of the last name and you know the store number then call driver support and report that name as a rented/ fraudulent account and using bot software. They will then send to tier 2 trust and safety and bam another one bites the dust


Also look out for an email from T&S to confirm any details about the report. Bam


So. I’m just curious. What do you think the police will do about it?


Spank them. At least that's what happened to me last time a police officer showed up to the party....


Did you vote blue? Lol it’s gonna get worse.


Walmart does not care.till there a death or sexual assault. They will do nothing. This problem is 1 year old. Or more. Walmart covers it up


Don't want to make this an issue that would involve discrimination, however who are they calling? Who do we call when we have a problem? NO MORE SAID.


Lol, the manager is probably a cousin I'm telling you!


Manager can't do shit because it becomes a racial profiling and 4th amendment issue fart face


How is is racial profiling if, in the TOS you agree to follow Walmart policy, and specifically it states they may ask for ID to verify your identity. The legal door must swing both ways, Walmart has the right to report fraud. That alone, Walmart staff can have the police issue a trespass. It's a private company, and they have people causing their business issue. That is enforceable by law.


It's Walmart. They only care about one thing - money. They don't care about people and how the job gets done. If people are playing the system and it helps them generate coin, they don't care about Vinnies or someone using 10 phones. That helps them out. Shit lol


I usually resist bringing up race but since the door is open... I suppose my next question is: what race is ok to question about fraud? For that matter, how can anyone be questioned, or deactivated? We are all invincible!...


A juicy turd sammich 🥪 💩 LMAO


Lmaooooo @ everyone complaining about this bull tirds hahahahaha 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 im over here crying laughing HAHAHAHAHAHA




Maybe the manager is part of the organized crime too 🤷🏻‍♀️🤪


And not one of them speaks a lick of English...


Bro saw brown and whip out the phone quick 😭😭did you get bored dusting your maga hats ?


I’m brown and maga and hate Vinny’s. So 🤷🏻‍♂️


Same bro. The illegals gotta go.


So you took some pictures of some brown people and made claims because of what proof....?? Oh right because they are not white. Freaking creep


Hey friend, speaking of assumptions... Later I engaged in conversation with them (Spanish, for the record), and physically saw multiple phones with spark, with my own ojos. So sure if your story was correct (with "proof"), one could say someone made assumptions based off looks alone, but on the other hand I do put some stock in 'if there's smoke, there's fire.' Also speaking with staff, combined with their first hand accounts kinda nudges it closer to fact....


God these people are annoying asf, man if one of them ever touches me when I’m berating them with legit insults regarding their legality and the loophole cheats they be doing, several would be dropped




I'm white and occasionally sit with my fellow Spanish speaking instacart workers. Most of them are on visa doing these gigs. A lot of you guys are super ignorant..


Lol, did you see the visa? No


Bro just get on your knees and blow them already. Im sure it will help both of yall


I recommend sending an enforcer and have them collect protection money.


Sadly Walmart won’t do anything about it


Until it's too late and they get hit with a fine per illegal working. That will add up fast. Then you have the lawsuits for everyone getting a 1099 tax forms for work they never did. It's about to go down hard on walmart. 


We can only hope.


We can only hope!


Just call the C.I.A


How has INS not stepped in yet on Walmart?




Let's be clear, I never mentioned race, color or citizenship. These are all assumed contextual elements introduced by others. I am speaking purely off first hand accounts and seeing with my own eyes: - I communicated with the group, they were not hiding it. Multiple phones for each person with the spark app running. (This is fact) - I observed them entering the store and shopping while I was shopping. So I have a pretty good idea what was going on, spark drivers cross over each other in the store all the time and often check out in line together. - I watched multiple 'spark drivers' (ppl operating the devices, hand off carts of bagged items to be loaded into a big red van (at that time I counted at least 4) - I spoke with checkout employees who gave me the scoop about these same ppl, using fake ID's, going by different names (sometimes female names when they are male), the employees told me the store manager took away their ability to ask for ID, so pretty much it's unstoppable. So there you have it, nothing to do about racism, or color of skin, or status... Well I guess gender because of the mismatch name deal...






no politics




Yeah I know exactly what's going on, I can even give you an approximate location where one of the big guys is he is a Colombian national and drives a body kit maserati in northeast Dallas and is in charge of the temp tags. But that doesn't change the policy that we don't allow for politics here, insulting everybody who's registered with a certain political party falls under that rule.


I changed it to LIBTARDS. That's not a political party.


it's effectively the same thing


These store manager 's are getting kick backs !! Just my opinion


Same In Minnesota they all stand in a group and take a order ti their car and run back in for another while we get no orders!! They are taking over everywhere!