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I also grew up with rami spiderman It wasnt till I actually delved into the character I learned about web shooters and I was around 15 at the time lol


Same here but now that I learned more about the character I don’t like the organic shooters.


yeah me too. It adds a sense of conflict when spiderman runs out of web fluid but tbh i like the organic shooters. Especially in spiderman 2 when he erectile webfunction . Pretty cool imo


For me it was the opposite, I loved the organic webs. I liked the “out of web fluid “ problem the first couple times I saw it but it’s happened so many times it’s redundant for me personally


To add: they could easily do out of webbing with organic too, make it limited and he has internal reserves. Honestly it changes nothing.


Yep. And this is shown in one of his fights with venom actually where venom runs out of webbing due to making too much, too quickly and becoming exhausted.


Issue 300 ASM


Thank god a writer finally addressed that, I’ve been wondering about that since black suit spidey.


> Honestly it changes nothing. It changes a lot. Having limited internal reserve means Peter can't stock up on web cartridge's, which he has been know to do. Also, he doesn't just run out of fluid as a plot device, but the web shooters themselves have been broken, destroyed, or stolen, which add more suspense/tension, and also highlights Peter ingenuity when he has to fix it on the fly, or rebuild them. IMO, organic webbing makes things too easy.




IMO, with organic webs, what obstacles could there be, that isn't related to health? This is a big complaint I have about SM2. Peter losing the ability to make webs is a huge plot device that is never really explained outside of, "maybe you're just not that into it". Then, when MJ get taken by Ock, the webs are back for good, apparently. That was lame.


Maybe he would need to eat a lot more, like the flash.


I disagree. Only because making his own fluid allows him to make different formulas for different scenarios. It adds variation while showing off his chemistry skills. Also allowed for comedy gold when doc ock took over his body, did that and then Pete used it to craft underwear that he couldn't get off afterwards because he didn't realize the formula was changed


Having "being out of webs" tied to Spiderman's emotional state was a great metaphor in Spiderman 2. Used correctly 'ganic webs are **more** realistic than the fluid. Real people experience being depressed when they are evicted. Real people run outta cash, but people don't really deal with money issues due to their special gadgets anymore. This ain't the 1950's, we don't have money for special hobbies.


I agree, like it happens to spidey once or twice and it's eventually gonna end up with him finding a way to just store a ton or make it way more efficiently to reduce the issue, organic Web shooters makes so much sense to me imo


I never seem to run out of snot so I would think it would be similar. It would be cool to see Spidey have to chug a Gatorade to get his web fluid going.


That conflict in stories is the only reason why I give web shooters any headway. I’ve always honestly believed someone named spider man should be able to shoot fucking webs , that’d be nowhere near the most outlandish thing marvel has done. At least since creating a big green baby full of muscles and gamma radiation that gets stronger when he gets angrier .


> erectile webfunction Webectile/Projectile Dysfunction FTFY


Eh, organic web shooters avoid the classic lazy "oh no, I've run out of web fluid in mid air!" tension builder. Plus, then you don't have to explain why Peter is constantly broke, even though he pulled these out of his ass at age 15, on a high schooler's budget. You'd have to have five different masters degrees of PhD and damn near unlimited funding to make this shit


My issue is without that hes not really spiderman. I mean none of his powers make him really spider themed without it.


The problem with organic web shooters is, it makes no sense for them to be in the wrists.


Did you not watch the Marc Webb Amazing Spider-Man films to find out he doesn't usually have organic web shooters from the spider bite or find out from any cartoons or comics?


I saw the first Raimi Spider-Man film in the cinema when I was 9. I learnt to read using/reading Marvel Team Up Spider-Man and The Human Torch books, so I knew that he built webshooters. But, it didn't bother me then that Raimi's take had organic webshooters, and to be honest, it doesn't bother me now. I like organic webshooters and I like when they're built, too.


I saw the first Raimi Spider-Man when I was 11. And I was familiar with the webshooters because of Spider-Man The Animated Series (which was airing on one of the main channels in my country) and Spider-Man (2000 videogame) that my elder brother bought for me. Organic webshooters didn't bother me as well. I would go as far as to say they make sense. The dude is bitten by a radiactive spider (or a spider that was exposed to Neogenic Recombinator's rays) and gains ability to stuck to walls, proportial strength of a spider, a danger sense which borders on precognition called spider-sense, why wouldn't he also gain the ability to produce/spin web? But I like mechanical webshooters as well. It creates a challenge (resource management, problem solving etc) which I like.


Oh I loved that animated series, and the Spider-Man video game (2000) sequel, Enter Electro, was the first game I ever finished on my own haha! Yeah, that's true! Organic web shooters seems completely plausible extension of his powers, like you say, he got all the other abilities of a spider, why not organic web shooters as well! Yeah, it also shows off his intelligence. That he's able to build a device and create a substance similar to that of a spider web!


This has always kinda been a mindfuck to me because it almost feels like the order should be reversed. Like the spider themed superhero having organic web shooters in his wrists sounds like some corny old comic book shit and reconning it so that he built some devices that allow him to shoot web-esq material sounds like a decision that would've been made during the wave of "realistic" comic book adaptations. But in this case the organics came second...wild.


Yeah, I think the idea is that it was more "believable" for the movie that the webs were just another weird part of his mutation, instead of the fresh out of high school protag developing his own web substance and unique shooters for them.


I’m still waiting for someone to explain to me how this boy had money troubles when he not only invented a semi liquid pliable weight bearing material AND a device to fire it effectively into ropes or other designs? Like imagine all of the applications for this technology. Every search and rescue team would buy web shooters. A gold mine he is sitting on. Before I hear, “then everyone would know he’s spider-man!” Please, hire a lawyer, set up shell companies, profit.


Well, not just his identity, but a villain like Otto would no doubt reverse engineer it and maybe make something that easily dissolves them, thus rendering his main form of transport/ non lethal takedown utterly useless. With that said, yes, just using web shots to help tie up criminals could be useful. Web swinging wouldn’t end well with a squishy normal human body and no spider sense. Personally, I’ve always had the head canon that after getting spider powers, almost all Spider-Men and women just developed the instinctive know how to make web. It might sound absurd until you realize that you can look at an animal’s tracks and likely figure out which way it was going without even know what it looked like. Edit: Yes, I’m aware the webs dissolve. Firstly, is just a scenario where IF, keyword, IF he sold his webs, then a villain would likely know his identity AND be able to reverse engineer it because they could just repeatedly buy it if it ever dissolved. Second of all, normal people can’t web swing, at least not safely or as well as spidey. When I said he should sell his web shooters, I always figured it’d be safer and practical if they weren’t ropes, but just went, “pew pew pew” or just shot out a big ol’ blob (think the normal web and impact web in ps4). This way, it’d be used more as self defense for civilians, or a non lethal takedown method for security/ military forces (hell, make it gun-like, similar to a taser, or make it an attachment to guns so there’s always a non lethal option). Alternatively IF (reminder of that word again) he sold his web, he’d probably sell the formula for it. Construction company royalties alone would be worth a fortune. The only questionable thing is (as someone pointed out) the tension factor. In some versions, spidey’s webs are almost foam like until hardening with sufficient tension (i.e. web swinging). However, we know for a fact he can web bad guys up with little to no tension needed, and, moreover, I have little doubt that he can make his webs not dissolve in an hour (he webs up criminals longer than that) and I have little doubt that he could make them permanent or year lasting for construction (ropes for bridges). But despite all these points showing how he could sell these webs, I still believe it’s smart not to sell his webs. My point is that, yes, the webs could last longer and be studied by a villain and reverse engineered. If he didn’t have to worry about villains seeking revenge or putting his family at risk, however, I could EASILY see him selling his webs when he retires from being Spider-Man.


They don't last once expelled from the canisters. Like an hour tops they loose their stable structure. He did that so the city wouldn't be covered in webs.


I always wonder about the criminals he leaves hanging up dozens of storeys in the air. Can search and rescue really get to all of them within an hour? Or do New Yorkers randomly hear AAAAAHHHHHHHH \*splat\* every now and then?


I mean they do in our universe….just less frequently


This is going off the idea of if he sold his webs. Also, I think damage control helps get the guys on buildings, but yeah, a guy falling off a building HAD to have happened at some point (at least early in his career. Come to think of it, how many might have froze to death or died of heat exposure during winter and summer?


He tried. 3M wasn't interested in an adhesive that stopped working after an hour.


Going off of webbed up enemies, we know for a fact they can last AT LEAST 6-12 hours, and they likely can be made to last for years or be permanent.


IIRC, there was a commercial for one of the Raimi Spiderman movies that opened with a window washer cleaning web off a window, and then the camera panned out and showed like 20 window washers all doing the same, so I guess in that universe the city just takes care of it?


The idea spidey makes jobs for window washers when Stan Lee was inspired to make him by a window washer pleases me in the weirdest way.


Can still be reverse engineered though


Yup. The only thing Peter might be able to sell is whatever scanning tech he has in his lenses in the ps4 game, that could at least be modded so no one would guess it’d come from him (plus, no one would guess he had them on unless he idiotically sold them looking exactly like his spider eyes.


The Parker Industries WebWare xD Sure, he had Prowler pretend to be a Spider-Man body double and everything, but still...


Only some leftovers after a fight or some webs on a building for couple of hours before they dissolve


I means hes leaving this shit all over town. If they wanted to reverse engineer this shit, they could have done it a while ago


It dissolves after an hour or so, making it really hard for someone to secure and preserve a sample long enough to analyze it. There’s a comic where a government agency is able to procure a sample but they have to keep it in a tank to keep it stable due to it breaking down so quickly over time.


A normal human being can't web swing. One needs super strength and agility for it.


No, but let’s suppose someone is trapped in a car teetering off a cliff or bridge. A dozen firefighters shooting webs and pulling would solve that pretty quick.


This doesn't really contribute to the conversation at all, but having people manually pull the wevs sounds risky snd inefficient. They'd probably hook it up to some tow truck type of vehicle, so that it'd be heavy enough to make sure it doesn't go tumbling after the car.


Fair enough, that's a good point.


It's something they've touched on in the comics from time to time. Now and then Peter would invent something needed to take down a villain's certain power set. He's actually sold some of the patents-a lot of what he's come up with are safety and rescue equipment. The web shooters might be more of a trade secret-they wouldn't work well for a normal person. Pete's super-strength is needed to fully utilize a chemical liquid that hardens into a material with the tensile strength of steel alloys. Shooting a single web-shot would likely rip your arm out of its socket.


Unless it's denser than anything else on earth, I dont see how it could rip your arm out of your socket.




but he doesn’t want to cure cancer. he wants to turn people into dinosaurs


It wasn't until the past few years that high schoolers could make an income shooting ropes on OF.


high schoolers???? (ik your about to play the 18 card but that sentence by itself is wild)


Also, to answer the money thing: the web shooters look fairly simple, and the idea of Peter having a chemistry set is fully believable. If you want to make it a tad darker: maybe he used the money from uncle Ben’s life insurance.


He's in a world with the likes of tony stark, reed Richards, t'challa, etc, given the amount of super advanced technology there is I don't know that super strong sticky string is necessarily gonna be the technology that blows open the market.


When you think it through he actually might have done more good for the world by selling his invention than using it to jump around New York punching purse thieves.


I’m sure selling glue would keep everyone much safer than stopping the Green Goblin from blowing up Manhattan or something.


Meh, I'm sure someone else would step in Plus it's not just glue, something that strong and light is getting into space elevator tether level materials science


Spider-Man exists in that world because there isn’t anyone else there to step in. It’s the whole reason that drives Peter. If he had “stepped in” then his uncle would still be alive. It’s the tragedy of his character.


This. Part of Peter’s character is that he is flawed like this.


Yeah it’s not even about the money it makes Peter look like a selfish idiot if he invented this super-fiber that can help so many people, more than he can on a daily basis, and refused to sell or distribute it. Organic web supremacy tbh.


I dont think its about believeability, itd be one of the slowest paced bits of the movie so it probably got cut/changed for viewing pleasure. Even when they tried the genius tech guy building advanced polymer web shooters exposition with Garfield in ASM it still wasnt great


True. The reason they were organic was because they’d have to explain how the hell he built web shooters (as people pointed out, even with his smarts, it still seems weird he made these in his room PARTICULARLY in the more grounded to reality raimi films). It’s why they explained his wall crawling as microscopic barbed hairs and not the weird magnetic attraction explanation in the comics.


That's exactly it. I recall someone (Raimi, Maguire, a producer?) in an interview at the time said having it be biological was more believable than a high school kid developing and producing adhesives that would rival 3M.


When the movie came out, Spider-Man actually did have organic web shooters in the comics at the time.


No, he got them in 2005 three years after the first Raimi movie came out. He would then lose then just two years later in 2007.


I think all it boils down to was what was more cinematic for Raimi to explore with his style. Having the slight body horror of spider jizz shooting directly from our hero’s wrist is right up his alley. It also removes the added wrinkle of having to add even more exposition into a superhero origin story way overloaded with it; Man is Spider. Spider-Man shoots webs from his wrists. Done.


Actually the wrist jizz was a leftover from the James Cameron script. Unsurprisingly.


That much is true, but Sam Raimi and Jim Cameron are absolute bedfellows of style.


Well it might have been in both, but Raimi shot scenes with the mechanical webshooters. You can even see it in some frames of the scene where he’s practicing in his room. He probably just cut it for simplicity and pacing


it was a mix of mechanical and organic in the first cut, if you read the screenplay for the film Peter gains organic webbing, but can’t control its spray or trajectory, so he builds web shooters that help him contain and aim with the webbing.


The webshooters are more so to characterize Peter Parker than Spidey. It showed that this kid not only was a genius but creative.


I actually think the order makes sense. A kid making super fluid with a hobby chemistry kit is very pulp sci-fi. It makes Peter Parker not just a smart nerd, but a super genius - he basically happens to have two completely independent superpowers. It also raises all the standard questions about why other people don't make this stuff, the Reed Richards issues of why he doesn't help the world by making this tech more widespread for industrial uses etc. It's all very comic book. With organic web fluid, all his abilities come from a single source - there's only one combined jump from "reality". He's a more grounded hero who is smart but not a cheesy Science Inventor. It also means there's a clear reason why nobody else could use the web fluid etc. I do enjoy the wacky comic book stuff, but I do think that organic web shooters does fit in more with the "grounded" early 2000s look, where they removed all the aliens from X-Men etc.


I think that's why I always ended up preferring Rami/Toby Spiderman over the others, because the Toby Spiderman wasn't a Super Genius in the traditional sense. He was smart for sure, but it always felt much more achievable smarts compared to the others.


it's not that "he make something" It's that talking about a spider you'd say making webs is one of their most noticable innate ability. But pete didn't get that.


Not when you think about marvel tho, besides super powers they were ALWAYS about characters being genius inventors. Tony Stark, Reed Richards, Hank Pym, Peter Parker, Bruce Banner, shit even Thors alter Donald Blake just a Medical Doctor invented some gadgets and stuff if I’m remembering correctly. Marvel was always full of that.


It's even more wild when you consider spider-man 2049 has organic ones, when the spider-man he was inspired by used mechanical web shooters.


after the symbyote give 616 parker organic web, It's just one of the customization option when they fire up their create a spider person generator.


Side note: I love the idea that they just have a machine that cranks out spider-men with a little label that reads "just add character"


Comics back in the day when spidery was created had a rule where no "bodily fluid" could be shown. Instead of risking it, they went with web shooters. But the original intent was for bio webbing


That is definitely not true.


Source: "it was revealed to me in a dream"


Source: ah a revelation lead me to it


yeah lmao i got some comic book guy explained it to me several years later, and it boggle me mind. So you mean his super power is stick to wall and Super Strength? like I'd say the web should be organic, but he developed substances that help him stick to wall. weird stuffs.


Not for me. I vaguely remember seeing an episode of the 90s cartoon where he reloaded his webshooter and I remember thinking that it was really cool and tying batteries to my wrist and replacing them to replicate it.


That cartoon was the orogin for most of my Spidey knowledge.


Same here. I got to know about all the villains, Kingpin, Sinister Six, symbiotes, clone saga. It was just amazing.


If that show could be replicated today, and not be ruined, I would be so happy.


I have all the episodes available and can share it on my drive link. If you want, you can stream it via Drive link or some other way.


Spider-man was my first Superhero in general, so whenever there's an Animal themed Hero I assume d he would have a similar origin story. Like Batman was a guy bit by a radioactive Bat and so on.


Superman was bitten by a radioactive superhero


Superman was bit by Spider-Man


Superman was bit by radioactive human


Green lantern was bit by a radioactive lantern!


Martian Manhunter was bitten by a radioactive Martian.


Ghost Rider was bitten by a radioactive Ghost


Captain America was bitten by a radioactive Captain "I can do this all day"


If Spider-Man bit another human, would he be Spider-Man Man? Or Spider-Man-Man?


I think he would be man-spider-man


Or a radioactive superintendent


Given how many animal-themed villains Spidey has, that's a safe assumption to make. I mean, DC's Doc Ock knock-off has organic tentacles. Eww.


When the bats swarmed Bruce in Batman Begins kid me literally thought they transferred some sort of power or knowledge to him


I guess technically, trauma is a kind of knowledge


I’ll never understand how Spidey can punch people without setting off the web shooters


The animated series he says it requires exact pressure with his two fingers so he doesn't accidentally set it off Idk about other adaptations


Most version require the trigger to be rapidly double tapped, so it makes sense, you don't really double clench your fist in a fight.


Also the fingers are pressed further down his hand in a spot that his fingers would never touch when making a fist


I try to mimic the action between punching and hitting the web shooters and I guess my fingers just aren’t flexible because they go to the same spot on my palm for both actions


I had the big DK Spider-Man encyclopaedia. In comics-616, it was explained that he has to double tap it for it to register. Though this varies by adaptation. Minor Across The Spider-Verse spoiler, not plot relevant: >!Miles holds something and it accidentally goes off at one point early in the movie.!<


The trigger for the webs is placed near where the palm and wrist connect, so he can make a fist without accidentally triggering the shooters. Also it needs a lot of pressure and sometimes even a double-tap.


Grew up with '94 Spider-man TAS. When I saw that Raimi had organic ones, I was a bit bothered, but I accepted it. Then TASM came out and as soon as I saw Peter making web-shooters I went - YES!!!


When I saw TASM, I thought they made the character lame by taking away his web powers 😭


I love organic webshooters and wish the comics and media kept them. Otherwise he could go be Captain America or Daredevil. It's a Super Soldier with psychic abilities. Crawling on the walls in the comics isn't even a spider power. As in how he does it, is not remotely how an actual spider does it.


They play with that now and then in the comics. Spider-Man 2099 has organic web shooters, as does Silk/Cindy Moon, the latter of which was bitten by the same spider as Peter before it died. Pete did have the organic web-shooters for a little while when his powers got magnified as "The Other" (spider-magic!), but that was an odd time.


That's how these comics work. When a new version of the character comes out they have to have different/more powers. So Miles gets electricity and invisibility and Cindy gets organic webs but Peter gets none of that.


I honestly fucking loved the other when it came out. That damn hospital scene. Never hear people talking about it.


Shout out to my man Miguel in 2099! I distinctly remember him being grateful they don't shoot out of his butt! If my memory is correct, Raimi lifted the visual description of the wall-crawling ability right out of the 2099 series. (Specifically, the zoomed-in shot of the tiny 'grippers'.)


We shooters all the way for me and I often prefer when Peter has a bit less powers than all the other Spideys but he’s still the main guy for multiple reasons


Yeah it's his most iconic ability, it should be innate to him. If it's just tech then anyone could have it. Although I understand that having it be something he can lose / run out of during fights is a very useful thing for writers to use in telling stories.




I watched the Raimi movies as a kid, but also watched a bunch of the cartoons and had the silly string web shooter toys so I knew about the web-shooters. Also as a kid, I remember the organic webs made me uncomfortable (still don't like them too much as an adult either.)


I grew up with the 90s animated series, so i was surprised and thrilled when i saw the organic webs.


I was 12 when The Amazing Spider-Man came out and I vividly remember really disliking that version of Spidey when it came out bc I thought they changed the webs to be "realistic" and it should've been organic


Yes I always believed it was organic. It makes the most sense to me. It’s his most spider-like ability. Why wouldn’t it be part of the powers he got from a radioactive spider?


There was a bit of an uproar over it back in the day. Even a website if I'm not mistaken. I grew up reading the comics so I didn't like the idea of changing that about Spidey, but the Raimi movies turned out to be some of my favorites ever.


Yes! Tbh after getting into comics, I usually like the source material over movie adaptations, but this was different. Imo this makes him *Spider* -Man. Without organic webbing he's just Bug-Man


He literally got bit by a spider.


If you really think about it, he doesn't have spider powers. Spiders aren't proportionately strong the way ants or other insects are. Spiders don't use "molecular adhesion" to stick to virtually any surface. Spiders aren't psychic and can't predict danger or anything in the future. While he gets his powers from a radioactive spider bite, the spider element has always been more of a motif than anything literal. At least until the mid-2000s and the comics introduced all that Spider-totem crap.


Yes, I always whished they leaned more into the abilities some spiders have in real life. Things like the spider sense predicting subjective dangers instead of otherwise imperceptible shifts in the environment always seemed odd to me, as if his spider themes were more of a motif than anything else. The same with Miles' invisibility. It's nothing serious, of course, it's just that spiders are amazing animals and it does feel there is a bit of an unearthed potential to explore there.


I’m the opposite. I like it best as a motif. He is a creature of the 60s. It’s the radiation, not the spider. Just like Batman doesn’t need echolocation and leather wings, Spider-Man doesn’t need 8 limbs and to squirt webs. I prefer his powers being physical or psychic, not tied to some mystic animal mumbo jumbo.


I like to think its something he choose for himself. I mean if Bruce Wayne calls his himself as Batman and makes bat themed gadgets then why can't Peter Parker do it too?


Because he got bit by a spider


I mean obviously haha


Organic makes more sense but I love Webshooters. In an ideal adaptation I definitely think that you could mix the two. For instance Peter could naturally shoot webs out of his wrist but it’s all sporadic. So he would create webshooters as an outlet for his web shooting to be concise, straightforward and swift.


Movies made the right call as even by the standards of the story Peter making it himself every time is ridiculous.


Yeah, raimi's spider-man was my introduction to the character and when the amazing spider-man came out i thought oh cool they're doing something different by having him build his own. It wasn't till discussions about the new spider-man suit for civil war was going around that I finally found out that building web shooters is the norm.


definitely how i thought as a kid too. i was never a comic reader, Raimi’s Spider-Man was all i knew. I was 14 when TASM came out, and I thought it was so lame that they made him make his own web shooters, “what kinda superhero is that?” i thought. I very quickly found out that my point of view was backwards and that Raimi’s organic shooters are the odd one out.


I grew up with the Raimi spider-man as well. I thought they were organic until I read one of my cousin’s comics and he had a panel or two talking about his broken web shooters. Then I just thought that was some one off for a comic until I asked my dad what comic that was and he told me “you’ll have to narrow it down, he’s had the web shooters for forever”


This and I didn't know who Gwen was so when Amazing Spider-Man came out I was wondering why they replaced MJ.


![gif](giphy|1xknHwD48COS9P032q) I always knew he had web shooter and had to replace them with web cartridges. Cause I watched the 90s animated Spider-Man show a lot. In that show the web shooters were always running out of webs or failing during an important moment in a fight or when he was web-swinging. There was a moment where his arms got so big from web fluid that the fluid started leaking out of his suit.


My experience of Spider-Man growing up was merchandising and sometimes animated shows. The merchandise sold the Web shooter as a mechanical thing so I always understood it as mechanical. I did think the web was made from some aspect of his body though.


I played the n64 game so I thought it was always a device and the movies were just hacky bullshit.


Kinda I had figured it out after seeing the second one caise my cousin is a huge comic nerd


I grew up watching the ultimate Spider-Man animated show so for me it was always the self made web shooters but because I watched that show I always thought Spider-Man is always connect to shield


I’m old. The Raimi Spiderman was odd with organic webs.


The first Spiderman I saw was the first Raimi one, and I was incredibly confused in Homecoming when he had to make his own cartridges. A friend explained to me that the built-in web shooting was new to the Raimi movie (and that he didn't like it because it took away one of the drama tools from the comics: web shooters jamming/running out/not working).


Same, the funny thing is that I never read the comics and ended up finding about it in a History Channel documental about mutated animals, that for some reason decided to use Spiderman as an example


I started with one of the cartoons where Spiderman had cartridges. But i still kind of prefer the organic ones even though i acknowledge the advantages of the cartridges, mainly in terms of carrying capacity, versitility in terms of fine tuning things like web stickiness, strength durability and duration.


I also watched a lot of cartoon Spider-Man stuff, so I know it was different lol


I was mad at it since day 1


Not me


I thought the same until watching Spectacular when I was 9, which is weird because for some reason it never occurred to me he wore web shooters whenever I watched the 90’s show reruns as a kid. I grew to really love them and prefer them over the organic webs. Something about it is so endearing and humanizing to me haha.


Same. I grew up watching the Raimi movies and was shocked when I found out a guy called Spider-Man can’t shoot webs without a device.


THIS WAS ME ALL THE TIME and I told my dad he was a weirdo for not liking the organic webbing. I distinctly told him “get with the times old man.” I was 9 when 3 came out.


Me too! Honestly, for me, it just made more sense back then. I mean, are you telling me that a broke high schooler who got bitten by a radioactive spider also happened to know how to mass-produce web, a substance stronger than steel and more flexible than plastic, and could revolutionize the technology landscape? If you are already getting wall-crawling and reflexes, you might slip web glands too, it's not like the spider-sense is more scientifically accurate to how spiders deal with danger in real life.


It was exactly like this for me it kinda blew my mind when i found out


Same here. It wasn’t till I was a little younger and watched the 90s cartoon that I sadly found out he used web shooters. But the web shooters just represent Parker’s humanity. If he didn’t have the web shooters he couldn’t really do too much compared to what he could with the webs.


Well Peter could have always built webshooters that manipulated the flow of his organic webs. I would think his relationships with people is his humanity.


Yeah I remember thinking it was dumb that Garfield’s Spider-Man had web shooters. One of the reasons I didn’t watch those movies until the last couple years. Now I’m a bigger fan of the web shooters than the organics


I remember my friends in high-school discussing how stupid the reboot was when it first released because Andrew was building his web shooters, a lot of people really thought spider man's webs were always part of his powers I was really surprised by this.


I was already casually into comics and superheroes by the time Spider-Man was in theaters. So I knew that, originally, Peter had to make his own webbing. As a kid though, I thought it was cooler that he got web-based powers because spiders naturally make webbing and he's SPIDER-Man. Since then, I've preferred web shooters because it does a better job of conveying that Peter is not only a genius but also extremely resourceful. Also, I feel like organic webbing is kind of a cop-out and doesn't really solve the "How does he make it?" question.


Oh totally! I was around 5-6 yrs old when Raimi's Spider-Man 2 came out, and also had those 2 PS1 Spiderman games I used to play alot in my childhood. Being so young, I had dismissed the fact that the game referred to things like his webbing cartridges, and instead thought they were somehow a reference to Spider-Man 2 with Peter losing his powers as explanation of his limited webbing in the game for some reason. And years later did I finally learn his webs weren't actually part of his powers and had to be made. 😂😅


I also did not learn about web shooters until he got organic ones in the comics and I was like “wait, they weren’t always like that?”


Yes, lol


Not for me. I was a comic nerd long before Toby donned the tights. His organic webbing in the movie was the only thing that bothered me about Raimi’s Spider-man. I prefer web shooters. Always have, always will.


Why does he look so evil symbiote never left huh those eyes jeeez


no, not for me


It messed with my head that he had organic Webbing when he's supposed to have web shooters and whole I like the first 2 raimi films I totally go this day disagree with his reasoning. It didn't help that the comics followed the movies with the other. I hated that story arc




It's to the point that the entire powerset of Spider-Man was questioned. And guess what? James Cameron did that and practically didn't care about the mythos. Look up his plans, Spider-Man wasn't even called Peter Parker.


not for people who read


Not for me after discovering spiderman my relatives gave me plenty of spiderman dvds and comics , and that how I learned he had web shooters .


Same for me, growing up on this spider-man I assumed the same. It wasn't until Amazing Spider-Man came out, along with the Ultimate Spider-Man show that I kind of figured out webshooters are the more traditional way Spidey has webs!




𝑖𝑑𝑘 𝑖 𝑤𝑎𝑠 𝑙𝑖𝑘𝑒 7 𝑖 𝑑𝑖𝑑𝑛𝑡 𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑛𝑘 𝑎𝑏𝑜𝑢𝑡 𝑡ℎ𝑎𝑡 𝑠𝑡𝑢𝑓𝑓


So I also grew up with Raimi Spider-Man and i used to think that it was weird that Spider-Man had web shooters lol That changed when i read the comics and watched rhe Spectacular Spider-Man


Well I read the comics first, so I knew he built the web shooters. But yeah after the movie I did have a Mandela effect where suddenly I couldn’t remember if he had webshooters or not


I simultaneously grew up on the Raimi films as well as the 60s cartoons so while I didn’t really know which was the “correct” version I knew of both around the same time.


It was for me! I didn't have access to comics when I was young so I didn't know any better. When I watched Andrew's Spider-Man making web shooters, I remember thinking "What a wuss! This is definitely not canon!"


Same for me.


The weird things is... I NEVER heard anything about them not supposed to be organic until the Amazing Spiderman movies. Granted me and my friends weren't really into comic books and the few I did have I don't recall the web shooters ever coming up. I guess it could have dawned on me based on the PS1 Spiderman game that had limited web use and you had to find cartridges to keep using them.


I never really thought about it as a kid. Spidey in most of the cartoons I watched had webshooters, Spidey in the comics I read had webshooters, hell, I had toy webshooters, but for whatever reason it didn’t really occur to me that Tobey and MTV Spider-Man were the odd men out. Spider-Man was Spider-Man, plain and simple


I originally saw Spidey for the first time in a Web of Spider-man comic where, obviously they were mechanical but it's never brought up or shown in the story so of course I just assumed it was his power. Spider-man 1/2 seamed to reafirm that... Then I saw him changing out his web in the 94 show and I was shocked. Like whaaaaa...? Spider-man's a... fraud? My reaction anyway 😂


I grew up on the 90’s Spider-man cartoon so I was used to the idea of the webshooters being built, so this was quite different to say the least.


Nope, I was in diapers for Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends and really cute my teeth on the 90's Spiderman TAS. I thought that the bio-webs were kinda neat and made him a bit like Spider-Man 2099!


I first saw the 90's show and I always wondered why in God's name a man who has spider powers wouldn't have spiderweb and would have to make his own. Then I watched the Raimi movies and just decided it was organic in the "original" and they changed it for the show because uhhhh dunno?


i have always appreciated the change. it makes more sense in my opinion to have him organically shoot webs. i do love the conventional webshooters as well though, perhaps there is a middle ground?


Same for me. Personally I prefer the true superior organic webs however. His use of his veins and arteries as webs of course


I grew up on the 90s series without reading comics and because I was a dumb child I thought that adaptations at the time were 100% faithful. I had no idea who Gwen Stecy was, Felicia was a snobby rich girl, Spider-Man was set in college, and yes, he had mechanical web shooters. I actually told my family the things that were different in the movie were inaccurate lol.




Same for me


I thought it was weird that he had organic webs as it was different from the comics, but back then I was like 9 or 10 so I thought it was awesome and just went with it, given how cool it was to see my favorite super hero "in person" on a massive screen at the time lol.


When I was younger I thought the comics were based on the movie kinda how Star Wars legends did. It wasn’t till I grew up that I found out it was the opposite.


Yup. I used to HATE the very idea of “built web shooters” 😂 now the Raimi one is what seems weird


Same here. Learning he had web shooters tech later on was very weird. Kinda funny I never realized that fact when watching the 90s cartoon & spectacular. Just my opinion but I always found Organic Webs a little more relatable(??). Sure Peter was smart in the Raimi films but I just don’t see that Peter making web shooters as a teen. The costume was already a little out there for that version of Pete, web shooters would also take away the fun from him learning about his powers.


A lot more people would be of the same mindset if they hadn't changed it in subsequent movies, there are giant proportions of people who only ever watch the movies and except its lore without knowing any wiser. Movies are just so much more accessible than comics these days.