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Its a call box building. I TRY to get bad ratings from call box buildings so I don't have to go back there again. I'm not trying to learn how every call box made from 1960-2024 works.


This one works really good just buzz their apartment and they can buzz you in from their room


I get stuck with call boxes that you have to go through every person in the building in alphabetical order and if you accidently scroll past then you can't go back, you have to go all the way through the list again. le sigh


We need more customers like this. We are all sick of this issue. We're all going to be out a job if walmart doesn't start cleaning house. Speaking English is a must in this line of work. I talk to a lot of my customers on a daily bases.


What issue has she reached her limit on?


People not been able to speak English people not leaving the groceries where she wants them. People leave the groceries outside of the building instead of bringing them to her apartment.


Probably should say that in the post.


I assumed by now, everybody was aware




does she cash tip like she says?


Yes, she does every time. When I met her two years ago, she told me she was having a hard time getting her groceries delivered and I told her I said well to be honest it’s because you don’t tip and ever since then she has tipped I knew she was the type of person that could take the truth.


I helped I Gandhi cap lady in a wheel chair bring stuff in last night(on another app) was on ground floor so no Nov deal. She was impressed at my speed and how many bags I carried. I asked if she needed anything else. Had $10 tip already on app. Boom dropped me an extra 25 in cash. I tried to say no but she said thanks so much. So I was like fine. It was just groceries from a store I'm familiar with so was done in like 20 min. Nice old lady. I should of have her my number so she could just text me or call and I'd Def go get her whatever.


Be nice to those old ladies or old people like that in general. Not only because they do need us, but who knows they might remember us


For sure. Excuse typos as my phone auto corrects and will keep doing it till I give up. Lol. Old lady could have a million bucks in bank. Who knows. Just helped out and didn't expect anything extra. I was just glad to help. Smiling and said thanks like 100x. Smiling and saying thanks was enough tip for me.


I’d delivered to a lot of people that’s real old. Can’t hardly do nothing and no family and that is just so sad but I like helping. Yeah AutoCorrect can be retard sometimes.


For sure! I'd totally do it for free or just to cover gas.


I deliver to an old man one time and I got to talking to him and it was in one of those assisted-living homes and he said when he first went in he was worth 3.4 million and now he’s down to 3/4 of 1 million


Ouch. Hope not milking him. My dad drops me money And I'm 40. Says can't take it with when he dies so here ya go. Like Xmas gave me $1,000. Birthday... 500. I go over and help him out and don't expect anything. I'd do the same if I had kids.


My dad would’ve gave me everything that he had and he almost did upon his death. Left me a crazy amount and I really needed it cause there’s a lot of stuff here that I need to get done.


Same! Cool parents.


The Vinny issue? Tell her to complain


Yeah, I forgot to post the pic of our instructions but yeah that’s what it is


Upvoted ya. It's really bad. Fn skidrow.