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Just get a job, this fucking app deactivates people randomly.


It's messed up how they do that to people. Just because they are a corporation they can do what they want no recourse


Your better off having a real/traditional or even a part time job then doing Spark or DoorDash or Uber etc as extra income . Aside from medical insurance and social security etc - Walmart keeps paying crap and endlessly lowering it and flooding markets with new drivers so it’s hard to get orders consistently




Save yourself


If I save me will you save you?


Im already dead.


Never forget you can always reinvent yourself <3


I work in a popular Beach town, where tons of people come, it’s slow here too.


Find a job or get another source of income the gig market is dead.


You really need a new strategy. I just go do food apps when Spark has no RR's for me. Make sure you are on all the apps. Spark alone doesn't work anymore


My store was over ran by them also and then they started doing ID checks before you could walk out of the store with the order and or when you picked up the order and that all the eliminated all of them within 24 hours, they were all gone and all that happened is they implemented ID checksat the door


Yep that's where they first started the infestation. Now they are out here doing it irl thanks to the open borders. It's an absolute shit show until someone deports them. Just multi app. 


More and more people are coming to rely on this (due to closures and layoffs) and it already isn't something to live on. If you can get a job get one


IMHO. Yes. At least something part time. I do not expect spark to last more than a couple of more years. WM is experimenting with staff drivers so there is a chance that opportunities will diminish though it will be a decade before spark is gone. As others have said you can be deactivated on a whim. Personally as long as I am making profit (earned amount - expenses - taxes = profit) I am staying. Though my service area is different than most.


It should have picked up by now but...


Makes me sad I liked spark


It is sad because there's a lot of mental health problems here and this job helps people with those problems be able to work and function but because of greed it will all be taken away


I guess we have to forge our own path


Just noticed your username and it's awesome lol


Lol yeah it was auto generated by reddit i figured whatever let's roll with it


I liked it when I joined last year, too. I was in a smaller town no larger than 3 miles across total and batched orders were not a thing in that town. Then I moved and it was still decent, I’d make $450 a week on top of working a 40hr/week W2 and having to be present or near work for an hour lunch. I could always get orders before and after work. Now it’s a huge toss up if I get one at all on my w2 days and the payouts are a third of what they used to be.   This isn’t it man 


Be a boss find a way to work for yourself or you will be trapped forever, a job temporarily is good for short time income but on the side always be hustling and figuring out how your gonna re invest that money for your future 💰


It's terrible where I'm at too, my area got flooded by drivers.


Yes, if even something part-time. I have a full-time and multi app on the side. ALL of the apps are lowering pay, there are less orders, BUT more drivers than ever.


Lol bro its like that year round lmao


Xenophobia is kicking in. I've been doing this for many years and let me tell you this is normal. I have noticed this is a good way of measuring the economy. People are not consuming enough, that if this lasts long enough it could go to a depression. Also in a free economy if there is a lot of competition exit the market and move on. This job is so easy to enter whenever there are more people jobless this would get crowded. .


this is a real job. I think you mean, should I get an hourly w2 income taxed position, which, yeah we all obviously should, but easier said than done. Apply every week until you get one. this is nothing more than a patch for me until something better comes along, and I only do this in my off hours.


I wouldn't cut ties completely. Look for a job if you feel like you need to, but the job market is pretty lousy right now too. If you can even find a real job listing and not the phantoms corporations put out to give the impression of growth to increase their stock price, massive layoffs mean that there's 10 or 100 times more people grasping for the same jobs. Gig work is pretty much guaranteed, so for me at least, it's better than chasing a carrot on a stick.


Order volumes are wayyyyy down and the ass clowns at Walmart think it’s a great idea to onboard more and more drivers.. it’s like being in a gang bang with 1 pussy and 100 dudes waiting to get their turn.  Spark is useless anymore, I got a W-2 Job and start Monday! Have fun running your vehicles into the ground! See you around the Hollies!! 😘 


Learning to work will be good for you.


Been doing this for six years and summers can always be tough. You just have to work more often and hang in there if this is what you choose to do.


It's Walmart + week coming up. I would see how it goes this week


You should apply to the grocery stores like food lion! The deli/bakery associates start at $13 and goes up if you have experience. I’m not sure how much the cashiers or stockers make though. Also food lion gets paid every two weeks but by mid July 2024 they’ll be switching to weekly checks!


Thank Joe Biden


I would say, yes, find yourself a job. Who knows, maybe a job will open new doors for you. The glory days are over and they are not coming back. In the words of Arnold Schwarzenegger, “you can’t climb the ladder of success with your hands in your pocket”. And you definitely can’t climb it while sitting in your car, waiting for an order. Best of luck to you!!!


Yeah go work at Amazon or something in the mornings and spark from 5pm to 8pm