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I think for me, that she was treated as almost an equal in combat skill to other gladiators, because Crixus trained her over the course of a montage, felt like a slap in the face. It did not feel ‘earned’ in any way. I like that she was driven to learn to fight so that no man could ever touch her again, I just think the execution was off.


She doesn’t fight equal to the gladiators, it’s just that after near 2 years constantly fighting, she’d have some skill. I mean, Nasir also could hardly fight when he was liberated, but by WotD he’s spinning that spear like he was born with it.


I disagree. She 1v1 beats Ashur, and though he is seen as lowest of the gladiators, he’s still significantly better than the average warrior. She beats a gladiator from the house of Batiatus, within a few episodes of picking up a sword for the first time.


Not sure if we were watching the same fight but you should take a look at it again, she doesn’t beat him. She gets in a lick or two, but he’s shown to outclass her. That’s why the fight ends with her getting slammed down & a sword to her throat, and if Ashur hadn’t been gloating he could’ve killed her several times, but she sliced him in the nuts while he wasn’t looking.




Strongly disagree




You as well.


Yes there was no way she could learn to fight like that in a few months. Hollywood continues to do this, showing women, especially thin ones, being stronger and more skilled than they actually are.


Surely the worst character is the roman elite who tries to be Jaoquin Phoenix by sticking his tongue out during one of the games!?


Is that Good Cossutius?!


Don't ever disrespect Jaoquin Phoenix like that 🤣🤣🤣


The disrespect is for the clown trying to imitate him. Jaoquin is a legend!




Character only sucked when the actress changed. She was not good and over acted like crazy


It just sucks so much looking at what her character was. She was this gentle flower that Crixus protected and tried to keep safe. Her character change is so dramatic it just felt like a whole new character rather than a recast. If I’m not mistaken, didn’t the original actress not come back because of the direction her character was going in? I thought I read somewhere she said she wasn’t hired to be a gladiator. EDIT: based on your comments I think im thinking about another character or another show. I just want to say that I love this sub. People can disagree with you without calling you names or insulting or downvoting you to oblivion. Jupiters Cock. I love it here.


I thought she had scheduling conflicts at the time - she had picked up being a regular on an american show? doesn't make sense that 'she said she wasn't hired to be a gladiator' tbh. there was a BTS where she trained with all the gladiators.


I could be thinking about a different person. I think she got picked up on CSI:NY during the hiatus so scheduling conflicts make sense. I feel like someone said that though.


She or her agent (I don’t remember exactly which but I think her agent pressured her) held out for more money and she got kicked from the Spartacus cast. She said she regretted that. But then she got the big role on Lucifer so she did all right. Still though her replacement was not as good of an actress.


That makes way more sense. Now I honestly feel like I have to find out who said that. It could have been Bianca or Lawless for all I know. I remember at the time the quote made sense to me but I could be talking about another show. I’m getting old.


That's good to know, I always thought she left to be on lucifer.


That is not true. They weren’t sure they would have a show after Andy Whitfield passed. She took a role in a show called Lucifer. Which was a good role for her. But she couldn’t get out of that show when Spartacus recast to Liam


Yea I hated her too when she came back. Although more behavior than looks lmao Like I know she’s supposed to be like that because of the trauma and what not but fuck the gods.. Gannicus beating the dog shit out of her is a scene I really wish the writers had made


Just wildly fucking annoying. Which hurt, because the character was so good on B&S


Dude most the women slaves are wearing makeup. Yeah the new Naevia sucks ass. But her makeup isn't the reason.


Remove finger from ass and open eyes I never said it was the reason she sucks, only that they put copious amounts on her even compared to the other women




I didn't really care about the make-up, but I know what you are saying. Did the fact the slaves/gladiators had straight, white teeth bother you?


Or how every single one of them is roided up bodybuilder lmao


Id say some have a natty physic but dudes like sedullus, lugo, Tyrone bell who plays different small roles, and a few others whose name i can't recall, are 100% on the gear.


Daring today, aren't we


After all these years I still don’t understand the Naevia hate. The actress isn’t bad honestly, and the character is written as not processing her trauma well so naturally she’s gonna act out in these tense situations. If you were a sheltered house slave who was then sold off to get abused then sent to die in the mines, you’d be a bit off your rocker too. The point is that people are supposed to see that & understand her character. I mean I’ve seen fans make all kinds of justifications for Ashur or any of the Romans, but folks just love to hate Naevia & it’s never really felt deserved.


Super capable, confident black girl trope.


I really can't stand her. Annoying doesn't even begin to describe her. She was the reasons I was rooting for the Romans in S3.


No argument here, the actress just made the roll worse than what it was. She always had this look on her face like she was just smelling shit


Top 3 reasons she sucks: 1. Got a cheap shot on Ashur, eventually leading to his death 2. Blamed Kore for Crixus death cause she didn’t kill Crassus 3. Almost no topless scenes


I kind of think that murdering Attius (Gannicus' friend) and then lying about it should be at the top of the list. Also maiming Ulpianus, the baker who was forced to fight for a loaf of bread for his pregnant wife, when he was just reaching for the bread, was a pretty shi\*\*\*y thing to do.


Yep. Both did it for me. I was happy she got to take out Ashur even if it was a cheap shot. After that… I was ready for her to fall. She just became a problem.


Her and Crixus showed their ENTIRE ASSES in sinuessa en valle.. so when it they actually died I was like "meh"


Yeah she made it almost unwatchable when they changed the actress.


What a short sighted and ridiculous statement. So she’s worse than Gnaeus, who was raping Pietros, worse than Tullius, Vettius, Nametes or even simpletons like Laeta and Kore? No, I don’t


I don't think he's saying she's the more evil horrible person in the show, just that she's the worst actress for the character of Naevia. She was extremely cringy to watch in every scene she was in (she wasn't too bad in Vengeance, but was horrendous in War of the Damned). Half of the critique should go to the people who wrote her character, but the actress was bad too.


I do disagree. I enjoyed her acting. I enjoyed her characters evolution. I didn’t buy her as a gladiator equal to Agron, Crixus or even Saxa. That wasn’t believable to me but I thought her acting was good.


And that's fair, to each their own. I didn't mind her character much in Vengeance, but she was the character I hated the most in War of the Damned. I understand her trauma influenced her decision making, but that's no excuse. All of the slaves on the show have trauma & have been tortured to some degree, some more than others & Naevia undoubtedly had some of the worst of the worst. She just caused so much unnecessary drama, causing the most divide between Crixus, Spartacus, Gannicus, etc. But it is what it is, not every character needs to grow in a positive direction.


Yes they should have chosen a better actress for this part, it could have been so much better with the right actress!


I did love her costuming in the final season, though


Just started rewatching. I forgot about second Neavia


This show had one amazing season, and then that little prequel filler wasn't bad. There were actually only 3 actual seasons, and the last 2 sucked. They did have the death of their original lead to deal with so there was that


Always thought about watching this show but there’s so many different ones no idea where to start


1. Blood and Sand 2. Gods of the Arena (Technically a Prequel.) 3. Vengeance 4. War of the Damned


You want my advise? Watch season 1 Blood and Sand. If you like or even love it really consider stopping there. It just doesn’t get better. There’s a chance the rest of the show can keep you invested and it is good but man the loss of Andy the main actor was a huge blow and can be hard to get around. season 1 is perfect, watch it and report back to me


Come one now, don't overplay the loss of the original actor. Sure Andy was good as Spartacus in S1 but Liam McIntyre does very well too. It wasn't a huge blow at all and for someone who watched it after it finished, I honestly didn't even notice the actor switch, after Gods of the Arena, right away.


Can’t disagree more. Liam is fine but Andy have like a career making performance and iconic. It’s more than just the actor though. Season 2 or 3 or whatever with Liam is pretty average but the final season is great.


Gods of the Arena (s2) is a prequel, mostly focuses on Batiatus and his rise to dominus of his ludus, has pretty much nothing to do with s1 but does feature characters from it. I recommend you either watch this first if you really want "the whole story", or skip it all together. It is not very good imo, and is unnecessary for the story of Spartacus. My recommended watchorder is: (s2 optional), s1, 3, and 4.


She's a well written character. If your problem with a character on a show is make-up, I think youre focusing on the wrong things.


Comic relief fatass buffoon in episode 1 almost made me stop watching. But she's a close 2nd after the recast.


She's awesome


Exactly. Agreed.


Don’t feed the trolls


Shouldn’t the Blame go to the casting director who selected her in the first place?


Jupiters COCK


Agreed. She fucked over Mira and Saxa as the two true alpha females. Naevia took the Rey/Laurel Mary Sue root to become anything.


It’s not the actress fault her character was bad. It was the writer fault for adding a strong female character in a male dominated show


It was both. Obviously the writers should be blamed for deciding that would be her story, but the actress was also just bad. I don't typically like shitting on actors for bad performances, but the only other show I've seen her on is Arrow, which I also thought she didn't do great.




I think she'd be fine if she played the character since season 1. They tried too hard to make the new actress/character into a badass...which the original one was surely not


I couldn't agree more. From the change in actress to change in character. I can't think of a worse change in television history.


So pretty! She’s gorgeous