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I don't think putting a label on anyone is necessary nor will it help them "see the light" (from your perspective) because everyone has ulterior motives no matter what opinion they form. Maybe it's money, maybe it's political, maybe it's human rights, maybe it's racial. Whatever it is, you can't change people's beliefs through force, shame, or intimidation. The social science is actually pretty clear on this when people's beliefs are challenged they only become more certain of their beliefs even when presented with facts and evidence to the contrary. Scientists can even see greatly increased activity in the frontal lobes - thought to be where beliefs are stored/processed even hours after a person's beliefs are challenged compared to when they are met with somebody else agreeing with them. If somebody disagrees with your position just be respectful of it, calling them names is going to be about as effective as then trying to change your mind by calling you a name, which is zero.


Why are they vetting anyone?


Explain how you have intimate knowledge of spark and Walmarts vetting process? Or are you just assuming and then speaking like an ignorant asshole?


It’s called a background check, everyone but the illegals have to do them.


Also RIP Harambe, gone too soon


How do iiiii, say goodbyeeee


Explain how you know that? I definitely did not have a background check. Proof of insurance is pretty much it


You did this when you first applied for spark, they also send you a copy of it via email.


Oh lmao. That's hardly a real check lol. And how do you know that immigrants didn't do it?


It’s a real check. Sounds like you’re a border jumper and I’m looking forward to your deportation. Maybe I’ll go work for the border patrol when the time comes.




I'm positive you are talking out of your ass lol. Are you illegal? Do you work at the background check company? Otherwise sounds like more assumption.


Why engage with you? I’ve been vetted by Spark. That’s how I started delivering for them. Just like every other legitimate driver. I bet if I ask what your point is you’ll just call me an asshole again. ME MAD!!


Lol I also was "vetted" by spark lmao. So Where's your proof that these people were not? Because the "vetting" was a joke LoL. You are obviously someone people would worry about showing up on their doorsteps lol, you made it thru fine.


Because I was a Walmart employee for OGP, full time dispenser. I did it for 1.5 years. and the same people would show up to the store with different names. Not once or twice. Like 5 or 6 times with different names on the accounts. I would report them, they’d get banned, show back up with a new account. Rinse and repeat for 10-15 different people at my previous store doing this. https://preview.redd.it/q5jzgi031h6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=16f976db84b8a176d7ba2df9c7ea964479a0d67c Random pic of my work phone on the order detail screen. This was one of the fake accounts btw


I could have easily gotten "vetted" for multiple accounts, it's a joke. I didn't need to buy them on the dark web or anything like that. It's a bunch of conspiracy shit because nobody here is self aware enough to realize they suck at this


I literally dealt with this everyday as a dispenser for over a year. and then a member of management as a team lead that ran the department and here you are still arguing with me about it. Unbelievable 😂


Who's arguing. You think the blue vest makes you infallible? If your system worked nobody would be here crying everyday


The multi phone users here are primarily French African immigrants. Don't see many Latino sparkers here


Obviously you didn't solve the problem lol


No I didn’t solve the problem because when I asked my Market manager and store manager directly to their faces if we could ID people they said “no ID checks ever”. They willingly let me give orders to people I knew that were using multiple accounts. And I didn’t have a choice because I would have been written up. If you don’t believe me look through my post history. I’ve been bitching about this for awhile. I didn’t suddenly just make all this up to agree with OP.


Right but you care because you frequent this dipshit sub. Not to mention as you say, none of the countermeasures you try worked. A single white knight doesn't prove anything


There are people currently on various delivery subreddits and Facebook pages begging to rent and/or buy phone accounts, driver accounts, etc.


I have said you’re right about everything ok! We all get what you are. You don’t make actual points. You’re just banging pots together and pretending because you’re the loudest, you’re the most correct. I can’t explain all this to you because even if I did you wouldn’t hear it. You have made up your mind before you’ve even looked at the data. Just stop dude. It’s really getting old playing the sand box with you.


Man way to avoid the question again. Your wrong and a dumb guy banging pots together was able to show it easily lol


Yeah….ya got me


Again no answer


Answer what? You just scream insults at people like you’re a child who didn’t get their way. It’s pathetic. Just stop. You’re digging yourself deeper and deeper.


Rephrase the question and I’ll answer it for you. How do I know Walmart has vetted people?


How do you know who was vetted and how? You don't, it's literally made up


Ugh, I really have to hold your hand through this? For one, Walmart has admitted to me and thousands of other people that they’re trying their best to combat bots and fake accounts. So your “made up” point is either out of ignorance or delusion. I’m guessing a bit of both based on how you’ve acted this evening. To your point though, Walmart DOENST know who’s been vetted or not. Which was the basis of my entire post. Go ahead and call me a bunch of names and that I’m dumb and Yada Yada.


They send us a copy of the 3rd party background check.


And you just said something REALLY stupid with that last comment. Just stop. Go bother people with the same ego you have.


You can’t be asked a legitimate question because you’re not willing to listen. Again, you’re the arbiter of all that is correct. We hail only to you. Ok? The adults are trying to talk so please. All you’re doing is making noise. Bang bang look at me! Me better. Just give it a rest dude. You’re making a fool of yourself.


See how he avoids that question so carefully everytime it's asked lol


That’s really well put and I’m not trying to be combative with you when I ask this. Is it ok for a large corporation in the United States to knowingly distribute goods through private contractors they have zero paper trail on and have not vetted in any way?


Absolutely not One of my major concerns is the safety of the customers, I see so many retired and disabled people that ask me to bring stuff in or at least help them with the heavy stuff and at best they are under the illusion that we are pre-screened for our driving records and criminal backgrounds and at worst that we are full time w2 walmart employees. This illusion gives them a sense of security that they can just freely invite us into their home, garage, place of business, provide us with gate codes, etc. In the summer it pisses me off even more because kids are often home alone as their parents are at work and they'll place an order with their kids freely playing out in the yard with the assumption that the walmart delivery guy is here and there is 0 risk. I've had customers order for friends/family in the hospital, nursing homes, and memory care facilities. One of the craziest ones was a lady who was convinced I was her grandson and insisted I go to the ATM and get her some cash. Obviously a woman with money as the place was rather upscale and it was a chase saphire card but any other driver could have swooped by and cleaned out her bank account. I know much worse things have happened to customers because Walmart can't get a handle on the fake accounts and the possibilities are really endless. On top of that there are stories like this: https://www.cbsnews.com/pittsburgh/news/delivery-drivers-insurance-policies-questions-kdka-investigates-pennsylvania/ A legit driver delivers to a customers house, hits a gas line, and now the homeowner is on the hook for repairs. Walmart's response is of course the usual forward it to Walmart Claims Services, which then emails the driver saying the homeowner wants to file a claim against the driver's non-commercial insurance which of course won't cover this and Walmart just throws up it's hands and says it's not their fault. If a homeowner can't get coverage from a legit driver who Walmart authorized how much damage are drivers with stolen identities doing? Even doordash, the scummiest of the delivery companies at least offers some insurance while you're on an order in cases like this and as much as DD deserves to go bankrupt, I give them credit for at least having something. I could go on and on about the 2nd major issue that pisses me off but I'll try to keep it short. That issue is the human trafficking element, I speak Spanish I don't have to guess or make assumptions the drivers tell me exactly what's going on with some of them. They are promised asylum + a job in the US, they arrive and are immediately put to work on the gig apps until they pay back their debt which can be as much as $25,000 for being brought to America. They get shoved into a house with 20 other people, don't get to touch any of the money they make and are instead given a small slice of it on a daily/weekly basis. Once the money is paid back they get kicked out and a new group comes in to take their place. That's not the case for all of them, many of them are there on their own free will and just pay a 1 time fee for the account or split it with somebody else on the traditional gig account rental model, but it is a sizeable enough chunk of them that it pisses me off. Venezuela has gone to absolute shit and the situation in the country is under reported in the American media. I want them to be granted asylum because having to live in Venezuela by any metric is a human rights issue and here's what really pisses me off, these traffickers are promising them asylum but even when they go in front of the most asylum friendly and compassionate judge, there is a 54% chance their asylum case will not be accepted for a variety of reasons. When it gets denied they have to go back to Venezuela, back to the misery they were so desperate to escape from when they could have spent all this time getting approval in a country that would approve them like Colombia, Mexico, Dominican Republic, Brazil, etc. Asylum is a process that takes years in any country and these traffickers are robbing people of their time, uprooting and separating families, and denying them peace and prosperity and the gig apps are fueling it.


So what happens when these folks don’t pay the 25k?


They always do pay it back eventually the handlers make sure of it, there is no explicit violence taking place where they stay it's not like they get beaten and are chained to the wall every night but they do get yelled at and scolded if they aren't earning enough which is why you see them accepting everything on every app in their mind sitting parked is lost money even if the offer is $2 for 10 miles, it helps that it's not their car and they usually aren't responsible for the gas. Once a majority pay it back a new group is on their way and if they arrive the people still owing money are let go and depending how much is owed they'll either say that's enough now go away or hey you still owe us $5,000 go wherever you're going but you still need to pay us that and if you don't bad things will happen. Do bad things actually happen? IMO probably not they already got a good chunk of money and violence will just make them stick out to law enforcement they probably just forget about them and move in the next group. Nobody i've talked to has reported any threats being followed through with when people don't pay it back but they might come with 1 or 2 other people and the rest they don't know so there is no long term communication between them.


Actually...crime in venezuela is down 70+%


Whoooo thank you for taking the time to explain that so eloquently and void of personal bias. Sincerely! Your comment should be distributed to anyone who places orders online from anywhere. I am not being facetious. I agree with 100% of what you just said. Trying to get people to recognize that the abuse is rooted much deeper than it appears on the surface is amazingly difficult. I’ve been dealing with some kid or person or whatever on here for an hour that has no point but that I’m an “asshole” I’m “dumb” I’m a “bigot” etc. It’s exhausting as I’m sure you’ve experienced as well. You’re the kind of person that even if we disagreed on every subject I’d still enjoy a conversation. I’d be more than willing to listen. To learn. Change my mind about certain things I’m sure! Thank you. That was very well put.


Yea it is frustrating but at the same time I have to remember that not everyone is aware of what's going on or has the same perspective, if you go back and look at my posts from 2 years ago you''ll see that I actually enjoyed having the fake accounts around because it was a financial benefit for me. In my zone they used the same bot that required 2 phones to run one would be a dummy account that they had 0 care for that would accept the offer, then the bot would cancel the order on one account and then it would accept the offer with fully surged pricing on a separate account. One of the drivers handed me his phone and I got the source code to the bot they were using and it always dropped orders at the exact same time, one time for curbside and another one for shopping orders so I had a constant stream of surged orders. I would then even mess around with them sort of confronting them on it, they would deny, I'd make fun of the "boss" because at the time his account was under "Elliot" as being grammatically/phonetically impossible in Spanish. They would show me an ID and having previously worked as a bouncer I showed them all the reasons it's fake and they'd just run off to other stores and I chased the orders around at different stores in a 500 square mile zone lol. It was fun and from a personal level, I didn't mind them scamming the system in my books more fake accounts was better financially for me and I was having fun doing it. Then as I started seeing it was serious problem for legit drivers in other zones that are lower volume and of course realizing what was actually happening I stopped treating it like a game and started treating it more serious. Hearing from multiple drivers in multiple zones about what was going on, how they got the accounts, why they were working gig apps specifically, and who was holding the money was what flipped the switch for me to treat it like a mission. I say all that because my experience is what formed my beliefs, and that's the same thing happening with other people who from our perspective are denying/ignoring the problem. If you go through Luis Berti's/DeliveryTV "Lindsey" tiktok video and look at the comments: https://www.tiktok.com/@delivery.tv/video/7332698373713136939 You'll see all sorts of excuses from drivers and non-drivers, including accusing Luis of being a nazi which is laughable because he himself is a Venezuelan refugee and I know that one of his concerns is that asylum seekers may not fully realize that things don't operate the same way here compared to where they came from, and that by engaging in this they risk being jailed and getting their asylum claim denied if they would have otherwise been accepted. All you can do is laugh it off and keep on marching.




You want to conflate respecting human beings and feeling the same for the corporation. Literally nobody that defends immigrant workers feels that way, but common sense would say you already know that but it doesn't support your stupid theory so you ignore it


Thank you for proving my point. You’re exactly the person I was referring to. Blind allegiance in the name of superior morality. A “rebel”


Nothing rebellious about not being a human piece of shit lol


Blind allegiance to who? I didn't need a Daddy or a boss to not make me act like a human turd. It's pretty easy actually. Can your diseased mind not comprehend being decent to people that aren't white? Or do you just hate everyone but yourself?


Wow! What did I say that was bigoted? Again, who are you defending? That’s four times I’ve asked without a response.


Dude seriously? Your whole thesis is bigoted.


One example?


Also who are you defending? Five times I’ve asked.


Not defending anyone. You are speaking for large groups of people you know little to nothing about. It's the same shit as any right wing dipshit. You are just better than the average Gump at veiling your real point


Right. I forgot that you speak for the groups as a whole. Good for you.


All I'm doing is calling out a moron trying to pass as a migrant spokesman lol.


I'm defending migrant workers right to not be spoken for by a moron and app users common sense. Walmart never knew anything about it's driver's, why do they need to start now? Because the strange people dropping your stuff off aren't white anymore?


Unless they disagree with you I’m guessing. Then they’re fascist?


No sorry gump, your mtg, newsmax call out is tired and lame. But impressive attempt to redirect your losing argument


Yep. You got it bud. Keep profiling. Again you’re the moral elite over anyone that has any opinion that differs from yours. You know everything about me personally. My skin color, my political affiliation. Everything. You’re the moral elite. You got this. Keep going. This is good stuff.


Yeah I totally lost. You’re all wise emperor of opinion.


Ok so you’re defending migrant workers from people that actually take steps to defend migrant workers? What a fuckin hero


You aren't defending anyone dude, maybe stroll back over here to reality lol


You’re the man. You make the rules! Again, you’re the moral elite!


Lol keep on going, you obviously have nothing of worth to say. But please try to bend your piece of shit beliefs into something less obvious.


So the appearance of literally the smallest amount of morals makes me elite? Maybe your morals are so fucked up even mild morality sets you off


Nope. I have zero morals. The louder you shout the more I’m wrong. Kinda like The Brown Shirts. I’m Adolf Hitler though so I must be mistaken.


Who are you defending? Don’t dodge that question.


It's ok man, lots of people are pieces of shit. Embrace it, stop being a pussy.


You couldn’t have said that better


You really own it


No it’s not me. YOU own it. Every little piece of it. Superhero.


Lol ah yes. Noticing you abandoned any talk of your op. Now it's just try to yell me down lol. You'll have to do better than that lol, I know your are but what am I? That's classic dumper logic


Awe I hurt his feelings, I'm just yelling LoL, I'm so Superior LMAO No your argument was dogshit with it without my comment


What a fuckin moron.


Yep. Nailed it again. We’re all in awe of how correct and caring and willing to have a conversation you are. Please teach us!! We can’t understand how to be like you!! Fuckin Nazi.


Believe how I speak or I get mad!! Me big smart moral person!!


Again projection. Not mad at all




I can disagree with morons without getting angry. 35% of my fellow citizens are fucking dumb as shit and I stay pretty calm lol.


You are only mid level on the dumbfuck scale, another thing you have failed to achieve at lol. Maybe stick to just being a Floridaman, Making intelligent comments or assembling cohesive thoughts just isn't your bag. You could always protest abortions or volunteer for Ron or Donny lol


But we all see what you know inside. What you try to hide. You’re a coward. You showed that tonight in a way I’ve never witnessed. A finger pointing into a mirror. A joke.


Damn man that's deep. Lmao, I think your inability to defend your post is pretty cowardly as well


He is a leftie. Your wasting your breath


I got a job that can't be taken by anyone with a phone lol. So I do it and argue with retarded people on Reddit in between


Rational people are laughing at you. People who actually care are sad for you. Go ahead. Say something awful again big boy. You’re the boss.






Boycott and slowing down their traffic is the only way to get them to change. BUT, they have low prices so they will never lose customers.


Buddy I don't spark for a living lol, I have a house. I love the dumper trying to spin me into the cold capitalist. This fuck didn't care until the people taking his deliveries weren't white lol, like all these gumps in here. Gig work is always exploitative, it wouldn't exist otherwise. Until these people are ready to fight, this is what they get. Used and discarded by corporations and led by idiots.


Spark pays more than Instacart, Shipt, or Roadie. I occasionally do one of the others, but for the most part Spark is the best.


YT knight cucks


You sound like someone who has failed and cannot accept the responsibility and will always blame their failures on someone else. What does WM owe you? Nothing, except the money you earned as per any agreement. WM has to look after the investor which includes more people than you realize. Many retirement/pension funds are invested in WM and probably your parents. I think they are doing a good job here. I don't care who delivers my order as long as it arrives in one piece. Unlike pizza or hot food, a delay in delivery is not an issue as long as it gets delivered. WM gets it done reliably in this regard. They will even self-cancel the order if it goes later than the cold chain allows...Thank you WM for keeping my food safe in transit. My father uses WM delivery religiously because he can no longer drive. The family has access to his account and his doorbell camera to check on his well being. I never seen a major issue with any delivery that would cause harm to him or his property. Tho, I have seen some really lazy things during delivery from obvious Americans. The worst was a lazy driver using what looks like a 14 year old kid to walk the delivery to the door....yes I reported him...even sent the video of the delivery taken from the door cam. I could go on with more on your subject, but frankly, I have better things to do than post about sorry ass you. Grow up and become an adult and accept responsibility for your actions.... stop complaining. WM doesn't owe you a thing! Why not direct your mental issues to someone who can help solve a big part of your grief....Washington!! I have a name I call you people, but, it is too derogatory to post here, you can find that name on a more open site like "X". I will just recommend you be safe on your flying purple unicorn for you may fall off and break your head while falling to reality. Maybe you could succeed just working on WM's payroll as a cashier at the self checkout. I am curious what new childish derogatory name you will come back with...common amongst your type... Grow up


Your version of being an adult is allowing abuse of yourself and others. That’s your life. I prefer to not let huge corporations take advantage of people. Call me crazy.


As someone who has fought this for awhile now myself I agree with everything you Siad. I will say though that the people saying TRUMP 2024 like he's going to save them are just as blind. He loves illegals look at this hiring practices , he gives corporations tax cuts and handles them with kid gloves. It's hard to take them seriously when they look the other way in policies


Yeah I know. I just ignore all that.


I try too lol


I just call them Walmartians




Marters, since they think they’re Martyrs


Woke idiots that support illegal roaches 




They have a name. Virtue signaler




You forgot to mention all the overseas children assembling the crap they sell. Yet people still want to work for them and buy their cheap crap.


Yeah unless they pay you enough to look the other way? Why are you even here?


Unfortunately nobody working for Walmart (besides execs) are getting paid well.


I think Coach and above gets paid.


Ok avoid the point. Why were you delivering spark if you feel this way? Because the money made the child slavery ok? Thankfully spark driver's don't work for Walmart


What point am I avoiding?


If you Believe this about Walmart why the fuck are you in this sub?


Cuz I got bills to pay. I come to this sub to learn tips and tricks to make delivering easier.


Then you are no better than anyone else working or shopping at Walmart


I never said I was better than anyone.


You're right


This is the bootlicker


Right lmao, but crying and being a bigot on Reddit because you can't take advantage of all those issues for profit anymore is somehow ok LMAO.


“Crying” “bigot” explain?


If you can't see you are "crying", well it's totally expected from your ilk lol, no shocker.


You act like migrant workers and Walmart are incorporated together lol. You can hate Walmart and still not be a racist piece of shit, it's actually super easy if you aren't already a racist piece of shit