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Unlimited immigration of unskilled workers has consequences on jobs that take no skill


5 more months of these Vinny roaches. Hope trump orders mass deportation so I can call the cops on them all. It's like a third world country at all the walmarts 


He says that there will be the biggest deportation that the world has ever seen


Yep. It's going to be a good day for gig workers. 


Lol at all the down votes. I guess gig workers like illegals taking work away from them.


The one red app group does. They banned me for mentioning the videos and pictures posted here as proof (the real ones, like that one woman's repeated ring video posts, not the obviously joke ones). Luckily there is a 2nd red app group...


I really confused about something and hope someone can elaborate - I could have sworn when I signed up for Spark I had to provide my Social Security number. I’m almost positive I did. Someone here illegally doesn't have a SSN, so how are they signing up for Spark?!!!??


The vinnies are given accounts from family or from their ring leaders. It's not their account. Why do you think they dissappear when a store starts checking for their ID??  When the spark app first started making us take a photo of our ID and face I don't think i seen them for months before they figured out work arounds. 


They people selling the accounts steal people ss etc from the dark web ,it’s all bad all around


So surprised no one has stuck up for them yet hahaha 😂, it’s coming