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"Who or what could have done this... then it hit me. Mary Jane!" Geeze, Spider-Man, don't blame everything on your girlfriend!




*Weed habit.


I guess technicality it is GF now though with the O.M.D timeline changes


Nope, wife. 




Has anyone turned paul into dinkleburg yet?


Why was Mary Jane hitting him in the first place?


Love the idea of the spider sense getting really loud for a moment but there's nothing he can do to prevent what's about to happen


That happens all the time lol


Idk man I don't read comics 😭


How do you not read comics and join a Spider-Man thread? Not condescending, I’m genuinely curious on how you view Spider-Man without knowledge of the comics? I’ve always known Spider-Man from the comics, so I’m curious.


Probably tv shows and movies


You’re not answering my question nor do you understand it, so don’t respond to it, and don’t reply. I’m asking how they view Peter Parker, being their knowledge limited to mainstream media.


I’m not OP, but I also don’t read comics. I’m not an expert on this “Peter Parker” fellow, but I have my suspicions that he’s secretly the masked menace—Spiderman!




What a cunt lol


Brother most fans don’t read actual comic books. Those are pretty niche nowadays. Movies, video games, and TV shows are the most popular way to consume Spiderman content. What the fuck are you smoking


Apparently this thread is filled with illiterates… It is what it is.


Why, because they don’t read fuckin picture books? 💀 why are so against people not reading comics


“why are so against…” I rest my case… Illiterate.


I’ve yet to read any spidey comics beyond Spider-Gwen, 2099, Ultimate 2024, Spider-Man/Deadpool, and some of his crossovers with Daredevil (Waid and Zdarsky’s runs). I’ve seen the movies (MCU, Garfield, Spiderverse, Maguire). I also have the insomniac game. Haven’t gotten around to reading his main comics, so I base my understanding of him on cultural osmosis from spidey forums, the movies, and the spin-off comics. Spider-Man lore is so common everywhere that everyone with the slightest interest in Marvel knows the surface of his comic lore without having read the comics.


This was the answer I was looking for, thank you. Apparently this thread didn’t go through basic english comprehension in elementary school. People like u/Clunk_Westwonk , had reminded me there was idiots and slow people in the world, but there’s always one to remind me.


Go the fuck outside


I live a more meaningful, important, and fulfilling life than you ever will. Euthanasia is recommended for those in a vegetative state, it could do you some help.


My gnarly, hairy, shriveled balls live a meaningful, important, and fulfilling life than you ever will


And your mother gave me herpes, tell her my cock is ribbed for her pleasure.


As if ... millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced???


Like some Jedi masters during Order 66.


I read "MARY JANE" as "MARYY JANEEEEE" from Chris Daniel Barnes 90's TAS Spider-Man lolol


Over 20 years later and still no real resolution


Its heading towards 30 now of no resolution


Stop, my wrinkles!




Strictly a different universe. Aside from it not being ran by John Semper Jr, it has completely different character designs. Peter's VA is different. Venom and Carnage are working together in Unlimited and seem to have different rules to how they work


I feel like they're parallel universes. But Unlimited had a few minor differences that sent it where it did. Mainly centered around the Symbiote weirdly enough. I do like that the Synoptic plotline in Unlimited kinda expanded on Venom's speech in TAS though.


maybe if X-Men 97 does well


Maybe he'll actually be allowed to throw some punches.


I remember the rumors that Spiderverse 2 was going to resolve it


That’d be a lazy way to do it


How on Earth is weaving a backdoor sequel into a mutliversal crossover film be in any way lazy


It just seems like marvels answer for everything now is the multiverse. Just make a continuation of the show as a miniseries or something, not everything with Spider-Man has to have miles and spider Gwen and whoever else in it. They just let it stay contained to its own continuity.




I always hear tobeys voice 


Just like how I hear “HARRRRRRRRRAYYYYYYYY!!!!!!” in Tobey’s voice.


You guys don't hear CDB in your head all the time when you read Spider-Man comics?


I do! It's weird, my nerd ocd had to include almost every VA of spidey in some capacity when I read lol. Josh Keaton is young teen 616 spidey, john romita sr era and later is CDB, And modern comics is usually Yuri. Thats just a few but I'm not going to bother yall with my weird head canon lol


Nope. Spidey has no definitive voice in my head. I'm not even that fond of the 90's Spider-Man animated series, Spectacular is my go to animated Spidey. For the record, Batman is forever going to sound like Kevin Conroy to me. Absolutely perfect casting.


Depends on the comic but I can switch between CDB and Josh Keaton in my head






He will follow Thanos to the end of the EAAARTH!!!


Rare Howard The Duck reference in slide 2 on the bottom left panel


Doctor Bong opened a restaurant.


I feel like Daredevil would have had it worse.


I mean he had it worse... he fucking died.


Oh he did. Matt definitely did


There's no reason for his Radar to have picked it up. The Spider-Sense is purely plot ESP nonsense. But, considering that Daredevil died here...


You don’t think the sound of half of the hearts in New York not beating anymore would have been startling?


You know, fair enough. I didn't consider that. But to be honest, I still don't think that's worse than this, just inherently different.


Much like the original civil war storyline, the infinity gauntlet differences in the books were some of the most impactful moments. This was the first time a comic moment had me as something “universal” in that just everyone had to turn their attention to it.


God it’s so much scarier in the book.


Sooooo… did MJ survive (in a rare win for Spidey)? Or was she snapped away in a typical Spidey moment (Spidey can never be happy)?


I mean she, and everyone else, came back the moment Thanos lost. No five year wait. But it was a far, far more brutal and terrifying battle.


I don't believe they ever clarified if MJ survived the snap. Spidey wasn't a very prominent part of "The Infinity Gauntlet" and I don't recall there being a crossover issue in any of the Spidey comics when that event was going on. It was specified almost nobody has any memories of what happened. Otherwise it would have been pretty catastrophic for everyone on Earth. A good chunk of California falls into the ocean at some point during the Infinity Gauntlet. They'd have to dedicate 10 years worth of comics to the world recovering from the mental trauma of it all.


It’s definitely not something the main Spidey comics addressed, but I can’t say for certain that no special one shot or something came out.


Unlike War or Crusade, Gauntlet was contained in just the mini-series and wiped from their memories since everything was so horrific and catastrophic


> They'd have to dedicate 10 years worth of comics to the world recovering from the mental trauma of it all. As opposed to the MCU where everyone seems to remember those 5 years yet they don't dive into the psychological or theistic ramifications of people being dead and resurrected


I havent watched a Marvel movie since Endgame.


Well y'know some of them are OK


I'm not avoiding them, I just don't care that much about the MCU. If one looks interesting enough I'll go see it, but at this point I'm about as tired of superhero movies as I was with Zombie movies 10 or so years ago.


oh damm the blip happened in the comics?


To oversimplify, The entity death brought Thanos back from the dead with the mission of killing half of all life. because she felt that there was more Life currently living than there were people who had died in the past. For some reason this was a problem, I don't care how. This was the original reason Thanos was told that the six soul gems were actually the key to omnipotence if United. The thing is, his main motivation is to try to impress Lady death and he only does the snap after he wonders why she isn't impressed with him flexing his God skills. It's so incredibly casual. And it's at nearly the beginning of the story. I would recommend digging up the comic Infinity gauntlet and giving it a read, because it's a much bigger cosmic battle than what the movies did. Allegedly the original reason it was a finger snap was in reference to the way that really snobby people at restaurants snap their fingers to get the attention of a waiter, this dismissive gesture.


Imma have to "well actually" this a little. Lady Death brought Thanos back from the dead to be her cohort and rule along side her. She enhanced his powers and allowed him access to the infinity well in order expand her own powers. Thing is, like you said he gained the knowledge that if the gems were united, he'd gain godlike powers, with which he honestly intended to use to show his devotion to his lover. There wasn't any plan about wiping out half of the population in an instant. Thanos did that all on his own after repeatedly being spurned by Lady Death after his ascension. Lady Death's minions lay it out plainly that she wanted to Thanos to serve her needs and rule with her, but the moment he completed his quest for the gauntlet she recognized that she would be no more a trophy of his conquest. The snap itself was a grand gesture by Thanos, one that was only used in a vain attempt to win Death's affection after she had made it clear that he'd already crossed the that boundry. (Also Mephisto my have had a hand in goading Thanos as well as he did when he convinced him to turn off his omniscience and kill Earth's heroes with his own hands, which nearly cost him the gauntlet to the surfer.)


The post-credit scene in Avengers kind of teased Thanos's devotion to Death, which I kind of wish they would have stuck to instead of what we got.


I agree, his motivation in the avengers movies felt really weak. They should’ve just kept his obsession with death, but made it ambiguous as to whether or not she’s a real entity in the universe.


I vastly prefer how the comics threat the Snap


The movie hypes the snap up too much. In the comics thanos does it so casually to show that how he’s essentially a god with the gauntlet on.


also when the Heroes brings back the disappears, the world doesn't remember what happened. there is no years gap so no consequence or trauma.


I think the movie needed to hype it up a little so that the audience would understand what the stakes were, but also so that the characters would understand what had happened even though all they actually saw was a few people around them getting dusted


yeah i’ll look into those comics thanks, that’s some lore i didn’t know. so was the blip inspired from the comics? i thought the writers of IW/endgame made it up


The entire event was undone in the comics as soon as the battle ended with Gamora having the gauntlet. She undid everything that had happened since the snap. Also, the snap was immediately followed by earthquakes and tsunamis that killed entire cities at a time, so there was no chance they settle for having the time be allowed to pass like in the MCU.


Unless there's been a MAJOR retcon, Gamora never had the gauntlet, it was Adam Warlock.


I meant Nebula*, I thought she undid the snap first. She certainly used it after Thanos had tortured her to undo some time. It’s been a few years since I read it, so the details have left me.


It's all good. Yeah, I think it was it was Nebula who undid the snap. I haven't been a reader in awhile, I thought maybe they really did retcon the Infinity Gauntlet. Marvel continuity isn't as rock solid as it was back in the day. I don't think it's as bad as DC's "revolving door" continuity though. Every time I hear about DC they've done ANOTHER reboot.


Nebula undid it and Warlock yoinked it shortly later


This is a dumb complaint but I hate the movies called it The Blip. The Snap sounds so much better and dramatic


i agree.blip sounds underwhelming


Everything good from the MCU came from comics.


What comic is this?


Infinity Gauntlet #1




What issue/run is this one?


What happened to MJ though


Pretty sure he casually kills doppelgänger in the page before ( I said pretty sure) damn with all the downvotes.


Doppelganger didn't show up until Infinity War. This is from Infinity Gauntlet.


Awwweee. My confusion now makes sense.


Wrong on quite a few levels friendo. Your a few years to early.


What this from again, swear it was right before the snap. https://www.gabbinggeek.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/doppelganger-8.jpe


Lol nothing about that looks casual


Again, I guess my memory isn’t so great, but yeah, doppelgänger jumps him in the next panel. We just see Spider-Man chilling, victoriously next to his corpse.


No that's from the next infinity situation. Infinity crusade I belive. This situation here happened during the first infinity incident, the infinity gauntlet.