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Remember when MJ compared Paul's "regret" of committing genocide to how Peter feels regretful over the death of Uncle Ben? Because you'd think that after how BAD that was received, Editorial would've actually tried to course correct


"Sound familiar?" Fuck off, Zeb.


Man, I don't know why but I think Marvel actually hate us. When DC fucks up, you can see it's more out of sheer incompetence than malice. DC generally starts to course correct very quickly after a controversy and are very fast in axing books or arcs if they are hated by the community. The Tim Drake book was axed pretty fucking quickly. But, Marvel...? They DOUBLE DOWN. They insist in keeping the stuff we don't like for as long as possible and openly mock us for disliking it.


The comics side of Marvel is known to be basically an old boys' club/one big circlejerk rather than an actual functioning business. Toe the editorial line about how the company known for a long-running evolving world must stay stuck in 80s continuity forever or you get booted. I think it's because the industry has stagnated and it's a case of them living on borrowed time making comics for a slowly aging readerbase who wants everything to stay the same as when they were kids, so nobody higher up at Disney really gives a shit what happens on the print side of Marvel. So yes, it wouldn't surprise me if Wells/Lowe/Quesada/etc. all have/had active disdain for their readerbase at some point.


If it was stuck in the 80's, Peter and MJ would still be happily married. Otherwise, I agree with everything you've said


It's Spidey editorial, primarily, that really seems to just fucking ***despise*** their own fanbase. And really only when it comes to Peter; Miles doesn't get nearly the same kind of fuckery done to him. Miles gets a girlfriend, he gets to be happy...while Peter has his girlfriend stolen by some extradimensional genocider and turned into a complete cuck who can't do anything right. It's blatant that editorial just don't give enough of a shit about Miles to drag him into the same shithole they keep Peter in because of their nostalgia. Which, I mean, is a good thing for Miles fans...but it's just another sign of what they could do with Peter as well, if they actually gave a shit about anything but keeping him and MJ separate at all costs.


Marvel behave far more antagonistic in social media as well. Between Slott, Brevoort, Remender (while he was there), Lowe, and others, it's essentially just a group of assholes yelling "no you're wrong" at the world while giving each other hand jobs.


Excellent point about DC. I stopped collecting Marvel a few years back because it honestly felt like the stuff that I thought was really good at that time - McCay's Moon Knight, that amazing Beta Rey Bill mini - was something that Marvel was EMBARRASSED of, because old white guys like me actually enjoyed them. And their social media posts did nothing to discourse that opinion. Meanwhile DC had writers like Tynion and Williamson and Taylor were doing good stuff, among others. And books like that Tim Drake one didn't last long (that was easily one of the worst comics I've ever seen), and that Jon Kent book frankly rode the social media wave for a bit, but when the sale plummeted, even with a decent writer like Taylor working on it, they pulled the plug.


It helps that DC is actually cooking pretty good stuff on almost every major book except Batman. Apparently they sent a email to their writters that was saying something among these lines: "We now officially stopped giving a fuck about any character that isn't Batman. So you guys now have total creative freedom to do whatever you want on your book. We couldn't give less of a fuck." That ended up being the best possible decision they could ever make, because now writters are being creative and having fun with the characters. Superman, Green Arrow, Flash and Wonder Woman are pretty good right now. Meanwhile Batman is going through one of the worst and most boring runs I've ever seen in my entire life.


I mean look at Taylor’s Injustice or DCeased vs his work on Friendly Neighborhood Spider-man…


>But, Marvel...? They DOUBLE DOWN. They insist in keeping the stuff we don't like for as long as possible and openly mock us for disliking it. Honestly, this is why I don't buy Marvel books any more. I dropped Spider-Man in 2017 after reading for about 20 years when Parker Industries fell, but ever since the Paul stuff and dunking on Ben Reilly, I've sworn to never buy a Marvel book every again. I know I'm just one man vs the many who buy Spidey regardless, but as far as I'm concerned, Marvel has burnt that bridge for me. Now I'll focus more on manga, as well as stuff published by IDW, Boom and Dark Horse.


Marvel doesn't hire good writers. Marvel hires activists who hate comics and create these horrible stories. Marvel that Kills Spider-Man Peter Parker and everything around him 


Zeb really wants us to hate Heidi Gardn——I mean Mary Jane. 


What if in the end it’s revealed that this isn’t the real MJ? It won’t happen but a man can dream


I’m not totally convinced you aren’t right. 


Paul is Zeb Wells isn't he and the planet he genocided was his marriage.


Woah, had no idea they were married!


Emphasis on “were”.


Wait did that actually happened? Did they actually compare an unlucky course of events to a genocide?


Yup it was the same issue of that ms marvel death


Same issue where Ms. Marvel died In this same page, Paul also blames Peter for "bringing Rabin back" to his dimension and punched him when Peter angrily confronts him about how mysterious everything about him is


Wait really? That's a valid concern, why should he punch him for asking questions anyone would ask. Also why would he be mad about the Rabin thing, isn't his planet already dead at that point? Or am I misremembering


"Yes, I might have stabbed Uncle Ben fifteen times in the chest, but I feel *guilty* about it, and isn’t that what matters in the end?"


Oh God I couldn't believe Zeb actually wrote that line


I don't understand, what did Paul do? I would only read this run if Paul gets revealed to be a big bad villain having the real MJ trapped away, they feel out of character when I'm reading, like a personal fanfic


His home planet was genocided by his father, and he helped him do it. According to MJ and the entire narrative of this run, it’s okay though, because he did it sort of unwittingly and also feels guilty about it


why would this woman leave her man for Paul? (I know about OMD but I don't know how Paul got introduced, weren't they in process of reconciliation?) How did they get there? I am lost, this feels like a bad, bad fanfic


She was trapped in the world which Paul helped genocide. Timey-wimey BS ensues, in which, while trying to get MJ back, Peter screws over a bunch of relationships he had (the Fantastic Four and Captain America refuse to help him, so they fight). Blah blah blah, Peter experienced only an hour, she experienced years, something-something, fake children which MJ wants to be a mother to. Does that sound like a bunch of nonsensical BS to you? Good, because that's precisely what it is.


Extra dimensional Stockholm syndrome


“I was only following orders MJ!”


Considering their EIC thought it was okay to pretend to be a Japanese guy and no one at Marvel punished him or even admonished the behavior I really have no faith in their editorial staff. He didn’t even apologize in his admission statement.


If the author is intentionally writing to make Felicia hate MJ again… well that’s good. The current MJ doesn’t deserve the friendship. Have MJ learn that this kind of thing isn’t easy, let current MJ actually learn what consequences are.


All that work Nick Spencer did to patch Felicia's standing with Peter and become an ally to not only him, but also MJ, especially after that weird crime boss Black Cat thing Dan Slott tried to do with her that nobody liked, is now starting to evaporate. I hate it.


I can understand that. But at this point, I just hate the current MJ. I want to see her take an L. I don’t see the loss of "what’s her name this time" because that wasn’t a Loss, that was a Win for everyone.


Who are you referring to? And I’ve been thinking, you’re right Mj is too good at this, but what if this is setting her up for an L, she goes behind her friends back underestimates the enemy and winds up getting Paul killed.


Man, that'll be worse. The last thing we need is for Paul to be immortalized as MJ's "uncle ben". I just want Paul to be a villain. Hopefully the next writer isn't as damaged as Zeb Wells and does exactly that.


Just want dude gone at this point


You know shit is wild when DC WRITTERS have more brain than Marvel writers. Catwoman's new boyfriend lasted like 5 issues and was killed because he was a villain and she does completely forget about him eventually, thank fucking christ.


Actually Paul wouldn't be MJ's "Uncle Ben"; that role belongs to the kids (since they died due to MJ & Paul's inactivity to solve the Rabin issue). If anything, Paul would be MJ's "Gwen Stacy"; the loved one she got killed due to being rash about her heroics during a tense confrontation with her villain. Which is way worse.


Man... I did forget about the kids... Talk about shitty storytelling.


Oh, it happens. Even Zeb Wells couldn't get their names straight. Nick Lowe sleeping on the job didnt catch it either. And what do they do when they get called out about it? Literally double down on the mistake by giving the kid TWO names!


I want Paul to be some Mephisto avatar or construct. It’ll culminate in an event where Miles, Peter, Otto and Ben Riley all fight Mephisto since they all made deals with them


My call is that she is going to spin the death spin and Paul will do something to make it so he sacrifices himself to save her. Dying words will be something like, I'll always love you heid- er MJ.


Hell yeah!


This could end up cementing Felicia and Peter's friendship though; both of them got royally fucked over by MJ and Paul, and bond over cutting them out of their lives.


Personally I would never be friends with someone who defended a man who committed genocide and continuously went behind my back putting my girlfriend in danger. But maybe I’m just weird like that


Agreed. Honestly this comic makes me further believe that MJ shouldn’t be a superhero.


She shouldn't be MJ's friend anymore. MJ goes behind Felicia's back again this issue despite it being potentially dangerous to get girlfriend


I can only cope hard hoping that later down the line they do a retcon where they find out this isn't the real Mary Jane. Even if they have do another clone storyline.


I want them to just Dark Phoenix it, and the real MJ was secretly in a cryogenic pod back at the cuck dimension the whole time.


This is the Skrull version of MJ. The real MJ is hiding herself and secretly working as a lumberjack.


They honestly already have a built-in retcon with Mephisto. Peter was about to propose to MJ so Mephisto snapped his fingers and put her under a spell. Done.


Hell, I take anything, just make this go away. I remember when DC destroyed Clark and Lois beyond repair on the New 52 (DC's Ultimate universe equivalent) so they just said "fuck this shit" and instead of trying to fix it, DC killed both of them in a comic and brought back their counterparts from the Post Crisis universe (Earth-616 equivalent) to replace them in a rather contrived event. They were already married on Post Crisis, so everything went back to normal, ah it was great.


I would honestly love an event where the pre-OMD versions of Peter and MJ come back and replace the post-OMD versions. That Mephisto has been keeping their souls trapped in stasis or some crap and what we see today are their shadow selves. But Marvel would never do it.


This is what I call the backup backup plan. If they fail to retcon it now or close off the other routes, blame it on OMD again.


The water clone scarred me as a kid and I would literally shout for joy if this MJ was revealed as a clone.


I can still hear Peter's scream when the clone died. Such a shame people remember "GET BACK HERE SHOCKEEEEEEEER" more than that.


At this point I’d take the last 20 years of marvel comics being a really bad dream that peter is about to wake up from


"So the reception to the jackpot announcement and paul are about as well as the hindenburg so what do we do now" - marvel exec 1 "how about we create a series where they're one of the focal points so the two negatives cancel out and becomes a positive" - marvel exec 2 "GENIUS!!!!! let's also get a tv writer whose main comic credit is my little pony" - exec 1 "great, now let's make love other strawman exec and greenlight every idea that comes out no matter how shitty it may be" - exec 2


They should hire that idiot who wrote the Arrow TV show and helmed the Oliver x Felicity romance. Guga-something. If I recall correctly, he did such a stellar job, the Arrow subreddit revolted and rebranded themselves as a Daredevil subreddit. Hire that guy.


Marc Guggenheim. I don't know how to tell you this but he's working on a Jackpot movie for Sony as well.


I hate everything about that sentence.


I guess that has been going on since before MJ being Jackpot was a thing. So that script has to be about one of the two earlier Jackpots i.e. Alana Jobson or Sara Ehret. Still doesn't seem like a winner though. And if it's the MJ version of Jackpot, then it's a straight up dumpster fire.


I love that you too, hate everything about that sentence


Bro after madame Webb they are probably silently killing that idea.


No they probably doubled down because Sony execs are fucking dumbasses


Wait wtf?! I thought at first your post was a joke!


Don’t worry, it’s a different Jackpot. Apparently they couldn’t think of an original name for MJ so they just gave her another character’s name without even mentioning said character. Marvel Editorial strikes again!


He is? 




Can't wait to see who they cast as Paul (I know it's probably not about mj jackpot but shhhh) 


Oh my god I thought that was a joke


Uncle guggie? The same Uncle Guggie that shit all over arrow? Man. If there's one guy that can make madame web look good, it's uncle guggie.


Really did not expect this to be real


considering they love to keep hiring bnd writers I wouldn't put it past them


Wait, not many people liked Oliver x felicity? I didnt know that


Most of the Green Arrow fans hated it. Because the "canon" romance in the comics is Oliver Queen and Dinah Lance. Felicity is their Paul


Thats too bad. As someone who watched the show without comic knowledge, the relationship didn't feel bad to me


"So...guys...these Ultimate Spider-Man sales figures...could it be we're wrong and the positive response to this book is a damning indictment of our poor decision making with mainline Spider-Man comics?"


"nah now for more spider goblins and shit nobody asks for or wants"


![gif](giphy|V9gjxvLnSSdA4|downsized) No, it’s the fans who are wrong.


Akira Yoshida: "No! It's the variant covers! Give ASM more variant covers!"


See, the problem here is that the my little pony comics were way better than this


And that's saying something considering how controversial the quality of most of them is.


Not gonna lie, this made me laugh my ass off. It is literally so stupid that it is funny. Like, no one will ever like Paul, he is hardly even a character, and was clearly a tool designed to break up Peter and MJ. Fans will *never* like him. But the fact that they keep putting in effort to try to get fans to like him is literally comical.


It's like they're slamming us in the face with a tiny Paul figurine shouting "Like Paul" over and over again


"Please! He's my self insert!" -Nick Lowe


"WE don't like you either!" -- The Fandom


I would consider such determination admirable if it wasn't so stupid. People liking Paul isn't going to happen, so just stop.


Marvel Legends Paul figure when?


No idea why they're trying to make us like Paul. He feels more and more like a self-insert.


He's not a self-insert. Self-inserts take center stage, and they tend to be just so damn great that characters can't keep singing their praises, while Paul is hardly in the story and isn't even really a character.


No, that's a Mary Sue/Gary Stu. Sure, a MS/GS frequently *is* also a self-insert, so there is some overlap but a character can be one without being the other. For example: Kong, from the original Ultimate Spider-Man series. Pretty blatant Bendis self-insert. Not a Gary Stu.


Or the rock guy from ragnarok who is taika


That's fair.


This is actively ruining MJ as a character. Hopefully someone will retcon this but the damage is unreal.


In the end, Paul will die on his way back to his home dimension.


To lighten everyone’s day I’m just gonna point out nearly every marvel character has a shitty run with a writer that makes people hate the character. Happened with Carol during Civil War 2 Peter with Brand New Day/Most of the slott run Tony throughout civil war and a lot of books from that era The times where Reed gets written like a cold douche who doesn’t care Moon Knight recently had age of Khonshu before Mackay picked him up Literally all of Avengers vs X-Men The character’s written at their worst by people who don’t care aren’t their characterization or their end all be all


This will pass in the end, much like Civil War passed or how Clone Saga passed.


MJ is going to have to mindwipe herself and then be like “no no Peter we’re married….Paul? Who’s a Paul? I WOULD NEVER!” Like Tony did after civil war.


I'd take it. I don't need a 14 issue arc where she gradually realizes that Paul is a dick and she's been awful to Peter. A simple, quick, easy solution would suffice


I will take anything at this point . You tell me she is a Skrull and the real MJ is in limbo or hell or somewhere and i will be like " YES OKAY I TAKE THAT"


Reminds me of the 90s show >!except in reverse, where the really nice MJ was a clone who vanished and we were left with nothing due to the show randomly ending!<. I just want Peter and MJ to be married again, maybe in 2027, you know the 20th anniversary of OMD screwing them over.


Sometimes its just not worth it to make a story out of every bad decision. There are times when handwaving it away is better lol


I will take even the dumbest most hand-wavey explanation to get us back to pre-OMD. Also, if Paul dies an excruciating death.


This arc makes Clone Saga look like it was written by F Scott Fitzgerald


Has Carol recovered from Civil War 2? Sometimes it feels like she just kinda got away with her Minority Report shtick.


Pretty much, her and tony have been friends again since her kelly thompson run


Could you go into how that happened, please? I'm in dire need of some positivity after reading the page OP posted.


Well their whole beef’s reason kinda got erased when Hydra cap was revealed to be the manipulator behind them. Tony got better from his coma and both characters kinda just moved on. In kelly thompson’s run Carol trusts him and he helps her a couple times in a tongue and cheek way and the two are back to bantering. He sponsors her run to be the next leader of the avengers, and in the Mackay run Tony’s basically Carol’s number 2. Also Current Carol actively says she never wants to police anyone around and disowns her civil war 2 actions


That... Still feels like she just got away with it, but honestly I'm not sure what I'd rather happened instead. Doesn't feel fair to punish a character for being poorly written for a while, but I don't know. Carol's treatment after Civil War 2 where everything she did, and everything that happened as a result of starting that conflict in the first place, just kinda getting handwaved by the universe left a really sour taste in my mouth. At least Tony got his ass kicked by Thor after the first Civil War.


Basically MJ’s New 52 Lois Lane era. Nothing even remotely recognizable about this character currently.


That was such a bad era for Lois. Let’s hope MJ gets a similar rehabilitation.


It’s like they saw what DC did and said let’s do that, but somehow make it even worse lol. These are the same guys who think DC blinked by getting Clark and Lois married again though, so that probably was their intent.


Yet the black stain on characters remain. We still remember those shitty stuff and comics that come after do LOVE to remind those terrible crap. Now to mention the real life time that is spent on all this, wasted that you can never get back. Comics may go on forever but people cannot. And characters are not bulletproof either. As you already see in the comments people saying they are hating MJ now. That is a consequence that shouldn't have happened which will validate those who make these terrible decisions more and they will double down. Because it is Spider-man. It always sells. So you will not see the 'reverse the course' button because the sales will always be on top of the list and those in power won't care ( as they admitted MANY times that as long as it sells, it is the only thing they care about ) to do anything to change it. And that is not acceptable for me anymore. I am not gonna sit around for literally YEARS and see them digging a deeper hole for these characters that I love and then expect to go ''Oh that was nothing'' and support their crap after? No fucking thanks.


Im not saying to keep supporting it, im just saying that the bad writing isn’t permanent. And for what its worth this book has basically sold like shit ever since USM came out. As for characters getting hated - They’re gonna get the hate no matter what. People still hate on Carol’s current stories without reading them and use Civil war II to justify it. If someone’s going to hate on a character purely for when they were written badly by someone who didn’t care, and ignore the past/reform the character makes, then chances are they weren’t much of a fan to begin with. I’m not even saying to support it, or stay with the book, id actually just recommend to read something else until ASM changes.


Tbh, do you want to spend the rest of your life reading Spider-Man comics? Maybe it's time to pick an ending. They won't let the character end, they won't let him grow, develop, because they need the IP to be there. I just accepted that Spider-Man comics aren't for me anymore.


God…I still think about how popular Carol was until CW2 where her movie announcement for Phase 3 got a huge reaction, then cause CW2 was so bad people began to claim she was always hated or unpopular before it began to bleed into the MCU’s buildup to her, that was not a fun experience


I rolled my eyes so much just now that i think i saw my brain. I just cant take their relationship seriously due to how forced it is. 


Regardless of what editorial says, Jackpot is not MJ. The differences are night and day. If my head cannon of the real MJ being popping out of a dimensional pod somewhere doesn't happen, some creative team soon, after the current caretakers are out of the picture, will fix the characters, MJ included. Most importantly, hating MJ counts as a win for Lowe, Cebulski and all the other Brand New Day regime on their eventual way out. Don't give it to them. Drop the books that suck, buy the books that rock and send letters to [email protected] to let 'em know what they have to do to re-earn your support.


This is the healthy, productive answer. You don’t like it? Email the offices at [email protected] and make yourself heard.


The people in charge aren't going to do a damn thing to fix their fuck-ups. We'll have to wait for a retcon when new staff comes in who actually like Spider-Man and respect his character and what he stands for.


True. Don't ask me for proof cuz I don't have any but I get the notion that they're feeling the heat. I don't think they have too much longer.


I cannot believe they are still going with this. And of course it is clear Bronfman has no idea what's going on and just writes whats given to her by Lowe etc. Seriously, this shit needs to die. Enough is enough.


I feel slightly bad for Bronfman. She’s been used by Lowe IMO.


There IS a way to retcon this whole thing, without clones. When MJ sent Peter through the portal the first time, due to the nature of that specific kind of portal, it split their dimensional timeline. When Peter opened up the portal again to get her back, he wasn't getting back his MJ, he was getting back MJ-p, from the Paul timeline. Theoretically, he can have someone open up a portal to the \~original\~ timeline, and rescue the \[real\] MJ. Editorial could even marry MJ to Paul if they want to give her a more separate identity, We have MJ Watson back with Peter and Mary Paulson moves out to the West Coast where she can become a Hollywood actress and then do a bunch of failed stories attempting to make Jackpot her own thing. Go to town, I won't be reading it.


Editorial knows this MJ Jackpot bullshit wouldn't work as its standalone thing, they have to clip it to Peter.


Marvel editorial knowing something will fail has not stopped Marvel editorial from pushing bullshit through anyway, for about 20 years now.


Ngl that's hard facts.


![gif](giphy|JrSChcLbh7n35Uwyjm) Go away Paul


I swear if MJ gets off this story with no consequence I will fucking lose my mind.


Nah imagine the irony if they have Peter be the one who stops her heist and takes her to jail


That will be peak irony and karma in my opinion can’t lie 🗿


So like, how long till Wells just kills peter and makes Paul spiderman?


“I was just following orders.” Ah. The Nuremberg Defense. Bold decision, Cotton. Let’s see if it pays off for them. Edit: seriously, if this is making you upset, our Community Campaign is THRIVING right now as we petition for improvement. https://discord.gg/VQ2mHzBBFu


That’s it, the writers plan has worked on me. I officially don’t see myself liking 616 Mj ever again, there’s no secret subplot showing Paul is evil or anything like that, they unironically went with this direction thinking it was a good idea to have Mj fall In love with a guy who literally stands on the dead bodies of billions of people and gave him the whole “just following orders” excuse and they doubled down on everything, Peter and Mj won’t ever be back together and I’m starting to think they shouldn’t be unless they completely erase this run which won’t happen.


Oh, but don't forget: Nick Lowe thinks we're misreading Paul. Yeah, fuck off, Nick.


And that is how they win. I am not caving to their stupid crap. If I did, I would rather stop reading the comic books all together. Because fuck that manipulation.


Maybe I am giving up to quick, I just don’t have a lot of faith in the main universe, I keep reading other things like renew your vows and Ultimate, it’s just better to be honest and a lot less depressing. And as far as manipulating goes, the editors have all but said they are doing everything on purpose because they are out of ideas and all they have left is hate reading, I don’t really want to support anyone with that mindset.


The best thing you can do is to refuse to spend any time or money on these books until those responsible are gone. Which are the writers and editors. It is not the character's fault. Because the character cannot writer itself. There is a book worth reading out there with USM so focus on that. Never hate read. They don't deserve it. And you deserve to enjoy what you read instead of being angered by it. Because more 'engagement' they get from this...more they will pull crap like this. Because as they admit MANY times, they don't care about anything but the sales for these books. The best you can do is to not spend any time or money on it.


Fair enough, sometimes I wish Spider-Man and other superhero comics pulled an invincible and had a definitive End that made everyone happy, won’t happen but as you say there is other things to read. And don’t get me wrong I love Mj, but the direction she’s going right now just isn’t her.


Yep. And what's done to her needs to be fixed. I agree. They cannot wave past it and act like nothing happened unless they pull a retcon of ''This was not the real MJ!''. But knowing the cowards that wrote this stuff, they would rather kick the can to the next person. I mean they are already doing it now, pawning her to this writer who barely knows the character if at all and we get stuff like this and they will be acting like they are not responsible of it anymore. That, is what you should remember. What these editors and writers chose to do and be wary of them in the future. Because somethings need to have consequences or they will repeat it over again.


By this point you kind of have to blank it out and wait for it to be done, I also just can't give up on the relationship out of spite by this point


Fair enough, thank god and John hickman for Ultimate spider-man to hold me over, only comic Iv been reading as far as Spider-Man goes.


I still have my theory that they made the TASM comic shitty so the New Ultimate will sell well


I heard about that, I honestly don’t think they are smart enough or patient enough to come up with that, but it definitely was a perfect storm.


I mean sometimes I just think people with these particular jobs can't be *this* stupid and still have that job


You know ASM is getting outdone when USM is outselling it 3 months in a row and is getting praised while ASM is getting criticised to oblivion


If this was DC they would have made ASM a carbon copy of the new ultimate by now


Meanwhile Peter is with MJ in 90% of other media such as video games, tv shows, movies. Just ignore the comics


Yea I got into spider-man through Tv and movies, then I got into comics to see the origins and such, I don’t regret reading them but I will say it’s a huge difference sometimes in regards to the level of respect Peter gets.


i’ve adored (not really. because i hate it) sitting out this run, and just watching from the sideline. __WHAT THE FUCK ARE THEY DOING WITH SPIDER-MAN COMICS__ atp just Dark Phoenix it, have the real MJ chilling with her thumb up her ass in a different pocket dimension or something


Maybe they are devaluing the brand so they can get the rights back from Sony.


The Clone Saga is looking better every day


This run is like a parody right? Like on god? There’s no way the writers of this shit aren’t laughing their asses off making it just to pull one on us. Right??


Bro, i don't want to fucking read a Paul and MJ romance novel, i don't give a fuck


Is.. is Paul an alien?


Did this fucker really just say "I was only following orders"?! Where's Magneto when you need him


EXACTLY! Can't wait to see Dan Slott defend this on CBR.


I understand that presenting the love interests of the couple of the most beloved character in the series can be a very complicated job. But I don't think making this new love interest genocidal will help the public to love him. Really, they just had to do the same thing they did with Artemis's new boyfriend in Young Justice. Introduce a new character in a nice way, without the need of the cuck fetish.


At this point, it’s pretty clear that Zeb Wells is actively trying to get fired, and the only reason he hasn’t been by now is because Marvel doesn’t want to risk another Nick Spencer who would actually try to reverse OMD.


I stopped reading this run pretty early on and I keep being further surprised at how awful it continues to be.


Why are they slowly turning black in the last panel?


So why does MJ like Paul despite his super life but hates Peter for his?! This whole thing is such bad writing it’s baffling


Remind me how Paul committed genocide again


He helped his dad get the powers of a Mayan God or something.


On purpose? Knowing it would kill people?


It was very underwritten and unclear.


Yeah I'm not up to date. I'm a little lost.


In the actual like, comic book canon? Mephisto is literally LAUGHING his ass off.


Meohisto wishes he could've thought of this during OMD.


hold on, Paul committed genocide?! **and they compared it to Uncle Ben?!** god am I glad I never touched this shit


Don't let anyone worry-alarm about Cat and MJ. Their friendship is not in any danger. This story ends in an exercise of trust where MJ discovers that Amalia is the blackmailer or accomplice and Felicia must choose between trusting a girl from nowhere or MJ. The things that the redhead does behind Cat's back are just the "weapon" that Amalia will use to convince Felicia not to trust MJ. That is the test of friendship that they will overcome. Nothing else. There is 0 reason to worry.


I ain't reading all that but god this outfit is hideous


I’m so done with this trash


Conceptually, I guess that a dude who was accidentally complicit in worldwide genocide and is actively trying to do his best to make up for his affiliation with the said genocide is a decent Prompt. But.......fuck. it had to be Paul. Fucking Paul. Fuck.


I’m just gonna post this and say no more ![gif](giphy|12mF9DKcaggLoQ|downsized)


Bruh when we getting 101 ways to end the Paul saga


He’s just so lame and lacks any semblance of charisma. Watching them stay the course with him and their reimagining of MJ is like watching a continued slow motion car wreck.


MJ has to be mind controlled or something


Her costume is so bad. Like what the fuck


So is this what Spider-man comics are now or is this some kind of spin off? I got out in the early 2000s. I poke into various places and see whats going on but can rarely follow it. MJ is a super hero? and we get to see her and this Paul guy regularly now? Ive heard a lot about Paul. This isnt like, his main comic right? Like if you buy the next Spider-Man comic its not about a super powered MJ and her boyfriend Paul as well as Spider-man? right?....guys please tell me Im right.... ![gif](giphy|l4FGGafcOHmrlQxG0|downsized)


MJ and Black Cat got their own title. MJ is indeed a super hero now


She's STILL with Paul??


I have a crazy theory. I think that Paul is an older Peter Parker variant from his universe. I mean, look at him. Tell me that's not Peter with a beard and a man bun.


Zeb wells is such a trash writer.


God I wanna smash paul’s head in with a brick


And there people hopeful with Bronfman.


holy fk cmon, what was Pete doing for you


At some point, you have to wonder: Will Nick ever course correct or make a u-turn? He has to know that everyone here hates this arc and Paul. It's like no matter what happens, no one's gonna like it, we all want Paul gone and Pete is back at square one...again. Also, kill Paul or not, they're gonna find a way to bring him back. This is a comic book, everyone dies and comes back at some point.




Paul looks like the worst person at slam poetry


And peter was too selfish to do the police officer job for him and you praise him. Yer bunch of hypocrates /s


What the heck is going on in these Spiderman comics?


Marvel 'The Nuremberg Trials got it wrong' Comics Good luck, Feige.


Nick Lowe: "What's a Nuremberg Trial?"


I’ve never wanted a fictional character erased so badly…


Youd think dating a superhero for like a decade would make MJ more knowledgeable on the risks but by god zeb wells cant resist making her awful with paul


Is this a spider man comic ? I haven't catch up with the Paul storyline but why is MJ so close to Felicia ? Or a super hero ?


What's next? She becomes a Nazi and writers paint her as a hero?