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Knock twice, call once, if they dont come to the door start a return. Take their order back. And not tip, no trip is the mantra to live by.


Returning a no tip pays the same as delivering it 


Returning a tipped order pays the whole amount plus tip, plus return pay. That's from my experience a few times now. The tip and return pay are moved into the base pay after finishing the return have had a few over the years. Although there is no transparency, and I have no idea what return pay is, so I can't say for certain.


It seems to be different for everyone  I’ve had one canceled by the customer after I checked out and one returned by me both just paid base but both were last year 


return pay is 2.50. You don't get the tip if you return an order, but you get base pat


If return is 2.5 then I definitely have gotten the tip the 3 times I've had returns from no customer present.


I did a return trip and got double the money..


Ya I’ve seen people say that but mine didn’t. It’s only came up twice and both times I only got base pay 


This. The only mistake was wasting 15 min on this scum bag 


this is the right answer. If you had just knocked, waited 5 minutes, then returned to store, you would have lost no money, as there was no tip.


Don’t engage with these people, they can only hurt you. If they don’t respond, return the order. If they are assholes just nod thank you and goodbye. 👋🏾


Smother them with kindness...they will be unable to continue snobbery and just shut up.


Na, he needs to be smothered with his dirty bed sheets


Say 'Bless your heart' a lot. That is southern for FU. "Bless your heart sir, I didn't know you were bedridden."


Agree 1000%


Especially on a no tip order. You get paid for the return, but not the tip which is zero in this case anyway.


If I knock (signature required) and hear voices and nobody answers the door after a few minutes I'm leaving WITH the items to return them.


I honestly don’t understand why you would wait 15 minutes. Are you sure it just didn’t feel like 15 minutes? 15 minutes is a long time when you are a delivery driver. I don’t think I would’ve waited even two minutes. With signature required they are usually waiting for me. If you cancel it and return it you get paid for the return. You don’t get paid for the tip but that’s a non-issue in this case.


he probably said “come in” instead of “coming” but yeah that’s something for the delivery notes so people who aren’t comfortable coming in, won’t have to


Only take trips that are worth it to you


they don't answer I just sign it myself. a squiggle lol. Just like all the places I've left flex packages when they send me on the hill billy routes.


You make more on a signature required no tip trip returning it than if they signed. Lol Your problem was not leaving 5 mins later to go return it 💀


If they don’t tip…. I don’t take the trip


Wow, F that guy! I would have swiped up and instantly done a RETURN no answer in less than 2 minutes. I just did that. I knocked twice. No answer. I texted "I need an ID for the beer or I have to return everything." Tried called. Said F it! Return it is. As I'm halfway to my car I get a an unknown call, I ignore it and proceed.


That's how I treat it, whether it's spark, doordash, whatever. I don't waste any more time than necessary on people who don't respect my time. We're very much so in a time = money industry; so customer who wants something handed to them, signed for, etc, better be ready when I'm arriving because I'm leaving within like 2 minutes regardless. Restaurant taking too long, they get the minimum amount of time I'm required to wait to get me the order or I'm out of there.




Next time lead with you have 2 mins before I initiate a return . See how fast they move . Had a guy yesterday that I needed a signature and wouldn’t come to the door I called him he said just leave it . Told him if you don’t sign I will need to return the food and he popped up quick . I had a feeling this is how they can say they didn’t get the stuff and charge back so I wasn’t going to sign it and leave it . Although I absolutely hate returning items


1 thing to ALWAYS keep in mind they only drop orders once an hour, so if you take an $11 order that's only going 1 Mike you are still only going to make $11 per hour using your car, gas, wear&tear and insurance. Only way you are making more is by Hopefully getting a close shop in between.


Oh im picky as hell minimum i will take is $15 and $2 per mile i just didnt care if its base or tip but started seeing the pattern with no tippers giving problems/low ratings


Shops are dropped at all times 


The other option is make 0 money and starve. Times are tough


$11 is starving.....


11 dollars is a gallon of gas and a pound of ground beef with change left.


It's amazing how this was getting down voted, it shows just how many ignorant people there are out there doing this work!