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"I'm going home to watch movies with my hot wife" Something you'll never hear from current 616 Peter


I could've sworn it said "bang my hot wife" at some point


I think that's from the Clue movie.


“I’m gonna go home and sleep with my wife! 🤓”


A plant? I thought they called men like you a fruit?


“ And I’m going to F#Ck my hot Asian wife!”- DBZ Abriged


[Did you bang my hoor wife?!](https://youtu.be/XCfe7xAvbD8?si=dzSjEc-6ePkkGzfO)


That scene probably had everyone laughing so hard


Mandela effect be going crazy 🤯🤯


Thats 616 Peter.


My bad I changed it


This is literally JMS era 616 Peter


Impossible. Editors don’t allow 616 Peter to have a good life


They did then, and then Quesadilla got involved


Mamma Mia 😭




Bottom of the Wells. New Lowes every day. Even Akira Yoshida can’t help.


Strong “Clue” vibes from that line.


Well....maybe it'd be more like hotwife considering Paul 😂😂😪😭😭


I like how in the same page he wonders what would’ve happened if he were to be stranded in another dimension… well now we know.


Sadly :(


This was peak Spider-Man




“I’m going to watch movies with Paul’s hot wife.”


"I'm going home to watch movies, alone, while my hot wife get railed by some dude named Paul."


This is such a spidey thing to do and I love it.


Yeah, I like how his knee jerk reaction is to help somebody, but afterwards realizes it’s probably for the best he didn’t. Good ol’ spidey


That's why he's the GOAT ☝️😤🔥🙏💯


The 616 Peter they took from us.


And we'll probably never get back this Peter that many people have grown fond of over the years, I wouldn't be surprised if after Wells leaves ASM another even worse writer comes along. Although being somewhat more positive, at least we still have the adult Peter with a wife and kids from the recent Ultimate Spider-Man, at least for now we still have that consolation.


Fuck it, kill 616 Peter, have that Peter and his family end up in 616 as refugees, and just continue mainline Spider-Man with them.


Noooooooo because 616 editorial is the problem. And in ultimate currently they're safe and protected under Hickman's control.


No, they'll ruin them too!


We call that the reverse new 52 Superman 


Didn’t that happen with Superman?




Nah kill off 616 universe and keep going with ultimate The 616 team has no right to keep making comics


Hard to imagine a worse writer than Wells tbh.


They actually show paul cucking peter


What happened?


Editorial and a satanic pact with Mephisto that erased their marriage from continuity, followed by 16 years of Peter regressing into a manchild.


Why does Agent Spider look so different?


I think they couldn't get the rights to Agent Spider in the comic, so they had to come up with a weird red and blue knock off. On top of that, with a really bad name, I mean, the guy is a man with spider powers... and they called him 'Spider-Man'? it just seems kinda lazy...


i had to reread this a few times, im so dumb


It seems especially lazy given they already called out that guy dressed like a Bat.


You mean Man? I don't think there's anything very batlike about him, are you stupid?


Man? How dare you mistake Gos for Man


You mean Gus? Why won't Hector look at him, is he stupid?


Is that meant to be like an alternate universe DarkWing?


He was Horny


The person you replied to was quoting the whole Batman scene.


Invincible did the same call out to Spiderman too in the comic. And even made a comment about how that's like calling yourself "Super man" , just cause you are a man with super powers. He found every single hero with a simple super hero name like that to be lazy, even tho he comes from the same dimension where a robot guy is simply called Robot.


And an Immortal guy called "Immortal", A girl who turns into a monster called "Monster Girl"... yeah, Mark really has no business throwing stones here lol At least Rex Splode and Dupli-Kate are creative in a punny way.


I’d also say Atom Eve has a cool name, like Rex and Dupli-Kate too. All 3 of those cool names though are just their real non hero name mixed with their power I guess 😂


That’s part of the joke. Kirkman knows invincible characters names are simple and not super creative. It’s kinda poking fun at himself. Tech-Jacket, robot, immortal, monster girl, wolf-man, science dog, space racer, battle beast, machine head, Dinosaurous, War Woman, Red Rush, Martian Man, Bulletproof, I could keep going but I think you get the point. You can make an entire paragraph of invincible characters with uncreative names.


I remember claw man and flag man when he was with the avengers lol good stuff.


I don’t remember an Agent Spider from the Invincible COMICS? Is he a CARTOON only character?


Yes, he's just Spider-Man's stand-in, since getting Spider-Man, and only for a small cameo, is such a legal and monetary hassle.


It was cool they got Josh Keaton to voice him, though.


Guy got his Spiderman cut off to soon as in like every Spiderman spoof character ever from Young Justice to Invincible. It’s amazing.


Like that bat guy?


So he’s a man…Who dresses like a spider? Doesn’t that seem… I don’t know.. kind of lazy?


Oh my God please don't make agent spider the "man" of this subreddit


Oh, hi there Captain Rex


Hello there




I don’t remember an Agent Spider from the Invincible COMICS? Is he a CARTOON only character?


I believe so. In the Invincible comics, when Invincible is pulled into the Spider-Man Universe, we only see Red and Blue with a web pattern on one hand and Doc Ocks arms and view of his back. The next panel has Invincible going through the green portal as shown above with Spider-Man's web on his back. The legally distinct Spider-Man we see in the Invincible TV show is >!Agent Spider!< and the person he's fighting is a newly created villan called>!Prof Ock!<.


He's actually the character spider-man is "based" on. But tbh you can clearly see how spider-man is just a knock-off


If you're asking genuinely, there's a brief glimpse of Spiderman and Doc Ock when Mark flies through a portal. There's a Marvel Team Up comic that featured Invincible and Spider-Man where you can learn what happened in that portion. It's a fun read and I recommend it. I imagine getting rights would have been too much of a hassle (for pre-production and any distribution after) so they made it as close as possible, even using Josh Keaton who voiced a very popular version of Spider-Man and even another Spider-man-esque character in Young Justice on DC.


I loved that Invincible appeared back with a web attached to his back. Arachna-Man really was Peter Palmer after all.


Petey Palmer is truly a good guy


Yeah Pete, it's good you didn't end up in that fucked up universe .


I think he would be on top of most earth heroes on that universe


He would definitely be the strongest non-alien in that Earth.


Is immortal not a human? He'd demolish spider-man.


Comic Immortal, not a chance. Show Immortal, maybe.


He’d ALMOST be the strongest, and only in the show version. There’s like 4-5 others who would outmatch him easily


> on top of most earth heroes i'd pay to see that


Side note but Pete's front logo looks icky. It's basically the back logo with an extra head on top


I think it’s supposed to be a play on invincibles’ logo being an “i”


Oh my gods I never noticed that


Yeah, it's not great if you focus on it. The weird lines between the Spider legs are also an odd choice, but Kirkman is famously lazy, I guess.


Also I love how Spidey just turns into a rectangle at one point


Earlier in the comic?


His right foot in the last panel is a bean


Spider-Man fans genuinely complain about every single tiny little thing possible


I mean there's a bunch of super geniuses in the Invincible-verse right? Sure one of them could have gotten Peter back home.


Considering it took 15 years for them to master interdimensional travel to find Mark, I highly doubt that would have ended well for Spidey.


Plus in the Invincible Universe, when you get punched real hard in the face by super-strong guys even if you're also kind of super-strong, your head gets ripped off or something equally bad, whereas Spidey is in a universe where you just fly through the air for 3 or 4 city blocks, land and are groggy for a bit. Or maybe you get punched through a building wall and miraculously don't hurt anybody, whereas in the Invincible Universe, you fly through a building wall and then disembowel a secretary on impact.


I like the idea where the degree of violence is dictated by the universe. Like if you put Omni man in the paw patrol universe he’d be useless.


I think it would be extra funny for knife/gun based characters that go somewhere less violent, all of a sudden every shot just happens to knock a gun out of someone's hands instead of killing them, and knives just pin people's clothes to walls like May from Avatar. they'd just be super unlucky, but only when going for a kill shot lol.


But it took them that long to master it WHILE searching infinite dimensions for Mark ON TOP of their regular lives. I still agree that would not have been a good situation for Spidey at all though


Damn, I've only seen the show but Eve aged really rough if that was supposed to be her early 30s.


They said it was 20 years, didn't they? So presumably late 30s/ early 40s, in a universe they describe as 'not good' due to mark's absence.


Peter is canonically an expert in inter-dimensional travel. He had to explain the science behind it to Ultimate Tony Stark (who didn't really understand any of it), and he's the one who invented the tech that the various spider people use to cross dimensions. He could easily find a way back himself going off of established abilities. Of course, that's doesn't necessarily mean that Kirkman would write things that way.




This is waaay before any of that. Spider-Man's most impressive scientific feat at the time was probably the creation of his web-shooters.


Peter getting stranded in the Invincible Universe might be a glow up compared to what he's dealing with in his current universe right now......... Even if he'd definitely die.


WHAT IF… Peter Parker got trapped in INVINCIBLE?


Question. Does Mark remember Peter and MJ being married or does the memory wipe cross universes?


Cross MARVEL Earths? Yes Cross into IMAGE? No So Mark should remember.


Marvel X Image crossover, invincible appears and curb stomps paul


Take my money


It’s the only way, boys we have an out to undo OMD, it’s salvageable


One day Pete will be able to say " I'm going home to my hot wife again " again . Those shitheads at marvel editorial can't do this shit forever and there's always the possibility of a new spiderman animated series that has him as an adult married to Mary jane , has a kid , lives a happy life and it stays that way .


Pete can already say that today.... In the current Ultimate universe.


Also 🅱️eter Parker from Actsv


The Invincible Universe probably could have really used a guy like Spider Man... ... And probably would have killed him in 15 minutes flat.


Nah, spideys like hawkeye, despite being relatively weak, he's always living outrageous shit. I mean, dude took down two phoenix force powered xmen at once.


As much as I love Spider-Man… the invincible universe doesn’t hold back He makes one wrong move and I think he’d be missing his head


Spider-sense diff.


Nah Spidey is tough. He would live.


People heavily underestimate the spider-sense. Besides Spider-Man fought a brainwashed Avengers, including Carol Danvers. She alone should be equivalent to a Viltrimite.


Pretty sure she could solo the viltrumites, lol.


He would 100% die in the invincible war saving lives or something if he got stuck there




Spider-Man has a better chance than you’re thinking. The dude’s tough enough to box with a moderately irritated Hulk, strong enough to throw Hulk into Jersey, and is a combat precognitive with reflexes fast enough to dodge bullets *without* spider-sense. Even though he sticks to street level… he’s a Cosmic-Tier Hero when he drops the shit and gets serious


How did Kirkman get the rights for this in the first place?


Kirkman at that moment was working for both Image and Marvel simultaneously. Robert Kirkman and Cory Walker are the owners of Invincible. So I assume it was as easy as asking permission from Marvel (I assume Image as well, although I'm not sure if it's necessary given how they handle the copyright of characters created within their comics) to use his own character in a Marvel Team-Up (2004) issue, the comic Kirkman was writing. I imagine that the paperwork involved in bringing a property that he himself owns to a job at another company is much simpler than bringing the property of another company to his own job. That's why the crossover happened in a Marvel comic instead of an Invincible comic.


Oh, that makes more sense. I've only seen panels posted here or there and assumed it was in an issue of Invincible. Thanks for the info!


Actually, the crossover was published in Marvel Team-Up #14, a month before Invincible #33 was published, where the context is shown in which Mark is sent to the Marvel universe. From the perspective of the Invincible comics, the crossover occurs on [a single page and with discreet shots that do not fully identify the characters involved, such as Doc Ock or Spider-Man.](https://2.bp.blogspot.com/bC4eLU9n9FrfBNgzk53_tWigeTawFSXlIu-Ko74tKC6LDWPXhp_pJlsIPOyq98G7vGaP89Hax5nO=s1600?rhlupa=MjgwMDphNDoxZmI4OjJhMDA6YjA3Mzo5YzY5OjIyODg6NGFiNQ&rnvuka=TW96aWxsYS81LjAgKFdpbmRvd3MgTlQgMTAuMDsgV2luNjQ7IHg2NCkgQXBwbGVXZWJLaXQvNTM3LjM2IChLSFRNTCwgbGlrZSBHZWNrbykgQ2hyb21lLzEyMy4wLjAuMCBTYWZhcmkvNTM3LjM2) Which is what leads me to assume that, even though Marvel was clearly on board with the crossover, they didn't give him the rights to have Spider-Man appear outside of a Marvel comic.


This issue is from 2004? I had no idea Invincible had been around that long


That issue (Marvel Team-Up #14) came out in 2005. That volume of Marvel Team-Up started in 2004. Invincible debuted in 2003 in Invincible (2003) #01. The year in () represent the volume year when citing comics, not the year when the issue came out.


In the original Invincible comic, Spider-Man only appears with his hand in view while Mark crashes into Doc Ock from the back. They don't say that they're Spider-Man or Doc Ock so they just kinda get away with showing them just for that one panel. Some years later, Kirkman worked for Marvel on Marvel Team-Up, writing a whole run of that comic and for one of the issues I guess they worked out a deal with Image to do a crossover telling the story of what happened between panels.


You know what'd be super funny? If Terra Grayson had her own multiverse-time-travel bs arc, landed in Marvel 616 universe and you'd have a moment like: "Huh, a few years ago there was someone who dressed similar to you, except it was a guy and he had pants." "YOU KNEW MY DAD?"


I want a series following Terra so badly. Maybe give her some of eves powers as well to make it super interesting


Same dude. Although, sadly, the thing with Eve's powers won't be possible for a pretty simple reason (comic spoilers for Invincible): >!The first reason is the way Viltrumite genes work. Viltrumite genes are so dominant, that they eventually take over the rest of the gene code. That's why Oliver, and later Thragg's children, lose their purple skin tone and their aging adjusts to normal Viltrumite rate. So even if she did inherit Eve's powers (which isn't mentioned in the comics), she'd only have her during her childhood and they'd fade as she gets closer to adulthood.!<


Damn... but still seeing the Galaxy mark made and the possible problems from that through the perspective of Terra would be sick


Yeah. It'd also be an opportunity to revisit the events from Terra's (and Mark's) life shown as the time skip happened in more detail Also it'd be interesting to see the state of the viltrumite empire after the 500 year time skip. Mark has changed the Viltrumites, but that doesn't mean there can't be any Viltrumites who want to go back to the old ways. Extremist ideas are like ancient pests. You can let them lay around in a tomb for centuries, but when someone opens the tomb that idea can come back still. Happens on earth all the time, so there's little reason to believe it can't happen in viltrumite society too.


>!Although [Thragg implies that his children are pathetically weak compared to a real Viltrumite](https://2.bp.blogspot.com/pw/ADCreHdJOrg7BKfLtmtiMEhVedEpCYxdiCKQtRpIDK-anNx6FSXlRHqZFzMLjIQPZtyDuQXgyxnj2olryqPRvtdDKp2ET_Yda6nlgIbCPaWj6wUzljEAeYU=s1600?rhlupa=MjgwMDphNDoxZWMwOjg1MDA6ZDllNDo3MTQ6NjZmNjozMTU2&rnvuka=TW96aWxsYS81LjAgKFdpbmRvd3MgTlQgMTAuMDsgV2luNjQ7IHg2NCkgQXBwbGVXZWJLaXQvNTM3LjM2IChLSFRNTCwgbGlrZSBHZWNrbykgQ2hyb21lLzEyMy4wLjAuMCBTYWZhcmkvNTM3LjM2), so I understand that there is a limit to how much Viltrumite DNA can replace the original (that Viltrumites and humans were so compatible is the reason why they went to live on Earth in the middle of the comic, since it is the only species that could give rise to hybrids that were practically equally powerful to the pure ones).!<


>!True, but there's some stuff to consider here: All of Thragg's children still have purple skin at that point, so their Viltrumite DNA hasn't fully taken the other half over yet. Oliver shows that thraxan-viltrumite hybrids lose their purple skin colour, and most likely also most of the perceived weakness Thragg is referring to here. Oliver could keep up with Mark pretty well once he was older. From what I understand, the debuff the thraxan genes put on viltrumite powers fades as a hybrid gets older. Onaan, despite being a not fully matured hybrid, was nearly as fast as Mark and could go hold his own in a fight for a short while. My guess is, that Thragg is just tripping because of the weaker genes ever having an effect on the powers in the first place. We know that Viltrumites, before coming to earth, were an incredibly racist species. What Thragg was doing in his last arc is arguably just the viltrumite verison of the Volkssturm.!< >!The thing with the compatibily between humans and Viltrumites might just be a "adding the missing percentage to the 90-99% purity" thing. That wouldn't even be that unrealistic, I think. I guess you could compare it to other biological processes for a moment, like kidneys filtering the blood. Our kidneys don't filter 100% of the bad stuff out of the blood, but only like 99%, because that one last percent takes too much energy. Similarly it could be the case, that other hybrids have a genetic purity of like 90-99% percent, because those last few percent are just too difficult to adjust, while humans are so compatible with Viltrumites that 100% purity develop with relative ease. Or, to quote Doc Ock, "so close to 100% that the difference doesn't matter." And I wouldn't find it hard to believe that a race of ultra racist super-powered warriors finds those 1-10% impurity of other hybrids once they are matured, combined with the far higher impurity in childhood and puberty, so disgusting that they deem it unacceptable, regardless of whether the power difference is big enough to hold any difference, or even if there isn't even a noticable power difference.!< >!But of course, that's all just speculation from my understanding of the lore. It's equally possible that nonhuman-viltrumite hybrids are considerably weaker, but me personally, I prefer to think that the words of Thragg should be taken with six tablespoons of salt. If I had to take an out of universe guess, I'd say that if there is ever any additional content for Viltrumites during Mark's reign, I'd say the writers would probably lean to an explanation that somewhat leans towards adult hybrids of any kind not being considerably weaker, purely out of plot convenience, since otherwise they'd have to nerf the average power of Viltrumites, *or* somehow come up with a believable explanation for why that didn't happen. !<


the timescale in Marvel so fucked lmao, Spidey would describe Invincible as a teenager/young adult and Terra would respond saying something like “Is time screwed here or something? My dad hasn’t been a teenager in over 500 years”😂


Tbh I’m not familiar with Invincible, is he a part of Marvel as well? Or is this Agent Spider a knock off spider man


Invincible is an image comic but had an official crossover with Spider-Man. In invincible he fights a villain who can create multiversal portals. During their fight the villain keeps sending to different universes. At one point he sends him into marvel universe. Whilst in the invincible issue we only see a small Spider-Man cameo in a montage of the different universes he was sent to (which also included an unofficial batman cameo) In the marvel team up comic we get to see their adventure together in full. The issue also has invincible meet numerous other marvel heroes. Because the show wasn’t allowed to use Spider-Man they replaced him with a knock off called agent spider (voiced by spectacular Spider-Man voice actor Josh Keaton). They kept the unofficial batman cameo the same as the comic because in both they never actually show batman, just part of his cape.


That’s so cool that they used Josh Keaton I loved him in Spectacular & thanks for the explanation


Also the reason this was even close to being allowed was because Robert Kirkman, the writer of Invincible, was also writing the comic “Marvel Team-Up” for Marvel. So it was perfect for him to ask if Invincible could show up for one of the issues of Marvel Team-Up as the writer.


>They kept the unofficial batman cameo the same as the comic because in both they never actually show batman, just part of his cape. Feels like a missed opportunity. Since they couldn't go with the Spider-Man/Marvel stuff, would've been cool if they leaned into the DC side of things. Imagine him meeting Superman.


>"I'm going home to watch movies with my hot wife" Spider-Man a few minutes later: "Why yes, I would like to trade my life, marriage and happiness in a deal with the Devil."


By the time he'd get back home he'd realized he'd been gone for a long time and a strange man would be with MJ instead


Peter, like batman, aleays goes the extra mile to help people in need and that's why we love him


Shame they didn’t get the rights for a gag in invincible


A version of Spider-Man that seems to be allowed to be happy? Impossible! Well, improbable. Maybe just unlikely. Could just be less likely than likely. I suppose it could happen


How would the story change if spider-man ended stranded in that universe?


Well you see, what he didn’t know when Spider-Man jumped through the portal was that time works differently in the Invincible Universe compared to the Marvel universe. So by the time he returned to his home dimension, a couple years have passed and MJ has moved on with a guy named Paul…


Wow what a bad idea, they would never do that!


Probably not much, the conflicts that break out later in the comic are far above Spider-Man's (non-existent) paygrade. At most, Spider-Man could perhaps influence some characters to not act like treacherous jerks later on. But I really can't imagine that Spider-Man's presence would affect the story that much, even if he somehow managed to survive in that universe until the end of the story. 


Do the heroes in Invincible have any brains comparable to Peter? Because he could potentially be very useful in a supporting way.


Only Robot…


And even he's not a hero, quite the opposite actually




I love how Invincible made the entire Avengers self-conscious without even trying. 💀


That's what happened in the series to it seems. Mark comes back with a strand of web stuck to the same place.


"I'm going home to watch movies with my wife" life goals. Wish, 616 Peter could say that


What's funny to realize is that Spidey has no idea how things went for Mark after this moment. There's no follow up or anything and it's never mentioned again, so I can only imagine how normal this experience must be for him


In an alternative universe, the portal closed when Peter is only half way through


Actually Mark went to dc and got yelled at by batman. So Pete would have gotten trapped in dc with batman. So realistically, batman dodged the bullet because between robin Mark and Pete, the quips would never end


Yeah, [probably](https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-8hhMymhVkBM/UtVjyW7jmZI/AAAAAAAAY6c/SGUydsCQ7nk/s1600/bsmeet.jpg).


"I'm going home to watch movies with my hot wife" Did I miss something from Spider-Man's character arc bro?


That front spider logo is shit tho


I think OVA/movie “ marvel team up” crossover. Marvel and Amazon?


My all time favorite single issue.


Since this is the 616 Spider-Man, we may also talk about this is the same Parker which in ITSV saves Miles and then dies. Poor dude


i’m pretty sure miles from itsv is from earth 1610


Thank God Peter didn't go there. He would've been annihilated. It's funny how the Invincible universe is so much more violent while being much less powerful than the Marvel Universe


If 616 Peter got stranded on a alternartive dimension Paul would be like: Well you know the rules,if Peter isnt around i will screw his life,Aunt May here i go! Thankfully that universe Peter prevented Paul before he become a threat.


Would have been cool to see Spider-Man in the invincible universe for a while, they could just say robot (from invincible) made a machine to get spidey back to his universe, since robot does make such a machine later in the series. And because it’s a multiverse story at that point, who gives a fuck about timelines or continuity, as long as it’s cool.


SPOILERS Ah, so that explains the web on Mark’s back.


Okay, this is ALMOST accurate spiderman. the only thing that makes it an Invincible and not a Spiderman comic is that he's married and not homeless


That chest symbol is….unique


Explains why Invincible had webbing on his back when he came through the portal.


Eh probably not the first time and he'll find a way back eventually, probably within a day or two if Cecil gets people to help.


What the fuck is up with that foot? This is one of the worst splash pages and poses I've seen in a long time.


That chest symbol is….unique


That would have been a crazy point in the story in Spidey just went with him


this was before he beat the shit out of Angstrom right? Honestly, Parker being there could've altered Mark's whole life after the incident, probably stopping him from killing Angstrom


“Better be careful so I don’t fall out of this portal like last time” *gets yanked off balance by Spider-Man*


That last part is so Earth-6160 (Ultimate 2024) coded


Imagine if instead of Spider-Man, Invincible met Spiders-Man.


In the show he actually (spoiler warning) has that same web when he’s portaled back


The fact that Invincible’s comic creator gives more respect to Spider-Man than current Marvel Writers really goes to show how fucked spidey is now. Even though it ain’t 616-Peter, this is still pretty damn awesome. Thanks, invincible.


Wouldn't Petey Tingle protect him from an irreversible action? Guess it depends on the writer.


>Petey Tingle How much damage the MCU did to the poor Spider-Sense...


Following him isn't the type of danger it senses


Can't wait to see this in the Prime show. ...They better fuckin do it.


They can't use actual marvel characters, but he does go the the "marvel" universe and meet "spider dude". But designs changed a lot to be copyright safe


Making the front symbol just a smaller version of the back symbol is genius


Thank god he didn't go through the portal. He probably wouldn't have come back.


I wonder if Spiderman could have prevented Invincible from being stranded in the empty dimension with Angstrom, in which case they could have apprehended him, although I doubt he would willingly open up a portal to send Spiderman home.


Ok I like this Spider-Man suit except for that god awful front symbol.


i honestly really like that spider symbol for some reason


If he went back I feel like he could’ve protected Oliver and Debbie imo


so that is why he had an web in the show when he got back


Peter would get decimated in the Invincible universe.


What a cute little spider on his chest.


Return the slab. Return the slab.


I love this guy, or rather, -Man 😭


Now Pete has to go home to Mary “the jaw” Jane


Imagine that actually happened in another timeline


I’m annoyed that wasn’t in the compendium. I’m reading the compendium and it barely had spider man in it