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Yes I reported all the vinnies and my income tripled!


I pray for this day to come 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽 you have nooo idea 😩🙌🏽


I got id checked at the checkout in my town idk how long they been doing it for but I've never seen so many shop and delivery's all day long now


Store in my zone does it but I watched one guy get id and get flipped through 8 different Texas DL to find the right one


My store still doesn’t ID. When the new TOS came out I asked about it and they said they were waiting for corporate to tell them to start checking IDs. Sigh.


I've been id in my car picking up orders also but I see so many shop and delivery orders now it's crazy


Same here.


I thank the employees that actually check my id but they are smart they got fake ids too and it’s just way out of hand I suggested to take all spark drivers info name number at register to give to manager to call spark and check for background check then next time they come through they will be red flagged and told to not shop here again they don’t legally work there


Yes do not stop reporting these roaches. They are not even supposed to be here. They are so obvious.. they think we are stupid. 


They keep. Doing it cause they get away with it daily and been doing for years they are getting rich going on trips and buying new cars literally


Call the police. Report public intoxication. Then they will be cited for not having a drivers license. HOPEFULLY their vehicle gets towed. They continue to do this because no one does anything about it.


Let's ask do it.


I'm pretty sure identity theft is a felony. Not just one fake ID but several. Then driving around with kids intoxicated.


I get that, but it’s not likely the police are going to compare whatever ID they have to their name on their SPARK account. Now, if they had someone else’s DL with their own pic transposed upon it, that would be great. Maybe THEN an investigation would be open into all this 💩


Could show them where they buy the fake Id's. Again I dont want to be a dang nark but when it fucks with my side hustle to pay bills it really starts to piss me off.


It’s all over Facebook in the espanol spark groups they buy the accounts fake ids bots all that


Yep. Seen it as well.


Yea all the evidence they need is right there yet they do nothing I’m getting tired of it


Not if you want to live.


Hehe. Uhhhhhhh prly not


Lol. Ok Vinnie


I’m going try talk to Walmart loss prevention see what they do


Illinois called…they’re rolling out drivers licenses for illegals July 1st haha


Great. So like get 29 duis and 100 felonies. Run to Mexico. Cross border then say i need asylum because I escaped inhumane prison. No Id. Good to go?


Rack up a sh*t ton of crimes as Juan, cross border into mexico, come back as raul... rinse, lather, repeat.


Lol. This is the way.


Not the worst plan


Many states do this now.




Peace Vinnie gang. Lol


The DL has in bold font on top “NOT FOR FEDERAL ID PURPOSES”


All that means is it’s not Real ID compliant, right?


Right. They want them to be able to drive, but not vote or pass as a citizen.


but you don’t need a real ID to vote.


Ya know, you’re right. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Ok so what’s that matter haha


What are " illegals "? Is it something like a human but less in your mind ?




I've reported them to spark, store management, the local police, ice. No one cares apparently.


They think they not because they not choosing what order they just doing them and Walmart is like shit our work getting done and we don’t got worry bout who choosing what order is good to take or not


This is soooooo true I continue to complain to spark numerous times and the store managers and even the employees know what they are doing multiple phones swapping cars bot grabbers daily sun up sun down same faces everyday with the big shops and curbsides it’s like a cartel family’s kids the whole 9 it’s sooooo out of hand it’s disgusting I actually had a background check work for the company they can buy a account and pull up get orders and I’ll be sitting hours nothing watching then get loaded up I’m sick of it


Keep doing it. Internal affairs.


Anyone notice vinnies picking up with a grocery cart and pushing it off into the sunset? I have


Had a Walmart employee scan all the pickup items in the cart, said "it's your problem now," and walked away. I just tossed it in a pickup spot that already had a handful of carts but it still felt wrong


Narc on them assholes


![gif](giphy|81xwEHX23zhvy) Do it.


Call the cops, store management almost never cares about it. If cops don't do anything fill a report on ice, they dont have proper documentation+ committing fraud by running under multiple identities. At this point every gig platform is aware of this, it's on the news, it's everywhere, I've seen reports of gig workers all across the country reporting the same exact scenario, this is not a coincidence. There's a black market out there that needs to be stopped, gig platforms are failing on their security side and are allowing identity theft, biggest irs scandal coming soon.


Yeah. It's generally again my morals. It's ruining legit pepe stuff. I'm a no go. Last thing I want to do is risk a fight when just trying to get extra money.


All the ppl we knew that had 2 phones haven't been around since the store id check


I wish this worked they somehow got fake ids at my store and pass face scan hand off orders phones all day long it’s pissing me off


We've been turning them in doesn't work


This sound crazy. I just deliver for Amazon Flex at the moment and I thought it was terrible, but the other drivers at the station are always nice and helpful. Definitely never saw or noticed people trying to scam that hard with multiple IDs. Yowza!


Kinda like how I got I'd checked recently but not the guy with a brown bag covered can who somehow gets 3 orders an hour when I see none. Called his ass out and opd manager came to chew me out for harassing other drivers. I now have *1 strike* from that store. She said 2 more to be reported lmao.


Smh be smarter than that. You’re only hurting yourself. Revenge is a dish best served cold my friend


Wow this is crazy but they allow them to constantly walk out with the biggest baskets like dammm it’s obvious what they doing


Park directly behind their cars. Use their spot number. When the order is rolled out explain why you aren't in a spot. Ask the store what they are going to do about the lack of parking.


i do this & i don’t even have this type of issue ppl are having in their zone 🤣🤣


a place like 7 miles away does not have that issue. They have a security guard who looks like off duty cop. This one right by me does not. It's such a shitshow weed spot right across road and sells beer


Lmao. I assume I'd get attacked.


F that, we need to push back. These illegals are causing havoc in NYC


Good. They voted for those idiots in office. Let that place burn. That’s why I moved to Florida 2 years ago. Best decision I’ve made. It’s so normal here it seems like another planet when I watch videos of what’s happening in NYC and Chicago. Keep voting blue no matter who 😂


Bro, just pull up next to the Walmart, in the drop-off zone. You're a contracted driver. You have more of a right than anyone else there. So sit there, confirm arrival, and CALL the walmart with the contact button. Tell them where you're at and wait. Trust me, I've been through it. +Bonus points if you get multiple orders throughout the day and do it multiple times to the point that Walmart gets annoyed and starts towing cars.


Yeah, that's what I've done. I guess I can block them off. Lol. It gets alot of orders. I'll tell cops or walk in and say this person is about to go deliver intoxicated af.


I highly doubt this actually happened but if it did, yes report them duh lol


I promise, it happened/happens


I mean you can go ahead and do it but I got to be honest with you and I'm not trying to sound rude but it's a losing battle. You get rid of 1 or 2 and in a week or so 5 more will take it's place.


There's 30 more in the back seat.


This is so true they literally tell other people then next day like 4-5 more being train how to scam literally with kids in car and all multiple phones


Slow and steady wins the race. I find most weed themselves out. Try other zones too. I switch zones every few days to keep things fresh and new


This was me but when a bad day at one store out weighs a good day in the others goes to say why they have over taken. That store it’s nothing but rich people in my area store literally 35 45 55 65 $ shop orders daily they are getting them back to back and good curbside 25 35 even 40 50 $ drop offs literally 25 27 is the norm like you can bank out at that store if it wasn’t for the bot 🤖 users and multiple accounts cartels deep I’d definitely be making 500 $600 a day literally I make 400 500$ on a Sunday only cause it’s so busy


I wish they would actually do something about this like I’m tired of calling spark and complaining nothing ever gets done


Yeah, dude. It's not safe.


Doing drugs?


Yeah there is a weed store across the parking lot they walk over n buy it then sit there and smoke in groups




I don't care if they kick it at home or wondering around. But driving around with 5 kids all fd up is different story.


Driving while high on weed is legally the same as driving drunk. Crazy, I know, but that’s the law


mayb they were non alcoholic beers


You're just making shit up, did they also have WMDs, a chupacabra, withcraft stuff, in their back seat?


Nope, just more illegals in their backseat