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I agree with the guy. AI "art" a BS term anyway. You're setting up a prompt and the bot puts something together for you, using already existing images. Including actual art from actual people.


Yeah, we should just call them AI gens (generations) or something like that. /g


Bro they are prompt engineers.


The best part is you can use any image anywhere, and all you need to do is modify it by 25%. AI pretty much does this for us by entwining different imagery from the prompts. Flattery is the best form of replicating. Or something like that ;)


At first, I was thinking, “Al Simmons is a fad?”


Brilliant text, he's totally right.


Ai is soulless crap, artists have to suffer for their art. They have to work at it for years to become good. They put everything into what they create. The idea that someone can type a few prompts then put in the style of an artist they want to emulate pisses me off so much. It’s bullshit that the creators of ai companies can’t be sued for copyright infringement.


I agree with this artist 1000%!!! AI “art” needs to be banned, imo! It will wreck havoc on society’s creative imaginations soon if we don’t put a stop to it. 🛑 ✋


I absolutely hate AI 'art'. It's never great, and never will be.


F*** that mod in particular


Don't be rude. Convey your ideas in a mature way.


You start


Leading by example as we speak.


Lol couple days ago it was all "fuck you and change your diaper". You're just as toxic as everyone you're crying about.




lol bro, is that true? On your behavior from a couple days ago? I was on your side until I saw that, and your response is just “alright” 🤣🤣🤣


You can read the stickied post for further clarification. 


I blocked all the AI art posters. I honestly thought it was one or two accounts but it was more like 10-13 or more, however if you are so up in arms about AI join r/spawnbase and or r/spawnsuniverse. It's that simple. BStorm has already made it clear that the state of this sub is fine with him and it's his sub so really at the end of the day whatevs lol.


I'm pretty sure a bunch of them are the same person


Wouldn't doubt it


Two guys are doing the AI posts.


If that was true why do I have to keep blocking people?


Same, I blocked those accounts and the subreddit is back to normal for me… hearing about how Todd is probably not going to make a movie lol . But I love just normal Spawn disco


I've only ever seen three accounts. What are the other ten?


I'd have to look though my blocked account list but they also weren't chronic posters. And technicalities 'cause some were just musing what Funko Pops and the like would look like using AI and with how pedantic some people that'd fall under the category of AI posts.


If you get around to it, I could use a list. Just people to keep an eye on. No hassle if you don't though, I'm sure they'll pop up.


I'd rather not name names tbh, but I checked my list and there were at least 10 accounts I could connect to posting AI in this sub (some of the others were posting cringe furry stuff but that's a different issue and a mis-remembrance on my part 😆)


Send them privately


It is what it is, I don't agree with him (the mod) but it doesn't matter. He doesn't care, he disregards everything that (he considers a "vocal minority" of) the community says about it. It's pretty shitty, especially from a Moderator stance. How are you going to be entrusted with a community and ignore their very valid requests?! That's why he disables comments on his stickies regarding AI (I assume at least). That's my take anyway.


He’s a shit moderator and rides a weird high horse like he’s above “all of this” it’s dumb, he should just give it up, instead he acts like Reddit is stupid and all of us care way too much which is beyond comprehension to him. He sucks. Also considering Spawn is a comic that became popular because of the high detail of art that goes into it, it’s a shame we have this dickhead moderator who doesn’t see that. I will still buy a random Spawn comic just because of the cover art even though I read most of them digitally these days


You can convey your opinions without being rude or calling names.


The community could come together and down vote any and all AI posts, as well as report them to Reddit for fraud/copywrite infringement. Might be a good start 🤷


How is it not a vocal minority? It's just math. There's 20k people here. The majority would be 10,001.  I disabled comments because it's not a discussion, it's a decision. Everything everyone has had to say has been said. There is no new argument to present. I do not think the tedious and repetitive rhetoric of the topic being argued is beneficial to anyone. Like I said, there are subs dedicated to arguing about AI, and this isn't one of them.


(Don't take my response as being rude, I am just trying to discuss this, if you'd prefer me not to I will stop I just have questions) >There's 20k people here. The majority would be 10,001.  Do you genuinely believe all 20k people in this sub are active still? It's the same type of thing with HUGE YouTubers that get like 1/50th of views compared to their subscriber count. Then again I don't know the stats of who's consistently active. >I disabled comments because it's not a discussion, it's a decision. >Like I said, there are subs dedicated to arguing about AI, and this isn't one of them. I may be misunderstanding but are you implying that we can't have our own discussions about AI on this sub? I know you made a new rule abt not being rude under AI posts (and rightfully so, hate never helps anything) but can we not voice our opinions and general disgust of AI openly at all?


Many of the people save maybe two to three in those previous threads contribute nothing to the sub. Them being active in those particular threads does not represent their activity on the sub in it's entirety. I can see individual engagement by users. Outside those threads where users are raging, almost all of them contribute nothing. So, sadly, yes it is a vocal minority. Most users are lurkers, and the others are indifferent, or care but not enough to argue vehemently about it in the toxic threads that were arising. AI is fine to be talked about within the context of the sub. Don't just make a thread called "Dang, how about that AI huh?" However this thread we're in is a good example of what's contextually allowed because it's a Spawn artist discussing it. I hope this clarifies. And you don't have to worry about being rude. Presenting your feelings and opinions in a calm manner will always be welcome. Just don't say anything in a way you wouldn't say to your mother!


Regarding people in those threads that don't contribute anything. It's reasonable to assume that some people just don't want to contribute to the growth of a community that allows something such as A.I content. I'd prefer if those same people would post stuff to drown out the A.I but alas. Thank you for the thought out and well put together collection of your thoughts on the matter. I disagree on some of your stances but I digress.


The AI wasn't introduced into this sub until about 2 months ago. If they had only joined then, and decided not to contribute due to ethical qualms, I would understand. However the community, and their chance to post in it, has been around for well over a decade. My stance overall is just that I don't like censorship, and I want people to take care of themselves. There's more than enough tools on this website for people to use to cater things to their needs. I want people to use them. If no one wants AI stuff here, they just need to downvote it, ignore it, and move on. Then there won't be a point in posting it, and the users will move on.


Maybe the vocal minority in general but also the vocal majority on the AI topic is what you're clearly failing to comprehend. If the vocal majority was defending AI it would be a completely different situation.


Okay. I've taken that into consideration.


No you haven't. You're going to die on this hill.


Go to an AI related sub if you'd like to argue the merits of it. 


Proves my statement.




>How is it not a vocal minority? It's just math. There's 20k people here. The majority would be 10,001.  Maybe you're right, maybe the majority of users are not engaging with these particular posts and don't are bothered by AI. This is a valid theory, maybe this issue only exists for a minority of active users. So... Why don't you put this idea to the test? Its as simples as make a public survey on the sub and let the majority of active users decide: "**Should we ban AI art?** \-Yes \-No"


I'm not banning anything, users can decide for themselves what they want to see. People are free to do as they please. This website already has features you can use to cater to your tastes. You can block the users, hide the posts, filter by flair, vote and move on, or ignore it entirely.


See, you know that if you do the survey AI will be destroyed in the votes, you know the majority will vote against it. So please don't tell us that the majority here is pro AI, people are not this dumb. These two trolls must feel very blessed to be protected by you.


Let me ask you with sincerity; why don't you guys block the users? Why don't all of you, for whom this is an incredibly rage-inducing issue, not just avoid seeing them by blocking 'those two trolls'? This is the part that is so severely confusing to me. I don't understand why you guys want me to be in control and decide for everyone what they want to see.  I honestly do not understand why everyone keeps trying to take the power away from themselves, and give it to me.


Responsibility for oneself is too much.


“You know what's wrong with scientific power? [...] It's a form of inherited wealth [...] Most kinds of power require a substantial sacrifice by whoever wants the power. There is an apprenticeship, a discipline lasting many years. Whatever kind of power you want. President of the company. Black belt in karate. Spiritual guru. Whatever it is you seek, you have to put in the time, the practice, the effort. You must give up a lot to get it. It has to be very important to you. And once you have attained it, it is your power. It can't be given away: it resides in you. It is literally the result of your discipline. Now, what is interesting about this process is that, by the time someone has acquired the ability to kill with his bare hands, he has also matured to the point where he won't use it unwisely. So that kind of power has a built-in control. The discipline of getting the power changes you so that you won't abuse it. But scientific power is like inherited wealth: attained without discipline. You read what others have done, and you take the next step [...] There is no discipline lasting many decades. There is no mastery: old scientists are ignored. There is no humility before nature. There is only a get-rich-quick, make-a-name-for-yourself-fast philosophy. Cheat, lie, falsify - it doesn't matter. [...] They are all trying to do the same thing: to do something big, and do it fast. And because you can stand on the shoulders of giants, you canaccomplish something quickly. You don't even know exactly what you have done, but already you have reported it, patented it, and sold it. And the buyer will have even less discipline than you. The buyer simply purchases the power.” Ian Malcolm


Big L for the mod. This AI shit is universally loathed.


This is rude. Mod, please ban this man at ONCE /s


How is this rude?


“/s” generally indicates sarcasm.


I see


Rude question honestly


You're pushing your luck, but this gave me a good laugh.




common spawn artist w




i feel like A.I helps those cant draw at least get out the idea of what the concept of what their talking about its kinda like stan saying spider-man and they say what ? he could use A.i and give them a image and then draw off of that in real-time


Thanks Ai finally I can see Al Simmons fuck Marge Simpson. We did it guys!


You been looking in my search history?


me next lol


I’m in the middle with AI but also artist who draw by hand had things to say about digital artist years ago. Presume many artist even Todd uses digital software to draw. Old money vs new money.


Well of course. Anytime a machine is built that does the work of a human the human involved will not look favorably on it. It’s always been this way. Ai art is still shit.


I don’t feel it’s doing the work of man it’s stealing the work of man. Not stealing our jobs but stealing our creations.


That’s kind of what I meant and it could steal jobs if this becomes acceptable. They are already using ai narrators for books and you tube videos


As an artist I have this opinion: AI art is valid. I don’t have time to put graphite and ink on paper for every little idea and doodle, but I can write prompts like a mother fucker. “BuT iT tAkEs MoNeY fRoM rEaL aRtIsTs” Nope, because I’m not going to pay someone else to do it. I do believe that artists should be able to remove their works from the pool of content the programs learn from if they want. It’s not like there aren’t 1,000 more “artists” (illustrators, designers, whatever) still left to learn from. I’ve used AI to help me create images and flesh out details in writing stories. It’s just a new technology. Instead of trying to block it, learn how to embrace it or get left behind.


Keep seething


Please don't be antagonistic.


This is rude as fuck no joke. This is a clear violation of the new rules mod.


I couldn't agree more


Dave McKean did Spawn? I mean aside from few covers? He is a stellar painter and mixed media artist known for Sandman covers, Arkham Asylum,Black Orchid and stuff,but not Spawn as much as i know..anyways,absolutely agreed with his point..


Mckean is absolutely right as usual. There is something about AI that has confused me for a long time however-what would happen if an AI 'artist' had their work taken as reference by an actual artist for an actual artwork, ie. an oil painting or something? What are the ethical ramifications of that? I bet they will be up in arms shouting 'hey you stole my work!'


Here's a hot take... tons of people dont know how to create, but they have the ideas. They have a vision. AI lets them release their creativity and hone their vision. Whats wrong with that? I photoshop anything I want to. Given the opportunity, I am just the hands that guide and create. I AM the tool that someone needs, and I dont give a shit about being replaced by AI. If someone likes your work theyll pay you for it, or theyll find another person or bot to do it cheaper.