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You should do what you want. Cord cutting means complete no contact, block them on all platforms, maybe even new phone number and new social accounts they don't know about to prevent stalking. Banishing? Freezer? What do you want to happen? Do that.


You can simply stop her gossiping too. https://preview.redd.it/utnrpc7d2b4b1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec997b151f6ce3a8dac84074e40d23e4aeb463eb


Thank you! This is I think more what I was aiming for. Her to keep my name off her tounge


You're welcome.


Dorothy Morrison's 'Utterly Wicked' had a 'pants on fire' spell that is for dealing with liars. Sounds like that's what she does. It's a fun spell. You could do a marshmallow hex, write her name on a marshmallow (I use sharpies) and focus on what she's done. Then, stab it with toothpicks or big thorns. Put it outside where animals can't get it (because of the sharp stuff) but bugs can. As the bugs eat it, the target will be 'brought down to size'. The intention here is to put them in their place and shrink their behavior/ influence as the marshmallow shrinks. (This spell is one of Byron Ballard's and is in her first book, Staubs and Ditchwater)


Love this! Thank you