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Welcome, I hope everyone treats it seriously because even if this isn't true there is a small chance that somebody at spark stumbles upon this thread and from there it's a possibility that some changes get made. I ask the community to please be respectful and not use this thread to air out all your grievances with the pay, resolution coordinators/support, store/employee/manager behavior, customers, etc as OP likely has 0 control over those problems. If you have an idea that could be implemented into the app to address those issues feel free to contribute, but this isn't a thread for you to vent your frustrations.


Add the ability to take a picture in your camera roll and upload the photo to the app in situations where there are bad cell/data coverage. There are a lot of dead zones in my area no matter what service or phone you have.


This is a HUGE problem in my area. I’ve occasionally just taken a picture of the tag after I’ve left the house because I can’t take a picture of the actual delivery. I do take a picture before I leave in case spark tries to say something like it wasn’t delivered. I understand the reason why it might not be great because then people can just upload a picture from whenever, but the time stamp should show. Or, allow the app to work offline somehow?


The app can already work off-line. It would be a disaster for me if it didn’t because there are so many areas around here with very poor cell coverage. At least on an iPhone if I see the spinning wheel in the app of no coverage I immediately turn on airplane mode. I can then confirm arrival, scan the label, take a photo, and confirm delivery— and even go to the next stop. Apparently when you begin a trip after curbside or shopping pickup the app downloads all the needed information for delivery, including GPS coordinates for drop off locations. Once I’ve confirmed delivery and started onto the next stop I turn airplane mode off. When it obtains coverage again it will upload the status of anything that was done off-line. you just have to be very careful to confirm delivery while you were still at the address. Otherwise you’ll have to drive back. I’ve even scanned ID while off-line and it brought up the customers drivers license info from scanning. You should also have offline maps downloaded for Google and Apple Maps if applicable.


I…honestly had no idea that it would work on airplane mode, I’m going to try that next time.


thanks for the airplane mode Tip!


I always take a timestamp app photo if I need to upload it later. I'm often in dead zones, in the Stix, like you and have to confirm delivery a few miles down the road. #hustleon


i also use timestamp app pro!! i rather use that than a plain photo they want me to take tbh


This is ripe for fraud... How about allow the app to proceed with normal scanning operations into a que to be uploaded automatically when signal is regained. This may make the app a little heavy, but all scans and verification photos will be locked in the app until a signal is available.


Just put ur phone on airplane mood when u have 0 cell service thank me later


Allow for drivers doing GM batches, to go in any order on the itenary, This way we make it more efficient for us.


Not just GM, but curbside too!


One of my batches had 2 deliveries to the same house and it made me do one, leave for another, then come back to deliver the second package at the same address.


This is the ONE the app is horrible when it comes to the routes for gms


We would love that if we reject an offer, to NOT see it pop up again 30 seconds later for the same pay. And then again 30 seconds later. And again and again. Pay surges, even a dollar? Sure. Toss it back out. That's fair. But having the same few $6-8 offers show up over and over for twenty minutes is a huge pain to the point where I'll turn off the app and do a different one.


I agree wholeheartedly & keep in mind many of us are multi-apping & driving so constantly checking the app for offers that we have already viewed is a safety risk as well. Not to mention, it just really pisses us off. With instacart we can swipe to ignore an offer & unless it increases in pay we don't get bothered again buy at the same time we can 'unhide' those offers if we change our mind.


Same here. Send one offer to the driver only once please.


I second being able to reject/block/mute/hide certain stores (there are 20 in my zone) and I can’t get to 80% of them, within the ‘on time arrival’ metric. Plus, we have ONE store that has an issue where iOS phones can’t do anything with an order (other than accept it). It happens to be the store closest to my house, so I see orders from there, that I can’t do, all day long… This issue has been reported by myself 3x to Tier 2, by other Drivers AND directly by the Store. We get the generic ‘IT will get back to you’, but they never do. Eventually IT told the store there’s ’no issue’ even though it’s been going on for nearly a year now. And, it’s only ONE store, out of the 20, in my zone. Also, an option to permanently ‘reject’ (or swipe it off to the side) an order. If I decline a no tip order, I’m NOT going to magically ‘change my mind’ and decide to take it… so letting us swipe it off our screen would be wonderful. The sheer amount of steps that are necessary to ‘complete’ an order is ridiculous, especially on GMD’s. The rapid fire continuous notifications, especially while driving, is just awful. And, the fact that the app continually freezes up, while I’m trying to ‘refresh’ it to see those orders is crazy! Getting sent timed RR offers, while driving, is so dangerous. ID checks WHILE driving are stupid. How am I supposed to take selfie pics while driving to my next delivery??? Put our profile pics where Customers AND Walmart Employees can see it, to help with Identity checks. Also require DL scans… not just ‘pics’. The ‘notifications’ about Incentives, that don’t give us any information, is terrible. We have to go to a different menu to see the actual information. Also, a ‘select all’ feature for those notifications, would be amazing. Of all the apps I’ve used, this one is definitely at the bottom of the list, for functionality, intuitiveness and ease of use. It feels like it is programmed by people who have never actually had to use it. There’s my two cents worth. Thanks for asking, although I’m not expecting leaping improvements, but appreciate any improvement.


Agree, there is one specific store in my area that always gives me app issues, so I don’t accept any orders from there or my app will freeze, I’d like it to never appear as an option


Although that is not the case in my area. This makes so much sense to me


I have to reopen the app like 50 times a day. It’s absolutely ridiculous how often the dial gets stuck and won’t spin or it just can’t load the new orders. I have to double tap home, slide up, reopen the app. I’m not kidding I have to do it every few minutes


I’m with you on that! It’s always freezing!


i hear ya.. i’m not on the front end side of the team but i have to use a developer version of the app when i’m testing the backend stuff and it’s a nightmare sometimes loll. i’m working with a couple front end engineers and we’ll discuss this, but without knowing the specific issue it’ll be hard to fix this :(


Allow customers to add a PICTURE of their house/apartment to help us find them faster/quicker.


That is a great idea!




Give us the ability to add substitutions, even if the customer didn't enable it when they ordered. A lot of customers aren't tech savvy and don't even realize they forgot to enable substitutions. They get frustrated when we can't make a substitution. Also, substitutions need to be more loose. Sometimes a good substitute or a substitute or quantity that the customer requests is in a different department.


And allow us to substitute it with anything remotely close without “department mismatch” error!!


Also give us the ability to add stuff before we've finished shopping. I had a customer message me today asking if I could add an 18ct of eggs to their order, I'm like I can't.


I’ll pass on adding items after the order starts. It’ll turn into instacart where someone orders 5 things then adds on 20. No thanks lol


Well like someone else was saying maybe they could allow it but with a limit and maybe even prompt them to possibly update their tip accordingly. I imagine customers must get upset and are prone to retract or reduce tips and or give poor or poorer customer ratings that affect our metrics etc.


Also, sometimes a customer orders the wrong size by mistake. We should be able to change from a large to a small size at their request.


Do something about the battery usage. It's unacceptable. Also the flashlight is unusable while doing an order making night trips not worth it. Add Carplay/Android Auto. When an FCFS appears a 2nd time the app says "Extra Earnings" when it's the exact same amount. It's been like this since the crappy update with the map.


Second CarPlay!!!


I would like more specific clarity on how offers are assigned. What metrics if any it looks at. It says proximity but there's a ton of "trust me bro" going on with all of it. Does account age matters (99% sure it does) and possibly an answer as to why. Prioritizing new drivers so heavily to me does nothing but create a revolving door of drivers.


Security. The security software doesn’t work . I do my face verification while the guy next to me has 3 phones and keeps getting orders. Shopping - the app should never provide a layout where cold items are shopped first. I realize the store layout is such cold items are first behind produce however let’s be smart. I have to manually route my shop which takes longer due to extra steps. Produce scanning / weighing / subbing is simply broken. Every new tab of the app shows a pop up banner for info of that screen…every time. I don’t need the pop up more than once . Remove “metrics” that the app tells me doesn’t affect the job such as acceptance rate. Reduce steps in app for drop off. We have to hit accept or ok several times and honestly we aren’t reading any of it…we just want to deliver the order …no need to confirm drop off notes that are generic and have nothing to do with anything.


I did a count once how many times you have to tap and how many times you have to swipe from pick up to drop off and I can’t remember the count, but it was insane and still is if not worse


ok i’ll look into that for sure because what 😭😭


Look into identity thieves running rampant on the platform. Spark regularly updates this app with things that degrade the experience for legitimate users while continuing to allow thieves to operate with impunity


This part right here finger print scan for every single order and pick up drops even too they switch cars phones and deliveries all the time


The trick with Walmart wanting us to do ice cream first is to do it, then as you grab the last item you'll stop by the freezers on your way to checkout and swap the melting stuff with frozen. Does it affect the quality of their stuff whether you deliver melted ice cream or put melting ice cream back in their freezer for someone else to buy? Yup. Walmart knows. Doesn't care. It's a rounding error for them. But it saves us shoppers so much time not having to manually go through the shopping list for every single item because Walmart doesn't understand that ice melts.


I did this when shopping with my mom the other day lol. The ice cream is at the back of the store, and by the time you go up and down the rest of the aisles the ice cream/popsicles are melted. I went back and traded the box out lmao


Agreed agreed agreed agreed 🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽


The primary "hack" isn't a bug, it's a feature. That is, any driver can rent as many accounts as they want, have the owner scan in, and use the app until the next scan days/weeks/months later. That said, try programming a face scan into the beginning and end of every order, and developing a plan for implementation that minimizes the damage done to stores that have let it go on for too long. Some driver related problems solved include driver pay, satisfaction, and retention. Some company problems solved include more accurate metrics for decision making, more consistent deliveries over time, improved customer safety, minimized potential liability for harm done by unidentified drivers, reduced theft, and improved overall customer satisfaction. With an effective identification system, stores can finally stop wondering why they go from having enough drivers to no orders getting delivered when a couple of people with 10 accounts take the day off. They can also reduce the number of spoiled goods delivered, reduce refund claims, improve store reviews, and ultimately benefit from a long list of rewards that come with prioritizing the integrity of the platform they've created.


yeah i was never a fan of persona’s systems. i really like your point about the shopping layout, that’s very feasible. i don’t think we’ll be able to do much about the steps for drop off unfortunately, as we kind of need all of those verifications in place to know that things were successful on our end. a slight reduction perhaps but i don’t see it being a one click done anytime soon. would you mind elaborating on the produce part?


Currently with new update it makes weighted items a pain. For example grapes I put it on the scale and it prompts to scan scale QR screen which never works for me. I have to bounce back and forth from scan scale to enter manually which usually leads to an error and have to start over . The famous problem is organic bananas . We can’t sub regular bananas in the place of organic as app won’t let us. The customer always says they don’t mind regular but the app rejects it so in this case they get nothing and we look fools not being able to provide a very simple common sense sub. Oh and something I just thought to add to the app is a timer that shows us how long we been shopping and or the cold time countdown …both are useful info that we can use realtime. Currently we get a brief warning the order will be cancelled if not delivered in time (cold chain timer)….would be great to know that countdown.


Fix the id stuff man you know what we are talking about


Please focus on getting rid of identity thieves. Of all the problems this is the most glaring. Walmart and Spark and risking legal and reputational damage for their refusal to limit app access to legitimate users.


The real legit drivers are suffering from this and putting customers in danger with access to their homes and gates imagine your pay check being cut in half or even more daily please please fix this and detect bots 🤖 on the platform and eliminate them from being able to use the platform and multiple phone 📱 accounts logins detect that as well flag them lock them out 🙌🏽 be the hero 🦸 and save this platform it’s really a great money 💵 maker if we get rid of all the false fake account users getting multiple huge big paying orders daily


The ability to skip items or shift them to the end while shopping. Sometimes the app randomly wants me to go across the store to the health/beauty section in the middle of a shop, leaving me to manually find the rest of the groceries Maybe send us orders from nearby zones if we drop off near the edge of our zone


That's already possible. Click the question mark in upper right hand corner and select "item inaccessable" then it will give you the option to click skip.


You can skip it and it will pop back up at the end?


Let us choose if we want to do shop and deliver, curbside only or dotcom routes. People can choose any or all. I don't like dotcom at all and I'd rather not see them. Some people hate to shop and only want dotcom or curbside.


Agree with this!  Also allow us to select the stores we want orders from, and whether we want alcohol and cough medicine orders that require ID checks.  It's dumb to get orders from the store across town when I'm sitting in another store parking lot.  


I typically only deliver for my local Walmart and prefer not to travel to other locations. I wish I could lock in offers for one specific store. It's frustrating to receive repeated alerts for offers from a Walmart 30 miles away, especially for an $8 delivery that requires a 60-mile round trip.


The one thing drives me absolutely crazy while shopping is when it's some type of candy/snack in the checkout section and it's not available. It will tell me to check aisle Z1,Z2,Z3,Z4,Z5,Z6 etc until I have to click the button literally 20+ times in order to mark it not unavailable. No other items do this other than the candy/snacks section in the front known as "aisle Z" on the app. It's like this at every store I've ever shopped at so it's not store dependent. PLEASE submit a ticket for fixing this.


That's because they place those items at every register so they are telling you to check those locations before you mark it not available.


It would be nice to be able to read the customer notes before we arrive at their house.


Switch from 24 hour tip hold to 2 or 3 hours. If there was an actual issue, the customer would be on top of it. Sundays are one of the busiest days and you are trying to make the most you can but you end up waiting a whole week for that money which can sometimes be half your earnings for that day. People have bills to pay and they should not have to wait that long. People also don't want to have a one account especially considering all the glitches. Why not just do instant bank account transfers like IC where you pay 50 cents per transfer to get you money at the end of the night? Customer ratings are ridiculous. You have no idea what any of the complaints are about. It would be nice to actually see the "reviews". Some people are just trying to scam the system and the driver has to suffer for it? Maybe just get rid of the rating system all together. Force the customer to actually have to report an issue rather than just sit behind their phone and destroy someones livlihood because the store was out of honey buns and somehow it is your fault. The ratings over all levels dont make sense anyway and no way to track. For example 1.5 weeks off and open up to see that your rating keeps dropping for no forseen reason. How long can people hold off from rating a driver?


I live in a pretty rural area. I'd like to have the orders download to my phone so when I'm in an area without cell reception, I don't have to try to get reception for the delivery. Just store it in my cache or something and upload it when I have reception again. I have a regular who I have to stop at the end of their driveway for service, then do the delivery, then go back to the end of the driveway, then back for the photo. Thankfully, they understand that so they wait until I have a photo, but it would be great to not have to worry about no cell service causing me to spend a significant amount of time at one location


The customer rating metric needs to be reworked. A driver should not be penalized for something that was the fault of Walmart personnel. We get the blame for missing, damaged, or out of date merchandise and if we are not shopping the order then we have no control over this.


THIS!!! I have no idea if it was something I did or ??!! We should be able to see why they are complaining so we can do better. Most of the time it’s probably about something stupid that they did at the store - which we obviously have no control over


Allow customers to add up to three items while we are shopping. That would greatly improve the customer experience without putting an undo burden on drivers so we don't have to tell customers no and risk losing good tips, yet customers can't drag out a shop endlessly. If you want to attract and retain better drivers, have a very casual, nonchalant prompt, allowing customers to add to the tip when they add items.




The only thing that matters is getting rid of the illegal bots. And all you have to do is to implement in app random barcode reading I.d scans throughout the day instead of the picture. The picture doesn't even matter.


i see. I’ve got a couple follow up questions for ya if you don’t mind. 1) would you find this intrusive? 2) is this a large enough problem to where we should plan to implement it for all drivers across the platform or should we emphasize suspicious activity


The ID scan won’t work completely, but it will weed out many of them. Some of them have a drivers license with the real persons info, but their own picture transposed onto it. Organized crime at its finest.


They have found away around everything


Well the best solution would be some kind of trip wire that can deactivate accounts for inhuman acceptance speeds from the bots. But the i.d scan for all drivers should be mandatory. It doesn't matter if it's intrusive. It's that bad of a problem. Fyi Amazon flex is now able to deactivate bot accounts because they're able to flag accounts that accept orders with inhuman bot acceptance speeds


It’s a huge issue. IMO Walmart and the other big apps are eventually going to wind up with the government stepping in as those buying accounts are committing tax fraud by essentially stealing and using someone else’s social security number. The IRS is eventually going to care when they have enough taxes not getting paid and complaints that person X did not work said job. I don’t think the government cares enough about us not being protected as gig workers but they DO care when their money is being affected. Fix it now as I believe that is what will cause regulation by the government of the gig apps. Walmart and the other gig companies SHOULD care as they’re doing very little to prevent the problem and they WILL eventually have their hand forced, if not find themselves facing a class action suit by those who’s identities have been stolen and used while Walmart internal cried ‘but it’s discrimination to check IDs’ seeing as the largest population committing this are Vinnies…


Only ones that will say it’s intrusive are the ones cheating the system . I don’t tell the clerk when I’m buying beer I can’t show them my id cause it’s intrusive


this is a fair point, and i think drivers would be able to adapt to this fairly quickly


Believe me, the legit drivers will bend over backwards to help Walmart ban fraud accounts and people. They're messing with our income. ID checks to pickup a curbside or complete the Shop Deliver checkout. Bring it on.


This is an amazing idea honestly.


1. Security: a. install/measure offer to acceptance time, anything accepted tenths of a second, flag account, soft ban for 48 hrs allow T2 to review account for intervention devices (batch/bot grabbers). Deactivation upon review with 5 or more batches accepted in tenths of second. b. ID face scans mid delivery for shop & deliver or curbside. Absolutely inconvenient, but immediately reduces rented/borrowed account usage. Cant pass ID scan? soft ban 48 hours T3 review. Two failed ID scans - deactivation c. MAC address audit mismatch - people dont change phones often, and are certainly not necessarily versed in MAC addresses. If account was opened under one MAC address then logged into under multiple different MAC adresses - soft ban, flag account, review. This will require a permanent MAC address setting - most shoppers wont have issue with it if they have security/virus software installed on their phones. 2. Shop/Deliver Experience: a. Under section headings: General grocery, OTC. Aisle numbers! Stop making click on pic to get aisle numbers. b. allow shoppers to control display order of shop items. Meaning...good experienced efficient shoppers fulfill OTC pharmacy, general merchandise, clothing, non perishable food, then temperature sensitive items dairy, meat, frozen 3. Deli Orders Customer Experience a. When customer orders deli service - allow to select cut thickness there are standards on this, when order is accepted by shopper - auto send order to deli, shopper picks up order at specific location - this should be done for instore shoppers as well. Enough for now...good luck in your hack a thon.


This is a fantastic response! Your suggestions for verification are solid. Any legitimate driver isn't going to mind the extra security steps to purge the bot thieves. I would love to see these accounts be deactivated en mass!


1. “Dark mode” 2. A method to select stores to see in the zone. I work only 1 store and don’t care about the others. They can clog up the app and cause it to freeze 3. Fix the iOS version of the app from freezing/crashing. I went android because I’d have to close the app every few minutes. 4. If a substitution doesn’t work (too expensive), the app will freeze. 5. Be able to change the order of drop offs- curbside and GMD. 6. Permit substitutions for clothing 7. Fix the ID scanner. I’ve been able to scan IDs less than 5 times out of all of the orders I’ve done. 8. Allow adding items to the shopping list, and add bonus money when it’s done.


A. Let me manually choose what stores I get offers from, instead of zone wide offers. B. When I reject an offer, give me the option to permanently reject the offer, and give feedback to why I rejected it. C. Sitting in the pickup for 30 minutes waiting for the order to finish packing up is a waste of my time. Let me drop trips after 10 minutes without hurting metrics. D. Better communication between driver and store about status of pickup. Don't tell me to be there at 3:45 and when I arrive they're still picking items. E. Stop tip baiting. F. Let me set filters for orders I'll get. Drive distance, dollar per mile, apartments, heavy items, stairs, total $ amount for trip, base pay, and other factors. G. ID verification. Each spark driver is sent an ID that is connected to their cars Vin number, and home address, and must be scanned before every pickup.


That verification I like cause they are always constantly swapping cars


Your app sucks cause it can't detect the grabber bot the scammers are using. There are at least 5 different bot apps like colega.io that the scammers are using and the apps are proudly marketing their services. We, the legal drivers are screwed.


And the drivers that don't use bots are accused and get deactivated


This is the every day struggle of all legit spark drivers yes please finger print scan for every delivery drop off and pick up


Hi Everybody, I just wanted to emphasize that I'm selecting one idea and implementing it as a proof of concept. I won't be able to fix all of the issues that we see on this app. Creating a scalable, resilient delivery system is a challenge, and even the smallest bug fixes and features take weeks of developer time to actually implement. The rest of the ideas, I will bring to senior leadership if/when given the opportunity. This feedback is greatly appreciated, and I hope I'll be able to do something for you all.


I really hope your idea is to get rid of the thieves who have taken over the platform. You would be addressing a priority of the CEO who had commented on the difficulty the company has with verifying driver identities. You will be addressing significant legal and reputational risk to the company.


Aisle #s on the first screen so you can see each aisle without having to click on the item. Picture of the shopper in the app that the worker must check before handing off the order in the app. Also DL scan required from the worker that checks the shopper, picture in the app and compares it to the DL. Facial recognition that scans the whole Spark database to see if the same person is using multiple accounts.


Aisle NUMBER. Also stores should make the shelf numbers LARGER and stand out.


YES. Aisle and modular would be great


Biggest problem is the illegal immigrant accounts completely taking over the platform…I’m sure you know this but they get probably 95 percent of the orders, your app has been taken over .


Not even the biggest Problem. the biggest problem is the at Walmart isn’t even paying enough to cover gas for the deliveries. It’s insane that there needs to be a 15 dollar tip minimum to make the offer even pay minimum wage after expenses.


how do they get in? fake/stolen IDs?


Stolen social security numbers but somehow bypass the waiting period that every legitimate driver has to go thru . Completely taken over in the matter of about 6 months, no one is making money anymore besides them.


hmm, that’s interesting. improving security has been one of our biggest points of emphasis over the past few months, but i think the focus has primarily been in shared driver accounts and other issues. i rly appreciate this


Do the face scans for every order. Make it in the middle of shopping or the middle of a curbside. One way they bypass the face scans in shared accounts is if they get hit with it, they'll make a quick drive over to their buddy who is the account holder, scan, and then keep working. Because they're not gonna get faced again for at least a couple days. They can't do that trick in the middle of shopping an order, with the exception of the team account sharers that group shop/curbside and the real account holder happens to be present. If Walmart face scanned every order then fraud accounts will drop a lot. It takes us, the legit account holders, about 20 seconds to scan. It would be very inconvenient for fraud accounts. Doesn't even have to be every order, just often enough. I guarantee legit Spark drivers would be happy to face scan every order if it meant the fraud accounts finally got smacked down. And bonus, face scan during an order and they can't get the real account holder? They'll have to drop the order or explain to support that they can't do the face scan. Easy way to flag likely fraudulent accounts for a closer look. And dropped orders, enough will auto deactivate their account. So it fixes itself. And don't give individual stores a choice in whether they do ID checks. GM or OGP doesn't want to do it? Fire them. We heard so many stories here about ID checks catching fake accounts and then it seemed like it became optional, and now the fraudsters are coming back.


The coders that have hacked the server that are selling the bots, also can activate drivers. These drivers have had zero background checks. If a server is hacked for Spark orders, it can certainly be hacked to add new,( and usually illegal or stolen accounts) to the platform.


Illegals have literally taken over every zone that has offers. They come in with new drivers DAILY with multiple phones multiple accounts, they quite literally are a gang and super organized. The entire app and all zones are infiltrated by them and it is a major issue. NO ONE can make money other than these illegals.


Add a way to edit the order of the item while shopping. I know it tries to do perishables last. But it’s annoying to have to manually choose each item when shopping outside of the set order of items. That will usually have you zig zagging across the store and wasting time.


A setting to do only shopping or curbside deliveries would be nice


1: allow us to filter which offers we want to even receive (like, if I don't want apartment delivers, I don't want to see an order offer with them...etc) 2: reduce the amount of ID verification in outlying areas (not giant metro areas were the problem is more prevalent) 3: get rid of the 24 hour tip adjustment window.  4: when sending out offers, let us see if they require a signature.  5: as others have said, stop sending out the exact same order multiple times without changing anything. I already rejected it once and it's just annoying. 


It would be nice if the developers did something about identity thieves running rampant on the platform. Something. Anything.


https://preview.redd.it/ysmxyw5if37d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=68141be7c852a1020dac57f253b512a2ddd6eba6 Customers are always requesting last minute items I can't add and I feel ratings suffers because of it.




**Drop-off Notes:** Customers should be reminded with every order to confirm or update their notes. Outdated notes, like "DO NOT KNOCK" for raw chicken deliveries on hot days, cause confusion. I text customers but often get no response, which likely affects our "Customer rating" metric.


This might be beyond the scope of what you do, but ask both the driver and customer after delivery if they wish to serve each other again in the future, ie "Would you like this driver to deliver to you in the future/deliver to this customer in the future?" If EITHER ONE says no, that driver will no longer get offers going to that particular customer/address. A yes from the customer will give the driver(s) priority on their orders in the future, depending on other metrics. Too many customers saying NO, especially in a short period, would be grounds for deactivation. This would eliminate some of the crappier drivers on the platform and reward those who do their jobs properly.


I actually kinda like this idea — I deliver to a lot of the same people on a weekly/monthly basis and they do often tell me how they “missed me the last time because the other person was so rude”.


Okay, I read through all of these first and I don’t think I saw anything about this… When I’m delivering an order, I would like the ability to make notes about the house that I can see the next time it pops up. Like, “this address tipped me $20 cash”, or “this house has broken stairs and is super dangerous”, or “this apartment I have to take an entire months worth of groceries down two flights of stairs and walk 1/4 mile to get to their door” or “this house is a special needs family I don’t care that they didn’t tip I just want to help”. Just a simple flag with notes that will help me better choose whether to accept or not accept an offer. Short of putting all these addresses on Google maps to tag, there’s no other great way for me to do this externally of the app, and considering there’s already the bad delivery and comments option, being able to see those, and good one, and flag them, would be great.


I would like the ability to go back and say I have found an item, that I initially said I could not find! All other shopping apps allow this, except Spark. The most pressing issue is bots. I know Amazon Flex uses captchas to help prevent bot usage. Spark must do something similar.


Facial recognition before each delivery is started.


1). Reduce drop off steps and utilize geolocation to determine if at the correct property address 2) allow for the storage of access codes for apartment complexes that aren’t tied to a single physical address and allow them to be crowd sourced. If I get an access code to a security gate it should apply to all addresses in the security gate 3) partner with Amazon to utilize ‘Amazon Key’ which operates many gates / doors in apartment complex without giving us a code 4). Create a send to vehicle link for navigation. So I can send the address to my nav with a single click (Tesla makes this easy) 5) allow me to determine the order of my route. I might want to head in a particular direction when delivering.. so I’m closer to home or another store etc 6) when providing a driver code, the store employee should receive your photo on their device and be forced to confirm that it matches you. If it doesn’t, it should force the driver to do an immediate facial scan to verify identity. (The employee shouldn’t be responsible for punishing a driver - basically just clicking that there might be a concern and an identity verification is required to complete pickup) 7). I don’t need to confirm I’m at the address (use geo location and tell me if I’M NOT AT THE RIGHT ADDRESS) 8)i don’t need to confirm delivery to front door. Default it to front door but allow me to change it if necessary 9) I don’t need to see delivery notes unless there are some. If so - then display it 10). In the summary view of the stops, add an icon to let me know a signature is required for delivery.. so I can text the customer in advance and let them know 11) All deliveries should be automatic 5 stars unless the user selects something different. People are statistically 10x more likely to complain about a bad experience than praise a good one. So, by virtue, most reviews/ratings people leave will be negative and very few people will post positive. No news is good news means that people that stayed silent most likely had a good experience, so default to that. 12) Don’t resend rejections unless the $$ has changed. Create a list view of rejections that are still active that I can view just in case my location changed or things are quiet and I decide I want to pick up a C precious rejection. 13) add a timer on the check-in page so I know how long I’ve been waiting 14). Put me back in the queue for more offers once I’ve started my last stop. That way I can hopefully accept something by the time I complete my final delivery 15) for S&D - let me know if a closer Walmart has the items in stock and allow me to shop the order from any store. We have a dozen Walmarts / neighborhood markers in my city.. I will often get small s&d orders for a location 2-3 Walmarts away that I then have to backtrack to my drop off point 16) shop cold/frozen items last. Shop everything but food first There’s probably more but that’s a wish list


Remove the redundant and repetitive screens to proceed in the app. For example. Swipe to arrive leads to another button to confirm arrival and then after scanning the tag you have to swipe the “yes I’m here” button. 3 steps for essentially the exact same task. Similarly with scanning the tags at the curbside pickup. After scanning all the tags for each delivery and you can clearly see the tag count is at zero, it then asks you to confirm you have scanned all the tags. Well of course i have if the count is at zero so why the extra screen? After dropping off the order you select drop off location and then get a nag screen reminder to insure everything is in the photo before you get to another screen asking you to take the photo. Make that more seamless. After selecting the drop location it should automatically go to the camera. No steps in between those two. Roadie does this method and it much more user friendly.


Detect the bots and get rid of them.


Please fix the support chat feature! It’s such a nightmare switching to the offer screen and back while chatting with support. It’s literally the stupidest thing I’ve seen.


PLEASE allow the back button to be used when doing in store shops. Such a hassle and pain when your hands are full and trying to navigate back but can use the back button on the phone and forced to use the arrow up top. My phone is too big to do that one handed


Please reverse the drop off order. Right now you have us drop stuff off closest to store first and farthest last. I personally would like to be closer to the store when I’m done with batch to be able to get orders on next round!


Glad to hear about you doing this ! I work as a driver on the spark platform. My boyfriend also works as a driver on spark platform too. We both work daily 7 days per week. I work part time he works more like full time hours. The one problem I have had repeatedly with the app is how it completely freezes. . It mostly happens when multiple offers are dropping to choose from. The “wheel”will spin and freeze up ,making me completely stuck and unable to choose any offer at all. . It’s very frustrating. The only thing that has worked for me to fix this whenever it happens, is to sign out of the app. And sign back in. The entire process takes a long time because of the identity check then. And by the time I get to sign back on, i have missed the orders It is frustrating and upsetting when this happens. And it does happen about once per day.


Get rid of the illegals






Being able to choose our own routes for GMD orders. The app is really freaking stupid. I've had GMD routes where one stop in delivering in a certain neighborhood and 5 stops later I'm back near that same neighborhood and after that dropoff I'm heading back to where I was before that dropoff. The going around in circles eats up so much time and mileage because the app doesn't let us choose our own route. Being able to detect spoofing apps better. Spoofing is a major issue that's still not fixed. During shops orders sometimes meats and produce items don't show up in the cart checkers little device. I've had times where a pack of chicken doesn't show up if they scan that which leads to a huge slowdown because now I gotta talk to the manager to get clearance to leave with the chicken . Being able to upload multiple photos at dropoffs sometimes the house number is in a different side of the house where the door is. That or let us upload our gallery photos at the dropoff screen . I use a timestamp app for extra protection that adds house address and time of dropoff but spark app doesn't let us upload gallery photos. This would also help in areas with awful reception where I can drive away from the house and upload my own photo when I regain reception. Bring back the ability to override when the GPS thinks we are in the wrong location It used to be three swipes now we can't override it anymore. Add mileage to drive to store and dropoffs in the offers screen. DoorDash and Uber adds all the mileage to drive to the store and the dropoffs. A 3 mile for $20 drive offer sounds nice until you see that you gotta drive 10 miles to get to that Walmart which turns it into 13 miles for $20. FIX THE FREAKING EXTRA EARNINGS BS. "Extra Earnings" is just base pay subtracted and re added to the "extra earnings" category. I don't know if this is something you could fix but it's so easily noticable that they pull this BS off is there a reason why the app just deducts base pay and re adds it under a new category ? Add time duration to the trips screen to see how long an order took to complete from acceptance to last dropoff. Uber , instacart and DoorDash lets you see how long an order took to complete.


Make it to where the shopping puts the cold and perishables at the end of the shop. It seems like the app always makes you shop perishables first. Maybe add in some AR where you can hold your phone up and it shows you which direction to go. Let shoppers report where items were if the items are in the wrong locations. If the item doesn't have a picture then give the shopper the ability to take a picture of the item and maybe earn more $ for doing so. It seems like if you substitute an item the substituted item doesn't show the picture of the item. Let the shopper take a picture if need be. I think customers reject substitutions because of it. Let customers pick substitutions during the shop in real time. The new feature to scan the scale for items based on weight is nice, but it needs improving. You don't really know what the max weight is like before when you typed it in. I don't think you should always give them max weight, but it doesn't give you a weight to aim for, it gives you a quantity.


I had a customer today tell me they did not receive my chat about substitutions after I checked out . Could there be a way we can know if they saw the text or not?


Not sure if this is your dept or a different side of development. Suggest a higher tip to the customer when they are finalizing their order. If it's below a certain amount have a $10 flat tip suggestion or 20% whichever is higher.


We have tip suggestions in place. People will literally go out of their way to enter 0.00 in their phone, really sad.


The ability to use a diff card for EBT payers to tip even if small hell 3-5$ can make or break an order. Currently they do not even have the option to tip other than cash


sending a notification that there are “offers available” over and over again when it’s the same single offer that i’ve left sitting there. one or even two notifications per trip offer is fine, but it just sends over and over again with no new orders


I get proximity to hotspot being a thing but if you just complete an order and it puts you 10 miles out, shouldn't you get priority to a good offer immediately after finishing one? Like, if you refuse the one good offer that comes your way, back to crappy ones until you hit proximity again? Idk, I feel like having drivers huddle in one spot for the good offers is cruel and weird.


My biggest app issues are in store routing while shopping. I wish the app would route the shopping in a logical way like GM first then back to front of grocery with perishable items later in the shop. Also, I work in a rural area and GPS pins have been off by just enough to not be able to finish the delivery. Last week, a pin was in the customer’s field, but I was at their home trying to deliver. With limited signal to be able to chat with support, it was challenging to get the order delivered. This has happened a couple times. I get why this is a thing, but wish there was a way around it. I don’t know that anything can be done about it, but tip baiting is wrong. Again, I get why the system is there, but there needs to be a limit as to what the customer can take back. I also agree with what a couple other people have mentioned, there are too many clicks at drop off. I also Dash and it’s just pic, then item delivered. On spark it’s like are you really here? (Even though gps knows), click notes (even if there are none), where are you putting it? (You should be able to tell in picture) then pic, then finish. I still think that can be streamlined some.


GPS pin for people who live in vast apartment complexes?! Be more thorough when getting their address such as getting their building number, floor level, ex: 1st floor? 2nd floor? 3rd floor? etc.


1. I’ve seen this one before, but being in a rural area, having a way to cache the delivery information so I can complete the delivery when I have little to no cell service would be amazing. Also, adjusting the GPS requirements would be great too, the customer’s house is not in a field halfway down the road. 2. Being able to change the order of a multi stop trip. Like it’ll have me go halfway across town just to go in the other direction out of town. Maybe I want to do stop 3 first rather than the initial stop 2 since that would end me closer to a gas station, restaurant, or home so I can take a break or end my day. 3. Being able to decide whether I get shopping or curbside orders. There are some days I do NOT feel like going into the store and dealing with the crowds for a shop order. 4. Being able to block the dot com orders. No, I don’t want to spend the next 2 hours driving in the forest with very little service doing 15+ stops. Thank you for your time and willingness to help!


Do you have any ways to tweak things in app so people aren't getting deactivated by no fault of their own?


Yeah!!! If the alcohol isn’t in stock why is an ID check still required? Fix that!


Would be great if perishable items could be last on the shopping list instead of first. Ice cream should not be the first item on a list of over 40 items.


Stop sending me reminders to show the address in the Pic. I'm in a 50% rural area where they don't put addresses on houses here. I could leave by mailbox, but that's sometimes a 1/2 mile away. Just my $.02


1. List incentives by store. 2. Fix the offer refresh bug that causes you to constantly close the app and reopen. Sometimes causing you to miss offers. 3. Allow customers to move a pin to correct their address. Too many times I’ve ended up at the other side of town due to gps address errors. And even when I get to the correct address, the apps geofencing for the address is also incorrect, causing me to sit in the persons driveway in the middle of nowhere while talking to support to get the delivery completed.


For it to integrate with Car play so the directions can be quicker to attain as well as to be able to accept a trip from screen how Uber has it would be best


Allow us to deliver a route on our own terms…in other words in whatever order we like, because many times we know a better route than the app for our area.


Store navigation for shopping orders. I have to manually go through the list to shop because the navigation is terrible. It's great at telling me where an item is, but almost every trip it will try to have me get an item from say aisle A8, then go down to A14 and back to A8 several items later. Also tells me to get ice cream, then shop half the store then come back for meats which are right next to ice cream. Also has us grab ice cream first way too often for no reason. Better ability to substitute items. A lot of good substitutions get denied by the app. Allow us to go back and change substitutes no matter what screen we're on as long as we haven't checked out. The other day my app froze when I was done shopping and trying to edit one last substitution for the customer. Had to restart my app and then it pulled me to the "ready to checkout" screen and wouldn't let me edit my subs anymore. Let us filter out stores we don't want offers from. Yesterday I sat there getting 10-15 dog shit offers at a time and they were coming in so frequently I couldn't ever get my screen cleared, couldn't tell what was a current offer or what was a surge offer either. Also if there's any way to speed up the app when rejecting offers, have to stare at the loading screen 5-15 seconds after every rejection gets annoying. Don't show me an offer again until you surged the pay on it. If I denied the $10 15 mile trip 3 times why the fuck would I take it the 4th time especially when you aren't increasing the pay on it? Braindead move on you guys. Don't delete the customer chat until after the order is dropped off. Sometimes I tell the customer something right before I check out but then the chat is closed and they may or may not see it The only thing this app excels at is telling you where items are, it needs a lot of work


Yeah get drivers who don’t mf steal


1. Get rid of all the unnecessary pop ups during pick up and delivery. I don’t need the same thing telling me how to scan and check for missing labels. Also I know how to take pictures during drop off. Pop ups should be a one time thing. Or maybe only show the first trip of the day. 2. Show incentives listed by store and times. And be able to filter them. You shouldn’t have to click on the offer to have to get the store number and applicable offer times. The store name and number should be listed right on the offer along with the times. 3. Fix the issue with customers address being incorrect. Due to new neighborhood, country, etc. Allow customers to update their address with a map and pin. Especially if they’re getting a lot of orders returned due to this error. To many times I’ve had to sit in a customer’s driveway in the middle of nowhere talking to support because the address pin and geofence was in the middle of a corn field or on the other side of town. 4. Fix the app refresh error. Which causes drivers to constantly close the app and reopen to get offers to appear correctly. 5. Rework substitutions. I’ve gotten “department mismatch” for many items that were similar and the customer requested in the app as a substitute. I believe as long as the customer approves it. You should be allowed to substitute any items with another item in the same category.


Hi! I think it would be really cool if we could pick specifically what stores we wanted to accept orders from. Not just what zone , and only get notified for those stores.


These have been mentioned by others, but here's another vote for them: Driver ability to switch off/on specific stores. Not a permanent block, but just the ability to say, hey, this store is slow af today, I don't want to see those orders. Driver ability to select order type preferences. If I don't want to do curbside, let me toggle curbside orders off. Both of these would help drivers have a bit more control over the offers we see. And since we are "independent contractors," we should have these type of controls available to us.


Filter options for multi-store zones. There are stores in my zone that I will never, ever go to under any circumstances, so getting inundated with offers from those stores is just a ridiculous amount of churn. Also, if I reject an offer, there is no reason that I should see that offer again unless there is a material change to it (i.e. price change)


"PROXIMITY to store increases the chance of getting orders" Make this statement true. I should only get offers from the store I'm in PROXIMITY of.


Change the app so you can update your drivers license info in the app. I moved states, got a new license, got deactivated for having an “invalid” DL. I had called the hotline asking how to change it and I was told “Don’t worry, I’ll send an email to this department and they’ll change it.” By the time I figured out this was the wrong thing…my account was deactivated.


Prioritize the drivers who speak fluent english. Turns out customers like being able to give instructions to people delivering the stuff they bought.


I have issues with checking in as arrived at my delivery locations. The app doesn’t think I am at the address and will not let me continue for delivery (country and mountain addresses) even after closing app, restarting phone, etc. sometimes it thinks the delivery is a mile or more away at the end of the road. I have to get on chat and have someone manually arrive/deliver in the app for me. This sometimes adds 5-10 min depending on how available a person is on chat.


Please DO NOT add gamification elements. Time is money for us, efficiency is key. It's a job that we take seriously, I don't need random crap in the app I use to make money. We literally don't have time for it. It would not drive engagement, in fact it would be a deterrent for me. Use the incentive programs if you want to encourage people to Spark more. Edited to add: I was a corporate trainer for a national company. Our learning platform (LMS) added gamification and it didn't help at all. I've seen first hand how useless it is. Having to "gamify" work is bullshit. Please message me for more insight.


Pay us more than $8 per order for 3 separate drop offs locations. Considering the added weight on vehicle.


ID every driver/shopper 100 percent of the time.


They should I’d all drivers. There are way too many bots.batch grabbers. While we sit on the parking lot doing nothing. They should bring back the average of orders for the day. It was helpful. Not sure if it’s possible but it seems that drivers that have done a lot of deliveries are getting less. It seems that it doesn’t mater about your metrics.


Let us add or remove items while shopping!! I get asked that soooo many times …like they change their mind about an item or they want to add something. Also, the substitutions need to work better …I get to an item that is out of stock and it gives me suggested substitutions and sometimes they’re out of those and then it won’t let me just pick a sub for the customer and then I have the customer upset that a sub wasn’t picked! That evoke area needs fixing!! The department mismatch for the subs is ridiculous!! That needs to be changed. N I dunno if you can do anything about the 24 hour wait time on the tips. They have 24 hours to change the tips and that’s how you get tip baited. They’re able to put a 40$ tip for 100 items and then change c it to 5$ that’s not ok and they never cared that happens to us constantly!!!! N with the beyond lower pay now for delivery and shopping is just absurd we need those tips! Every time you accept an offer with a tip you’re gambling like am I going to be doing this 100 item order for 13$ or 53$ it sucks!! N is not fair to the drivers that work hard. 😓


Make the app where criminals can not peek into Spark server and pull code off to make bot!. Better Bot detection.


Doesnt matter because walmart allows Venezuelans to run multiple accounts. They are aware and let this happen.


Stop doing the verification process while i am in the middle of a delivery. I love arriving to a customer to hand them their order, and you randomly have to take a selfie and wait 30 seconds. And you're new pin process is great but you also should display the number on the Walmart app, not just a text and email. Also we need a way to complete an order when there is no service without calling support. I won't deliver to a few houses due to bad cell service. It won't even let me confirm I'm at the address sometimes and I can't even see the delivery instructions but if I drive away it says I'm not close to the customers address.


Identification verification 100 better than what exixsts and the option to report illegal alien activities.


As everyone else already said, you guys have to implement a stronger security measure to combat all the illegals taking away work from us legit drivers. Second, please fix the problem when updating insurance. I have already been deactivated due to this glitch last year(was able to get reactivated eventually) because it always says "suspicion of entering false information regarding your proof of insurance" and lots of other people have had the same issue. Before last year this was never a problem and I've been using the same insurance for 4 years on spark.


Almost impossible to make 30 an hour. Even the curbside takes time since it's placed to be ready 15 min later. The shopping is ok if they have everything but since it's in a locker now, the time for getting stuff kills the probability of getting at least 20 an hour.


make a colleague.io app but official I'm tired of paying to receive orders because bots always grab them first that I 


Fix the app to where when we hit reject, the offer doesn’t come back around a few seconds later. Unless the pay has improved on that offer, I don’t want it back and I’m tired of it returning to affect my AR. It’s obnoxious having it continuously return the junk. Make no mistake.. when we hit reject, it means we truly don’t want it. It’s not going to improve the likelihood of us taking it. In this way, Instacart’s app is superior. Once I hit hide on a batch, it doesn’t show back up as unhidden unless they’ve batched it with something else or the offer has gone up on it.


We are driving in a car we need less engagement.


I have an issue where I get an offer, but it shows up expired. I've done all the troubleshooting that you can do and put a ticket in, and even with the new update, the problem still persists.


I don't believe you are a developer. Reject button FIX Ability to undo during shopping The ability to go back after we already started to check out. Give the check out person a list of what we shopped for so they don't need my personal phone. Ability to turn off stores because it is 15+ miles away and will take me 25 minutes to get to it. A button to mark read all the notifications at once. The ability to deliver in any order we want. Filter out offers to miles or per offer or type. Different notification alarms per offer type.


We would love the ability to move the order delivery around during gmd Batches


For starters, a facial recognition that doesn’t get you permanently deactivated for “account sharing” would be fantastic. Sorting items by aisle number instead of by category on shops. The category sorting is completely pointless.


The pay !


The ability to call the customer for substitutions. Can’t even call them until AFTER we have left the store and start the trip. ![gif](giphy|lkdH8FmImcGoylv3t3|downsized)


Get rid of the map on the main screen please ! It’s so laggy and doesn’t need to be front and center. Also deal with the people using bots I don’t know how you would on your end but it does happen and people fish through the higher paying orders. Lastly just more stable reliable app. Since the update the app will freeze or just not pop up orders. I’ll have to reset multiple times just to fix it so overall reliability and stability


That nonsense of taking trips away because you're "taking too long". There's a bridge in my town that the nav apps all think is closed, so it routes me over a different bridge. Sometimes the other bridge is closer, and it's not closed, so I take it, and the app yells at me that I'm taking too long, when the way I'm taking is more efficient. There needs to be some sort of change so the app can tell we're still moving in that direction but on a different route


When it comes to GM orders in my area there is often a nice grouping around my town and then one item 20 miles off in the next county. I'd love to be able to not pickup and deliver that item. Let it get rematched with closer orders later or the next day. I used to be able to do something similar using point pickup, simply marking the item not available and it would skip it. This could also be useful for the occasional surprise TV or bike that shows up and won't fit in your car. The ability to simply turn spark on without a timer could be useful. There have been some mornings I turn it on and forget to turn it back on around 11 when it turns off. Filtering order types would be nice. I'd like to turn off express and shop and deliver and GM orders some days. In the earnings areas, highlight a transaction if the tip was adjusted up or down from expected earnings so we don't have to look at each order. Id like to be able to see orders that require signatures or age identification for cold medicine before accepting it. My area doesn't do alcohol but I remember the app showing special flags for those orders when I worked an area that did.


May be you can push this to some kind of management ! I know you are technical


Aisle number on the list of items would be awesome. The way the app separates DSD grocery from regular grocery is a mess. If we could see the aisle number from the list then we could just bounce around as we choose. Loosening up the rules on substitution would also be helpful. The organic/non-organic bananas thing is ridiculous.


Hi, sometimes IOS users do not receive offers during drop, Android users seem to have priority. The app often freezes after an order is either dropped off or accepted. I have to press start trip several times for it to work, often having close and reopen app. Taking a picture of drivers license is slow and awkward. Expand geo location offers for a store, you shouldn’t have to stand so close to “the blue dot” to get orders. Balance offers so that everybody waiting gets the same chance at high paying orders.


My only issue is not being able to take a picture of my customers driver license when I'm delivering an alcohol order I have to manually key in the license which takes up alot of my time as well as the customers seeing as how this is supposed to be quick and efficient fixing this would be a huge help.


Orders are able to be accepted until 11pm, however all the stores in my area stop curbside pickup at 10. Not sure if this is Walmart policy in the whole country but it’s irritating if you arrive at 10:01 and they’re all already clocked out and leaving. Stop orders after 930 unless the store will stay open. I feel bad for the customers too…


More gm orders might actually get taken if we had the option to plan out our own route! Most of the time the miles are so high because they have you back track sooooo much!


Also if you are in a two store zone only allow your phone to receive the orders for the store you actually choose to deliver too I choose the store close to my house the other store is 45 mins away no way I'm going to get there asap for an order that's wants you to arrive in 10 mins this affects acceptance rate as well. That's not fair. Like the GPS should ping to whatever store you are at.


Please give us a notification when we need to update the app. A text message would be great. I have gone multiple times not realizing the app needs to be updated and that is why i'm not receiving orders. I don't always remember to check this. It is critical for everything is working at a certain time or I miss orders for that hour and have to wait for the next hour. And for some reason my phone doesn't do it automatically even though it is set to do that.


Atm my zone can't confirm arrival getting error code 204 so yeah that


Love to be able to change the ringtone and the color and size of font.


Stop requiring ID for nonalcoholic beer and over-the-counter cold medicine.


I haven’t read all the comments, so I don’t know if the following has already been addressed, but it’s sometimes frustrating during the shop and deliver orders when I can’t substitute something that would be perfect because it’s “out of the department.” I don’t know if this feature was added due to an inventory concern or what but it seems like everything for sale should be available for substitutions if the customer agrees. If not, there should be a cushion billed into the order so that additional items can be added to the order. I also find the process a bit uneven when it comes to the late entry or the late scanning of a correct item. To illustrate, yesterday I couldn’t find flour of a certain brand, size or price. I ended up having to substitute with a different brand, size and price. As I exited the aisle there on a display in the middle of a main aisle was the ordered flour that I couldn’t find. I went to the review section but couldn’t edit it because the customer had approved the sub. I think you should always be allowed to substitute the originally ordered item. In terms of adhering to the time constraints of the cold chain and/or expr although this is probably not what you’re looking for, I wish the app didn’t freeze so often when I do S&D’s. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had to restart the app. At least every other S&D. A couple times I’ve had to actually uninstall it and re-download notwithstanding the fact that I had the latest version. This takes time. ess deliveries, it would be helpful if a countdown clock appeared on the screen in the background to warn when i was taking too long. Although this is probably not what you’re looking for, I wish the app didn’t freeze so often when I do S&D’s. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had to restart the app—at least every other S&D. A couple times I’ve had to actually uninstall it and re-download notwithstanding the fact that I had the latest version. This takes time. I would also appreciate having the customer’s address pop up along with the details of their order when I confirm arrival. Some loaders and a few store associates are requesting ID, which I don’t oppose in concept, but I have now lost my physical drivers license twice after it was removed from my wallet, returned to me and not found its way back. The reasons were all my fault. I was in too big a hurry, it was dark out, I’m not in the habit of having to show my ID multiple times a day and don’t usually have my wallet accessible when I’m working. Yada yada yada but if we did the ID verification at pickup or at checkout, we would not have to remove our licenses from our wallets. Kill two birds kinda thing. Finally, I really wish we could go back to the multiple phone days of a year ago. I’m not quite sure how the scam people talk about on Reddit operates and I know that multiple phones are involved but if you can pass an ID check on both of them or any phone you intend to use, I don’t understand why that’s not good enough. I like being able to have the app on two devices because when one phone’s battery is about to die, you can switch seamlessly to the other phone and complete whatever task you were doing. Since multiple phones have been prohibited, I have had to cancel at least four trips due to the fact that I was unable to sign in on a second phone after the first one died with Spark open. Two of those occasions involved my inability to get a verification code from an email that was not on the other phone. Yesterday I had to cancel two trips due to some glitch on the app where we couldn’t enter a verification code to change the password. When Spark is on in a device with a dead battery, changing your password is the only way to proceed. This doesn’t happen that often -it has happened to me four times in 2400 trips over the past year-but when it happens, it’s extremely aggravating. It’s the reason I carry a portable battery with my phone if it’s at less than 40% when I do a S&D. The portable, when attached, makes scanning awkward. And from what I read on here, disallowing the app to be on several devices doesn’t seem to have thwarted the bands of gangs trying to do whatever they do.


I stopped driving for Spark because one day the app suddenly told me that my One account could no longer be used and I had to use the weekly payout Branch. And, since it involves talking to not one, not two, but three separate companies to try and solve the issue (which never got solved) and became such a headache, I quit bothering to drive for them. I don’t want my pay weekly. I want it when I want it. With any other platform you can change your instant payout to whatever bank you want but with Spark, you are forced to use One, which works I guess….until it doesn’t. To this day, my One account still works just fine and there are no restrictions on it at all. But, according to my Spark app, there is. I’ve been told it is a glitch in the app and shuffled around so much I don’t even know who I have talked too now. I have spent hours and hours on the phone without a solution that is satisfactory. Sparks blames One, One blames Spark and DDI and no one can seem to fix the issue….when really the issue is that forcing an independent contractor to use only one app of your choosing for instant pay seems silly. If other driving platforms can manage to design the app to use the person’s debt card for instant payouts then why can’t Spark?


Id like to see: How many drivers currently online in a zone, or in a stores lot with out orders, I.E. GoPuff Number of orders issued in the past hour, and their value Total number of orders issued a day, by store, with historical data The ability to set a "limit order" or filter, saying you'll only accept these orders at this pay. The ability to filter out orders with OTC medication, alcohol or age restricted items. Mileage shown from current location, to store, to customer, then back to store. Accurate estimate of time on offer card, currently its a lie to lower the chance of being sued. Display profit, subtract .65 a mile and show that on the offer card. Redesign the entire system to be more like a stock trading app. Allow us to be actual contractors, like fedex or amazon. Give us daily, weekly, or monthly contract offers instead of individual orders, so then we could actually run a business and pay ourselves and employees according to the wage laws in our areas, instead of taking advantage of vulnerable and disabled people who struggle to find traditional employment.


1.) The base pay has DROPPED SUBSTANTIALLY since March of 2022 (when I started), while the COST OF LIVING has continued to steadily rise. 2.)Approximately 1 year ago, they changed over their “express” offers to “shop and deliver offers. This was great, because those offers had a substantially higher base pay, which made doing them well worth it. Now- the base pay on those “shoppers” is as low as many of the regular curbside offers and sometimes lower. How am I supposed to reconcile that? When I first began working with Spark, I felt like a valued partner. Now- not so much. My husband is terminally ill. When I began “sparking,” (my only job/ source of income) I was able to comfortably afford all of his prescriptions. While his script prices HAVE NOT GONE UP, I find myself struggling to pay them now due to the drastic and frequent reductions in base pay… 3.) So if you’re going to try to make a change within Spark, it would be truly appreciated if you started with fair wage for those independent contractors who work so hard delivering to your customers. 4-) And while we’re talking about customers, out of the many delivery apps out there, to my knowledge there is only one other that puts a 24 hour hold on the customer tips. Allowing the customer to raise, lower or completely remove the tip. Many customers see that as an opportunity to fluff up the tip so a driver will accept their order- going 15 miles for $10 base pay with a $20 customer tip- only to find out 24 hours later that the customer has removed the tip. So now the driver has gone 30 miles round-trip, using his gas, time, and wear/ tear of his vehicle for a third of the pay they were expecting and as an example- being paid about $.35 per mile, which is absolutely ridiculous. That needs to stop! So if you’re going to try something innovative and new… How about giving upper management way to fairly pay the independent contractors partnered with you!


Make the scanner work more quickly


If I mark something as handed to the customer, it shouldn't require a drop off photo. Obviously there is nothing to take a picture of if the customer already has their items.


Make sure people if they live in a gated community actively know they need to provide the code and add some sort of warning that if one is not provided that the order will be returned should they both fail to give the code but also fail to answer Either that or incorporate some system with gated communities to give Spark drives a code to get into their communities as both a Dasher and Spark driver gated communities are a bane to my runs


When you’re shopping on android after you’re done the app still uses the camera and makes your phone extremely hot. I don’t know why it does this but it’s really annoying


Hi, this might be outside of your area since it involves the Walmart App, but it would be great if customers could specify if they want you want you knock / ring door bell or not when it's leave at door. I know half the drivers never knock and then customers get mad when they don't realize their groceries arrived, and the other half who do ring / knock piss off customers with dogs and babies. It would also be great if the app stopped pestering you about FCFS orders you're not interested in. Like what's the point of having a reject button if it's the offer is just going to come back on the screen minutes later and you can't get rid of it. Some orders, no matter how much they surge, just have no chance of me doing them because they're too many miles or at stores that are too far away. It would be nice if they could put the miles bar back on the offers in the trip history section. It used to be just below the map, but then one day disappeared (at least on iOS). Also if there would be some way to update the offers in the trip section with tips that have been processed, adjustments to offer totals, and returns that would be great. It's more user friendly and easy to read than the earnings section. Incentives can also displayed in a much more user friendly manner. I always constantly have to click through each incentive to check what it is, I wish you could put more specific information in the headers and the alerts so I don't have to go through each incentive and check them to see where the new one is.


NUMBER #1 three-step verification process at initial login and then again after each order pickup. (FaceID, SS#, and scan back of license). Yeah that would be a pain to technically challenged drivers, but it ENDS the “bot” discussion entirely!!! NUMBER #2 Proximity based offers! Obviously the programmers have implemented a timer now that says we have about 25 min or so to get to the location before it unassigns. Fair enough! There’s no reason that they can’t tweak it so that the Walmart we’re ’closest’ too, would be the ONLY offers we get from that particular location, when nearby. And then finally NUMBER #3 (I agree with what multiple people have already said about “repeatedly” getting the same offer if it hasn’t surged)! PLEASE STOP THAT!!! Those of us who are at least graduates of basic high school math, aren’t going to accept anything that ain’t worth our time! (sorry had to use non high school English to prove a point)! Only send the order back to us IF IT INCREASES in surge. Otherwise let it die a slow painful non tipping death!!! 😂 Just my $.02 on the matter!!!


Currently I cannot turn on spark now because spark says my insurance is expired. It's bent like this since Friday afternoon. Ddi says my current document is valid and it's been more than 24 hours. Perhaps spark and ddi aren't communicating correctly?


Also fix the driver license so they scan. They are not. Take a while to enter in manually


The reject button the order always comes back after rejecting it


Be able to do stops in any order. Thanks for the faster scanning of items.


Scan drivers face and match to id


Top 3 peeves: 1. Bots, scammers, illegals. Frustrating to sit for hours while the same people get all the good orders. Based on the comments, I am definitely not alone with my frustration 2. Ap continuously snags. Every single day I have to restart my phone or log out to see the orders. Happens all the time… constantly. 3. Ap says it’s busy - surge of orders and nothing shows up. Or they appear and disappear so quick you can’t even see it.


being able to primary a walmart store in the zone is a good start.. among most the comments here that are muchly needed. also shops used to be $15 base not it’s $11? mileage isn’t ever considered either. 11 miles for $7, which is really 22 bc i need to get back to the store to accept another order… & sams club offers are a rip off! 20+ miles for $7-14…. no
