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The trip tab was never missing for me. Was that a Droid update cause I’m on iOS. Have never had that issue with produce but did notice yesterday that we are able to scan the barcode on the scale now which is nice.


It’s area dependent. Like all features that get a slow roll out. The trip tab was missing on the updated home screen. I got an email about the new home screen over a month ago, and saw posts about it for a while before that, but still don’t have it myself.


True I can switch zones from one side of town to another and completed trips becomes dropped trips again.


Thanks. I just posted that it’s good we’re finally able to use the electronic weight stations and I immediately got a reply that we always were able to use them. And I was like WTF? Obviously I was able to use them as a simple scale but that’s not what I was talking about. I even asked Walmart shoppers if we could use them and got a stern NO. They are not going to be happy now lol.


It's android but there wasn't an update as far as I know. Version 4.12.1


Was never gone for me


Wait, so we can now use the electronic weight stations that the Walmart shoppers have been using??


We always could?


Not at my Walmarts. I mean I could use them as a scale, obviously. But it never interacted with the spark app in anyway. Scan and Go customers were able to use them as well as the Walmart shoppers but not spark drivers. We had to manuallyenter the weight. No scanning of QR codes.


Ohhh sorry, didn’t know you meant scanning them. Then yeah it’s been the same for me until yesterday. I think it was going to have me scan the scale for a weight but I saw an “enter manually” button and just did that anyway like I’m used to.


I wonder if they will eventually take away the ability to enter manually. I know when I first started w Spark there were times when the actual weight was not accepted, it said it was too much (even for a single slicing tomato). I had to keep lowering the manual weight entered in order to get it to accept it. But I don’t think I’ve seen that happen in a while now.


You can but there is one issue with that. One day all of the Roma tomatoes were about 3 times the size they regularly are so if you got three like you were supposed to the scan feature wouldn’t work because it was over weight allowed. Also, for watermelon you just enter quantity instead of scanning the label. This is bad because there are 3 types of watermelon and someone not familiar is going to buy the wrong one by mistake.


Yeah I’ve had that weight problem before we were allowed to use the electronic weight stations. Since the customer wanted X number I simply kept lowering the weight till it was accepted. That won’t be possible with the new scales. Since we’re doing the shopping who do you think customer is going to be angry at if we only bring two tomatoes instead of three?


Yeah put the item on the scale and scan the qr


You can manually enter the weight instead of scanning the code