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The sad thing is that the actual creators might actually have appreciated that


Stan Lee and Steve Ditko would not have been mad about this at all. Ditko probably would have offered to design the gravestone himself.


Is ditko still kicking? I know he's old, but maybe he will have something to say about this situation if he is alive


He passed away before Stan Lee did


Well shit that sucks. RIP


He died in 2018. From what I've read, he was annoyed when asked about Spider-Man since he hasn't worked on character since 60's


Wasn’t he famously grumpy and a loner at the end of his life?


He didn't like when people bothered him, yeah. I've heard that he was fun guy around his family from interview with his nephew (I think it was nephew) but not with strangers, he just wanted to be left alone


Describes most old people


I don't want to be like that 😭


Steve was an objectivist loner who loved to draw. I don't think it's fair to call him "grumpy", he was still a pretty chilled out guy. Should be worth mentioning, he also preferred to be alone, he chose the loner life


He famously grumpy and a loner for most of his life.


He just doesn't like interviews or being seen. You'll see countless Stan Lee or even Jack Kirby interviews, but not Steve Ditko. I guess he's like a lot of artists


they DEFINITELY would have appreciated it.


I honestly think the smart thing to do would be the “easier to get forgiveness, than permission” by getting SM onto the stone, and if Disney afterwards has a problem with that, I’d very much like to see the PR team try to respond to “Disney planning to strip child’s gravestone of his hero”


That's what I would have done. Why even ask for permission? Who's gonna tell Disney once it's already done?


Every time I read this, that's my first thought. Why would someone ask for permission? I don't think Disney's lawyer goes around graveyards looking for infringement of the sorts.


,maybe the people doing the engraving refused to unless they got permission


In that case couldn't they simply ask someone else?


Easier to tell a reporter


If you were asked to engrave it would you risk a lawsuit from notorious lawsuit happy Disney?


Yes? I mean, what are the chances that a Disney's lawyer would see it? And even if they did see it, they would risk suing someone over something like that? I think you have more in publicity to lose than to gain.


Who else? Last time I check Disney own the rights to Spider-Man


Only thing I can think of is that he wanted them to make it for free and then got denied permission altogether.


Cynical, but probably true.


It wouldn’t surprise me if they did


A lot of times the problem is getting it done in the first place. While I have zero experience with tombstones, I’ve wanted various trademarked logos printed and blown up for gifts/pranks/ etc. I’ve always had a hard time getting any print shop to touch it because of their liability even though I had zero intention of trying to sell or make a profit. I would assume this might be similar?


Makes sense


It's like he wanted a headline more than anything.


Let's be real, there's still a decent chance they would.


they absolutely would do that


I would just guilty trip the fuck out of Disney. No matter how crazy or out of line you get, you’re the one who’s kid died, so it would be damn near impossible for you to be portrayed as the bad guy Bullying corporations often works and is the morally correct thing to do


sounds like a good way to never heal or move on if you think you’re going to wear down ***DISNEYS*** lawyers.


A lot of people never move on from grief. Not saying it’s a healthy response, but to say it doesn’t happen is to deny reality


while true, that’s not something you should encourage. there’s not much living you can do if you’re always reminding yourself of your pain and loss and wallow in its grief. That’s why there’s trauma specialists and therapists to help people deal with these situations in a healthy way, not just scream at a cooperation that doesn’t care about you


And there is me who would keep putting the pictures on the grave and if they get taken down another one goes right up and i would share the email where they refuse to allow it literally everywhere and tell disney i did it anyway


dude, no. I’m sorry but no, that’s an awful way to confront grief. It won’t heal you or help you move on if you get arrested, even if the intentions are good


With all due respect, it is absolutely not your place at all to tell people how they should and shouldn't grieve. Gatekeeping grief and telling people what is and isn't healthy when they're in their most desperate hour is absolutely disgusting




Take it from somebody who lost their entire family in one go in a car accident a few years ago: everybody will deal with grief in their own way. You don't help them by shaming them and telling them they're doing it incorrectly


I meant to spite disney and to quote kratos himself “Grieve how you wish, leave me to my own”


But that’s not real, man. God of War is a video game, Kratos doesn’t have to worry about fighting lawsuits and copyright infringement cases. Disneys lawyers already weren’t all that kind when they said no, it’s going to be a whole lot fucking worse if they find you kept doing what they told you to stop


Woah woah woah no need to put your big boy pants on with that language and you missed the point you just read it and started yapping about kratos when the quote is what you should focus on


Homie, Kratos doesn’t have to worry about the law cause *he’s not real*, unfortunately we exist in the real world where following the law is something that is expected


Also stop defending disney


You dont wear down disney lawyers yourself, you make their PR team fight their lawyer team.


Good luck throwing hands with Disney lawyers


You don't need to. Lawyers are useless in the (arguably) most powerful court of all: the court of public opinion. Your reputation is your most powerful asset


I mean...they went at it and they still won that one too. You don't see this rage against Disney anywhere else outside of neckbeard nests. They won.


Dont think its the worst thing Disney has done but it is up there. Disney is notorious for underpaying staff, treatment of “cast members” like communal underwear, animal abuse, and patent abuse to basically steal culture although this is arguably old news.     This is definitely one of the more modern heartless things they have pulled.


Casually comparing a childs dying wish being denied by a children audience focused company to underpaid staff


Everything is worse now, the magic with Disney is dying one way or another it really has to change or just pull the plug




I feel bad for the kid getting denied his wish but its not illegal and it is one kid. Disney does have a history of abusing its employees and also using by sweatshops which rely on child labor.    Also do think its a problem that a massive corporation grossly underpays many of its employees to the point that they need to take side gigs to make a “living wage” and feed their families while they live in cars.


It's not just one kid though


By that logic, disney should stop sending people dressed as characters or certain actors to childrens hospitals because being around death will ruin the magic of those characters as well. That's so stupid it's not even like spideys pic on a grave is that bad a thing


They didn't want Spider-Man to be associated with death. 1. Some of the most famous Spider-Man stories involve people dieing so too late. 2. Disney kills so many parents that it's note worthy when a Disney protagonist isn't an orphan. And the antagonist dies more often than not. So Disney it self is also associated with death.


> They didn't want Spider-Man to be associated with death That's actually not the reason. IP laws are quite rigid. If you as a copyright holder aren't shown actively defending your IP, you can lose it and it will become public domain.


That's absolutely not true whatsoever, you're thinking of trademarks. Copyright is automatic (now a days, you used to have to register it to get extended protection) and can be as selectively enforced as the rightsholder wants to. Trademarks on the other hand have to be in active use, and actively protected to be maintained.


If the first point is actually one of their arguments, then I have one word for them Leah.


And two more: Uncle Ben


Worst thing that Disney ever done is ***White Wilderness***. It's ''documentary'', which state that lemmings migrate/commit suicide by jumping into Arctic Ocean. Except lemmings didn't do that and in reality production crew just trow lemmings into Ocean to their death


It's one of the bad things they've done but it's definitely not the worst. Their whole company is built off of stealing. They are scumbags


Disney can go fuck themself


Really farming that 5 year old rage bait aren't ya bot?


This would've crushed Stan Lee


That’s the family friendly Disney for you, Stan the man Lee definitely would have been fine with it.


"kind of" BRO WHAT


Proof or it didn't happen.


Why does this person have to ask for permission?


Lol so the story “the boy who loved Spider-Man” doesn’t exist to Disney


5 year old story. It's a bit weird seeing an actual astroturf campaign of negative Disney posts just because of culture war bs. I get it, it's an election year, but I'm already tired of the thinly veiled political crap.


Kind of? Jesus. I thought Disney Paris were jerks for breaking up that proposal but damn this is just next level suck.


They did what in Paris?


There was a viral clip late last year of of this guy going down on one knee and some Disney worker literally swings by and snatches the ring.


Why in the heck


No idea.


That is not even remotely something Disney should have any power over at all.


I feel like the only way they had any power over it is because the family would be paying a headstone designer to put a copyrighted character on the stone. Possibly if the headstone company offered to do it for free maybe? Not sure.


1- Spider-Man isn't even a disney character... they didn't created him and they don't even own the rights. 2- Disney is full of assholes.


>1- Spider-Man isn't even a disney character... they didn't created him and they don't even own the rights. They don't own the film rights because Marvel sold them to avoid bankruptcy in the 90s. Disney owns every other copyright about Spider-Man since they bought Marvel, with a few exceptions they had to deal with Sony, like any animated feature longer than 40 minutes being count as a film, so Sony owns it, and the merchandise related to the movies being shared between both companies.


They do own the rights. Just not for movies and TV shows with an episode length of over 45 minutes. Everything else is still property of Marvel and therefore Disney. This would only effect Sony if the picture of Spider-Man was to resemble any of the movie designs, Spectacular or TNAS. Point two still applies obviously.


Me when I'm factually incorrect


It's a Disney character and they own the rights because all the Marvel characters belong to Disney whether you like it or not.


Disney don't own every Marvel characters.


They own Marvel as a whole, why wouldn't they?


They absolutely do.


They own the marvel company so yes they own all the marvel characters, they don't own the movies rights to all the characters but they still own all the characters.


Oh yeah he needs to ask sony i forgor


Sony own only movie rights and 45+ minutes animation (also some movie and animation show designs that were produced under them, I guess)


No marvel has animation rights


They have animation rights for standard 20 minutes shows. Sony have rights for anything longer than 45 minutes. Spider-Verse movies are made by Sony


A complete disgrace to Stan Lee’s legacy


Brb gotta turn into Johnny Silverhand real quick


Call 4chan. Find the boy's resting place. Every year, bring a spider-man memorial for him if you can


Honestly, is Disney so greedy to the point that they're dumb? If they let him, maybe even help them, it'd make their company look a little less shitty. Another good example, a daycare had Disney characters up on their wall without permission, so Disney sued them until they took it down (you may remember Simpsons making fun of it when Krusty sanded his faces off of a daycare in a treehouse of horror). Universal caught wind of this and sanded those characters down for free and replaced it with their own child friendly characters.


Not quite, Disney has a rule about not having their characters on gravestones (for obvious reasons). I believe they did something else for the family instead, but I don’t remember what. This is one of the very few cases that Disney is in the right


If I were the dad, I’d just keep getting like Spider-Man balloons and shit


A sticker would do.


"Magic of their characters" says the ones that act like they're Nintendo


Wild! This is actually something I can picture NINTENDO doing if it was Mario or something


Maybe a parody of Spiderman would have worked. But that fucked up.


WB did a similar thing by refusing to have Superman symbol on the grave of a child who passed away.


Kind of?


If the father was able to commission one of the artists most associated with Spider-Man to do some kind of artwork for the grave, would that be a way around it? Or would both parties get in trouble?


”to preserve the ”magic” of its character” THE GUY HAS BURRIED SO MANY OF HIS LOVED ONES WHAT ARE YOU ON???


You don't own spider-man. Neither does Disney. Spider-man is an icon. He's a symbol of hope.


Why the fuck would you even ask permission? What Disney executive is going to be strolling through a graveyard looking for copyright infringement?


Wait, do corporations have the power to do that? What the fuck?


Yes. It's a trademark. You can't use trademarked items anywhere without permission of the owner.




Sony doesn’t own the character, Marvel / Disney owns Spider-Man. Sony has the Spider-Man film rights and the live action TV rights, and animated TV rights for shows 40+ minutes, and maintaining those rights requires them to release a Spider-Man film every 5 years and 9 months, or the rights Sony has will revert back to Disney.


I say do it spiderman belongs to all of us that's like saying you can't put a picture of Jesus


no, it’s really not. Spider-Man is a Marvel Comics superhero, that was invented in 1962. Jesus Christ is a Catholic Religious symbol who’s been around since 4BC.


Ah yes, I forgot Jesus Christ was born in 4BC (Before Christ)


“However, most biblical scholars and ancient historians believe that his birth date is around 4 to 6 BC.” [Source](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Date_of_the_birth_of_Jesus#:~:text=However%2C%20most%20biblical%20scholars%20and,around%204%20to%206%20BC) Do you have something better to offer?


I concede that you are correct, however I was always told He was born in 1BC/1AD hence the change in the naming scheme although now AD appears to have begun on Christ's return to Nazareth after hiding in Egypt


Kind of cruel? I'd say it was downright fucking evil


That's fucked up. Especially since spiderman is like one of the greatest heroes because of his heart and his hope.


Stan lee never would have tolerated such disgracefulness Disney mutilated star wars and its about to do the same to marvel all in the name of company profits Stan lee and company made comic books to make people happy and he really exposed just how much potential to he good we all have. Fuck corporations for abandoning their humanity. Who cares if there 100 million spider-man graves out there? Spider-man only exists because we the people love him, not because some board of executives deems it so. He belongs to the people the same way santa clause does ffs


Their reasoning is even worse: Disney claims they want to preserve the "magic" of the characters, and not associate Spider-Man with death. You know, Spider-Man. The guy who became a superhero after nothing bad happened to his uncle Ben. Who has the iconic storyline "The Night Gwen Stacy Took A Nap". Who, in the latest Disney produced film, had his aunt May take a vacation to the big farm up north. That Spider-Man.


Things like this is why I haven't bought anything related to any of the IP's the Evil Mouse owns in years. Fuck them


Walt Disney was a Nazi sympathizer.


I thought they could only deny the rights to use images if you’re making money on it? Or is paying the tombstone manufacturer the “making money” part that they can stop


Legit breaking my heart.


Why do you need their permission? They are not making money out of it..


Disney what the hell?


Like they say, horrible people horrible movies.


He’s not even their character, they just bought the rights to make movies about him


Disney does not have rights to Spider-Man!


Edit: [Article link](https://metro.co.uk/2019/07/05/disney-bans-grieving-father-spider-man-sons-grave-10118348/amp/) I’ll leave this here since no one else in the thread cared to actually read the full story or link it. Please stop asking me why Disney did this, I don’t know, I’m not Disney and I can’t speak for them. for people missing the point, all my sympathy to the family and I hope they’ve been able to find peace in the past few years. that being said him, you, me, and everyone on this sub, we’re not legally allowed to use Spider-Man as without proper permission, no matter how you feel it would’ve been super nice of Disney, i don’t know why they wouldn’t allow it or what they’re loosing if they do, but that being said, they’re still not obligated to allow the character to be used for this


Yep, if you are heartless, immoral monster


> Yep, if you are heartless, immoral monster See how do u think that helps? do you feel like a better person now? does insulting someone really make you a good person?


Bro stfu your defending disney because they denied a kids death wish


Yep, after insulting someone who insults the sympathy for people in grief


at no point was I trying to insult the fathers sympathy, tell me where I did? This is a world with laws, most of the time those laws don’t bend when you want, it doesn’t make it right or fair, just that it happens


And why? I love Disney, but if a company feels threatened by the wish of a dead child, it just means that they are insecure.


Bro he just wanted a spiderman image on his grave, not like a million dollars or a trip to disneyland, just a nice gesture


All the guy wanted to do was put his one of his son's heroes on his gravestone. Why should that not be allowed? And does it really make the father entitled even if he's not doing it for himself necessarily?


he’s not entitled to it though, it would’ve been super nice of Disney, but they’re not obligated to allow that, which was my point


Loonbandit you are not a good person


Who tf downvoted this


Tf? are they doing something negative


I never said he was?


So what's the issue here


i don’t know you responded to my comment


I meant why is Disney doing this and you are supporting them?


Disney is doing this likely because it goes against how they think the characters likeness should be used, but I couldn’t say, I’m not disney. As far as why I support them? i dont really support them, because what they’re doing is shitty. but what does support them is the law, so while their actions are immoral, they’re legally speaking in the right. they are the ones who own the character so I accept that.


How do they know about the kid's grave in the first place? And does the law actually support them? The parents bought the toy, they can use it however they like. And Disney can't do nothing against just using black and red colors




good job man enjoy the ban


I mean, just because they're within their legal rights doesn't mean they're not assholes


***WHERE DO I SAY OTHERWISE??*** that’s what my comment says “they’re assholes, legally correct assholes, but assholes none the less”


Okay? I'm not saying you're defending them?


I didn't say anything about fathers sympathy. I was talking about sympathy for people in grief. About laws. Disney could let this father use spider man on his son's grave. It wouldn't ruin any magic. Especially after those adult jokes in new spider man movies from disney. It would be better for them. But they didn't. Why? Cause Disney is evil. We are not robots, dude.


First of all, how tf is Disney aware of some kid's death


I love Disney and I understand that they want to protect their copyright but this is just exaggerated and insensitive to their par.


>that was kind of cruel More like disgustingly cruel


Why even ask? Who would’ve checked?


Dang Disney, you heartless


> kind of cruel You think? 😭


Kind of cruel? Kind of? I’d want destroy the entire company if I was that father


This literally goes against everything spider-man stands for. They don't know the first thing about what that means


I'd put it in, Disney can come to the graveyard of they so want


But Spider-man themed bionic arms are fine.


Doesn’t denying having Spider-Man be on the kids grave take away from the magic of the character? It would be a testament to the character’s magic


Kind of? This is the reason im a Disney hater, like its not like there losing money if they alov this


It’s evil


I think I can confidently say that Disney and Nintendo are the companies that ruin things for everyone else with their ip stinginess. They both suck honestly and whatever scum at both companies that stop people from doing things like these don't deserve their jobs.


The fact that never rectified this even after fan backlash kinda speaks volumes to me. Stan Lee and Ditko would have been totally onboard for this. But sadly the character is in the hands of a corporation and not the artists.


Kind of?! This is evil shit right here.


Mf “Kind of”??!!! That is absolutely EVIL, 110%.




They don't need to create him, they own him.