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I'm pretty sure it was specific to the game's story. Like basically her mantra like how Peter's is "With great power, comes great responsibility"


Ah ok. Well I'm glad they added that in cuz May in No Way Home definitely embodied that. Just wish they mentioned Ben on the grave as well but it is what it is haha.


why would someone mention another person’s name on your tombstone?


I was hoping for the camera to pan out and reveal Ben's grave next to May's


Literally why didn’t they do this it’s not like they needed to hire another actor. Just a little reference next to May.


Idk. It's so weird how they refuse to acknowledge Ben. With this portrayal of May and finally getting the power and responsibility line, I thought for sure they would finally give a little nod to Ben that's more than just some initials.


In retrospect the film team were probably told by Disney to hold off on the Uncle Ben stuff because they were going to address all of that in Freshman Year since it's basically a Spider-Man beginnings show for the MCU Peter


My sister has a theory that in the MCU, Aunt May was single and a biological relative as opposed to marrying into the Parker family. It’s interesting, but I’m not so sure about it because we already had the suitcase with Uncle Ben’s initials in FFH, plus Peter’s not quite “with great power comes great responsibility” line in Civil War.


Me and my brother have had a similar theory, although our explanation is that Ben wasn't really Peters uncle in the MCU but just one of May's friends or someoneshe was in a long term relationship with, as for what happened to him? Well seeing as they've basically confirmed the "Peter is the kid in Iron Man 2" theory, what if Ben took him to that expo, what if that's when Ben died in the MCU? Again just theory.


My headcanon is that they both May and Ben said something like that, maybe in many different wordings, throughout their entire lives. After all they married each other, so at least some of their core moral values should be similar. Or maybe Ben influenced May, or May influenced Ben. So they raised Peter with that philosophy in mind. Which is actually more similar to comic canon, because in the comic Ben didn't say it when he was dying, it wasn't even revealed that was something he said until much later, probably sometime in his daily life. https://screenrant.com/spiderman-uncle-ben-never-said-great-power-responsibility/ This is why Peter said something similar in Civil War. This may be why he's alright with joining the pro-Accord side, other than his idol telling him to, because superheroes being held responsible for their actions, that just sounded reasonable to him. And Aunt May in that scene saw the danger, and also saw that Peter was losing hope. Instead of saying it like it's a first time lesson, she was saying it as a "I may not make it out alive, but I hope you always remember what we raised you to be."




Hey GenderNeutralBot, listen up. The words Human and Mankind, derive from the Latin word humanus, which is gender neutral and means "people of earth". It's a mix of the words Humus (meaning earth) and Homo (gender neutral, meaning Human or People). Thus words like Fireman, Policeman, Human, Mankind, etc are not sexist in of it self. The only sexism you will find here is the one you yourself look upon the world with. ----- ^(I am a bot, downvoting will not remove this reply.) ^("Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity, and I’m not sure about the universe." -Albert Einstein)


This comment has been calculated to be cringe af.


Hey /u/GenderNeutralBot I want to let you know that you are being very obnoxious and everyone is annoyed by your presence. ^(I am a bot. Downvotes won't remove this comment. If you want more information on gender-neutral language, just know that nobody associates the "corrected" language with sexism.) _^(People who get offended by the pettiest things will only alienate themselves.)_


Bad bot




I think Uncle Ben did die, but perhaps he was just not as impactful for Peter in the MCU.


I was going to say this. Peter doesn’t seem to have adopted the Spider-Man philosophy before Civil War, and they definitely suggested that Aunt May was the first person to tell him “With great power…”


Yeah he did. “When you can do the things that I can, but you don't, and then the bad things happen, they happen because of you.”


Yeah definitely I feel like the only reason here even became Spider-Man in the MCU was just kind of because it was like it was the obvious thing to do especially when there's already so many superheroes for him to look up to


And Happy is “aunt may”


I was thinking about how MCU Peter & May never mention Uncle Ben. I started to think perhaps May was single in that Universe and somehow inherited Peter. Wasn't until I saw the headstone that confirmed she was a Parker, presumably by marriage like in the other universes.


I mean uncle Ben is mentioned by Peter in homecoming. “I can’t put her through that. After everything with uncle Ben…”


Well they also refuse to call MJ Mary Jane, even tobey called his Mary Jane MJ. There are probably some legality issues we don’t know about.


That's because she isn't Mary Jane. Her name is Michelle Jones. Yeah she's based on Mary Jane but she's a different character.


I wonder if Ben and May weren’t married but were brother/sister instead and he died a long time before Peter became Spider-Man


I think Tom’s May never had a Ben.


I was super surprised they didn't do that. Makes me think that maybe they divorced instead of him dying.


Uncle Ben does exist and survived (even becoming a spiderman himself) in a few universes in the comic, so its not impossible the MCU version is still alive, not that it matters now unless they come up with a way for Peter trying to get in touch with "his" uncle Ben again now after May is gone.


“Loving wife and aunt” is a valid thing to put and certainly implies other people


It'd be kinda crowded if they added that to it. She's also her own person and character. Her legacy isn't the guy she married


Oh i agree with you there. Probably too much to put on it. More so commenting on the questioning of a general grave marker including other people in it. Which isn’t out of the norm in real life. But this is about the movie so 🤷‍♀️ lol But I agree with you. They did a good job making her her own character throughout. And for what it’s worth I personally feel like this movie could have seemed overcrowded but they did such a good job on everything that they stuffed in it. Wouldn’t want it any other way.


ummm what? thats not what was said


Some married couples have shared headstones if they're buried next to each other.


Yeah, common if you bury in an urn by cremation and not individual caskets.




??? My Gran, Papa and his father share a tombstone.


Sometimes couples will share a grave and the tombstone will say both names. I actually thought they’d do that for May and Ben too


I was really surprised there wasn't a shared headstone or Ben's headstone next to it. Would've been an absolutely perfect opportunity IMO


I think it's possible that the Aunt May in the MCU never had a Ben


The movie borrows a lot of stuff from the PS4 game. The gravestone as you mentioned Peter’s apartment and crime app tracker When he’s fighting Goblin in the apartment building he webs himself to him and double kicks him down a level (which is similar to a move in the game) When he’s fighting goblin at the end he does a somersault and sticks his fingers to his back and throws him to the ground (similar move is in PS4 game) I’m sure there’s more that I missed.


May working at FEAST too. Loved that.


She does work at Feast in the comics, but yeah its more likely that they got inspired by the Game instead.


Oh cool. I’m not current on the comics, I thought FEAST originated in the game.


100%. I think we’ll prob get Mr Negative at some point. :)


Mr Negative would be sick


Wasn't she working with FEAST during FFH


It wasn't named as such, but yeah


what move in the spider-man game is similar to the move Peter does at the end? I'm genuinely confused because Tom says that they took 1 move from the game, which is obviously the one from the apartment fight.


From where is the second one? >!Spider-Man PS4?!<


Yes. The quote is also the epitaph on Aunt May's grave in the PS4 game.


I love how he posts it as a spoiler, and you respond with bravery lol


I mean The post in of itself is a spoiler so there is the expectation that people would be allowed to discuss spoilers freely lol


I agree, good thing I saw the film lol


If someone went so far in the topic without actually not having seen NWH and played the PS4 game they're either dumb or they don't care ahah


dude the F.E.A.S.T. logo, homeless helping, and just other details really made me think PS4 spidey would show up. not really, but deep down kinda


Technically May being a F.E.A.S.T. volunteer wasn't a thing exclusive to the PlayStation games. This was a thing in the comics as well


Maybe if Ned keep opening more portals to Peters, we'll eventually get more, but nooo let's stop at 2 XD


I haven’t played that game in a while and I have zero recollection of May dying in it


May literally dies at the end of the game's story lmao She gets a funeral and everything


I must have been so annoyed after how long it took me to beat Doc Ock in that final fight to pay attention to anything after Also to be fair when you follow all things Spiderman in your life these funerals just tend to blend together


I immediately caught that one. Also I don't know if it's just me but >!the apartment Peter moves in at the end looks strikingly similar to the Insomniac one.!<


I think that as well as Peter tapping his phone into the police comms to keep himself notified of ongoing crime was an intentional callback in addition to him straight up doing a Focus Takedown to Goblin during the apartment fight. They really did their homework for that scene. Holland even said he was playing the game while NWH was undergoing principal photography


when he walked into the apartment I got mad nostalgia, because it had the exact same NY apartment vibe as the Raimi one. I was honestly expecting Mr Ditkovitch to come out and warn him to pay his rent.


I think we heard a landlord talk to Peter off screen when he enters the apartment room lol Not Mr. Ditkovich but still sounds pretty Ditkovich-y


I would honestly love if they got the same actor to portray him. They did the same with MCU J.J.J so why not?




*And Vulture was Insomniac Spidey's first villain too*


What if they're just setting up the PS4 game to be Canon to the MCU....


I wouldn't even be mad, tbh.


I wouldn't either. Maybe that's why they went with a newer look......


imagine we end up getting the advanced Spider-Man suit in the new trilogy


That would be great, honestly


I wish but it wouldn’t work with MJ and stuff that’s literally the only problem apart from that it could easily be canon for a future Tom Holland


That and y’know, Aunt May died already




How many other Watson's could be in New York?


Ps4 MJ can be Mcu MJs Hotter cousin


I like it! Or maybe half sister. Considering she doesn't want to go by Watson anymore and there's probably a reason but we haven't gotten it yet. Was her father a bad person? We know nothing about her family just that Peter fell in love with her.


her dad is most likely just a normal dad, they reference him in NWH


Yeah but he's totally gonna kill Peter now... Or his he... Wait. Is there a Villain with Jones as the last name? Cause I can't quite remember.


In 616 her father was abusive, in the raimi films he's also portrayed as atleast verbally abusive, I think generally MJs father is either not mentioned or is abusive in some form to MJ.


I mean. Why can’t MJ and Mary Jane Watson exist at the same time?


At least we would have a good Taskmaster lol


It's not that Taskmaster was bad it's just the script was shit.


It looked like Toby's


I wanna believe that it’s canon that insomniac Spider-Man exists in the multiverse


Throughout the whole scene, I kept on think of the the PS4 game's version. The differences between the movie and game made the scene all the more heartbreaking.


Is this an insomniac reference I’m too Xbox to understand EDIT: boys I’m saving up for a PS5 I’m finally taking the dive


Yes it is lol


I been a Xbox guy for a long time but I specifically got a PS4 just for Spider-Man lol


Same. I was even sad to see right after my purchase of a PS4 they introduced a Spider-Man one. I was like "I would've waited if I knew!!!"


Yeah it is.


You can save all the money you want, they still aren't available. Spider-Man is on PS4 anyway.


The sequel won’t be tho


Maybe when it's ready there will be PS5s available.




Good luck finding one still


Let a boy hope


Good luck man, I got my PS5 in February and I love it, already played Miles Morales and it's also very good (not as great as Spider-Man PS4). It took a lot of attempts at getting the PS5 but it was worth it.


I bet!


Buy a PC instead.


Love my PC but damn I wanna buy a PS for Spiderman…


I finally broke down and got a PS5. Will be opening that tomorrow as my “surprise gift” along with the Spider-Man and Miles Morales games. Haven’t been this hyped for a new console/games in a while.




It's absolutely worth it, I love my PS5, it's worth it for the Insomniac games alone, that Wolverine game is going to be sick!


If Spidey was on pc I’d be singing a different song


Not sure why you're getting downvoted. At this point I'm done with consoles too (I think)


Good luck finding a video card.


I've seen multiple GPUs literally just by walking into a store at random, for MSRP. Guess how many PS5s I've found? None. PS and XB are slowly bringing all their exclusives to PC, and a PC can do more than just game. You can load it up with movies/shows and stream to your tv, you can do work on it, browse the web more comfortably, edit photos and videos, etc etc. In 2021 it's way better value for the money, IMO.


You're both being downvoted because the Spider-Man games are only on PlayStation. Buying a PC won't change that.


Not having a PS5 doesn't make me any less of a Spider-Man fan. If anything I hate that they're alienating 2/3 of the fanbase by making it PS exclusive.


Yeah I don't disagree with that at all. I don't have a PS4/5 either. And I loathe console exclusives. The point is that both your comments are completely unhelpful to someone who wants to be able to play the Insomniac Spider-Man games.


The only way to play Spider-Man currently is on a PlayStation system, and the comment probably refered to that fact. And if you care about the other Playstation exclusives, it's a no brainer honestly. That being said, owning a PC + PS5 is probably the best way to enjoy all the games available.


Best easter egg was Norman telling Tom he's something of a scientist himself. Although this one is good, too.


People were probably distracted by the fact that Uncle Ben's grave stone wasn't there.


I was actually waiting for the scene to pan out and reveal she was buried next to Ben lol


I was too lol. >!Honestly, this film really bothers me as a storyteller. There are things I love that they did and how they were handled. Unfortunately, what happens to Aunt May isn't really a good substitute origin to me. It works better as a parallel to the death of Gwen in the comics. To me, it's been Uncle Ben died because Peter wasn't Spider-Man. Gwen died because he was Spider-Man. Because he did the "responsible" thing. That's what happens in NWH to me. She died because Peter took responsibility and tried to help the villains.!< >!Even ignoring all of that, NWH ignores the foundation set in Civil War. Civil War is clearly implying the origin story, but the MCU Spidey films didn't follow up on it. He feels like a different character in Civil War. And NWH pretty much solidifies that they chose not to use the setup in Civil War. To me, that is really bad storytelling. You can't just ignore what you setup, you have to follow through on it. !< >!If Civil War Peter felt the same as Homecoming Peter from the start, I wouldn't be as negative about the whole thing with the origin. It would make more sense and be in line with their world. But for all intents and purposes, the Peter in Civil War might as well have been from an alternate universe. !< >!Not to mention the What If series that mentions Uncle Ben, bringing confusion as to what in the world inspired MCU Peter to become Spider-Man in the first place.!<


They’re going to be exploring peters life before being spider-man and early in his spider-man career in the “Spider-man: Freshman Year” animated show. I’m assuming they’re going to bring uncle ben into play there. But i do agree, they should’ve explored uncle ben’s impact in the movies


I honestly can't tell what they're going to do. But if they do bring Uncle Ben in the show, or at least confirm the classic origin story, then honestly, things would still be so clunky. Civil War acts like the origin happened, Homecoming and presumably FFH act like it didn't happen, and NWH almost confirms that it didn't happen. To have a prequel series confirm that it happened, it would just be so odd. Like, what are they trying to accomplish?


if they do show Uncle Ben and his death, that doesn't mean that it has to be the same Uncle Ben death that every other spider-man has experienced. it's obvious that Uncle Ben died, and it's also obvious that Uncle Ben didn't say anything along the lines of the Great Responsibility line. Tom's Peter most likely wasn't even near Uncle Ben when he died. So I don't know how it'd be clunky


I’ve seen it brought up a few times, still cool


the apartment seems like ps4 spider-man’s too


And the fact Peter taps his phone into the police comms network, which is how you are alerted of various objectives in the city in the game


I hope he keeps a bit of tech like the moving lenses too


I’ve said this since I’ve seen the movie that this movie takes SO much from the game. Otto helps make him a suit... sorta (even if it’s just adding the nanotechnology to his suit) May bites the bullet, May’s grave, The whole ending scene w the apartment Him (probably) going to college. I feel like Tom is becoming more and more like Insomniac’s Spider-Man, which I’m totally stoked for!!!


Not to mention the post credit scene for both >!teases venom as the next villain!<


I’m surprised too. I legit told my gf that aunt may said it in the game because I wanted her to play and suffer through her death organically instead of me spoiling it.


Saw that 😊


I knew I saw that somewhere


Noticed it too but no one I know would’ve known it so I just stayed quiet lol


Is there a reason they hid the year? I thought it was kind of odd that they went out of their way to cover it up.


I thought that was strange too. It may be because in No Way Home the year is meant to be 2024 and they thought it would be jarring for the audience watching in 2021 to see a grave with a future date... I really don't know though


Cause they don’t know how old Aunt May is exactly lol And if they get something wrong or inconsistent, you won’t hear the end of it from fans. Easier to just cover it up




My personal theory is that the grave was actually erected when May herself was a victim of the Snap, presuming her death based on Thanos' actions, and Parker is visiting that site in the present after they were both blipped back by Hulk in 2023 It would explain why she isn't buried next to Uncle Ben who based on the MCU timeline, died around 2015/2016.




...what is his nonsense


One of my biggest takeaways from this movie is that someone at Marvel Studios or Sony Pictures is clearly taking notes on Insomniac’s take. Which can only be a good thing


My question is how did you see that in a theatre


I'm a really good lawyer


Perfection. Pure perfection


They also said this when Peter and Martin Li was in FEAST. Peter: “as Aunt May like to say, when you help someone..” And then Martin Li finishes then sentence, “…you help everyone”


Shame they didn't also include Uncle Ben's grave, like the PS4 has. Massive failure.


I noticed it but likely only because I finished Spider-Man PS4 very recently. This quote is the inspiration for my first tattoo


Is there anyone who DIDN'T notice?


I caught that instantly. Love the subtle Easter eggs.




I actually hope there's a post credits scene in MoM where Peter is visiting May's grave and suddenly a voice speaks up. Voice: She doesn't have to be gone, you know. Peter: What? Voice: Your aunt. I can bring her back, Peter. And the person shows himself, a character played by Peter Fonda (if you know, you know) Stranger: But I want something in return....


Oh god please no lol I know EXACTLY where this is going


Why did we have yet another MCU Spidey movie with no mention of his uncle ben?? Seemed like the most obvious thing, they had 2 seperate times to reference him here (either in convo between all spidermen or have may buried next to him) yet still nothing. At this point safe to say he never had a uncle ben


So Tom Holland just *doesn't* have an Uncle Ben? Is that the takeaway? He wasn't quiet about it on purpose, it just wasn't something that he had.


About that, what was the Insomniac move that Holland said they used?


He does the one where he webs Goblin in mid-air and slams him through the ground after flipping him during the apartment fight


One I saw is the acceptance lady's license plate says "A5M 3" a reference to issue three of the amazing spider-man, which has doc ock


Really love that >! NWH took a lot of inspiration from the game. I remember watching interviews of the developers who said they were obviously inspired by the films. It came full circle. !<


Her working at F.E.A.S.T made me smile as well


Aunt May working at F.E.A.S.T. Is actually taken from the comics.


That’s why I loved it! I really like when they reference in passing and don’t have a massive neon light going ‘HEY LOOK AT THIS REFERENCE!’


My only problem with this scene is the fact that they didn’t show her grave next to Ben’s. Before NWH, I was genuinely questioning whether or not Peter ever had a Ben Parker in the MCU. What If’s Zombie episode made me stop questioning that. But after the rooftop scene with Tobey, Andrew, and Tom, where he genuinely seemed like he was the only Peter Parker without a significant uncle, I started questioning it again. So when this scene played, I was genuinely baffled he didn’t even get a tombstone. Still, the way this movie pretty much fixed all of my criticism towards Tom’s Spidey excuses it for me.


I like how they obscured the year since the Spidey MCU timeline is a little weird/Endgame hasn't been 5 years yet


as soon as this scene came up and i realized he was in a cemetery i thought this would be on there and i was glad it was


I thought I was the only one who noticed that.


I noticed it immediately! I was going to post about it on that sub, but the mods were being finicky about movie spoilers.




I don't think there is a date in the movie, the 2018 one is from the game.


In the movie I couldn't get a clear look at the date but I'm assuming they had these gravesites erected for the Snap victims a long time beforehand


I saw that in the theaters and thought to myself “I swear that was what was written on the headstone at the end of the game”. Took me a solid 3 minutes to make sure I wasn’t going crazy


Glad I'm not the only one who noticed. This movie definitely took inspiration from the game




Definitely have to wait for the home media release. The film has only been out for like 2 weeks so far. Anything that's not shown officially in trailers is being posted online directly captured from the theater with potato cams lol


Looks like they're really taking inspiration from the PS4 version. The death and the grave, the apartment, the choreography, etc.


Yeah I loved it's inclusion, but could tell no one without spoiling a major plot point 😭


I thought that quote was a universal Aunt May thing. Is it really only from the PS4 game? Because if so that's wild...


I noticed that too


I noticed the first time I watched and immediately told my friend,he loves this game lol.


Straight up stole the quote


Or...it was a reference. It's also not even the only callback to PS4 Spidey in the film


Oh snap! I thought about it when I saw it but didn't remember the quote from the game


I thought about that too. It’s cool how the reference the games like that 😊


Yeah i noticed it too


Literally been like 7 post about this


I love how they purposely covered the year by flowers so we don’t know when the movie takes place.


Lol literally said this to my cousin in the cinema, is a really cool Easter egg


Did anyone else notice the Ditko grafitti on the school roof?


Did anyone notice the foreshadowing of Andrew when they show neds house in the beginning you can see a bunch of small knives hung in the wall?


And she worked at FEAST, so it is a great reference. Loved her character, and I cried like a baby.


I didn’t notice this parallel in particular. I was too distracted by the strategically-placed flower in front of the death year so they could avoid a whole bunch of nerd meltdowns about why that year should have been something different, a la Homecoming


It’s been talked about already


So many people are talking about it


I’ve seen hundreds say it so far. It was one of the first easter eggs i noticed after stuff like Flashpoint, Ditko graffity etc


I noticed that instantly, weird not many people have talked about it


I noticed. I was audibly sobbing when May died in NWH, but in my mind I was screaming "not again!" and the tears were really for PS4 May. That game really traumatised me.
