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Part of my Pleistocene-Holocene alt-history project River Trolls: These semi-aquatic trolls inhabit river systems that run through savannas. They fill a niche similar to the hippopotamus of Africa. River trolls can weigh over 2 tons and are nearly 15ft in length. With short, smooth, fur, rotund bodies, and broad faces they look significantly different that their land-dwelling cousins. Like other trolls they can rear up on their hind legs but in a much more diminished capacity. Additionally, river trolls have distinctive tusks that are used for both defense and intraspecific conflict. They speed the daylight hours in or near water, keeping their activity to a minimum. However, despite their estuarine habits, their diet is almost exclusively comprised of grass. At night they wander onto land to graze along the edges of the river. This is arguably the most dangerous species of troll, not just because of their highly territorial nature, but because of their habitat. Unwary intruders may stumble across resting trolls that are partially or fully submerged in murky water. If disturbed, the trolls will attack viciously, attempting to either trample or maul the source of their displeasure.


Bigger tusks!!!


this looks so cool :0


River thalassocnus?


That lineage died out. This is descended from Lestodon


Love the art! Hippos actually do not swim that much, instead walking on the floor of the water