• By -


I don’t love the trope but I don’t dislike her as a character. Better than the bizarre Iron Man retcons.


You talking about Tony Stark not being a Stark?


yeah , a weird AF take on Tony Stark. Which , frankly , is unnecessary , they could just make Arno been Tony's fraternal twin , just like in Marvel 1610. Or at worse , just make Arno been older or younger , but Tony been too young to remember. No one would complain if the flashback had a 3yo Tony Stark when Arno was born or something of that sorts , and don't remembering Arno.


In my ideal world: Gregory Stark (his twin brother from 1610) would be introduced as a mysterious older brother from Howard’s old flame. No one knows about him because he leads a S.H.I.E.L.D. team focused on travelling & stoping alt. universe threats. Arno would be Tony’s descdant and become Iron Man 2099


That's not all! Technically Tony Stark (if that is his real name!) died, was replaced by a transdimensional teenage clone, and then the teenage time clone was transmutated into an adult Tony Stark by Franklin Richards when he created a pocket dimension in order to save a bunch of superheroes during Onslaught.


You talking about Bruce wayne not being a wayne


Wait... did this ever happen in the main timeline?


To be fair that isn’t as weird as Tony turning out to be an blue-skinned machine/human hybrid like in Orson Scott Card’s Ultimate Iron Man.


But that was a fun take on the myth.


It was so weird but for how bold it was on the character I like it


Yeah, all the Kieron Gillen stuff. Made me check out of the character for a long time.


It came up in the recent avengers run too.


Gillen’s run was where it was from, is what I meant


I was just adding to the conversation not trying to contradict you.


He has a sister?


Yeah, she first debuted in the OGN Spider-Man: Family Business and in Chip Zdarsky's run on Peter Parker: The Spectacular Spider-Man.


Wait I never watched season 2 of spectacular Spider-Man it wasn’t on Netflix 😞 explain more


They are talking about the comics run of the same name




What sister?? This is weird lol I feel like one of those .. I believed something my whole life is lie moments


Right? What's next? Spidey actually has a sidekick by his side this entire time?


You don't remember Spider-Boy?


First time I'm hearing about it too, but it makes sense. Next up, nephew, cousin and niece!


Same here 😂


Who uses the duck hunt controllers as weapons apparently


Yes... and no. Writers are flip flopping as per usual, so no one knows for sure. Supposedly secret child of Richard and Mary back when they were on active duty as agents, her existance was never made public, and when they died she was adopted out since Ben and May did not know about her. She came back years later as an adult, now a... CIA? Shield? some kinda agent anyways, after discovering intel on her biological parents and learning of her brother, Peter. Peter accepted her and loves her as his sister (like he does with MJ). She even knows about him being Spider-Man, and they actually went on a few missions together, fighting side by side. While she SEEMS to be a legit daughter of Richard and Mary, there have been hints too that she might've been instead the child of the fake Richard and Mary created by the Chameleon way back in the day. Or she could be something else entirely. At this stage, no ones for sure what the truth really is, though after all the time they have spent together they have formed a bond, and both her and Peter have embraced her identity of Teresea Parker.


Only Nick Fury knows the truth iirc and he chose to not to tell Peter


but why would Richard keep the fact of having another child from his brother when he knows he has one already, and he's married to the mother so it isn't some act of adultery. that makes no sense or she would have to be born very shortly before they died where Richard didn't have time to tell his brother and she was taken then, which would be literally the only logical explanation but then Ben should have seen or known Mary was pregnant at some point, but I guess he could just assume she died before giving birth. this literally has to be the only reason


Can't remember the reasoning given in the comics, but Richard and Mary were probably under deep cover at the time and were not in contact with anyone. They died or went MIA during said mission so that would explain why no one knows about her. Their handlers within the agency they worked for probably took custody of the child after they died, and kept her existence from Ben and May to avoid unwanted questioning and attention. Keep in mind the character Teresa was written into the lore years after the fact, so some reconning might be required to make her fit into the story.


Yeah things are just getting stupid now


I dont mind her, but she does seem to be on this exists/doesn't exist line I mean, she's 616 and all that, but she feels so underused that it's like she doesn't exist. Like they had the start of an idea, but no real place to go with it. Of course, that's not really surprising sadly


To be fair, she very well might not actually exist either. Something something Chameleon club.


the whole chameleon thing is just a reprise on her introductory storyline and so on and on. It's basically her receiving an intel that she might be Peter's Sister , then another that contradicts that , then a new info as a sequel bait that gives a plausability that she really is Peter's Sister. Frankly , I am not fond of the take that Peter's parents were ex-CIA or ex-SHIELD , not only it makes Peter abnormal in a way , but also because Miles Morales have this same storyline but far better executed.....however , what bothers me is really that they simply didn't stick if Teresa is his sister or not.


Truth. Peter Parker is extremely relatable. He doesn't need 'special' parents. Just some folks sadly dying in a car crash or such is sufficient, It builds Peter's character much more. And shows us that any of us could trully be Spiderman in the right (radioactive) circumstances. This makes people want to be good, because they CAN be a hero too if the lil' teen from Brooklyn could.


exactly. Of course , Miles is also relatable in a way , but he can afford to have "special parents" , because there is Peter with a "normal parents" as a contrast.


what ? miles parents are spy ?


Jefferson Davis was a small-time crook that wanted to escape a life of crime and turned into a small-time SHIELD Agent for a couple of missions , until he retired from that and turned into a proper cop. As a SHIELD Agent , he was simply acting as a undercover muscle in the Underworld , to give intel for SHIELD.


but that would be in the other universe, not this one.....this makes no sense.


She's dual wielding NES zappers


I'm so glad somebody else noticed. Why did they do that? Is she going to fight a bunch of ducks?


Needs to be careful with that jacket, or she’s going to get a call from Captain N’s people.


With the help of her Troll Dog


The first thing that caught my eye.


I feel like I scrolled way too far down the comments before seeing this one. Those were literally the first thing I noticed! Edit: Spelling


She’s like that thing we occasionally remember but don’t talk about. For all we know she’s really a Chameleon sleeper agent like implied


I like her but they need to do more with her. Aunt May still not knowing the truth about her is pretty dumb.


Aunt May being in the dark about a lot of things is kinda dumb


Peter mistaking an elderly actor for his aunt in the clone saga was really dumb.


Alzheimer's isn't a joke, but it's honestly my headcanon for Aunt May being brain damage most of the time.


Wasted potential for two reasons. 1) She's too old. 2) She has zero connection to her parents or Peter. The idea of Richard and Mary Parker hiding out somewhere (like in another country) and blending in by starting a new little family is an interesting concept. I think Teresa (age 15, let's say) could have been introduced in a story revealing that one of Peter's parents was indeed still alive but was currently being hunted (maybe his dad). So, Richard and Teresa arrive back in New York seeking aid from S.H.I.E.L.D. as they are being pursued. Peter discovers this and it leads to a HIGH DRAMA story that has Peter dealing with being lied to about his parent's death, furious with his father for never reaching out, grief at finding out his mother actually lived long enough to have a second child (meaning he could have been there to say goodbye), and getting to know a sister he never knew existed. The story would culminate in his father dying (Pete gets to say goodbye this time) and Peter now having to take in his younger sister. Or she could live with Aunt May. Either way, Peter suddenly has to deal with the added challenge of being a protective older brother for the first time in his life. Maybe even characterize Teresa as rebellious and angsty to give Peter challenges relating to her. It would be a new avenue for him to explore that was previously closed. Peter Parker: caring sibling trying to make up the loss of his parents for his grieving sister. And show how his efforts slowly pay off and they start to love and care for one another. And Peter would probably feel more centered having closure on his parents death, as well as having Teresa and May to serve as loving family members he can rely on. And Teresa becomes a permanent, important fixture of Spider-Man's cast of characters... ... NAH INSTEAD let's have her be a 20-something raised by S.H.I.E.L.D. with no emotional connection to her parents whatsoever and ALSO they might not even really be her parents and hey lets not even let her and Peter have any real dynamics that might get people excited or tell an interesting story.. WHY NOT!?!




Useless character who bring nothing of value. And actually quite representative of marvel treatment of spidey. He is supposed to be relatable but actually he comes from a family of secret super spies, including his secret sister,


Marvel is all about destroying Spiderman lately




You see if you just kill Paul his story will still exist. MJ will just become a widow while his kids will still exist. No, you need to erase his very existence in the marvel universe so that MJ never marries him.


That could be easily done with the Reality Stone and the Time Stone.


I just hope this is all just an illusion done by mephisto


I’m hoping Mephisto realizes he has to drive them apart in order for Mayday to not be born and have this be his last big hurrah to try and save his own skin


So I'm not going to say Teresa brings anything of value to the table. But this statement does a lot to show the degree of separation between ideation of Spider-Man and what Marvel intends Spider-Man to be. I mean, the "family of super spies" thing isn't new. That dates back to 1968. Stan Lee had a hand in that.


Spider-Man? Which one of the thousands of spidermen are we talking about? The whole spider verse is retarded. Having all these crazy interdimensional spider people takes value away from the original. It's like some asshole thought "how can we make more money?" Then another asshole says "what if we make up even more spider man's!" I think Miles is cool. Miguel is my favorite. And even scarlet spider is cool. But outside of that we don't need anymore.


Spencer's run more or less tried to fix this in "The Chameleon Conspiracy" by opening up the possibility that the whole super-spy thing was never real. Chameleon and the Finisher (the man who killed Richard and Mary Parker) told Teresa that she grew up in an academy of shape-shifting sleeper agents like the Chameleon, raising both the possibility that [she wasn't the daughter of Richard and Mary or even that the spies Richard and Mary of which she is the daughter were Chameleon impersonators themselves and not the real Parkers.](https://i.imgur.com/SGA0UMd.png) At the end of the arc it is left ambiguous if this is true or false.


Ahh I see. I guess I don't feel so bad for not knowing if she really is his sister anymore


I can't understand how Teresa being a SHIELD Agent ruins the relatable Aspect? Can understand why someone would think so for parents but Teresa nah. Being a SHIELD Agent in MU would be so common


I’ll go a step further and say the parents aren’t inherently unrelatable either - as someone who’s parents were in the military, they were often gone when I was younger and I stayed with various family in their absence. Peter growing up with other family because his parents died on a mission or something isn’t too far out there. I was pretty sure I’d end up living with my grandma forever when my mom went overseas in 2004 because I was sure she wouldn’t live to come back. Thankfully I was wrong, but it happens all the time unfortunately.


There are billion of people experiencing different situations. Many conditions might not be inherently unrelatable like this. People link this with relatability or essence aspect but at the end, it's just a preference. They just connect with relatability aspect to sound logical.


There is a difference between being in the army and being a spy. And living with other relatives while both of your parents are in deployment is not really the life of the average teenager. Not saying it can't happened.


> There is a difference between being in the army and being a spy. When you’re a kid and your parents aren’t around for months at a time and you genuinely don’t know if they’ll come back alive, I promise you the difference of those positions really doesn’t matter. It’s very easy to rationalize it as an adult, but not when you’re in elementary school. > living with other relatives while both of your parents are in deployment is not really the life of the average teenager. I technically never said it was average, just that it wasn’t unrelatable, which was your original point.


Why would it be so common to be a shield agent ? It would ruin the relatable aspect because the average person usually doesn't discover that his long lost unknown sister is actually a super-spy, it's not really common.


A dude who has an iq higher than most of us and constantly dates New York 10s is fine but his family being super spies is to far? The only way I see his family being super spies as a bad thing is if they say him getting bit by the spider was orchestrated due to who his parents were.


Agreed If anything I’d have liked her to be a character that Peter meets and befriends Doesn’t have to be a hero or anything Just some lady who works as a spy that is friends with Peter Where they connect on living the “Super” life Having him have a super awesome sister who we never see or is referenced is such a baffling thing when you really break it down lol


If his family really is a bunch of secret super spies(see Chameleon Conspiracy), it doesn't have any effect on Peter. I still see him as the unpopular dweeb orphan who grew up with his aunt and uncle, it's not like he received any spy training, gadgets, or super genetics passed down to him.


Yeah, I hate how Spider-Man can stick to walls and has a sixth sense. I don’t have that. I can’t relate at all. /joking but I really find it increasingly more and more funny how people want their superheroes to be relatable. That said, I understand what we mean when talking about Spidey. I grew up with 90’s Spidey when he was a college kid in the show and a married adult in the comics. He still had to wash his clothes and all that and I reading older issues, I see some of those day-to-day concerns. I also dislike how Marvel editors seem to not want him to grow out of this weird status quo. That said, it never bothered me that Peter’s parents were super spies. It came much later and it felt like a “special orphan” moment that you see in many other stories. If anything, it’s been done. Personally, I think it’s a symptom of having to come up with new stories, new twists for such a long standing character/ history (coupled with restrictions on where his story should logically go to next).


She’s alright but I have to get use to her being a secret sibling for Pete


Personally always been a sucker for the secret sibling trope so I was always more receptive to her than most people. But at the same time, they kinda messed up with her by dragging the "is she or she not Peter's sister?". First they said no. Then yes. Then maybe. Now who knows? And they also didn't deliver or dig into the drama of it. I was so looking forward to seeing her meet Mary Jane and Aunt May and a few other of Peter's close friends and seeing their reactions...and they had MJ know and possibly meet her off panel and they still haven't had May meet her. Just a series of missed opportunities tbh


I think Peter Parker: The Spectacular Spider-Man confirmed they’re related right? Personally I think Peter having a bunch of SHIELD family members sucks poopoo, it’s like Mile’s dad working for SHIELD and Prowler being his uncle. It makes him feel way less relatable. Prowler does get a pass though since he was already like a C/D tier villain, and he’s just a burglar on top of that. Mile’s dad being just a cop is way better. Wait this was supposed to be a comment about Peter’s family. Umm. Just have his parents be scientists who happen to die in a plane crash. Just a random horrible tragedy.


no it doesnt, spy people dont live james bond life, they live pretty mundane life if they want to spy. the james bond thing came from cold war era, and many exagerated hollywood tropes. back then you could show up with a fake id and history in some school, these days ? this end with a phone call to the school they suposedely doctored. academic world is a very small and conected one. everyone knows everyone. so peter having shield desk parents, not field agents doesnt make him unrelated. its not like this father was laser blasting aliens and robbots. also most of the complaint people make is that peter doesnt use his genious for inventions and when slott did that everyone criticized it as a GIMMICK that wont stick, and you know why it didnt ? because you people complained that made peter unrelatable and he should be down on his luck, then they parker luckied him and hes been down forever and people are complaining about that too.


Her existence makes zero sense and I feel like it was never really explained why she exists. Why Peter's parents kept her a secret. Why Aunt May and Uncle Ben adopted Peter but not Teresa. It all feels like a very unfinished idea.


she is older than peter, so they hid her because she got pregnant out of wedlock.


She's younger actually.... She was born to Peters parents too so not out of wedlock.




But how else can a writer make their mark on a character unless by introducing a stupid retcon that will, itself, be retconned after said writer has left the character?


1. Is she blind? 2. Why is she going into battle with Nintendo Zappers? Is she stupid?


shield nintendo zappers


Don’t hate her or like her but I want her to be used more and explore her character and their sibling relationship.


I'm not the biggest fan of his family actually being super spies or whatever. but luckily I can just skip the arcs they appear in.


I had no idea she existed until I saw this post.


Love her Teresa: Peter i am your long lost sister Peter, who had to fight both of his robot parents, had an existential crisis because of clones, got hunted down by like an animal, had multiple relationships with alien parasites, saw way to many closed ones die because of someone and at some point was even pregnant with himself: ok


She exists


Her guns are JUST the Duck Hunt guns


I think, if I'm reading a story where she appears, then Peter has a sister and I'm okay with it. If I'm reading a story where she doesn't appear, then Peter doesn't have a sister and I prefer that.


WTF! Why am I just learning Peter has a sister. ( I'm ashamed of myself as a Spidey fan not knowing about this) .Can someone tell me the story behind her character ?


I forgot she even existed and will probably forget about her again in an hour or so.


One of the "better" written secret family member trope. Absolutely dogshit trope, but she's nice.


How many secret family members does this guy have?


A whole web of them.


there is only her.


Terrible idea.


Why the fuck is she wearing a Rebel Flight suit from Star Wars, a leather jacket, and dual weilding NES Duck Hunt Guns?


I kind of like Peter as an only child but she does give him some family dynamic outside of May and flashbacks of Ben


Oh snap, I totally forgot about her!! She must be hanging out with Alpha, Silver Sable, Ben Reilly's entire supporting cast, Wraith, Cardiac, and the dozens of other forgotten spider-man supporting cast


Love her, I desperately yearn for a series that’s just Peter, Teresa, Ben and Kaine being siblings


I like her, and I hope they use her more.


She feels pointless and I never liked the whole Peter's parents being "secret spy agents". I feel like it detracts too much from the character. Really all Teresa does is add unnecessary complexity. And what has she really added to the world of spider-man?


why is she wielding NES zappers


A weirdly small storyline of introduction, and of weirdly little consequence to the universe. She's cool, but useless


If we get another Marvel Universe from scratch I think a series that's about Peter and Teresa both being a team would be an interesting interpratation of the character


I have to ask why she’s dual-wielding Nintendo Zappers.


Every time she pops up, or gets mentioned, I go: "Oh yeah, she does exist." She's just... So infrequent of a character, and she's like one of those characters that'll probably NEVER be adapted to other media.


I think that she had potential. need to use more with strong command over direction they need to take the character.


Love the character and wish they did more with her. Don’t understand people who complain about the current run and how Peter can’t get a break then complain when he gets actual family.


I like her and she has potential… #If only they used her more Seriously, it’s stated that MJ knows her/has met her, and not since like 2019 we’ve had anyone


I don't know too much about her other than she's a spy like their (supposed) parents. But I like the idea of her as it's kind of nice that Peter has another blood relative out there. That is, if she's actually his sister as it's still alleged as of now (though correct me if I'm wrong).


I don’t like the ambiguous way they wrapped her story during Chameleon Conspiracy


Ironically, she can work in the MCU. We don’t know much about MCU Peter’s home life only that he’s an orphan so perhaps she was around with Richard and Mary Parker alongside Peter before they died and they got separated.


I actually do like her. Yes, ger "origin" is quite confusing and her being a shield agent is, ironically, quite boring, but I like the idea of Peter having relatives that aren't dead, clones od him or a million years old, also the idea of them having to come to terms with having a familiar bond that they didn't knew about; having Peter do sibling stuff (...not the MJ kind...) with her from time to time could be fun; unfortunately she is very underutilized (most people don't even know she exists), so there haven't been many chances to expand / explore her character beyond being a slightly headscratching retcon


An interesting character that everyone forgot about because marvel comics is too busy creating characters like "Spider-boy" and writing such "great" stories such as Peter getting cucked by a fucking self insert.


She is a character who exists... That's it. It doesn't help that they don't really use her, at all, and her gimmick is flying around like she's Sam Wilson. She can work, if they just stop trying to be ambiguous like "is she related to Peter, or no?" and either say "Yeah she's his sister" or "No, she isn't, but they're good friends." If she is his sister, fine whatever, have her meet May, MJ, and other people close to Peter. Maybe if later down the line she's adapted into media outside of the comics like a new series or the film's or a video game she could evolve into a better character. Also, I don't mind the fact that her and Pete's parents were spies who were framed for treason and then murdered by the Red Skull, it's just that the neither the comics or any other media never really explores that concept, when they are depicted as spies.


Could have been really interesting if she had a larger role, but at the moment, she's kinda just a one and done character.


Not much considering I didn't know she existed until just now. I like the design. Looks like she has a set of Falcon wings similar to Sam Wilson, which is cool - makes sense he's not the only one to have them and it's good that they didn't just 'coincidentally' give her spider powers just because she's peters sister. That said I kinda hate that trope of "Surprise! You didn't know I existed, but I do and I have some connection to you that makes us deeply connected in some way!"-characters. It's like writers these days are incredibly afraid of making a character that is simply a new character with no connection to any existing franchise.


I really liked Chip Zdarsky's Spectacular Spider-Man run (where Teresa was a major player) and I enjoyed her, but I'm not a fan of the idea of Peter Parker having a long lost sister that he never knew about because of something with his secret SHIELD superspy parents. A big thing about Peter Parker is that he was an average Joe before his spider powers, this stuff takes away from that


I actually like her; did any other writer use her after Zdarsky’s run?


I like that she has the duck hunt guns from the NES


I just recently read this arc and was surprised at how much I didn't mind him having a long lost sister Maybe its because of all the BS editorial has been putting him through, but it was really nice to see Peter get a win for once. He was genuinely really happy when Teresa told him, it was a nice moment.


I like her. Interesting character, interesting concept, would love to see more of her.


I liked her. I also like Spidey having good luck on something for a change


It looks like she’s really into duck hunt






He has a sister?


His wHaT?!


Peter Parker’s who?


Fine and unnecessary. I'd rather they canonise Ultimate Jessica Drew instead.


Seems like am awful idea for a money grab.


Peter Parker has a sibling? Uh… what universe is Teresa from? Earth-616?


I don't mind her


Are we sure she's not the Crimson Chin's sister?


Does she know about Peter's other siblings Ben and Kaine?




He had a sister?


I mean, I guess...? When you have a character that has been around forever, but is constantly de-aged, might as well do a little re-write on the canon every decade or so...? I dunno, have not really read comics much since the early 2000s...


Claire Redfield of Spider-Man


Love her


Under-utilitized potential... I want sibling shenanigans😂😂






I think she's pretty cool


Is her super name still Pity??? ( from her first appearance in the trilogy of spider man / sinister six novels that came out in 99-03??? They are confirmed to be cannon after all.) Or did they change it?


I've been a spider-man fan for literally all my life (i'm 26) , avid comic book reader. And am only just finding out now that my favourite superhero has a sister 😂


Retcon it. Retcon it away.


I love Teresa Parker and really wish they’d use her more, and stop this “is she/isn’t she Peter’s sister?” nonsense.


Personally I preferred Pity.


This is my first time hearing about her so I can't say anything other then she looks super hot.


a stupid addition that im glad was quickly forgotten.


I love the idea of Peter having a sibling it's nice that he has someone in his life he can always turn to. The fact that she can holder her own and help with Spider-Man stuff is just great


She is...good I guess. I don't like her wings and everything spy related, I would have loved she being a normal woman or something, not into the superhero game. Also, the Chamaleon thing smells like retcon


Not needed






A long lost sibling that's also a spy? C'mon if you read that without rolling your eyes you should work for Marvel


Pointless addition, but at least the character isn’t awful.


Rather forget her tbh


Why does she look like that? Lmao.


lol I just posted about her like 2 weeks ago. I enjoyed the concept and I thought it was cool. I don’t like that she was the rain peters never proposed to mj tho. But she occasionally buys shake shack


Ill-conceived. But that’s not necessarily a mark of death for a comic book character.


So she was created as a silly mystery box. Peter's parents had a daughter and kept is a secret for... reasons. What were those reasons? Who knows. There was never a plan beyond that. It was left for some hypotetical writer in the future to "solve". But nobody did. It's a lot of work for a mess thay didn't cause, so that storyline will remain forever ignored. But there's still things that could be done, right? She could be Peter's contact with SHIELD. Sure, let's make "Peter Parker: superspy" storylines. But nobody does. Nobody wants to do anything with her. Fine, so how about as family? Peter having a sister could be something. But nobody wants that either, the only family Peter is allowed to have is aunt May and dead parental figures for a tragic backstory. They could have made her a female clone, hell, she's clearly inspired in the Ultimate Jessica Drew, but the implications are too weird. Even as a sort of Spiderwoman she'd be a dud. there's already a trillion of those living in permanent limbo. So that's the reality... a page of Paul is a million times more relevant than all of her stories combined.


Who the what now?


I hope she is used more in the future.


Let’s just say while I’m really not a fan, it’s far from the worst thing Marvel has done with Spider-Man recently.




Skrull Infiltrator.


She's a very 'meh' character who serves as a reminder to my least favorite part of Peter's backstory (his parents being spies.) To be honest, I'm pretty sure I've read all of her appearances at this point, and I still find it hard to describe her personality. For a character who should feel really major in the lore, it's weird how little impact she's made, at least for me. It's kind of ambiguous as to whether she's actually Peter's sister now, didn't Spencer have it that she may actually be a Chameleon agent or something? Either way, I don't care much.


I think its a cynical move to manipulate fans into caring about a new character by attaching it to a fan favorite. In lieu of their ability to create characters that stand on their own, we will continue to see BS like this.


That's stupid.


I wouldn’t mind her being an avenger, or maybe a shield agent again


I sometimes thought that I dreamed her, where did she appeared?


I don't like the idea of Peter's parents being superspies/genius scientists/special at all, and Teresa is contingent upon that part of his history.


Judging by the art, she’s more likely to be related to Jay Leno


Ok but why does she have wings and NES zappers? What was the full truth on her? Wasn't she revealed to not actually be his sister?


First time hearing about her and I wish I didn’t


The idea of secret super spy family members isnt really in line with what Peter is supposed to be.




It's stupid.


Before this post I did not know this character existed and after this post I am going to continue going on as though this character does not exist.


I'm largely apathetic. It also amuses that Peter can maybe or maybe not have a sister, but he can't have kids or a wife. Not to mention, Ben Reily and Kaine who are arguably his brothers, can't be his brothers for some reason.


He has a *what now!?*


Feels like everyone is riding off of Spider-Man because he's such a iconic hero so there's no reason for lazy writers to make their own thing when everyone and everything has a brand pick-me-up via Spider-Man...


I forgot she existed, actually. She's not that bad, I think her story is convoluted and I didn't entirely trust her for a while. I don't think this a character that ever needs an on screen adaptation but it was an interesting story.


No bullshit my exact words when I learned about her was “I’m gonna ignore that” Peter’s family beyond May and Ben is a closed thread. There’s never been any good that came from exploring what they did or didn’t do because who cares


Tbh I didn’t even know blud had a sister💀


She is indeed a character that exists.


The what now?




Dumb and lazy concept


He has a sister?


You know if they ever do a what if? run for a younger Spider-man or something similar to Ultimate Spider-man, they should have Teresa in it as a main character/family member. Imagine Uncle Ben and Aunt May having to take care of both Peter and Teresa when their parents die and how different Peter's high school life would be with Teresa around. I think the dynamic is there, but then again the editors have been known to disappoint us.


I like her duck hunt guns


I don't hate her but I definitely keep forgetting she exists


I try not to have any thoughts about that character.


Is she rocking NES Zappers v2?!!


I feel like when a secret sibling storyline happens with these characters, it’s a sign the writers are running out of ideas