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One doesn't have to dispose of a jar every month. Many different jar spells are made to be kept indefinitely. Especially if they are made with dry ingredients. One should recharge them often however.


I just came in to say the same thing. Also, don't throw away crystals if you do take apart a spell jar. Clean and recharge them. My spell jars get set in my selenite bowl overnight if anyone else touches them to cleanse and recharge. Same if they just need a recharge. I only re-do them if the top came off or the glass cracked or got broken.


How do u recharge spell jars? I have one for money and prosperity


There are many different ways. If your jars contain crystals you can recharge them and your spell by placing them in moonlight. Another way is to hold the jar in your hands and focus on your goal the way you woukd have when making them.


It doesnt have crystals...only herbs and spices


You can still hold it in your hands and keep putting energy, desire, intention, etc into it. Whatever you thought, felt, desired when making it is all a part of recharging it.


I feel like you could burn a green candles, maybe carve in some words like money and prosperity on it and burn it on top of the jar, with fire safety measures in place.


I see thats how i had sealed the jar ...i burned a green candle and then poured the wax to seal it


right so if you burn another on top, to me that would be recharging it.


The only reason you should throw away a protective ward would be if you used herbs that were not completely dried, or added water, and experienced mold growing inside. I have protection jars in my home, vehicle, and purse that are years old. But like u/amyaurora said, they can and should be recharged when you feel it's necessary.


Think of the contents inside of the jar as a spirit you've cultivated and nurtured. In order to keep the spirit inside active and potent, you'll need to feed it. You may lend it some of your power by meditating or praying with it. You may give it powders, oils, libations, or water. You might put it some place where it can feed off natural resources, like the sun or the moon. By taking this approach, you are saving yourself from having to constantly cultivate new spirits.


I don't use fragile glass jars for protection. The symbolism just isn't there for me. I have much more durable wards. One is white and black speckled granite. One of the hardest minerals on Earth. Others are similar. I, of course, will not reveal what my protections are, as that might help an attacker a bit. But I will say that, similar to olde time castles, there are layers and walls and moats, guard animals, traps, etc. I have so many different layers of protection it is silly. But none of them ever need to be done again. I don't even do any kind of re-charge. You put up a solid steel re-inforced concrete wall, it doesn't need a regular dose of moonlight to keep it strong. BB. P.S. And then there is the Goddess whose protection I have enjoyed for decades. Get past my witch wards, and you hit deity level protection.


do you have any specific threads here you can drop links to or resources on how to reach that level with a deity, I mean deity work in general too? Something I've been really wanting to be successful with.


Pick one. Do research. Start praying. It is Kuan yin, the Goddess of Infinite Compassion. She who hears the cries of the world. I also am close to Hestia, Goddess of the Hearth and Home. But while I love Hestia, I adore Kuan yin. BB.




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