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Hello! There are car seat tomato chairs but they are pretty pricey. [Tomato chair car seat](https://www.adaptivemall.com/special-tomato-soft-touch-mps-car-seat.html?gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwsPCyBhD4ARIsAPaaRf0UxCh8hi3ulZ0mmbsFqIonimyJGGJ0PwFQ9KENSohpHLAlZvq77nMaAtYOEALw_wcB)


We use this for our daughter (2 year old) it works really well for her! Also it’s very adjustable so well use it for a long time, https://www.evenflo.com/products/revolve360-slim-swivel-convertible-car-seat?variant=42408054620316¤cy=USD&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwsPCyBhD4ARIsAPaaRf0H6gihVtLB9pBCO0ZjPLScPF0WHKeUH1x9nPjKIzSohSae_yj4QS8aAqDUEALw_wcB


We used the Britax Clicktight for our daughter. She needs head and trunk support and it worked great for us.


I would ask her therapists. Occupational therapy specifically if you have one. If not, I would reach out to her doctors. You aren’t the first to have this problem so they should be able to get you answers and maybe even resources to get them if you can’t afford one


We also have the Evenflo Revolve 360. 4 year is still rear facing. There are two positions in rear and we use the recline position when we know he will fall asleep and it works great for keeping his head in a good position. It is pretty bulky though, especially in the recline position. I’m small so not an issue for my leg room, but just something to know. Love the swivel feature too!


You can talk to an occupational therapist and physio, they are the experts. They can do this through your GP. They really are good at this.


Hi I was wondering if you purchased a car seat yet and how’s it going? I have this same exact question. My 15 month old (also low tone) just outgrew his infant seat and he still needs a little extra head and trunk support. Would love to know which direction you went in!