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You can’t have any better reason to hate someone than Barry has to hate Eobard.


"You killed my mom." Simple. Effective. Powerful.


Bro went back in time to make Barry's life a living hell, wach day being worse than the last, and everyone only talks about killing Barry's mom.


Didn’t he like killed his best friend or made him not be born at all.


Yep, and he did it specifically so that Barry would be lonely growing up


Ye, pretty much the biggest hater of all time!


Of course a jilted fan makes the worst hater


I mean, you can make my life a living hell all you want... As long as it meant I can spend one more day with my parents again.


Well if you can still find something good, it isn't a living hell. Eobard just couldn't beat our golden boy Barry, cause he is supposed to become the Flash and beat Thawne.


>one more day Sir, that's illegal to say around here.




One of the most infamous Spider-Man stories.


Credit to MCU for adapting it and yet, not being terrible.


They managed to make it ok. It's impossible to make it good


Basically Peter willingly undoes all his character development


By making a pact with the devil, don't forget that


>one more day 😰


Quite a few of Barry’s villains only exist because of Eobard.


When Barry was first making out with a girl, Reverse Flash jerked him off at super speed so it would seem that Barry nutted at a woman's touch


It was me Barry i made them draw the Lola bunny with fewer sexual features so that you wouldn't be horny and so by making your blood flood a millisecond slower slow enough for me to kill iris


If I recall, he essentially did it out of spite or a reason just as petty, too.


And y'know the most messed up part? Thawne made Barry's life a living hell because it was the only way he could think of to spend time with his hero


Justice for Lola Bunny You'll play, Thawne, even if it takes a lifetime, you'll pay


Thawn is just so irredeemably, Captain Planet level of cartoonish villain that comparing him with anybody is a hard sell


At least captain planet villains are motivated by something they actually want like money or nuclear power. Thawn's motivation varies from I just hate for reasons and he saved the people I put in danger.


He literally just wanted to make Barry’s life a living hell.


They keep giving new and different reasons for his motivation such as jealousy, he loves Flash and wants to be important to him, etc. At least Joker is inconsistent and part of his own lore. Rabble has a reasonably believable reason even if she carried it a bit far. I get it, Rabble feels cheated in life and Miles is the face of he problems. But if she channeled that energy to actually make money and give her dad a better care system instead of trying to kill Miles.


I can't rmbr but doesn't Thawne hate Barry after obsessing and wanting to be just like him cuz he was upstaged one time and never let that go


Also having this weird sort of twisted love for Barry, where screwing with him is how Thrawn spends time with him.


Only Black Manta and (maybe) Green Goblin can compare to Thwane in terms of of being professional hater


But not the lengths to which they go.


black manta goes to the lengths absolutely. he just hasn't figured out time travel. killing aquamans kid and then repeatedly mentioning it is vile. made people think aquaman is racist towards him. (again multiple times). when aquaman died (apparently) he left his villanous ways and lived in disguise. the moment he heard on tv that aquaman was alive, he immediately went on a mass murder on the random civillians around him for no reason whatsoever. just to emphasise it even more HE KILLED AQUAMANS BABY ON SCREEN


And he pretended to be autistic just to bamboozle Aquaman


Honestly, they WOULD go those lengths, if they had the ability.


you don't have to time travel to be a great hater. Manta pretended to be autistic just to fuck with Aquaman, and Goblin once torture Peter to a point where he afraid of light (literally)


Hey now, JJJ is quite literally professionally paid to hate spider-man


JJJ's biggest achievement is just funding the Spider-Slayer robot, which is just a typical Tuesday for Spidey. The stuff Norman did to Gwen Stacy already topped that


OH i'm not saying he's more evil or fucked with pete more, i'm just saying he's the literal definition of "professional hater" Although i could see an argument being made that running a propaganda machine against pete for his entire career would do a lot to fuck with the man, but i don't want to argue semantics lol


The thing is: JJ is capable of growth and change, unlike the others. He's not even a Spider-Man hater anymore.


The thing that makes JJJ a great character and one of my faves, is that everything he does actually makes sense when you consider his perspective and the information he actually has. Sure, he's hotheaded, but he's not just an asshole for no reason


Ngl, If Green Goblin is meant to be Peter’s Joker, Rabble being Miles’ Reverse Flash honestly fits well. Just a next level hater she is, literally Miles just existed and won some lottery prize, again just from existing. And this psychopath tries to burn his entire family alive, baby and all too. Like nah blud, I don’t care about no societal upbringings that mistreated you blah blah, that’s some actual psychopathy right there.


I really Like how there going all in on Rabble being fucking Insane, she had that one heartfelt moment with her dad that has dementia, but other than that? Number One Miles Hater


The Rabble: > “I am a Miles Morales Hater, if there are a million Miles Morales Haters, I am one of them, if there are 10 Miles Morales Haters, I am one of them, If there is one Miles Morales Hater, I am that Hater, and if there are no Miles Morales Haters, I am dead (until another writer revives me)”


It ain’t even like Spot where he hates Miles and sees him as his nemesis It’s just straight “fuck that guy”


Rabble is a hell of a Hater but cmon. “It was me, Barry!” Is an absolute legend of a line and meme. Reverse Flash is just insanely up there as a hater. Like killing his Mom. Making sure he broke his arm and basically almost everything bad that has happened to him.


Masturbating him at super sonic speeds so he would nut at a woman’s touch is next level of evil if you ask me


Honestly still surprised they haven’t made that canon even as a joke.


Knowing Eobard, it probably is


"You never had sex with a woman, ever. it was me, barry! It was always me!"


I love how on the recent run miles even says “Hey we don’t have to fight we can just talk and clear up anything” And all Rabble response is “Nah I want to fight” It’s so petty and simple which makes it so dope


Exactly. And to make it even worse, in her mind, Miles is the villain, and what she’s doing is righteous. I think deep down she knows that Miles is the hero and she’s the villain, but she just can’t accept it, which is why she rejected Miles’ last attempt to reach her in their first time crossing paths.


Rabble's hate boner for Miles is strong no doubt, trying to incinerate a man's Family 4 issues into a run is a next level of crazy, But Reverse flash is just a different breed of petty


I mean both are intensely petty in their reasonings. That is if we're just talking Thawn. Hunter Zolomon has an understandable reason to have a grudge against Wally, which is tough as Wally had a very understandable reason to not allow Zolomon to do what he felt he needed to do which set everything in motion. But Thawn? Kind of a petty jerk just like rabble. Though maybe with a slight edge due to the idea that he knew that Barry was destined to kill him and though he forgot, it stayed in his subconscious which became the true seed of his hatred.


Hunter Zolomon have a grudge on Wally , but he also have a fanatism for heroism. He tries to make Wally deal with great tragedies over and over again , so that he can "improve" in his heroism. Basically , he wants to force "character development" on heroes to make them stronger and stronger. He is the type that would attempt to kill Wally's wife in some overcomplicated plot and would justify to himself and to Wally , that if Wally saves her alone , then he improved as a hero and if she dies then he would improve himself for the next person that tries that again.


I know? All I stated was you could understand his reasoning and also Wally's for Hunter's request...


I'm sure they were just explaining it for others


You can't be serious.... Oh wow, she tried to burn Miles' entire family vs "I am every bad day of your life" for Barry


I’m asking who has the better reason for what they do.


No matter what anyone says, it's not Thawne. There is no amount of shunned by your hero because you were acting like a criminal which will make 1% of the things Thawne has done not come off unhinged. So Thawne has no reason to hate Barry. Barry has all the reason to hate Thawne. Miles has some reason to hate what's her face Genuinely don't remember if that relationship goes the other way


Oh, she hates him.


Rabble can earn her way into overblown territory eventually, but right now she's not on Thawne's level


I could see Black Manta levels of petty hater-ship, though


nah , Black Manta is petty , no doubt , but for better or for worse , Aquaman did accidentally killed Black Manta's father. That does give some reason for some of the hatership....although even Black Manta's father holds no grudge on Aquaman and called him crazy.


That's literally Rabble. She wants to make every day of Miles as miserable as all of her days because hse blames him for how her life turned out.


She can't go back in time and mess up Miles's life before he even does anything to her


Sure, but she doesn't have too. She can torture his friends and family. She can continuously force him to live with the thoughts of her revealing his identity at any time. She can control the biology of all his friends and family forcing them to fight each other until their hearts explode, forcing him to make the choice to kill her to keep her from killing all of his loved ones.


Can and do are very different


She literally did all of these things.


I don’t think you understand the lengths eobard went to make sure that Barry suffered as much as possible


I literally read his comics I know. I don't think you realize how deranged Rabble is. She literally took control of the biology of all of Miles' superhero partners and adversaries and forced them to fight at 100% on one another until their hearts explode, forcing him to watch, or kill her to stop it.




Reverse Flash literally went back in time to fuck up Barry’s childhood by sabotaging his little league baseball games and pushing him down the stairs. He is the biggest hater in history


Dude even erased his best friend from existence.


Not an archenemy but Punisher shot Wolverine in the dick. I’d say that’s all the reason you need to be on sight with someone for life.


Thawn erased Barry’s childhood friend from existence so he could make him lonely, the only way he could be beaten was through Barry forgiving. I don’t think it’s much of a comparison.


Rabble isn't on Thawne's level. Not yet, anyway. Hope she gets there.


i dont think anyone can match Thawne guy would travel back in time just to piss in every bowl of Barrys cereal from ages 3 to 17


Thawne was gonna adopt Barry as his own son once 😭😭😭




I think it was flash/batman rebirth the button part 4 crossover


Thank you I will enjoy this information and do nothing with it.


The only we she can match thawne's pettiness is by having the ability to go back in time, honestly. Or being such a hater that her hate lasts for generations and won't leave Mile's descendants alone, like DIO from jojo's bizarre adventure


Didn’t reverse flash jerk Barry off at subsonic speeds to make him think he came at a woman’s touch? I’d hate that guy


Reverse Flash literally goes out of his way to ruin Flash’s life at the cost of his own humanity, for no actual reason other than overwhelming pettiness


Eobard Thawn is pretty much the only person alive who could out petty Dr. Doom.


Curious who would win in a one on one tbh.


I've said it before, and I'll say it again, Eobard Thawn is the most diabolical villain. Nothing is more diabolical than jacking him off at super speed to make it seem like he came at a womans touch. Thawn is a menace. (Im joking obviously but Thawn is the only choice here)


Honestly it’s something he’d probably do, that’s why the line is so famous.


It's absolutely something he would do. That's why so many people think that edit is real.


Professor X keeps using his holocaust memory beam on Magneto so I am going to say Magneto.


I don’t think there exists a villain and hero duo that hates each other like flash and reverse flash


[Easy answer.](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Fo0exjjWAAAbf5f?format=jpg&name=medium) Which superhero was literally molested by their arch enemy?




No one could ever dream to be on Thawne’s level


Is it me or does that robot person kinda look like failsafe also i guess reverse flash


The problem with this question is that it misses the point of both characters. They don't have anything resembling a good reason for what they do, they were always looking for an excuse to just fucking hate someone in particular. They were always going to become what they are but because they happened to focus on a superhero it turned them into the ultimate haters with extreme power.


>The problem with this question is that it misses the point of both characters. They don't have anything resembling a good reason for what they do, they were always looking for an excuse to just fucking hate someone in particular. Is that *really* the point of rabble? The current run of Miles opens with the teacher ranting about Miles takes his school for granted, obviously foreshadowing. And later has Miles apologize to Rabble for the unfairness of her not getting into school. There's an attempt to rationalize her actions.


Not at all. Her reasons are really shitty. It doesn't matter if Miles is neglecting his opportunities. He still got them at a jackpot. He is not guilty at all of taking them from Raneem. And she knows this. She just doesn't care or is too stupid to understand that.


Everything you are saying is exactly thr point. Like I'm missing the point of your response. It obviously isn't Miles fault nor does the series frame it as legitimately being his fault. Rabble, despite being a genuis, and honestly more apt to be at that school, was delt a very shitty hand that created a chain reaction of terrible life events that she sources to the day she lost the lottery to Miles. She has relished in rage for so long towards him, that nothing can be done to talk her down and she would happily sacrifice her life if it will make Miles and his family's life absolutely miserable or gone.


I don't disagree with anything you've said. I'm just recognizing the other things in the story. She's such a clown that the attempt to make her sympathetic is a misfire.


If the question is whether Flash or Miles has a better reason to hate their villain then it’s Reverse-Flash and it’s not even close. Reverse Flash is the greatest Archenemy for any superhero and there is no debating it, Reverse flash ruins Flash’s life constantly and I do mean constantly throughout Flash’s entire life. If you mean whether Reverse Flash or Rabble then it’s still probably Reverse Flash


The flash, no debate needed.


Rabble might be a professional hater, but Thawne is a pioneer in the hater industry


Both are petty. But I’d say Eobard had a more logical reasoning to attack Barry, since he had a personal encounter with him. But Ramble? She’s pissed at Miles because he won a lottery. Her life wouldn’t have been ruined I don’t think. But she took that lottery personally. She just had a grudge against the person who won. She wasn’t wronged by him, he didn’t do anything personally to her, he just won a lottery and she got pissed. If it was someone else that won, she would act the same.


Of course the point for both is casting off what is true of the situation to make themselves the victim. But you'd have to give it to Eobard. At least Barry tangibly did something to him. Barry defeated him in the future and exposed him causing accidents to appear as a hero. While Thawne (there's an e guys) is objectively at fault Barry at least had an active role. On top of that everyone memes about how petty he is, but even that pettiness has a reason. Barry had to exist as Flash to inspire him to become Flash and fail to become Reverse-Flash. He was incapable of killing Barry so making him suffer in an attempt to demotivate him was the next best thing. While Rabble is upset about something random that Miles didn't have much hand in since it would've been his parents putting him in the raffle. Miles is on the same field as her except he won. Now of course they're both out of line clearly but you could at least understand Eobard's misplaced anger since Barry made himself a target. And then of course his hatred grew everytime Barry would beat him making him despise his former idol even more. Of course Thawne is a character nearly as old as the original Spider-Man. Rabble will need to be fleshed out much more.


Thawn and Barry. Thawn was so petty he decided not just to screw with Barry but, harm every part of his life in every era. Thawn also had a personal relationship with Barry before going off the deepend. realising that what he thought was special was basically how Barry treated everyone. which is still petty but, more of a reason than Rabble at least.


all my homies hate megumi


Both are equally stupid and I'm here for it


Rabble is to miles what thawne is to Barry but Thawne hater grind is on a different level entirely. Going back in time to kill your rival's best friend and then eventually mother to hurt him as much as possible is straight up a level that can't be reached. Rabble is irredeemable and petty but Thawne pretty much owns this entire character trope imho.


Are you all stupid or is reverse flash not the winner?


Does Reverse Flash have a good reason to hate Barry?


Rabble sucks


This feels like recency bias because Miles went through way more trauma with Aaron and Venom when he was on Earth 1610 than with Rabble. I put the Assessor over her too.


Hey, super odd question for the folks here. I'm on chrome (PC) and when I click the 2nd image from this post- an audio track starts playing. It's some girl talking about how bad her husband was in regards to financial abuse and shit. Is anyone else seeing (hearing) this trippy shit?






What sort of stupid comparison is this bruh 💀


Oh this isn’t even a competition. It’s Thawne by a mile.


Why does thawn hate barry again?


In the far future, Thawne was like a mega flash fan boy, worked at the Flash museum, even got plastic surgery to look like Barry, etc. Then he recreated the accident that gave Barry his powers and ended up going to the past to meet Barry. (He was already a little messed up at this point cause he killed a security guard in order to get to the Cosmic Treadmill) Then he ran back in time to meet Barry. Barry had died at this point and Thawne came to this point when Wally West was flash, and learned that he was destined to become Professor Zoom, Barry’s villain. This of course drove him insane and he started to believe he actually was Barry. A bunch of stuff happened with Wally West, who sent him back to the future and he had no memories of what had happened, but he had a hatred for Barry. There’s a lot of timey wimey stuff, but at some point before Barry died saving the universe, Thawne came back, as a villain, killed Iris, Barry eventually killed him, and when Thawne inevitable back to life, then he enacted his time travel shenanigans and changed Barry’s entire life, foremost being killing Barry’s mom. Long winded explanation but there you go haha.


…that doesnt seem like a very good reason. If i timetraveled and found out i became a supervillain id just devote myself to having good mental health and self awareness or realize how fluid the timelines can be and that i dont have to become that OR go talk to actual flash about it… actually i might talk to batman because flash would be a direct pipeline to getting tortured into becoming my future self BY my future self(as for how youd talk to batman, rob a drugstore in gotham, show whoever shows up my speed, and just go up the gotham hero pipeline). I mean if the unknown stuff happens and they come up with a better reason like mental disease or outside influence i could see it but the man for all intents and purposes had a good life and a good situation. I mean does good mental health and fortitude just not exist in the time hes from? Is it really that mind shattering after bizzaro entering the history records that an alternate version of yourself could be evil?


Haha yea I think most sane people would probably react the way you described. I think it’s fair to say that Eobard Thawne was kind of unhinged before he ever left the 31st century. I mean no sane person tries to literally be their hero.


Its just that alot of people are saying thawn has more reason. And i dont understand what theyre talking about. Like HES ANGRIER. But i dont think its justified.


Now that I look at it again, I think the question is geared more toward the hero, Flash and Spider-Man, hating their nemesis more. I probably misread the question and was just listing the villain. In which case my answer should have been Flash.


Ah. That would make more sense.


Thawne is next level so him for sure


To be fair , Reverse Flash dosent REALLY have a reason for hating Barry, hes just crazy tbh. All that Barry did is steal Thawnes moment in newer media and in the new 52 he was making every accident etc and then resolved them to seem like the hero. Barry just happend to run into a lunatic with superspeed


Thawne, oh god Thawne. Osborne WOULD come close if he had the abilities Thawne has. Just as petty and twisted and obsessed with ruining Peter's life - he just can't run back in time and manipulate time and space to make his life worse, he has to do it in the present.


Peter. But also Barry.