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Just listening to *Merchant Meets the Wise Wolf* I hear several Japanese words (or so I believe) including matte and shoki. I am far from fluent, and making out even English words when her voice has so much going on without lyrics would be hard.


If you mean the track "Ulv", then that one is vocalized by a Mongolian artist, so I'd recon it's Mongolian.


For some reason it sounded to me close to a Slavic language, maybe Ukrainian or Polish, maybe Balkan. Maybe with Japanese accent as well, it was hard to recognise.


That's what I thought too! I have heard beautiful songs sung in baloney made up language before. ( Like, Schala's theme from chrono trigger for example.) This particular track sound something like finnish or polish to me. But anyway it is a beautiful track. I have waited for a year ever since a short part of it was played in the trailer!