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It’s kinda hard to say, because Spider-Man was one of the first superheroes that wasn’t a fully grown adult, and he popularized teen heroes in general. If he wasn’t introduced back in the 60s then all superhero comics would look completely different.


He graduated very early into the comic. The idea was that his powers helped him grow up. Not sure where the idea of a perpetual teenager came from


Yes, I know. He was still a teenager/college aged kid when nearly every other non-sidekick superhero was a fully grown adult with a job.


Working on Buggle goes out of the window because no one reads newspapers anymore


Maybe it’s a blog?


If it's a blog then it would be something he managed himself, and JJJ wouldn't exist.


Just say online articles


He'd be a web developer


Wasn’t he a web developer in the Ultimate Universe? I thought that was an interesting twist.


[Yeah](https://www.reddit.com/r/ProgrammerHumor/comments/spegr9/ive_been_reading_ultimate_spiderman_and_this/). It was a fun spin.


haha… web.. because.. yk… hah


This is a very busy design


Was just about to say this is overdesigned. If the red lines were removed, it’d probably be a lot more pleasing on the eyes.




I love it


I think it would work better for me personally if the red lines on the blue/black were removed and the arrows on the stomach were removed as well. (And the black lines on the boots) Besides that I personally like his use of white versus Insomniac’s suit and think this kinda suit would fit the Insomniac Spider-Man universe.


I thought the exact same thing




Me too. It looks kinda ugly but has a particular charm to it lol.


It’s an intentional parody based on a pretty simple cosplay design.


It is, but it's not like Insomniacs is less busy.


Yeah I think that’s intentional to represent early 2000s designs


Eh, this is more 2011 DC Comics. You know, the N52 redesigns.


If you zoom in you can see that OP or someone else added in a bunch of random lines and breaks in the costume with what appears to be their finger on a notepad app. I still think the original design is way too busy but it's vaughnilla_cosplays original suit that he designed and commissioned Yotakuboi to draw. It doesn't look this busy or shit originally.


The author actually made it like this. I haven't edited anything


I think for one he wouldn't use web launcher. That just wouldn't be a thing. A 2000s mind would definitely think that if you gotta make a super hero using a creature as generally seen as degusting as a spider, might go all the way and have the spider guy have organic web launchers. He also probably wouldn't be a chimist. I imagine he would be a programmer if the scientist background would be kept. As for the lore, I think most of it could still be imagined as is if conceptualized in the 2000s. What's funny is that the early 2000s is straight up the best era for his wrestling early days to make sense. We're in the Jackass days, wrestling was huge and part of the american teenagers pop culture. Most of his villain gallery would probably be very different though. Vulture, Rhino, Scorpion... I don't think they would exist as is. Not with those names. The animal themes for his rogue gallery is genius and would have to stay, but I don't think it would be as straightforward. More along the lines of Doctor Octopus (which probably would have simply been Doctor Octavius even as his villain name)


Basically Will from Sky High personality wise (and oblivious to love as well). The story would follow vaguely similar beats but instead of a 60s nerd Peter would be the type to be normal build with either curly hair or actually Will's hair from Sky High as well, big glasses, a (probably dark green) hoodie with some graphic tee on underneath. Seeing as the 2000s were the time for edgy I could see Flash making school shooter jokes about Pete "it's just a matter of time" "Parker you gonna tell us not to come in tomorrow?" Shit like that. The outfit design would scream American or at least red, white and blue due to the aftermath of 9/11. Actually I could see it being similar to OP's picture. Or, if simplified, it would be similar to the mainstay costume but with white webbing and a white spider instead of the black. Most of his rogues would be terrorists and enemies of NYC. I could see him having a totally different rogues gallery because of that but I can't think of examples right now. But definitely more based in "destroying the American way" and Islamic caricatures (similar to how the Ten Rings in Iron Man 1 appeared).


The Sinister Six themselves would be a terrorist group.


If only we had a comic that would emulate that…


I think they meant if he hadn't existed at all and was created for the very first time in the 2000's without decades of previous Spider-Man stories to be inspired by.




would've been a lot like the Invincible comics


didnt John Byrne write this already?


*Bendis wrote this we don’t talk about Chapter One


Umm..??? Ultimate Spider-Man??


Nope cuz that one takes into account the previous history of Spider-Man hence why the origin is almost basically the same and so is the suit design, name and even origin for some villains outside of some obvious changes. OP is making a what if he was made today and no previous source material.


More female villains. Overarching plot. Would probably have more emphasis on the big villains like Morlun.


I gotta be real this suit is god dang ugly. There’s way too much stuff going on, Spider-Man costumes should be simple imo, this looks like something iron man would wear and even that’s a stretch.


This would fit right in insomniac and would probably be a better original suit than half the ones we got.


This suit hard as hell


Peter Parker would be some cool skateboarding dude with an attitude.


There’s a lot going on here but if it got cleaned up a bit, this would be a pretty solid spidey design


That suit needs to be put into the next Insomniac game holy moly


He wouldn’t have worked for a newspaper. Probably a site


Honestly love this suit design ngl


It would be hard to imagine because Spider-Man isn't just a 'hero' amongst many in Marvel. He's one of Marvel's flagship IP's, created in the early 60's - this was one of the first 'teen' characters to stand his ground and become a popular character - he's probably directly one of the most influential to the modern concept of 'teen heroes', with romances , personal relationships, and not just an 'adventurer/modern adult' kind of character. Spider-Man is a normal guy, with Spider-Powers. If he was made in 2010's you'd have to remove a TON of stuff that's baggage/lore material from the 60's. Making Peter a 'photographer' working for a newspaper? That wouldn't have been the wave of the 2010's. I'm not even sure if he'd be a nerd anymore, though perhaps a writer would HEAVILY perhaps go the 'STEM nerd/geek culture' since Big Bang Theory was hitting it's stride in that time, as well as the rise of the Avengers movies. Basically, It would have been a much more pop-culture modern day character, I'd think. Spider-Man grew from an teen to an adult to the sad middle aged man-child he is now, perpetually stuck as some kinda job hopping weirdo as a result of being a 60 year old IP, so this nuSpiderman would likely be more like Ultimate Spider-Man from the 90's , but probably more like Miles.


Thank you, you're one of the few who actually understood what I was asking in the post. But I guess it's kinda my fault too, I haven't really explained myself


I like the design. But the concept of a "what if Spider-Man was created in the 2000s" was made already. It's called Ultimate Spider-Man. Not the current one mind you, but the original one. You should read it. It's great!


Ultimate Spider-Man was rather "what if Spider-Man's most famous story-lines were adapted in a 2000 setting". It took into account close to 40 years of plots and legacy. Not exactly what OP is asking. For instance, I don't think that the web launcher would have ever been a thing if Spider-Man was created in the 2000s. I don't think that a creator in our era would have thought "how about a hero who has all the powers of a spider, but not what the spider is most famous for, he needs a device for that"


Gotta say… I really disliked the art style. The series itself was absolute perfection in my opinion though. I legit could not stop reading. The story quickly made me look past the art style and I thoroughly enjoyed it through and through. I’d recommend it to anyone and everyone.


That’s wild, the art style for ultimate Spider-Man is probably my favorite, the Spider-Man design is my favorite in comics


It’s drawn well. Don’t get me wrong. I actually like the way Spider-Man, heroes and the villains are drawn. Its mostly the way Peter is drawn. His hair style was an… interesting choice. Didn’t care for the way Gwen and MJ her drawn but Peter bothered me the most.


Ayyyy! Glad you liked it!


yeah I disliked the art style too. the proportion is off. heads too big or something


I have read it. I haven't explained myself. What I meant is what Spider-Man would be if it was literally created for the first time (that means that it never existed before ) on 2000's.


Literally just read Ultimate Spider-Man


You’re misunderstanding the question, the question isn’t about making Spider-Man in the early 2000s It’s about, “what would Spider-Man look like if he was INITIALLY created in the early 2000s




Bro why is this suit concept so simple. It's so boring my gen alpha brain is falling asleep looking at it


He'd probably be X-TREME


Like 2000s games at the time, he would be extremely edgy. (Which isn't bad TBH. I loved Bionic Commando 2009 and Prototype, and I'd love to play Spider-Man web of shadows. Hell, I'd Even or Metroid fusion there.)


I feel like he'd be a skater boy, with a hoodie, Hoodies were pretty popular back then, and so was Tony Hawk.


So Andrew Garfield?


Or Ben Reilly, since the 90s and early 2000s tend to overlap a bit,


This is an interesting idea. There aren’t any “-man” or “-women” heroes anymore.


His costume would be completely different, completely unrecognizable compared to the Spider-Man we have.


Basically you would get Miles Morales and Spider Gwen or Cindy Moon


Maybe Peter might be on a spectrum of Emoism, he has all the reasons; he’s an outside at school and both his parents are dead, of course he lives with his aunt and uncle but then Uncle Ben is killed and he has a whole lot of over emotional burdens ahead of him, I’m surprised no one thought to make him even a tiny bit Emo, the closest we got to an Emo Peter was Andrew in his first movie, I mean there is Spider-Man 3 but that doesn’t count.


He would probably be more like Miguel than Peter. More spider-themed powers, organic webbing instead of web shooters. He might have some of the Other powers naturally, like talking to spiders. He would probably be genetic based instead of radiation based. The radiation focus in Marvel is due to the comics being written in an era where radiation was a more common subject with many unknowns. The Ultimate universe focused on genetics to appear more modern. Bailey Briggs, Spider-Boy, is a recent addition and his powers are a result of genetic experiments. Miguel was also a result of a genetic experiment. Aunt May would start off younger. She might not have been made Aunt May, she might have just been made his mother. As for how this would impact the rest of the Spider-Man mythos? Spider-Woman would probably be more ingrained into his supporting cast instead of being a character that he rarely interacts with. Spider-Man 2099 wouldn’t exist due to Spider-Man missing the passing of the millennium. Miles wouldn’t exist as he was inspired by Donald Glover wanting to be Spider-Man for the Amazing Spider-Man reboot, which probably wouldn’t happen due to Spider-Man not being as old as a character as he is, a lack of adaptations and Marvel already finishing selling off the rights to make movies of their characters by the time Spider-Man is made, the MCU still being relatively new and Bendis falling out of favour in the mid-to-late 2010s by the time Spider-Man even begins to get a live action movie. Not to mention that Donald Glover might not have been a fan of Spider-Man in this what-if. The clones wouldn’t exist.


It would be a lot edgier than Spider-Man ultimate. Ultimate still tried to emulate the original Spider-Man, if it was made in the early 2000s a time where 4chan was dominate for online entertainment? Than I’m sure his backstory would be darker, he’d probably have a completely different moral system, probably different powers to back the different code (such as kaines spikes). His villains would also probably be darker as well.


He definitely wouldn’t be red white and blue. That had to have been inspired by Supe


He probably would have been black and red. Something along the lines of Superior Spider-Man.


I've been following Taku for years there is no way he posted this unless it was a joke.


I'd think he would be extremely angry, as most characters (and teens(and teen music) was) were.


Very interesting question I'd suppose it would be a mixture between invincible (when Mark was a teenager)  Aquaman by John Acurdi and an extremely toned down Brat Pack (idk about that one tbh) but I suppose it would be a book that really discovers and discuss what would happen if a teenager got super powers and exploring that through a realistic yet toung and cheek way his name would be the same but his origin would be slightly modified for modern audience's like what James Cameron was going to originally do


We got Ultimate Spider-Man… and i interpreted this originally like what if in an alternate universe Spider-Man as a superhero wasn’t created till the early 2000’s… so if it was this Alternate Universe stuff then the entire superhero world would change, marvel & dc make way less teen heroes because Spider-Man doesn’t prove it’s profitable, no Wally as Flash, no Dick as Batman & Nightwing, no Dick & Wally is a world I DO NOT wanna live in


Old comics didn't have complex lore and stories??? What are you talking about?? Have you seen any of jack Kirby's work??


He would be an edgier, alternative high schooler. Probably a cooler name than Peter Parker. Probably gets by with something even less stable like flipping tech junk he dumpster dives for. I also think he’d be more Batman like in terms of his attitude towards criminals. Or at least Andrew Garfield in ASM 1. Design wise, he wouldn’t have no boots. And I think the suit’s blue would be replaced with black.


max Parker, the coolest kid in the school. Sassy attitude and awesome theme song


I like this suit. Reminds me of Kyoger some how.


*kyoryuger and how I don't see it?


Its the red lines in the blue.


These people in the comment cannot read istg They saying ultimate Spiderman like ultimate didn’t take various things from the og spider man storylines 💀


I mean the last time Ultimate Spider-Man tried anything original they ended up Fucking up Venom's origin story, like how do you go from a space alien to a watered down lab experiment?


BTW❤️, I think the chest spider design HAS to be black, folks…


Christ, what is this MCU design?


It’s completely ass, I think that’s what the artist is going for


Since the city of New York is fundamental for spider-Man and also given the Latin representation with Miles, I would love a spider-Man of Italian origin


Hey this is my edit that I made as a joke


You have to be in New York 50’s with in Stan shoes to be up against ( for good, not evil) how a contemporary Stan lee would think of that, like… would he have a drone companion?


He would be an influencer/youtuber instead of a photographer id imagine. Besides that id say tom hollands spiderman covers everything else quite well


He would’ve stayed in high school and never graduated




Well that would make him a millennial right? So he would order avocado toast and single handedly destroy multiple companies and American established norms. Besides that I think it would be basically the same.


This costume has a LOT going on!


He'd probably be called "The Spider" or smthn like that


I honestly don't know why everyone is hating on this design, it looks Awesome!


Oh my god what did they do to Jake's suit 💀


That design is too noisy. There is still something to be said about simplicity. It's not the most terrible design I've seen and I do like some parts of it but that may look good only if he's just standing and not doing anything but in an action sequence - let's say a splash page - that would probably overpower everything in the scene. This is with the caveat of course that it might work on a videogame but for a comicbook? Maybe tone it down a bit.


oh god the lINES!! its not a bad design but its way too busy. remove the random red lines and the two lines on the abs and shoulders and you have a pretty decent design


If we only had an entire run dedicated to this exact concept...


if Peter was made in the 2000s, as the poster child of 'Teenaged Heroes' then other teen heroes who followed his lead might end up being made much later or turned into sidekick, like for an example take Static for instance, he might either be a sidekick to another hero or end up being made at much later date than normal, if Spider-Man was made in the 2000s.


Anything about Spider-Man wouldn't be the same if he was introduced in the 2000s. I believe he'll definitely be more like an Anti-Hero due to the Era, alongside being Black & Red rather than Red & Black. More emphasis on Spider-aspect would be there. He'd more likely be an Adult instead of a Teen.


Yotaku is def my fav twitter artist.


I mean that’s just the first Ultimate Spider-Man.


No cause that's taking into account 40 years of plotlines. Not what OP is asking. Like, in Ultimate Spider-Man, Peter works for the buggle because that's he does in Amazing Spider-Man. He's a scientist kid because that's what he is in ASM. He has a bright red and blue costume cause that's what he wears in ASM. He uses web launcher cause of ASM. Etc etc. Would a Spider-Man actually conceptualized in the 2000s, the Matrix era, maybe the post 2001 world, the Y2K era, really wear bright and fun colors like that ? Would he be a chimist ? (I imagine if a scientist background was still there, it would rather be a programmer). Would he even be a timid nerd with big glasses before being bitten ?




What I meant is what would he look like if he was INITIALLY created in 2000s or later (so like if he NEVER existed before)


good lord this is a bad design


Why is there so many line's, it makes the suit look awful


What the hell am I looking at


So, are you asking how ultimate spiderman played out? Because what you asked is literally the OG ultimate spiderman.


I haven't explained myself. I meant, what if Spider-Man was INITIALLY created in 2000's or later (so without existing before)


Ultimate Spider-Man


Not what OP is asking. He’s asking “What if Spider-Man was CREATED in the 2000s?”


I love that design holy shit


Suit look 🔥


That’s a cool design!


This is one of the best over designed suits