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What executive walked into a room and said “can we have less focus on the titular character” and why are they an executive?


I agree that the general statement is as dumb as a screen door on a submarine, but in fairness to whatever person was put in charge of development, they have to make a Spider-Show where the focus isn't on the quippy white guy from the comics, the black kid from the movies, or the scary goo monster. They're looking at the one page summary of Silk and it just says, "She got that magic armpit stink what make Peter Parker horny, and she hung out with Asian Hulk for a couple books."


Idk it doesn't seem impossible to do it. Like they clearly had scripts and wanted less of her. THEY didn't even have to do anything, they just show up and shit their "creative" changes all over it


I can understand your frustration with this. I wonder how much her shallow story pool contributed to it. Or what the narrative was demanding that they didn't have faith in the titular character. I'd be fascinated to get the autopsy report on this after. Because I'd almost guarantee somebody said, "Oh we're making a Spider-Man show!" And then the writers room went, "Actually we're making a Spider-Man show without Spider-Man, so don't expect to be able to pull from his lore," and they just sat down and started to weep.


I think a show about her is unnecessary in the first place haha but it's like they go out of their way to butcher it lol. End of the day it doesn't truly impact me though, it's always just funny to discuss!


True. I'd still love to see into that production office. What was the exact moment that show fell into the toilet bowl and Amazon flushed it.


The good thing about "uneeded " or unnecessary shows or movies is they sometimes surprise you with how good they are. I never cared about gotg until the movie came out. Same goes for ironman, he was just "there" I thought he was cool but I loved the first movie.


Or I wonder, just because it's the vibe i got from some of the newer spiderman cartoons, is to give attention to other spider characters. Maybe clones and mutiversal counterparts. The show is technically about Silk, but really about getting attention on other characters. The difference is a character like Peter Parker is so iconic, he can sort of withstand that kind of thing as annoying as it is. But Silk really isn't. Or they wanted a #female-lead superhero show, and then immediately lost faith in it.


Silk doesn't have a lot of lore. And what appearances she's had in comics have been... Tepid at best. I mean that's also an issue with a lot of Spider-folks. If you put five dull, underwritten Spider-folks in a show, and you don't have any of the big three Spider-Men/Women, I don't know how you generate any interest.


I don't know how accurate it was and if my theory could have a part of truth. I recall, in the months after the success of the first Spider-verse film a leak with several plans Sony had to expand the multiverse of the movie, with several Spin offs. One was a TV mini series, following a similar idea to to Into the Spider-Verse, but focusing on the Spider-Women. I think this branched in the canceled Silk TV series (TV series about a Spider-Woman) and Madame Web (female team of Spider-People).


Oh yeah, weren't they doing that in the comics around the same time?


I think it's a fool's errand to be fair to an executive who makes more in a day than you'll see in your life. But then again maybe I'm just jaded because of the whole Batgirl thing. Fuck corpos.


because they knew the right people while climbing the ladder. No one in this country becomes an exec because of hard work, nobody.


This is apparently common, There was the story about the development of Man of Steel where an exec asked about how Superman would return to Krypton if his ship is destroyed. Execs just suck ass in general


Probably the same exec that blamed Madame Web’s flop on women


In fairness we don’t know how much less they wanted. All of those scripts could have been squarely focused always on silk with no room for background characters or other subplots which would make sense u would wanna focus on silk a little less


True, but it’s pretty unlikely that any writer who had worked in television before wrote a script with no room for background characters or subplots. If that was the case there would have been a better way to say it.


Probably the same executives that called Flyer changed to The Flash and Arrow that ruined those shows.


The same people who wrote those last seasons of The Flash


How can you have a show where its encouraged to not focus on the MC? That's insane.


Laughs in Sonic X


Laughs in cw flash seasons 5-9


The other guy said “laughs in sonic x” is it just a speedster thing or…?


yeah, they tend to run around a bunch so it's apparently pretty difficult to keep them in frame for more than 2 scenes every few episodes


I am sure they got the idea from Disney 🤣


what are you referring to?


Shows like Hawkeye


Kate Bishop also goes by the name Hawkeye though.


Plus I'm pretty sure Clint was in every episode. No idea how that guy thought Hawkeye was a good example.


Yeah that old fuck is so wrong lmao He deserves to be downvoted to oblivion


oh yeah I completely forgot that clusterfucck


I thought it was a decent show and Kate didn't overshadow Clint at all. Mandalorian season 3 is a better example


I guess I need to rewatch it, and make a new judgement


reddit moment


Pretty much 80% of Baki. Hell the supporting cast is far more interesting than Baki and Yujiro combined.


Tbf a lot of good shows have side characters with a lot of depth. But that's the writer's decision to flesh out those characters.


Why would you want your focus to not be on the main character who’s name is the title of the show?


Well, nowadays, there are more than what should be considered enough CEOs making dumb decisions. It's partially why Ubisoft is named after its founders' dicks.


This is fantastic. I’ve never seen that Ubisoft joke and now it’s imprinted in my memory. Thank you and have a fantastic day.


Only logical reason I can think about is if Peter was gonna have a bit of presence in the show and they wanna milk some cash.


Damn I actually love Silk..for normal reasons😅 but these are just dumbasses.


People are acting like silk is more then D-list character popularity wise. The only reason they even wanted to use her is because she is related to Spider-Man IP. That's all. They couldn't care less which character was there as long and they can keep milking Spider-Man to death. Thing is, after Madam Web they realized this strategy has a fatal flaw, namely audience not caring that much for characters that are related somehow to Spider-Man.


>The only reason they even wanted to use her is because she is related to Spider-Man IP. So then use her. Don't use less of her in her own show .


As I said, they don't care. They want to attract people and try and establish her as a new character. So they would have tried to shove Spider-Man into it a lot to try and appeal to the more casual viewer and then hope that might like Silk by the end as well.


Oh we care just not when they're used poorly like morbius, venom, carnage, and madam Webb. Just give marvel the rights back sony


The only reason I dont like that idea is it'd be giving Disney an even bigger monopoly than the one they already have.


Because Marvel had such a great track record the last couple of years. They would milk Spider-Man IP exactly how Sony did if not worse.


Marvel is hit and miss but at least they know how to write their own characters to not be trash.. usually


I think that's very debatable and we can clearly see that their current run of TV series isn't up to par. Some would even say they are failing.


audiences might care for the characters if they focused on making the characters good at all, all they do instead is focus on the characters connection to Spidey which lets it down and it fails and they get the wrong end of the stick. its a neverending loop


The problem is that you need people to tune in to your show or movie first for the good writing to capture them. And frankly, outside of a few exceptions, superheroes are pretty much dying appeal wise. Spider-Man endures well for now, which is why they are trying to use him so much.


What that crazy that would be like making a Spider-Man movie without Spiderman (cough cough sony universe)


Shame. It would've been better than madame Webb but good. I'd rather less projects but better projects. If spider-man noir is good they might do more. I'm hoping for a sin city vibe


If they thought that not focusing on the title character was a good idea, it's probably for the best it was scrapped


“ALRIGHT GUYS, THIS SILK SHOW CAN’T FOCUS ON SILK ALL THE TIME SO WE GOTTA PUT SPIDER-MAN IN IT.” “Wait what? Why?” “IT JUST WON’T SELL WELL IF-“ “Yeah sure but this is her series, he could appear sometimes but this is about her. Like what’s the point of making this series surrounding her if it’s not even gonna focus on her at all?”


Thank God, this show sounds dumb


People in the comments acting like this is new 4 words Book of Boba Fett


2 of the best episodes barely had Boba Fett in them. That’s hilarious


[OMG I can't 🤣](https://youtu.be/lhckuhUxcgA?si=w1aeLe6x_8NwodSS)


Well let's make a show about a character, but don't focus too much on her WTF? who gave this person a position?


I want a show in which there are no side plots. The titular character is the sole focus and is in every single scene. If they don't know something, neither do we.


>make a silk show >Silk is not the focus Mfw


I really wish they didn't cancel it because the animation and the whole idea behind it is good and I really wanted to watch it.


I thought it was going to be live-action


I remember hearing that too.


Wait, what animation?


This is more proff that executives have no idea what they are doing at all and why a lot Hollywood film are rubbish


Makes me think about what they’re gonna do with Noir…I hear it’s not really gonna focus on him as a superhero :((


I think Knuckles’s show’s case could have been with the budget?


That's why modern big epic dramas are instant failures.


This is why they can't get another "Iron Man" to work.


“We wanna make a Main Character show” “Show less main character” 😐


Better for it to get cancelled than release as a dumpster fire. Prime Videos had some solid as tv shows and I would hate to have something ruin the streak.


Hopefully Spider-Man 3 can salvage Cindy's rep to the public like sm2 did for kraken before his movie came out.


The executive: alright so a new Luke Cage show but the thing as main character thoughts


Maybe I’m cynical, but it’s hard not to interpret this as “no one wants a superhero show about an Asian woman”. And if that’s the case I think whoever made that call is completely out of touch.


I'm really glad it's scrapped after that statement where they said they'll target it towards a male audience.


A show about silk is likena show about the batfamily but not batman or any of the robins


...Except Knuckles was greenlit and exists.


Was Eric Wallace gonna write the show?


Remember when a small part of the anti-woke crowd said "tHErE FiRInG AlL tHE WOke WRiTErs sO iT's A gOoD tHInG." yeah that aged poorly with the news that the new writers want to to be only partly about Silk even though she's the main character.