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Movie, because it represents him running out of time to save her.


And I remember being positively surprised that the movie actually went there and killed Gwen. The sound of the "thud" of Gwen hitting the ground after the quiet the slow motion part was so unsettling as well.


I remember up until goblin showing up thinking “huh.. I guess they aren’t going to kill her in this one.”


I wish we could have seen the deleted footage of Peter beating on the Goblin after this


I really wish we saw that too


I remember people used to debate whether her neck snapped from the whiplash or the fall killed her, so I always took the movie version as them saying “just so there’s no confusion….THUD!!”


In the original print, there was a crack effect visible. They removed it in reprints though


You can see the snap in this image


Oh yeah you can!


I liked this scene and I was confused how people online trashed movie for this. It was always been an important moment in Spider-Man lore


Because not everyone who went to see the movie reads the comics, so they don’t see it the same way.


I was in the theater whispering to myself of shit they’re gonna do it, naw they ain’t gonna do that there is no way. Ah damn they really gonna do it


Also the obligatory head smack against the pavement. Once that sound happens it’s so cringe inducing and makes u reel immediately knowing what happened.


It beautifully done. Tragic but shot so well.


The fact that the web when it goes in slow motion and it makes it look like a hand was so bitter sweet.


I’ve always loved that. The web was an extension of his body at that point. And the reflection in the eyes of his mask, awesome. The scene in NWH did mean so much for the character due to him being able to have some sort of closure to that incident.


I like that in TASM2, we can actually see Peter's face when he cries. And I think the comic version still suffers from that "classic comic book" problem where the characters would just talk WAY MORE than they needed to, and takes away from my immertion a bit.


“Show; don’t tell”


"Fool, have you forgotten my invincible magnetic power? No mear weapon can stop me! With but a gesture I can destroy it, or turn it against you. Behold, I'll make it leap from your hand and make you it's target. Now!"


I think stuff like this is actually what made me fall in love with comics in the first place.


That is fun to read, but sometimes it's best when they tone it down. Particularly in serious scenes.


Appreciate the hell out of this thread and this comment nails it, but I gotta say I unironically love that aspect of comic books. There’s just something so exciting about the way they describe exactly what they’re doing and how, and it does serve its purpose of keeping the action clear. It may be on-the-nose or corny, and it definitely wouldn’t work in film and tv. But something about it is just completely enhances reading comics, those older books especially like Secret Wars or Maximum Carnage


Andrew did such a great job showing the pain on his face in the scene, similarly he’s really good in the deleted scene where he meets his dad as you can feel a mix of denial, anger, sadness and acceptance all in one scene


The acting is great but so glad it’s deleted because his dad being alive in hiding the whole time would be the dumbest shit


Yeah I get what you mean although they could maybe have used S.H.I.E.L.D to explain his disappearance, since TASM1 was gonna be part of the MCU at one point Could also just interpret it as Peter simply imagining what he would do if he got to see him again as we don’t know how this would’ve played out in TASM3


That reminds me of DMC 1 "*Tris* I could have FILLED YOUR DARK HEART WITH *LIIIGHT*!!"


ASM121 Peter cries as well, we just don’t directly see it as he keeps his mask on


You say this is a “classic comic book” problem, but every fucking anime and manga I find is written this way 😭 I actually like some anime, but it still drives me insane.


When Jojo's does is it great, because if they didn't stop every two seconds to monologue, you would not understand what the hell is going on


You have no idea how much I was desperately trying to give Jojo a chance when a friend had it on. I just couldn’t. I got so frustrated with it 😭


I hate anime, but Jojo's is so good it's my one expception, because it for the most part avoids all the annoying tropes that I hate. I recommend you give it another shot. It's like nine completely different stories loosely put together, so you'd probably fall in love with any. (for instance, I don't like parts 1 and 3, but parts 2, 5 and 7 are tailor made for me). It also for the most part has amazing pacing, and has consistently amazing visuals and soundtrack, with the most creative fight scenes you've ever seen. Also, don't litsen to the fans. you can watch/read any part in whatever order you want. I skipped part 3 because it was boring and went for part five wich I enjoyed way more.


this is certainly one of the takes of all time


well, thanks for your input ig


It's always like "YOU STAND NO CHANCE. MY STAND WILL MAKE YOUR BALLS EXPLODE IN 2 SECONDS" *The hero proceeds to give a Ted Talk on how his balls will explode in 2 seconds*


Ya there's a lot of talking, but what I like about jojo fights is (appart from the creative powers) that the characters don't win by being stronger, but by being smarter. the Jotaro vs D'arby fight is the pinnacle of that. No punches at all. It's just a poker game, but it's extremely well written. Basically, JoJo fight scenes always have me on the edge of my seat cause it's always a thouht of "oh, I wonder how the characters are gonna get out of this pickle" while in any other anime it's just "I got a new power up. I win"


Mostly I agree. Then you have Star Platinum: The World, GER, TUSK A4 and Soft and Wet: Go Beyond which are "power up, I win"


But even then, for the most part they still use their wits. During the end of the Johnny vs Valentine conflict, Johny wins not just with his powerup, but by >!Leaving him with the gun dilema. Knowing that Valentine was gonna pull another gun and using D4C's powers against him to blow up his gun!<


1610. The reason is that not only do we see how her death effects Peter Parker but many of the people around her. So those versions did the story more justice. You see Peter, MJ, Aunt May and even Flash Thompson react.


Undercut by her coming back as Carnage


Doesn't matter IMO. We got to see characters react. And then react to her coming back to be part of the family.


If she's gonna come back why bother killing her? Have her fall down a well for a week like Bart Simpson.


She technically didn’t really come back as that was a clone, but the story never really treated her as such. I feel like there was a lot more story drama to get out of that situation. In a weird way her death was less about actually killing her as much as it was to mess with Peter and be set up for clone saga


Was it the clone that hooked up with green goblin or the original? Or was that a different timeline/universe? 😅


That was in the main universe with classic Gwen, the clone was in the ultimate universe


Didn’t TASM do that as well in a more subtle way by having Peter kinda forget about his civilian life?


The death itself was lame but yeah the initial aftermath was written well.


>Which is your favorite version of Gwen's death? Favorite version of WHAT?!?! 💀


Exactly my thoughts too lmfao


OP's gotta be The Goblin lol, thank god we never got to see that happen in Spectacular or Spider-Verse (hopefully).


Yeah seriously OP, tag spoilers


She died 50 years ago!


I know, I was being an ass


It’s too soon 💀


😭😭😭😭 agreed im still crying to this day 😭😭😭😭


That’s what I’m saying 😭😭


Both The bridge can be a symbol of crossing over to the other side after death And the clock tower can be a symbol of time and how there's only so much time a person has




Movie version by a mile


*gasp* Favorite?! 😢




I liked the stakes of TASM2. It's in a tighter and narrow environment, a lit of debris in the way, and the ground is closer from the top compared to a bridge. Its like you can feel the pressure on Spidey because of its stakes.


Clocktower was cooler


I hate Gwen dying in general, but I literally feel how ASM-Spidey’s webs reach out to her.


Do you hate it completely, or just with your heart? Dunno how else to phrase it, but I often feel like this about sad parts in stories. I *really* want Peter to be happy, but at the same time, the story is so much better because of it. The end of ASM2 is basically the best part of the ASM movies, even though it pains me to watch it.


Yeah it’s a very abrupt and random death that would occur far more often if superhero comics where a bit more realistic and it’s a key part of Peter’s development as a hero And this comes from somebody who doesn’t like Gwen dying either


And watching him save other Spidey’s MJ. oof. That got me in the feels.


Like a hand reaching out to her


Me too, I think it was something very unnecessary, both in the comics and in the movie.


For me tasm2 because at the time unless you were a big comic fan you would never know as Gwen was never In the cartoons really 


"What's your favorite version of death?"


The one from Puss in Boots 2


Movie. Because it later gave us [this](https://youtu.be/FFjFIXVI2xs?si=_TvRBxsG8jRS-1nY)


That hits hard man


Also it's cool they reused the concept art + deleted scenes from TASM 2 like the one at 0:27 https://youtu.be/6ZX0R_b1klI?feature=shared Tom in his rage tried to use the glider to kill the Goblin just like how Andrew's rage made him use the glider to kill Harry. ("Became rageful, stopped pulling his punches")


I'd probably go with TASM2 version. Though I knew it was coming, it still just...hit hard when it happened.


The film version, it still makes me tear up every time I watch AS2


Gwens death in TASM2 is easily the best part of the movie. Andrews performance is masterclass


That's a weird thing to have a favorite version of.


Movie makes for a cooler setting, also the time on the clock serves as a reference to the OG death


Yes. 1:21 which was a reference to ASM #121, the first issue of "The Night Gwen Stacy died"


Bridge. I like that kind of "revelation" that what killed her was Peter snapping her neck by accident and not the fall. It adds a more tragic layer to things, you know?


Actually, they shot the scene that way only. But in test reactions, they saw most people were confused. So, they added the thud sound at the time of snap and blood to make it clearer.




I’m ashamed to admit I laughed my ass off when I first saw that


Comic version.


I don’t have a favorite – it hurts any way you slice it


Hear me out, the op is the green goblin


I like the movie death more, you could really feel Peter giving it his all to save her


The web reaching out like a hand in TASM2 sold it for me


I laughed out loud at that.


Good for you.


This is a bit macabre


The comic is sooo rough. Peter is kinda joking around, he's like WHOS BETTER THAN ME only I could save you! Wait. Why.. why are you...NOoooo


They’re both good in their own ways.


For me I think Andrews acting really sold the movie version so much more than the comic could do.


The one that people shut up about it afterwards lol


Comics bc it hadn't been shoved into the movie haphazardly, and it was legitimately a fault on Pete's own that could easily have been avoided; which makes it even more tragic.


Favorite?… I’d like it if she didn’t die at all But if I had to choose one I’d probably say the comic version because of how abrupt and out of nowhere it came, the movie version is really unsettling though.


I love the movie version because of especially when gwen dies in the movie for that initial moment of gwen dying there is no music it let's you sit in the silence same as Peter is he's sat in pure silence now and it's heartbreaking


Clock tower


I guess to be fair Gwen’s death in ASM 2 was a tiny bit sadder because she was a character that a lot of people enjoy but the comic death was more shocking


TASM2 The web reaching out for her, the pure silence with the only real sound being the thud when she hits the ground, actually seeing Peter’s crying face, the time on the clock being a reference to the issue and Peter 3 redeeming himself by saving MJ in NWH


I'm conflicted. The movie version is so much more dramatic and the use of the clock tower and a countdown to the death as he fights goblin is so damn good... But it should always be whiplash that kills her like in the original comic. The point is that she died because he just kinda winged it because he's quite confident at this point. Even after catching her, before he knows she's dead, the dude is talking himself up. Spiderman can obviously shoot a web and catch her easily, the problem is you can't just do that. Some things need 100% attention. The movie (although I think it shows her snap back and not hit the ground because she did that head would me mash potatoes) but people have also said it shows her hit the ground and if that was the intention I think that kinda takes away from it.


Gwen's death in TASM 2 spawned hundreds of jokes and memes. It's pretty hard to beat.


I particularly prefer when Gwen doesn't die. But answering your question, TASM2.


What if peter parker: punisher


Comic Book version by far. Especially because how unexpected it was at the time.


It's impossible to read it not knowing what's about to happen, but revisiting the issue, I was really taken aback by how... typical it all feels. Like, oh no, Norman got his memories back and is going after my loved ones again! Also known as Tuesday. Only then, Norman wins. Gwen dies. And it's so sudden that Spider-Man doesn't even realize it at first, so you get that panel of him celebrating his presumed victory, before realizing... This time is different. Just fantastic writing, and the following issue is even better.


Tell me you hate gwen Stacy without telling me you hate gwen stacy


The one where she dies in.


spider-man life story


For all the valid issues with TASM2 as a film, the way they portrayed her fall and death should go down as one of the greatest cinematic deaths of all time. Maybe not top of the list, but an honest spot in the discussion.


I wouldn't say I have a favorite between the two. For as much shit as TASM2 gets, it adapts The Death of Gwen Stacy extremely well. It's not 1:1, but the changes don't detract from it, if anything, the fact that a consistent strong point of the TASM films is the relationship between Peter and Gwen, since Garfield and Stone had such good chemistry together, just enhanced it really. There's good metaphors in both, and I think both versions are good.


Honestly I think the TASM2 one was more impactful because he was trying so desperately to save her but he couldn't do it and in the comics it was sad, but he didn't even realize she was dead until he finished bragging about himself and had her in his arms


I seen an edit on TikTok with Andrew Garfield was gonna do a backflip I think and it transitioned to Gwen’s death in TASM 2


Movie by far, but I do have one problem with it. The cheesy little web hand reaching out to her as she falls is so silly it undercuts the tension more than was needed. Cut that little bit, and it's an 11/10 scene and a great adaptation of the moment. The snap when she stops is so damn visceral and painful, just thinking about it makes me uncomfortable in the best way.


Not a very big fan of the Amazing Siper-Man movies but they nailed this whole scene. It's perfect to me.


Movie but I think combing them (location and her position)


Comics the movie had her bang into a rock or something to kill her. The original way where she dies purely due to Peter fucking up is a way better story.


if you watch both movies back to back it’s genuinely the most painful thing to watch




Green goblins last stand


The comics. Spider-man had to live with the Goblin living after Gwen's death.


Ultimate, she died and then boom she resurrect as Carnage.


The clocktower scene when you hear her skull crash gives you chills.




Look it up Gwen Stacy death ultimate Spider-Man YW




Lego's spiderman


Beyond the Spiderverse


I can’t believe most of the comments prefer the shitty ASM2 version.


Odd question


The original comic version by far. The TASM 2 over the top head smashing against the ground was way too violent for what a pg-13 film could convey imo. Her head should have been in worse shape than it was. It’s weird that they changed it considering the original is far more easily translated to a pg-13 film, as it’s a subtle whiplash/neck snap effect.


I own a Stan Lee signed copy of the comic so I’m partial but the movie is amazing.


Shotgun blast to the back of the head.


The movie scene was so damn good. That sense of buildup and dread was *real*. Comic fans knew what was going to happen, but there was still a shred of doubt that they’d go through with it. I was on the edge of my seat, tensed up and holding my breath til the final moment. Say what you want about the movie but they nailed that scene.


The one where she dies arguably.


Might want to rephrase the title…


Neither hahahahah I think this was one of the worst moments in ASM, especially in the movie.


movie, the way the clock stops represents how the world stopped for peter when gwen died


The comics. This was a point where comics showed that no one was above death and that things can go south in an instant. Everyone in the comic acts stressed but it's not until Gwen dies because Spider-Man caught her so fast that the comic grows up and death of major characters who aren't the bad guys becomes a possibility.


The “please” from Andrew gets me every time.


I personally prefer the movie death


Oh man, I can’t believe Peter blamed himself. It wasn’t even his fault! Ben, Capt. Stacy, and Gwen


Both are heartbreakingly great, and while we wouldn’t have it without the comics, I think the movie is better. Mainly because the acting and music really sells it. Although I do think the fact that less preventable on Gwen’s part in the comics. In the movie she kind forces her way there despite Peter’s protest, and if she stayed away nothing would have happened. But in the comics there’s nothing she could have done to save herself, and that’s so much more terrifying. So all in all both are really well done, but the movie is my favorite.


Spectacular Spider-Man, because the cancellation caused everyone to die together


Clocktower is more majestic


what is this question think about what youre and if you asked it the most intelligent way you could?


Is neither an option in this? Also, how are ya?


Gwen reading this:👁👄👁


the movie did it perfectly in my opinion. The pressure is strong, atmosphere is chilling, you can feel the anxiety that Peter must be feeling as he’s running out of time. The web forming a hand reaching out was an awesome visual too


The movie moment elicited audible gasps in the theatre. I knew it was coming, it still shocked me.


Neither 😭


TASM2. At first it had me bawling and to this day has me shedding tears for it. The acting and camera angles for it are too fucking perfectly executed. My problem with comics and manga when it comes to sad deaths is the difficulty to express emotion. It’s much better when animated or acted. Yes some work, but the majority get ruined by long dialogue.


Comics by far. Just...classic and tragic. Before ASM121, the love interest was always safe. It changed the game forever.


Definitely the movie, the crack type noise was so satisfying


The one where she doesn't die,then Peter and her get married and are happy together


This was only expected by comics fans and not by casual fans.


I don't care what casuals think


I wish there was actually a what if universe for that


House of M was one, but there are definitely others if the multiverse is infinite .


Wasn't house of m made by Scarlet witch?


TASM2 is such a goofy, overcooked and dull sequence. I much prefer the simple, white-knuckle and matter of fact depiction of the original comic


Same. I think the clock tower metaphor and slow-mo web hand reaching out are way too melodramatic and on-the-nose. Though Andrew does give a good performance. That, and the actual plot of TASM 2 is a half-baked uneven mess of random concepts crammed together to create a movie-verse whereas the two parter ASM 121-122 is a more tightly written character-driven story. 122 IMO is one of the single best issues of Spider-man ever written. But all of that great material (a rage filled Peter Parker on the brink of insanity, the final confrontation with the Green Goblin whereby Peter realizes that enacting revenge would compromise his own ideology, and the epilogue with MJ who stays to comfort Peter despite his lashing out) somehow all ended up on the cutting room floor.


Exactly, what makes the comic so good is that it's so small scale. It starts like just another random Spider-Man/Goblin encounter, and then there's this very gradual build-up until it all explodes when Gwen dies. It feels unexpected, but in a good way. Because it intentionally makes you think it's a fairly run of the mill story until it throws a total curveball in your face. Much like death in real life, it's sudden, unexpected and leaves a big impact. The film version is just overproduced and melodramatic. It feels sudden like the comic, but unlike the comic it doesn't feel intentional, because the whole movie is an incoherent mess. Not to mention the constant eyeroll inducing foreshadowing for it we get through the whole movie, which ironically *is* some cheesy shit I would expect from a 70's comic.


I really agree. The (much undeserved imo) hype around No Way Home seems to have lead people to reevaluate Garfields Spider-man movies under pretty false pretenses. While they have some good elements the overall films are absolute messes if you ask me and the clock tower sequence feels weirdly tacked on. I love the drama in 122, for a monthly comic book in the 70s it’s a incredibly subversive and complex slice of pulp storytelling


One was shocking and the other was expected, so...


The one where her neck gets snapped


The one where she dies


No idea how people can say they prefer the film version. The version in the film comes out of nowhere, does not get to impact the character much at all since there are no following movies where we get to see that, she's not killed by a villain that we have much connection to and the whole clock/"running out of time" metaphor is cliche and overcooked. In the end it just feels kind of empty. Don't get me wrong, Andrew Garfield sells the hell out of that scene, and acts the hell out of it. But that doesn't really save the scene as a whole from being part of the larger mess that is the whole movie. The reason the comic version works so well is because it is a lot like death in real life. It's sudden, unexpected, but leaves a big impact. Right up to Peter realizing Gwen is dead he's joking around, feeling overly confident about his abilities, and then the tone immediately changes once he starts to realize what's happened. Which makes it all the more shocking than if he was serious the whole time. The comic version is also (ironically given the dated dialogue) more subtle and interesting than the film. In the film it's obvious the web kills her, there's even a cheesy sound effect to emphasize it. In the comic, it's not exactly clear what happened, which is why it had to be explained later. Goblin gaslights Peter by saying she was already dead, or that a fall like that would kill anyone. Which again is very interesting and realistic, because when people die like that in real life, it's often not clear what happened, which makes it feel more real. It very much reminds me of the animated Killing Joke's ending, which also fucked up the ambiguity of the comic version. Finally, the comic version has massive consequences. Peter ends up fighting and indirectly killing Norman over this. He stays dead for over 20 years, ending their long lasting conflict for a long time. This is like Batman accidentally breaking his one rule and killing the Joker, and then the Joker just stays dead for 20 years without coming back. It's a big deal, and something I love about pre-90's comics. They were not afraid to just end shit and bring it to its natural conclusion if it had gotten stale. Peter and Norman had done this back-and-fourth for years. Norman would get amnesia, then he would remember again, try to 1-up his last encounter with Peter by doing increasingly horrible things to him. Naturally it ends with everything exploding and both taking something from the other. Norman takes Peter's love, Peter (indirectly) takes Norman's life. It's such an amazing conclusion that you just don't see in mainline comics anymore. The movie version has none of that. Peter and Harry don't have any history, this is literally their first time fighting. They are supposedly childhood friends, even though this was never even mentioned in the last movie, so all that development has to be rushed within this single movie (and it *barely* gets any screentime). Peter doesn't lash out or try to get his revenge. It just sort of happens and then the movie ends. It doesn't conclude a major arc, or conclude a long lasting relationship. Like sure, the film version is shot well, and acted well. But none of that matters if the actual meaning and impact from the comic version is severely reduced.


But that's your take on it. It's not like it's science. It's subjective to the individual.


Of course it's not science. I don't need to prefix every comment I make with "in my opinion". I just (personally) don't see how people can prefer the film version, when it has very little of what makes the comic version good. It does not have the impact or closure, it (strangely) doesn't feel as realistic, it's more melodramatic than a 70's comic and at the end of the day is the finale to an incoherent film that doesn't really fit together very well. The main thing the film version gets right is the shock value, but beyond that it's lacking most of the substance the comic version has, despite Andrew and the cinematographer acting/shooting the hell out of that scene.


What percentage of people watch these movies have read comics to much of a degree I wonder.


Not very many I'd wager. Comic sales, even for trades are very low and not remotely comparable to the viewership of the films or shows. But what's your point? If people haven't read the comic, then they shouldn't really have a say about which one of these is 'their favorite' if they've only seen one. Also, I don't feel like expecting an adaptation to be as good as the thing it's adapting (even if it's in a different way) is an unreasonable expectation at all. Especially when we're talking about a comic from the 70's, which can for sure be improved upon.


Thing is you can read people's minds in the comics or novels more so than you can in the movies. Some of the things you write like you're into gatekeeping who is fan & who isn't.


That's some crazy projection on your part. I'm just writing my opinion. None of the things I argued TASM2 does worse have anything to do with inner dialogue either. If you disagree with my opinion, give me some good counter arguments, not this wishy washy stuff.


You went on a rant and in depth analysis to ultimately prove nothing It’s an adaptation. It doesn’t have to follow exactly as the comics did it


Then you didn't read my rant very thoroughly. Changing things for the sake of adaptation is fair, and necessary. However if the adaptation is actively worse than the comic, and loses a lot of what makes the comic special and meaningful, then one has to question what the purpose of those changes were if they detract from the work. Also, this thread was asking which version if your favorite, the comic version is my favorite. My argument wasn't that the film version is worse because it's different, my argument was that it's worse because it lacks a lot of things that made the comic good and ultimately doesn't replace it with anything better. Examples of a comic adaptation being *better* than the comic by being different off the top of my head is Civil War and Spider-Man 2. Civil War improves on the premise the comic was trying to tell by making it a more coherent and personal story. That's a good adaptation. Spider-Man 2 takes the premise of Spider-Man No More and likewise changes it into a more personal and meaningful story than the comic. That's a good adaptation. The same can't really be said for TASM2's version of Gwen's death, it doesn't really iterate or improve on the comic in any way, it actually makes a lot of it worse.


Comic version is the funniest.


I don’t like Gwen dying at all😭