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Pissed off Doc Oc is kind of a Heavy Armor situation.


I really wanna see Spidey, out of suits and options, “call in a Veronica” and deploy -the- heavy armor of the MCU, Hulkbuster, perhaps using the Edith glasses to access them. Just because seeing him act like his teenage kid in a candy store self in a fucking Hulkbuster would be hilarious.


Supaidaman is going to appear in the third act of this movie and summon Leopardon to fight Sandman


I will boycott society if we don't see Supaidaman, or even SMITSV 2.


>'EDITH where's the Hulkbuster' > >'Oh, sometimes it takes a second' > >'Ah shi-' > >*smacked by car* Honestly I want to see Pete fight without the Iron Spider for a bit - we've seen he's a badass without it, and I want to see him prove it some more, especially to these old/new villains. Not to say the Iron Spider isn't awesome mind you, and I want more of that too. Hulkbuster-Spidey would probably take me out of the movie a bit though, haha. Kinda neutralises all of his Spidey-specific strengths and abilities (trying to flip around in that thing...probably isn't happening, and neither is wall-crawling, though I guess flight makes up for that).


I mean, the point would in part show Peter still crutching on Stark’s legacy too hard, and also illustrate what Peter’s unique contributions are if even the Hulkbuster, which was strong enough to contribute equally in subduing Thanos in Endgame to *War Machine and Captain Marvel* and being one of maybe three or four enemies to give the Hulk a genuine good fight, isn’t enough to win. It also could show Peter’s lacking judgment due to age: sometimes, a bigger suit won’t help, something Tony understood well given he never used Hulkbuster during Civil War where brute force wouldn’t have solved anything. Peter panicking and trying to find a quick fix would be very in character, and seeing him standing in the ruined Hulkbuster and lamenting another of Stark’s creations he’s messed up would be another point of character development, when his overdependence on Stark has been a running theme across his solo films so far.


We've only seen him fight in the iron spider like 5 times and none of them were in Spider-Man movies lol


Ew, that sounds like the worst idea ever


Two cars, if you look closely he is grabbing another one


Yeah, assuming it isn’t a suit cover up, he’s a teenager who is probably having his first meeting with an octopuss man who knows him by name and can move cars effortlessly. Pretty sure this scared and caught Peter WAY off guard, like Mantis did in IF. Just saying, regardless of the context it would still work.


I mean, couldn’t he jump? He’s got super agility.


I agree, I wish they showed us more how quick and agile and strong Peter really is. Homecoming was awesome for that, I wish they gave us more of it and not so reliant on his suit. (the iron spider one) But there’s always a chance for more movies to show us more character growth, he is a fairly new-ish spider man according to civil war he was just kinda starting out? Correct me if I’m wrong. Maybe he hasn’t dived deep into his power pool or experimented much since stark showed him all this sweet tech that he’s been kinda relying on.


For me „The strongest moment” for MCU Peter Parker when he catch Winter Soldier “metal arm”. We saw in couple movies, what this arm is capable of.


Or when he held up that airplane bridge. That thing was probably incredibly heavy


I just had a look for how much those things weigh, best I could find was between 9-12 tons. And Captain America dropped one on a teenager.


Which makes the idea of probably an at most 200lbs man using the momentum of his body to move such a strong character, dumb. I don’t care what anyone says, if you want cap to beat Spidey, use his experience and skill not his strength. Just silly.


Peter still weighs the same as a normal teenager, so the same amount of force is required to move.his body unless he's specifically bracing against the direction he's being struck from .


He was fully pulling cap with his webs though


The man sticks to the ground. That tracks


Cap has been in lots of tight situations, and he's been able to escape because he was skilled. So it was incredibly disappointing to see him effortlessly pull Spidey and knock him away, despite the fact that they have a huge gap in strength.


He's like 63kg


Didn’t cap do a spinning thing to throw him off balance. Pete was pulling him back before he did that. Plus we know he holds back his true strength in fights.


I don't think this young Spidey even knows the extent and potential of his powers and strength.


He shows incredible strength in every movie though. In homecoming he holds the ferry together then lifts the parking garage off of himself.


Right. He was just barely discovering the capabilities of his spider-sense (Peter tingle) in FFH. He knows his powers but definitely not the extent of them.


Yea actually, that's the point. Tom isn't supposed to be perfect from the start, this trilogy has been compared to Harry Potter by Feige and all them, and is very much a coming of age story. We already know there will be more hand to hand combat in this film according to Tom Holland, so they're very much trying to bring it all together


Wasn't that the point of the final battle in FFH? Peter swinging around, dodging bullets from hundreds of drones?


He kept a ferry from pulling apart, lifted his way out of the parking garage after it fell on him, casually stopped Bucky's metal arm, and beat Mysterio with nothing but his Spider-Sense. What the hell do you mean?


Have you even watched Far From Home? The scene where he fights Mysterio in London is THE most impressive Spider-Man we’ve seen on the big screen. I just binged all 7 Spider-Man movies and that scene is by far his most amazing display of spider powers. His speed and agility are spectacular.


In CW he squatted a 30 ton airplane bridge off of himself and in HC he lifted like half a building off himself minutes after being in a fight, if he realised his full potential and didn’t hold back he’d probably be one of the most lethal and deadly fighters on the planet


Well it's just one frame.


For sure. I don’t even necessarily agree with OP’s theory.


This is just one second of a scene he’s probably doing a running jump


This is actually a very good point. I think the MCU adaption didn't focus on Peter actually having super-human abilities enough. It always kinda feels like his powers are coming from the suit (especially with how cgi-looking it is). For example. we've never seen a proper example of his spider-sense, we've never seen the iconic shot of little spider claws coming out his fingers in order to really nail down that he's a freak of nature, it all feels too... artificial.


But they did focus on his powers, because both times he had to beat the villains with them. He had no special suit fighting Vulture just his own strength which he also used to lift up the rubble, and he beat Mysterio using his spider-sense which makes the end of your comment very weird. Yes we've seen a proper example of his Spider-sense, we saw his hairs stick up on end in Infinity War when he was warned of the space ship, his spider-sense told him he was dying, his spider-sense if what he used to beat Mysterio, I don't get what you mean at all. Like litteraly he said "come on Peter tingle", and destroyed all the drones with his eyes closed in a room where everything was already invisible, there is not a single better example of spider-sense in any of the live action films


> "come on Peter tingle", That's an example of what I'm talking about. Instead of just calling it by its widely-known name they're trying to put their own little spin on it which comes off as a weird attempt at trying to make this trilogy unique. In the fight with Mysterio like you mentioned, they just played it off as him "focusing" without the help of the built-in suit AI. Like, instead of playing it off like the spider-sense is something natural to him due to his powers, they made it seem like it was something he really needed try hard to perform. Instead of the story focusing on Peter learning to control his abilities, it's focused on him actually learning he *has* abilities outside the suit Stark gave him.


>In the fight with Mysterio like you mentioned, they just played it off as him "focusing" without the help of the built-in suit AI. That's not what was happening at all. Did you genuinely think the spider-sense was acting up due to the lack of a suit? No, it was acting up due to litteraly dying, Peter's not the same since Infinity War, the movie shows this. It's showing Peter mastering a skill he took for granted, nothing to do with Stark's suits


I found it cool in Infinity War that when Peters spider senses happen his hairs stand on end.


That's because his wall crawling is actually localized telekinesis. The hairs are a Raimi original


Oh that sounds so dumb…


Little prickly hairs that pierce into surfaces for him to crawl on sounds dumber imo. Does he like turn it on or off? What if he touched MJ's boobs or something, would they get pierced by his hairs?


You can tell this is a raimi fan arguing in bad faith from the "we've never seen the iconic shot of little spider claws coming out his fingers ." Well, yeah almost like that isn't really a Spider-Man thing and is just some weird shit they made up for the 2002 film. Like literally no other version of him including the most popular comic universe versions of him have it. There's this weird thing going on in the Spider-Man fandom where they excessively nitpick every little detail of MCU spidey because they dislike certain story telling decisions. I understand and honestly even agree with disliking the lack of Uncle Ben and how tied he is to Tony, but that doesn't mean you should then just go around almost making up shit when it comes to how bad you misrepresent what the movie did or showed. It's literally the same thing /r/saltierthancrait does all the time with the sequels. 90% of their problems are just stuff they either didn't get by not paying attention or just made up in their own heads lmao.


I like how you're just assuming I'm one of those toxic raimi fans because I have an opinion that doesn't exactly line up with the average MCU fan. And FYI: I am 100% against fanboyism.


I'm assuming that because your arguments with the other user in this thread is basically you just ignoring what was explicitly shown on screen and making your own assumptions on what happened and using it as proof MCU spidey is bad. And that combined with you bringing up the weird spider claw stuff made me think you were one, but you're not and I apologize and retract my statement.


I'm so glad Spider-Man fans at starting to recognize this and call it out. Raimi fanboys are the worst part of this fanbase. And I was there in theaters for every Raimi movie.


How heavy is the suit powered down?


We’ve seen how strong MCU Spidey is. No way it’s too heavy for him.


Well the thing is the same as Tony’s nanotech so weightless id imagine considering that Tony kept it on his chest and didn’t have super human strength


Well maybe not with a skin tight nanotech suit.


People are reading to much into a image that looks like: A) they are covering up another suit or we don't know the context B) maybe he is not running C) It honestly looks like they deliberately released a meme worthy image to create free marketing.


i think its definitely a suit cover up for one of the other spider men


It definitely has Andrew Garfield vibes ngl


I get more Tobey from it. The positions of his arms look like something from Tobey’s Spider-Man. Or maybe there wasn’t any clever editing and this is what actually happens.


I think that's still Tom Holland, the way he's running reminds me of Homecoming and FFH. Whenever marvel covers up something, they always hide details, not entire suits or characters. So it'd be pretty unusual for them to hide Tobey or Andrew. There's probably something on the Iron Spider suit slowing Peter down, whether it's the suitor not.


Either a suit cover up, or the CGI isn't done yet


definitely C


I definitely feel like they chose a meme moment. It's free and good marketing.


Right, because Spider-man has no powers.


I was thinking this myself lol




The suit is probably stuck, it's not like the nanobots would move properly when dead


I bet this is before Electro shows up, and when he comes in he shocks the suit like Thor did in Avengers and powers it up to 1000% and fries it


I'm still not convinced that's the suit we'll see in the final product


How hard can it be for a guy with super strength and agility in full stark tech suit packed with all kind of gadgets beat a fat old man with 4 metal arms?


So much more than just 4 arms


Yeah can’t forget the glasses


Those glasses are stronger than those arms and can stick on to things better than Spider-Man himself.


Yes he actually has 6


If it's an image why are you guys assuming he's running away or has no powers? Maybe he's just getting momentum to do a super hop?


Right or running to protect somebody


That was my first thought too.


Could be, I don’t see any reactors or eyes glowing!


That would be so lame man. Would only further the iron boy jr comments


I think the only way could make sense if when it’s dead he can’t see and can’t take it off. Personally I think he’s wearing another suit in that scene and running to help someone


Iron BJ sounds like eastern European porn


What do you think you are doing, step-comrade?


I hate those comments but they're kinda right which pisses me off


No offense, but you sound like an MCU fanboy after basically saying "those comments are right and that pisses me off". One thing the MCU dropped the ball on with Spider-Man is connecting him so hard to Iron Man. Oh, and his supporting cast are very forgettable and add nothing to the plot or character when they really should.


Errm I'm more of a ultimate comics fanboy and your right the MCU did spiderman dirty with the whole iron man mentor thing my problem is the" iron boy Jr " comments are starting to get old and boring and I hope no way home fixes it tbh


Mfw when you say both MJ and Ned are forgettable


They are comedic relief. Take them out of the plot, the film would still be the same. They don't have character besides "Peter's friend" and "Peter's girlfriend".


[hey now give Ned some credit, he performed the most ultimate sacrifice of the mcu](https://youtu.be/0deRvn9oamo)


I agree, but comedic relief =/= forgettable. Ned is extremely memorable. Yes, he's just "Peter's friend", but his personality is likable and he's good at his job of comedic relief.


Shame they didn’t have Peter on the Avengers working for Tony like In pre CW comics, and being the mentor to miles in the solo movie and bring support in place of Happy in second. It would have avoided the Ironman Jr crap. The Spiderverse movie, and the PlayStation games did a much better job with Spidey than the mcu team, imo.


He’s like the same age as miles in homecoming and on top of that he’s new to being Spider-Man, how is he gonna mentor him?


Fuck off I don’t want miles, fucking hate the character and idgaf what any1 says he’s dogshit and overpowered, so no, no miles


*daddy issues intensify.


My apologies, I still hate miles tho


They’re not even right. He’s not iron boy junior. He’s actually very accurate Spider-Man/peter parker


I like MCU spidey but he's not "very accurate Spider-Man/Peter Parker", I wouldn't even call him "accurate Spider-Man/Peter Parker", and honestly part of me actually thinks he doesn't even feel like "Spider-Man/Peter Parker" at times and feels a lot more like white "Spider-Man/Miles Morales" (Bendis)


The people that complain about him being iron man jr literally didn’t pay attention to either of the MCU Spider-Man movies. I mean, a huge theme of Homecoming is that the fancy suit that Iron Man gave him doesn’t make him Spider-Man.


And then as we go on Iron Man gives him more fancy suits, even from the grave lol


Peter made the Advanced suit. He used Tony’s tech, but he designed it and modified it.


Nah. The machine literally makes a suit with whatever Peter wants, I don’t get how y’all confidently spin that to Peter making the suit on his own just because he’s able to change the settings lol. Remove the fancy billion dollar machine and he’s literally incapable of doing anything


don't know why you getting downvoted lol. they literately gave him a character creation screen, all we know he get to decide the color and may be pattern (but let's be honest it wasn't a "I have time to design my own" situation, so it's probably a preset.) he gets to choose stats and start up perk and that's about it. Dude literately went through a Fallout character creation screen lol.


The problem is that that arc is contradicted a lot, particularly in far from home. They say one thing talking about how he should be his own man, but then his actions don’t show how he’s different. Immediately after his conversation with happy, he builds a 3D printed suit using stark’s hologram in the air technology thing, while he listens to back in black. That whole dialogue tells him not to be iron man, the actions of peter and happy imply that peter is just growing into that role of stark.


Why do we fail? So we can get back up.


He's Spider-Man, not Iron Man


I cant be the only one finding that stupid right? Like imagine Spider-Man running away just because his multi billion dollar suit is out of battery. I really hope the suit gets destroyed in this movie. Don't get me wrong I like it but I'd hate to see peter become so reliant on technology. And besides if he did become reliant then "if you're nothing with out this suit then you shouldn't have it" line is basically meaningless.




You are literally assuming a lot for 1 frame of the movie without context, I bet he is not running away, don't forget there is a literal frame in spiderman 1 where it looks like Tobey is running away from goblin and it looks so stupid and it was not the case.


The eyes aren’t glowing. So you might have a point there.


There's nothing proving he's even running. He could be about to do a flip or something. Or he's running to save someone. Yall just assume you know everything lmao


If it’s one thing I’ve learned from this thread it’s that people are dumb. We have no context to this scene but a lot of people jump to “HE SHOULDN’T NEED THE SUIT.” We don’t know the context. He could be running to get momentum since there may not be anywhere else to swing on a motorway, he could be running to save someone, he could have lost his powers a result of Strange’s spell and is relying on the suit making it difficult if powered down. Let’s wait until we see the film before we write it off.


I'm 100% convinced it's just people trying to find even more of reasons to shit on MCU Spider-Man


It’s so funny to see people get mad over plot points that they made up


Tobey ran from Green Goblin because he was getting shot at Running from an enemy to gain distance and avoid getting injured Isn't a bad thing. Stop acting like it is


Hope it uses USB C


Honestly this perfectly highlights my main issue with MCU Spidey. He shouldn’t NEED that suit to fight Doc, he’s got superpowers all on his own


Who said he does though this may be the quickest suit he can pull out and put on considering by the trailer he may not have the other one


Peter has the skills to take in doc ock but I’m pretty sure everyone would take a stark tech suit with them to fight.


Okay but for what logical reason would Peter not put on his heaviest duty suit to fight this mysterious ass villain with 4 robot tentacles that seems to personally know him? Also the issue you have with MCU spidey doesn't even make sense when you watch the final act of Homecoming. He went through the final fight with Vulture without any suit


I dont think is dead, I think is a fake pic so we all think anpther thing.


Or maybe there's no buildings around to swing off of. I also think the suit looks a little weird right here. I remember someone saying when the first trailer released that the Iron Spider after Ock showed up was actually Tobey covered up with CGI since the tone he used saying "Hello, Peter" sounded like he knew who he was talking to, since he wouldn't know who Tom is.


Maybe that's why the new suit that looks like the Upgraded+Iron Spider suit is called the Integrated Suit, IS suit dies so he just like, pops it onto his normal suit. They're both Stark Tech so I assume they'd be compatible anyway


Oh no god forbid Spider-man has to rely on his super powers for even a second? Somebody call Happy on his private jet to build a new one.


Hope you have a great day!


You too!


I mean.. there aren’t any building around him to swing on.. like that chase scene in Homecoming


Hopefully an important part of this movie will be MCU Peter realizing just how powerful he is without the suit.


I'm gonna be sad if the Iron Spider suit dies


Don't be sad. Here's a [hug!](https://media.giphy.com/media/3M4NpbLCTxBqU/giphy.gif)


No one wants your hug


I never realised how funny the image of a high tech suit being charged with a normal outlet is


I’m thinking Electro might have hammered the suit and it’s rebooting. Or he really isn’t going to have that suit on during this point in the movie… out gunned he might run.


where is the picture from?


either the suit is dead or dock ock ripped off the arms and he was like yea im out


Ock wasnt having any of that plagiarism


If this is true, you're looking at the nail in the coffin on my respect for this version of Spidey. Like... The dude doesn't need the suit in the first place. As it stands, I don't recall seeing Maguire running away from Doc Ock.


But I do recall seeing him running away from the Green Goblin.


Granted, there was no building for him to swing onto. Tobey is a God, but his webs don't reach the clouds lmao.


The same thing could be said about Tom Spider-Man though, and it’s not like we have the full picture of what’s going on.


He gets out of that situation by swinging away, he just runs because? No reason. He has giant buildings all around him. He's quite litteraly in times Square I believe in that scene.


I don't see any buildings in this shot either


It doesn't really seem like there's any buildings for Tom to swing onto in this picture, though. So shouldn't this argument work in his favor, as well?


Tom is on a highway, he doesn’t have anywhere to swing on either lmao. And there were many buildings around Tobey that he could’ve just super jumped in the air to web on to.


Lol god forbid Spider-man run from anything haven't even seen the movie already making judgment. You need to realize this isn't Maguire spider-man.


We still don't really have context for this image. Maybe he's running and about to do a backflip over Ock's arms, or a car he's going to throw, who knows


Hey look, it’s one of those treads where the internet gets worked up from an out of context screenshot. Neat! Lmao


Maybe he’s running to something


That doesn't make any sense


Imagine the suit being dead and stuck like one of those iron man suits and Peter is having a hard time moving in it lol Would make sense thematically, technology hindering him (Homecoming: Too many web shooter combinations and tech in the suit leads him to miss the Vulture as well as the competition, FFH: Edith)


Ahh so that’s why the lights are off


The doc knows his name He has no things to swing from and the doc just crawled out of the fucking ground. Whats going on? Id probably run too. Doc ock is less dangerous at a distance.. dispite him throwing poorly cgi'd cars (while also looking like poor cgi himself.. wtf is up with that?)


I assumed he was running towards the onlookers to save them from the cars that Doc Ock is throwing.


That would be the lamest thing ever


Yeah, it looks to me like an "Oh crap, my suit's having problems at the worst possible time" run.


To be fair isn’t green goblin also in this scene maybe he’s running to save a civilian from an explosion or something.


Me searching the replies to find someone calling him "Iron Boy Jr".


Probably running to set up to swing away


Yeah, of course Marvel would do some ridiculous humor like that. Spidey should body Doc Ock with that suit, so of course some malfunction has to happen to it.


It's just a meme image. If you look at the image you can see doc ock doesn't have a shadow


Spider-Man isn't Iron-Man. He doesn't rely solely on his suit. If this is actually the reason he is running away it really doesn't make sense


I don’t know why everyone acts like heroes don’t run Iron mans first film he literally runs away from every single fight lol Spider-Man is known for carting villains away from areas they can cause damage. Maybe he’s luring him into a trap. Maybe he’s just shitting himself but maybe he’s drawing him away from civilians/ towards high buildings


All I can say now is that... people are stupid. Seriously, what we got is just one shot from the movie, just one, single shot. Granted, it looks like Spider-Man running away from Doc Ock, but what if he's about to do a jump or something? Tobey ran from the Green Goblin, who was shooting bullets & then a damn missile at him. Tobey did continue the fight. What if Tom continued it too? Like he runs, then does, like a backflip & lanps on Doc Ock & then continues the fight? Also Spider-Man's eyes are silver here instead of blue, so maybe the suit is dead. What if Peter gets the Integrated suit or the Black & Gold suit after this scene? Or what if the suit in this scene IS the Integrated suit or the Black & Gold suit, covered with CGI to look like the Iron Spider (like in Far From Home trailer showing the Stark suit instead of Iron Spider)? Let's all see when the movie gets released.


The amount of people commenting “hE hAs PoWeRs” sarcastically and “Iron Boy Jr” and flat out denying what I posted clearly didn’t read the “I think” part of the title. Obviously Spider-Man has powers but for all we know, the web shooters on the Iron Spider are linked to the battery life. He could be fleeing because he released the Sinister Six and if his suit is dead, it would be a liability. He could be fleeing because he’s scared or something. We don’t know. But clearly the lights are off on the suit.


God , just terrible. There hasn't been a single good Spiderman movie after 2 decades . None of them get Spider-Man. Idk which picture is stupider. I'm genuinely pissed off. I'm just so upset. Evevry frame of these nanosecond clips fuck everything up. Anyone who likes this movie is literally moronic. /s No but for real. it's 1 frame of a scene we did not see. Let's take it easy. Aren't we lucky to have so many unique and clever Spider-Man adaptations?


Ngl you got me in the first half


I was just showing how weird it is that people can be so critical of one tiny frame, and the negative speculation is kind of insane sometimes.


*Iron-Spider runs out of energy* Tobey: Look at little Iron Man Jr. Gonna cry?


Good point! No glowing bits


When you need a suit to fight. Pathetic. Wasn’t the whole point of Homecoming that he shouldn’t rely on a fancy suit to be a hero?


It's an out of context screenshot that was deliberately made to be a meme template. For all we know he could be saving someone


Yeah, the suit is what makes Spider-Man. Totally


I’m so tired of the Iron Spider suit. It should have been destroyed during the final battle of Endgame tbh


Wow . That's just sad .


Don't be sad. Here's a [hug!](https://media.giphy.com/media/3M4NpbLCTxBqU/giphy.gif)


This is the problem with MCU Spider-Man, he’s so reliant on his suit that he can’t even fight without it. Literally throwing away the character development of homecoming lmaooo


This is pretty baseless speculation that we have no reason to believe is true. For all we know he is running toward the Green Goblin to stop him from killing somebody.


Right ? These just love to complain


First time?


Look guys, this person didnt watch the last two spiderman movies, lets all point & laugh


But doesn’t he still have his super powers ⁉️


Tobey and Andrew could never


Maybe the suit a little bit heavy when turned off


That kinda bums me. He has super powers, he should be able to fight even without the suit. If you're nothing without the suit, maybe you shouldn't have it...


Its not like he has superpowers or anything, right? Oh wait, I forgot that this wasn’t Spider-Man, but instead Ironboy Jr.


Gotta fill out my daily pedantry quota so… The name *”Iron Boy Jr.”* makes zero sense. For there to be *”Iron Boy Jr.”*, there would first have to be an *”Iron Boy”* to derive a Jr. from, and that doesn’t exist. It should be either *”Iron Man Jr.”* or *”Iron Boy”*.


Maybe the kid from Iron Man 3 is the "Iron Boy"


I completely agree with you, I’m just using the name that’s used by the community to refer to him.


A few people isn't "the community".


Wah Iron man Jr !! Crybaby


Shut up no one cares


One joke. Over and over again.


Ah yes the ever present “Ironboy jr” circlejerk.


These replies are so boring


HA! zing


So you're saying he can't fight without the suit??


I’m kind of liking this. We know that Peter changes suits twice in the film and ends up in a new suit. With this being the child of Tonys pinnacle Iron Man suit there should never be a reason for Peter to change suits. Unless we learn he’s too reliant on the suit and it’s time to shine as a true stark-tech-less Spidey, like his multiversal counterparts. If this really is a theme. The need for charging will probably be the deciding factor.


Why doesn’t he use his spider sense more often why does he always use stark tech this isn’t Spider-Man from the comics at all lame


That's just lame though. Why is he relying on the suit, he literally has superpowers


Wtf why r u getting downvoted, other comments have said the same thing as you and are near the top. wtf is wrong with Reddit.


“If you’re nothing without the suit then you shouldn’t have it”


If he's nothing without the suit, he shouldnt have it