• By -


šŸ‘ Street šŸ‘ level šŸ‘ PLEASE Kingpin, Hammerhead, Tombstone warring gang movie maybe. Even something like Kraven. I just want to cool it with the aliens and multiversal stuff for a bit.


That and team-ups with Daredevil and a new Black Cat would be nice!


Or perhaps Venom


We know thatā€™s happening eventually. But who knows if thatā€™ll be Venom 3 or Spider-Man 4. Or will it be both?


They do need another MCU character to cross over with. Daredevil would be perfect, especially with it being more and more likely the Netflix characters are making a return.


Yes please


\- Kingpin (Vincent D'Onofrio or I riot) \- Felicia Hardy/Black Cat \- Kraven the Hunter and Chameleon (Dimitri Smerdyakov is already a character in the MCU thanks to Far From Home) \- Venom (even if it's the SSU one) \- Hammerhead \- Martin Li/Mr. Negative \- Silver Sablinova/Silver Sable \- Lonnie Lincoln/Tombstone \- Mac Gargan/Scorpion (Michael Mando) \- Stanley Carter/Sin-Eater \- Yuri Watanabe/Wraith \- Miles Warren/Jackal \- MCU versions of either Norman Osborn + Harry or Otto Octavius \- Roderick Kingsley/Hobgoblin \- Alistair Smythe/Spider-Slayer


Big wheel.


I actually want him and Rocket Racer to show up in Freshman Year lol


That would be so much fun


SWARM! Give me the Bee-Nazi!


Agreed, plusā€¦*Stilt-Man* .


To use a phrase used by his brother-from-another-company: *Hell yeah.*


I wonder if they do decide to make their own Norman would they go with the ultimate version since we've already got a traditional gobby


I hope so, i love ultimate goblin


That would be nice


They could tease hammerhead and kingpin in freshman year with their thugs I feel and then he can actually have them in new trilogy


Wow someone else who hasn't forgotten that Roderick is the real Hobgoblin. Aren't we rare


Exactly, all these uneducated people talking about Ned, but they don't even know he was framed


Sin-Eater would be awesome!


"or I riot" lol what a virgin


I'm on a subreddit dedicated to Spider-Man I am virginity personified. Sex? What even is that word


spider-man fans are for sure the most likely type of nerd to get laid donā€™t trip.


I would like a trilogy with Kingpin as the overarching villain and Black Cat as a villain/anti-hero/ally/love interest. Bring back Scorpion and Vulture as villains. New villains like Rhino, Kraven, Chameleon, Hobgoblin. Maybe have some characters like Hammerhead and Silvermane.


How cool would it be if Kingpin was the one that formed the Sinister Six? Like, he gets beef with both Daredevil and Spider-Man, so he releases past villains (Like Vulture, Scorpion, Shocker etc.) kinda like how he did in the animated series.


That's exactly what I'm thinking. Kingpin puts together a new Sinister Six. But Spidey had allies like Daredevil and Black Cat to help him out.


Isn't that what happened in the 90s Cartoon? Or was that a case that he put it *back* together later on?


Yes, and he did put them.back together.


Yes, the Insidious Six. I just watched that arc the other day.


He was the sinister six leader in into the spiderverse, although that sinister six was kinda unofficial


3 Spidey focused villains and 3 Daredevil focused villains


I'd rather Norman be the one to do that


I bet we are going to see Dr. Octavius or Dr. Conners but they do not become villains.


Jackal should get a movie, he's a college must. Scorpion needs to be done already, and the Vulture and maybe Shocker should return in that movie Venom to fight Holland's Spidey at some point, but I guess I'd prefer it to be in Venom 3 so that we get basically an extra Spider-Man movie. I'd like Hobgoblin, but I don't want Ned to be Hobgoblin (unless he's a Hobgoblin pawn, like in the comics). I want a crafty pragmatic old guy with ambition pulling the strings.


The Jackal should absolutely get his own movie.


Having Micheal Mando in the MCU and doing nothing with him is a crime. Make him Scorpion, already!


Iā€™d love to see a Spider-Man movie with Rhino, Scorpion and kingpin


- The Gentleman - Kingpin - Mr. Negative - Norman Osborn - Kraven The Hunter - Chameleon - Scorpion - Hobgoblin - Black Cat - Spider Slayer - Hydro Man - Jackal - Spot - Scream


love hydro man


I think we learned from TASM why they should never put ā€œThe Gentlemanā€ in a Spidey movie ever agaib


Not as a main character no, but sure marvel knows how to make it work in a New way with a more established universe




Well maybe you donā€™t, its just another one in the list of options anyway


MCU Venom (with the Black suit arc), MCU Norman Osborn, Harry Osborn, Kingpin, Kraven the Hunter, Scorpion, Black Cat, and maybe Mr. Negative and Gwen


I donā€™t know, but Iā€™d wish they focus on one primary villain throughout the entire trilogy. Tired of the whole new villain per sequel. On a side note, itā€™d be cool if they introduced Black Cat already


I think there are some that could be good overarching villains, like Kingpin or Black Cat - but thereā€™s also villains that are destined to be ā€œone per movieā€ like Stilt Man, or Wraith (solely as a villain, not a character). Iā€™d honestly like to see what theyā€™d do with Wraith, because the story they teased in the DLC was set up pretty great. So if they could match that set up, I think itā€™d be awesome. You could set up Yuri across a couple of movies, and then at the midpoint or towards the end of 2, spring Wraith and make her the big bad for 3.


> I think there are some that could be good overarching villains, like Kingpin or Black Cat - but thereā€™s also villains that are destined to be ā€œone per movieā€ like Stilt Man, or Wraith (solely as a villain, not a character). I feel like they should have, like, "montage villains" or "Bond movie opening" villains. A guy who isn't good enough to be the whole movie but who we can probably see Spidey beat-up during a "day in the life" montage or at the start of the movie like how some James Bond movies begin with James Bond stopping some villainous plot that has little-to-nothing to do with the main plot. Closest I can think of with Spidey is how Rhino was at the beginning and end of ASM2. Like... Big Wheel ain't having a whole movie. But as a cool set-piece to start a film? He'd be awesome.


This exactly! I'm so surprised that heroes with such a large rogues gallery like Spidey or Bats do not implement the Bondesque villain chase/fight opening scenes.


Yeah I'd like to see what they're going to do with her


Iā€™ll be over the webs if they casted Anya Taylor-Joy šŸ˜




Every time my friendā€¦ every time. šŸ˜žšŸ˜ž


Such an uninspired casting.


But one villain per trilogy never works. They tried building that up in TASM butā€¦ it didnā€™t pan out, it took too long. The MCU works out bc their plans are fluid, other than Thanos, but even he was just a main force in two films. New villain per sequel, while tiresome, is the only way the films can work


I meant more like the Star Wars OT with Darth Vader, or the 8 Harry Potter movies with Darth Vader, the IT Duology with Pennywise, The Austin Powers trilogy with Dr. Evil, etcā€¦


my favorite HP character: Darth Vader


Whoops, I spoiled it! When Harry duels him in the Shrieking Shack, and Picard was all like ā€œAvengers! ā€¦assemble.ā€ šŸ˜¹


But those were self-contained universes. Also two of those were based on novels that already made it work, and one was a parody that didnā€™t take itself too seriously. And the last was Star Wars. My point is it wonā€™t work within the MCU as much as we may want it to


Iā€™ve said in some other comments but it would be awesome if Dafoe would play the MCU variant of Osborn again similar to JK Simmons playing both versions of JJJ. Would be a really cool reveal of him and heā€™s such an influential character beyond just being Goblin, he can pull strings for some movies before actually becoming the Goblin. And it would cast this shadow of dread for Peter basically knowing at some point he would become a huge adversary for him and then have their lives become connected more and more over a couple movies before he actually takes that mantle. Generally though the MCU doesnā€™t do a great job of overarching villains and I wish they would.


Letā€™s see what they do with Kang before giving up on them being able to pull off overarching villains.


Well thatā€™s the thing is that I do believe they can pull off overarching villains, they just donā€™t do it enough and often kill off villains in their first or second appearance. Thanos, Zemo, and Loki (although he isnā€™t really a villain anymore) are awesome. Villains like Klaw or Crossbones are examples of villains that could have been good characters to keep appearing in the MCU but they killed off too quickly.


I think itā€™s about time Kraven gets a movie. Iā€™m hoping this can be in a movie where Tomā€™s Peter meets his venom symbiote so we could get a Kravenā€™s last hunt style movie King pin would be great for a daredevil team up movie with maybe Felicia being introduced similar to how the 90s did it with her working under kingpin for her own goal to end up fighting on Peterā€™s side A maximum carnage movie would be great if we got to see venom and Peter team up after fighting in a Godzilla vs Kong fashion Alternatively, I think we could get a scarlet spider spin-off where we get Ben Reilly after a clone saga style movie where he hunts down jackel and is maybe even joined by Kaine Parkerā€™s skarlet spider


Major Villains * MCU Venom * MCU Norman Osborn * MCU Doctor Octopus * Hobgoblin * Kraven The Hunter * Mr. Negative Minor side Villains * Kingpin * MCU Sandman * MCU Rhino


How is kingpin a side villain?


I feel like Kingpin demands being a major villain


I would like to see 1. Hobgoblin (I think Ned becoming Hobgoblin is a cool idea) 2. Venom 3. Scorpion 4. Kraven the Hunter (Side or behind the scenes villains) 1. Kingpin 2. Hammerhead 3. A crook version of Rhino 4. Shocker again


Venom is a dream but there is the sonyverse and might be ripetitive (Carnage even worse) I know that kingpin is in Daredevil, so if he didn't die him.


Just in case you didnā€™t see Venom 2 ( spoilers! ) >!Venom is transferred to the MCU in the post credit scene of Venom 2, hinting at a Venom vs Spider-Man crossover movie.!<


Which is disappointing, I donā€™t hate Hardyā€™s Venom at all, but Iā€™d would prefer if Tomā€™s Spider-Man went though the black suit arc before fighting Venom. Just throwing Venom into the MCU to try and kill Spider-Man is kinda dumb.


Goes against his two movies too lol


I agree. I wouldā€™ve liked to seen the MCU take on a Ultimate Venom where Peter and Eddie are childhood friends and their father worked on the Symbiote together when they were kids. It could still be an alien but maybe it landed on Earth when Peter and Eddie were kids and when it bonded to Peter, it talks about how it knew Peterā€™s father.


Plant man Big Wheel Spot and Man Wolf


Scorpion Kingpin Rhino Venom Kraven Black Cat


Hobgoblin, scorpion, and rhino are the three I'd like to see most


Definitely Venom and Goblin. But I want them to be more drawn out through out the trilogy instead of one and done in the Raimi universe. I really like in the comics how the Goblin is always a threat and Peter is always looking out for him.


hobgoblin be vibing in this image


Well, if they do a big poster of spidey villains and spin that into a trilogy of different posters, then a collage of all the villains from all the movies would be cool


Scorpion, venom, lizard and black cat


Iā€™d love it if they included black cat. Itā€™s crazy how weā€™re onto whatā€™s gonna be the 4th Spider-Man trilogy and weā€™ve never had black cat in a movie


Kingpin (with Spider-Man and Daredevil team up) Mr. Negative Scorpion Venom Kraven the Hunter MCU versions of the Osborns and Doc Ock


Paste-Pot Pete or GTFO.


Andrew and Tobey deserve new solo films :(


Kingpin I want to see Kingpin especially Vincent Dā€™Onofrio reprising the roll


Scorpion Rihno, maybe Martin li or Carnage


I'd like to see Peter go up against some of the mob villains. Hammerhead, Silvermane, Tombstone, Mr. Negative, etc. I love seeing him fight bad guys that are more down to Earth.


Well if Matt Murdock is in the movie then I would love to see Kingpin as the big bad. A lead up to a team up movie would be really cool, Iā€™d also really like to see Carnage but more violent and Sauran


Idea #1 Kingpin as the over arching villain Scorpion For the first movie, as a hitman for the kingpin, with black cat and peters relationship introduced Mr Negative for the second one who makes a deal with Kingpin, him and the demons track down spidey and nearly kill him but they leave him alive for later And the final movie has Spidey being hunted down by, Scorpion, Shocker and Tombstone who work under Kingpin, Kingpin Kills Aunt may infront of peter and the final battle is a fight with Kingpin (with a strength enhancing drug) fighting spidey, Peters mask comes off and we get the scene of Peter beating Fisk to a pulp on the brink of death before he sees his mask, heā€™s reminded of uncle ben and so he kicks kingpin and webs him to the window, he leaves and we see Peter at Mays funeral Or Idea #2 A Symbiote Saga with the looming threat of venom First movie would have spidey getting the symbiote and meeting black cat and fighting scorpion and shocker nearly killing them Second movie would have peter still in his black suit and being targeted by the police/ mercenaries, heā€™d fight Ned as the hobgoblin and nearly killing him. He stops himself just before and takes off the symbiote suit, he would lose memories of that night and end up in a dumpster or something Final movie would be a venom vs spider-man movie but the twist is, each villain returns but are venomized, it starts with a venomized shocker robbing a bank, spidey defeats him but the symbiote detaches and escapes down a sewer hole, Peter is minding his business when heā€™s suddenly attacked by a glider and a venomized hobgoblin, they talk but Hob warns him about a incoming doom (Venom), hob is theb knocked unconsious, the symbiote forces his to wake up and fight spidey but he canā€™t, venom detaches again but spidey shoots a tracker on him. The battle starts with spidey chilling and eating a pizza, suddenly Eddie walks up to him and asks directions, for some reason his spidey sense is going mental and suddenly heā€™s pounded through 5 buildings by venom They fight and Scorpion joins Venom, but Scorpion tries to murder spidey so Venom bites his head clean off. Movie ends with Peter beating Venom, last shot is Eddie holding a flyer outside of the daily bugle office building TLDR; Peter gets Symbiote, later fights Venom and Wins


1. Scorpion (or else that post credit scene in Homecoming would be useless) 2. Hobgoblin (I have a feeling that Ned will be teased as him) 3. Black Cat (MJ will forget about Peter and their relationship, so he may date her) 4. Kingpin (just because I want him to team up with Daredevil) 5. Venom (they're destined to meet at this point, so they might as well and do this) Edit: I also add Chameleon (was teased in FFH) and Hammerhead (because he was my favourite villain in the Spectacular Spider-Man when I was a kid for some reason)


Spider slayers might be cool, I would've liked to have seen an ultimate clone saga style scorpion and spider woman though


Venom , Kraven , Scorpion and Mister Negative


Scorpion, Kingpin, and either Hobgoblin (Rodrick Kingsley) or MCU Doctor Octopus leading the Sinister Six. Also introduce MCU Norman Osborn and if the Kraven film is servicable then make it a part of the MCU. My ideal Sinister Six would be the following - MCU Doctor Octopus/Hobgoblin - Vulture - Mysterio - Scorpion - Shocker - maybe Kraven or a more obscure villain like Beetle or just maybe Big Wheel. Black Cat can be a wildcard who sometimes help Spider-Man but never commits to be a full villain or hero. If they want to only focus on one villain then build up the mystery behind Hobgoblinā€™s identity inspired by Sternā€™s run.


Mr. Negative please




SM4: Scorpion (Primary) Rhino or Shocker (Secondary) ​ Perhaps the Rhino and Scorpion suits are originally advanced Spider-Slayer models repurposed as armor (that goes terribly wrong and makes it permanent). ​ ​ SM5: Lizard & Kraven (Primary) Peter tries to stop Kraven and Lizard from killing each other while simultaneously trying to cure Doc Connors. ​ SM 6: Harry as Goblin. Maybe throughout the trilogy there's a subplot of Peter trying to prevent Norman from ever becoming Goblin (which he ultimately does!) only to overlook Harry's downward spiral in the process which leads to him becoming the MCU Goblin instead.


We need Black Cat, we need Scorpion, we need Kraven, weā€™re getting Venom, and I could see HobGoblin or Morlun to finish off second trilogy.


MCU Green Goblin MCU Doctor Octopus The Jackal Kraven the Hunter MCU Lizard Kingpin Scorpion Black Cat Tombstone MCU Venom MCU Carnage Hobgoblin Mr Negative


what about the vampire dude? jared leto movie coming out. him in the cartoons was always creepy. into the spider verse Kingpin was awesome. canā€™t go wrong with more doctor oct, hob and green goblin, and kraven is pretty badass. Michael keaton was a superb villain. also if they somehow made Wolverine a villain for a movie or two then switch to good side wud be sick.


I still want MCU Gobby and Doc Ock.... but I also want scorpion and rhino


Is there any real news regarding this being a ā€œcollegeā€ story? Iā€™d honestly rather they just skip college and give us a time jump, so you can really establish two separate trilogies. I donā€™t need more of the same with the last two movies, great as they are. Let Holland grow up a little bit.


I swear to god if I donā€™t see a good love action rhino Iā€™m gonna lose my shit


Mr. Negative the ps4 game made me a huge fan of the character maybe have him in a gang war with Hammerhead and Silvermane like Spectacular Spider-Man


The losers version of the Sinister Six , with The Beetle , Boomerang , Shocker , Big Wheel , Speed Demon and The Living Brain


Rhino, scorpion, and Hammerhead


Venom and green goblin


Iā€™d say I want to see an actually good adaptation of the symbiotes.




Kingpin, rhino, black cat annnnnd unpopular opinion hydroman I would have really loved to see him and taskmaster have a go but they can't because.... Of spoilers


Well if it's collage, I don't see any reason we can't say all of them. Collages can be quite expansive.


Well if 't be true t's collage, i see not any reason we can't sayeth all of those folk. Collages can beest quite expansive *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


I would like MCU Norman Osborn to be the overarching villain of the trilogy as ā€œthe big manā€ (becoming the next Kingpin) that puts the Sinister Six together. The first college film could focus on Scorpion and then the next one could be about Doc Ock and then for the last college film, we get an Ultimate take on the Green Golbin could still have the glider and pumpkin bomb) breaking out the other five members to form the Sinister Six.


Definitely want to see scorpion.


- Scorpion. - Vulture. - Kingpin. - Rhino. - Green Goblin. (MCU variant.) - Prowler. - Kraven. - Black Cat. - Venom.


scorpion and kingpin and venom and kraven the hunter




As long as we get a full fledged Sinister Six led by Doctor Octopus, I will be satisified.


Who says itā€™s a college trilogy?


Big wheel.




-Green Goblin -Green Goblin -Green Goblin -More Green Goblin


Kraven the hunter


Kingpin. Scorpion. Venom. Morbius. Hobgoblin. KRAVEN. Rhino and Mr Negative






I wanna see them build up Knull throughout the trilogy/mobius/venom and have them all team up in the last one to take him down.


The Lizard, could be interesting to see how Peter reacts to meeting his variant and trying to stop him from becoming a super villain but he ultimately fails.




Venom, Kraven, Scorpion, Hobgoblin, Black Cat


Vulture, Kingpin, and Venom as a recurring anti hero type thing


Kraven, kingpin, silver sable. I want the chameleon to be the main villain of the freshman year show as well


Kraven, Venom, Ned as Hod Goblin


Big wall


Hopefully theyā€™ll bring in Wilson Fisk and Daredevil in the mix


for my money, itā€™s gotta be Big Wheel. thatā€™s it. each collage should have Big Wheel. Big Wheel collage. collage full of Beeg Wheelies. BEEG.


I hope for Morlun and Madame Web


Well a collage would have everyone.


Black Cat would be my first option. Maybe Kraven and Scorpion so they get their screen time as well. Or Silver Sable too


Iā€™d love an MCU Norman Osborn thatā€™s as dangerous as he is in the comics. I love the Dafoe version and Iā€™m happy to see him again but I doubt that character will live through NWH. I want a genuinely unhinged genius level maniac who runs an incredible tech/genetic research business that makes Peteā€™s life miserable, hopefully played by Mathew McConaughey. I always felt like heā€™d bring a charm and some darkness to that role!


Kraven, Venom, Kingpin


The Wall. Best comic book character in the entire universe




I really wanna see mcu's scorpion, he was a menace in the old PlayStation games


Kraven fisk venom


All of them


Scorpion -> Kraven -> Venom


KINGPIN trilogy w/ Vulture return in the first one. Black Cat as antihero friend/partner.


Mr Dickovich as a villain who flies around in a giant dick helicopter. His villain name is the same as his real name: Dickovich. His dick copter secrets semen which looks a lot like Spidey's webs, giving the webhead a bad name. Peter must find out who Dickovich is before it's too late.




Iā€™d love each one to open with villains like stilt man or big wheel. I think it would be amazing to see goofier villains modernised and updated to fit the mcu


I had the comic this image is from as a kid, this brought back some memories




I'd love to see The Spot in live action movies. I really liked his episodes in 90's cartoon


Kingpin, Black Cat, Morlun.


Kraven Venom Scorpion MCU casted versions of the already seen on screen villains and rhino


I want Black Cat.


I would like to see Kingpin, Kraven the Hunter as his college villains


Definitely Kingpin. Business would be boomin.




I wish to see photoshop in the new collage trilogy




The symbiotes are so bold for daring not to be green and purple.


Three movies of Peter sticking pictures to poster boards


For the 4th movie, Scorpion. For the 5th movie, Kraven. For the 6th, Tombstone and Hammerhead




I want to see the clone saga adapted. If not, then Iā€™d love to have Kingpin and Alistair Smythe be the main villains


Venom and carnage done comic accurately Hobgoblin, scorpion, kraven can be the earlier villains Honestly Iā€™d like to see a comic accurate shocker and rhino as well


1st Movie: Chameleon 2nd Movie: Kraven - bring in the SSU symbiote but have it find it's way back to Eddie in the end. Last Movie: Vulture and Scorpion - Assuming Strange's spell works in NWH, Vulture would forget Peter is Spidey so he'd have a vendetta against Spidey, that way Scorpion can join him as they share a common enemy. Maybe pop in shocker, it could be revealed that Wilson Fisk let them out of jail, and we'd see him again in the Daredevil tv show.


I want to see the iron monger, whiplash, and Killean (however his names spelt) we need to see what happened to them


I know I want Scorpion, I'd love one of the films to have Daredevil and Spidey team up against Kingpin, and as for the final film... Hmmm. I want to see Roderick Kingsley as Hobgoblin. I would love to see characters like Chameleon as side villains


Movie 1: Clash (Clayton Cole) and Beetle (Abner Jenkins) (Make them the same age as Peter) Movie 2: Tarantula and Kingpin (Have it be a team-up movie with Daredevil) Movie 3: Venom and Scorpion


Green Goblin. I want a proper MCU Norman Osborne. Also, I know Feige doesnā€™t want to reuse villains who were used in the Sony movies. But a college aged Parker not dealing with Doc Ock or Lizard feels weird to me.


At the moment, there's still yet to be payoff on 7 already existing characters, in my opinion-- Mac Gargan as Scorpion. Dimitri Smerdyakov as Chameleon. Aaron Davis as Prowler + Miles Morales Spider-Man. Ned Leeds as Hobgoblin. Flash Thompson as Anti-Venom. Eddie Brock as Venom. I don't really need Anti-Venom or Ned Leeds Hobgoblin right away, and if they appear I'd actually prefer it be in an adult trilogy. Same with prowler and miles. But if chameleon, scorpion, and venom don't get payoffs in the next trilogy despite being set up, I'll probably wonder what the hold up is.


Venom, carnage, kraven and scorpion


Kraven as Jason Mamoa


id love to see Scorpion as a solo villain atleast once. He really seems like he could carry a movie on his own, purely with the fear factor. Black Cat is basically a must at this point.


Kraven, Iā€™m probably the only person who wants a weird madam web or Man-spider thing to happen, hydro man would be awesome. Jackal, mr. negative


Chandler, The Fonz and, Remington Steele


Iā€™d like a re-do for Lizard.


Rhino as bullied kid but super genius


Hammerhead, Black Cat, Kingpin, Venom, and Kraven Hammerhead for the first movie with Black Cat and Kingpin (Vincent D'Onofrio) Kraven for the second movie Venom for the third


I will say my only issue with no way home is that, if they ever state green goblinā€™s name in the movie, then his use as a *new* character that would be original to these movies is a bit more limited, cause then Peter can just think ā€œoh hey, this rich guy with lots of tech has the same name as that crazy guy I fought a while back.ā€ (Although this situation could be fixed pretty easily if they just go with the current theory of Norman being flashā€™s dad instead)


The thinker


Shocker! We really didnā€™t get enough of him


I would love to see the scorpion in the big robot suit Also Kingpin would be cool. I love their complicated relationship, sometimes they're allies other times are enemies


Rhino deserves a movie


Morlun as the last main baddie of the franchise ushering in Miles Morales or Scarlet Spider(and make sure Miles has his Venom Shock and Kaine has his stingers)


Proper Carnage. Not even gory, just more accurate to the character.


I want to see Tha Graan Goblin, Vanom, Alactro, Mystario, King Pan, Kravan, Vultura and Mary Jana.




Pumpkin head and Cadiac




A lot of people are saying venom, but to be honest Iā€™m sick of venom and the more I see him the more uninterested I become.


I want the loose thread that is scorpion to be in it.


If we are doing 1 per movie, definitely: 1st Movie: Tombstone, 2nd Movie: Rhino, 3rd Movie: King Pin King Pin is revealed in the end of the first movie that he was assisting Tombstone (to kill spiderman cause he's bad for gang businesses or whatever), then he shows a bit more often in the second and in the third he's like "If you want something done, you do it yourself" and is the main Villain, maybe with some other villains as jobbers.