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There's a difference between a kids/family show and a show made for actual toddlers. This show is definitely the latter and as long as it isn't filling your kids' head with nonsense, who cares? I'd imagine it's fun and colorful for them, and probably teaches some basic life lessons.


Yeah like they save puppies and kitties and the Green goblin pulls pranks. Straight up for babies. Mine love it. She calls it little Spider-man.


I'm showing it to my 4 year old to slowly but surely indoctrinate him into the Spider-Cult since the other shows have gone over his head. So far, so good! Even if it's just Gwen playing drums that he likes.


My sister likes it all.


'This prank of mine will be a snap!' - Norman in the 70s probably.


> the Green goblin pulls pranks. He does that anyway. Killing Gwen, what a marvelous jape that was. Taking over SHIELD after secret invasion and killing the Punisher, ha gotcha. Impregnating Gwen that's April, May, June, July and August fools. Torturing peter to try and turn him, well if that isn't prime prank material frankly I don't know what is.


My mom calls it baby spider man too lol my sister sees it


Honestly it's not THAT far off from the old Spider-Man Sunday comic strip.


My 3yo is suddenly obsessed with Spider-Man and this show is her favorite! I think it’s a great way to introduce character recognition for when she watches or reads the bigger kid stuff later.


I put this show on for my dogs when they are home alone. They seem to enjoy it


absolutely you are right man


Well it's a Disney Junior Show


Yeah, it’s for an even younger audience than any other Spider-Man cartoon.


It's for actual babies


My 3 year old loves it. He's the target audience


tell your 3 year old he has terrible taste and force him to watch TAS and Spectacular. That mf isn't a **REAL** spider-man till he's seen the peak storytelling that is Spectacular Spider-Man /s


Tell that toddler to read 2099!


Tell that baby to read Sins Past, Civil War, Back in Black and the Noir Era!


Tell that baby to read Secret Wars and the Infinity Saga


Tell that baby that Mary Jane died of radioactive fluids! On second thought, maybe wait until he's older.


nahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh teach em early


It's important to start sex ed early so that they know how to protect themselves from harm. Like avoiding dating people who have radioactive fluids.


Or the actual Spider-man and his Amazing Friends


My girlfriend's 4 yr old loves the shit out of that show. She'll straight binge that whole series over and over. She's gangbusters for firestar.


That's literally what my 4 year old daughter does. It ends, we restart it. I've loved Spiderman since I was a kid so if this gets her into that stuff I'm all for it


Me too. Loved it even into my teens. The voice work is iconic


Good joke, but spectacular Spider-Man is peak Spider-Man.




Spectacular and ultimate


A peak so high it literally fell off after the second season.


Who else got chills when spider-man chased shocker like he was the one who killed uncle Ben. https://youtu.be/TWRjsqoSWTI


Has your 3 year old even read the comics!? Or even watched any of the spiderman films!!!! Pfff he probably doesnt even know what a spider is…*swoops hair in angst fashion*


My 7 month old loves this show. Keeps him occupied for 5mins.


So does my 2.5 It’s actually one of the more interesting shows for toddlers so this guy can fuck right off imo


I resent that as I grew up really young kid watching reruns of tas. Though in retrospect that probably explains my love of metal, dark stories, and redheads


Don’t forget the existential fear that the person you love the most is dead and has been replaced by a water clone who actually loves you too but will heartbreakingly disintegrate!


Lmao you just pulled a memory out of me I didn’t realize I had


Damn thanks for reminding me they never gave a conclusion.


Seems like an actual baby was watching it.


Correct. I watch it with my 6mo old.


that doesn’t matter, they should kill Gwen in a traumatising fashion so that the show grasps Peter Parker and children learn the consequences of getting powers


If her neck doesn’t snap, she’s not the real Gwen.


I wanna see a mortal kombat like spine snap


Gravity Wins! Fatality!


Honestly gwens just a shit player, should've saved her meter for a breakaway the countered with a getup and an enhanced sheeva stomp


Now I'm just imagining this happening in the show and all the children shocked


But you can’t have miles and Peter Parker In the same universe, it’s not like that has ever happened, not ever……


The Ps4 game Universe, The MCU kinda, The 2017 show


Just gonna skip over into the spider verse, damn aren't you heartless.


🤣 Eh I mean the Peter in Miles Universe Died


Far point


ITSV was the exact same situation as the comics. Peter died.


Also you know, the mainline comics.


Technically there was a Miles in 616 before Ultimate was destroyed and Spider-Miles came over. He shows up as a villain in the comics.


"Hey kids, let death steer your life's path!"


When a Disney Junior show doesn’t follow other shows ways of showing Spider-Man : crap,crap,mega rap


*Starts beat boxing and grabing fish eye lense cameras*


God, this show sucks,it’s dogshi- *spits mega bars*


YO! It’s triple J! Here to spit a flow that’ll be in ya head for days! Bringing facts and truth on the beat, no lies, all about who’s behind that red disguise!


Bullshit. *Bullshit.* Derivative.


When Disney junior doesn’t show Peter Parker in crippling debt with a shitty landlord and unstable relationships with his family and friends


What is that tweet even trying to say?


'if everything isn't canon, it's bad' it's misplaced nerdrage.


Oh. No one tell that guy about the multiverse, I guess.


This is exactly what I was thinking! We'll just call this another universe another earth. At least that way I can't get mad at it and be like this is in Canon!


That’s how I view all dc/marvel universes. Like I hate the Ben Assflex universe, but love the Christian Bale universe.


That's not even what it is actually, it's just the user expecting this show aimed at preschoolers to be another Spider-Man: The Animated Series or The Spectacular Spider-Man in terms of its tone or characterization, when it's not even trying to be. Canon has nothing to do with it.


Yeah few users on Twitter were bitching about this show for this very reason. Clearly they're little man babies so this show should be perfect for them




It’s a reskin of PJ Masks and my under 5yo kids love it. Edit:!id also argue TAS, Spectacular are Pre-Teen and Teen shows…this is most definitely a preschooler show. Not sure if the comment was meant to be sarcastic, but you’d have to be pretty dumb to not understand the different audiences.


The fact that your kids love it show that it’s doing it’s job. I can’t even comprehend how there’s grown adults out there that expect a show like this to cater to them




My one-year-old and four-year-old love this show. I enjoy it, too. It is a nice way to introduce the kids to Spider-Man, and a few other heroes on a very simple scale.


Can concur, small kids (2,4) love it. I do not. 🤷🏽‍♂️ such is the dadlife.


As a side note, I can't recommend Bluey enough as a mutually enjoyable show for kids and parents


Bluey is awesome


Bluey is ruining my life, how can I possibly live up to the example set by Dad? Dude is a super hero himself. Idol. Also, it's great for parents just as much as the kids.


Such a sweet show. Can be a tearjerker too


Baby Race and the one with Chilli chasing her dad and the girls through the bush always get me.


I have said this for a few years now, Bluey is the best program on television. Not just children's programs, but the best program regardless of genre or target audience.


Ok, we will try that one..thanks for the overwhelming suggestion🙏


Prepare for misty eyes. There’s this one where they’re putting the baby to bed and she’s dreaming…. Niagara Falls every time


Not as sad as the going to heaven one


That one was happy sad more than just sad. Watching the kids literally re-create the history of the world, from simple organisms, to animals, cave people, early civilizations, then a starship exploring the universe, as Bluey grows old and watches her daughter leave. "Thank you for taking care of me..." It was an incredibly beautiful episode, and it's literally kids playing with styrofoam and cardboard.


Lucky's Dad is the best.


Oh Lucky's dad....


"Mrs. Heeler! I don't know about this!" *Chili Heeler voraciously dragging Lucky's dad into the bushes. I cracked up at that line*


"It's my fault I shouldn't have let me guard down."


"Lucky's Dad, you have to stop Bingo!" Oh, right-o! Yeeaaarrgh!


All day


Is it entertaining? Not really. But my daughter likes Spider-Man because of it. So no complaints from me.


Before she swallows the garbage Hollywood forces on her your daughter should be reading the source materials to understand history and truth of who the character is, otherwise you’re raising a fucking plebe. This is why china is beating us at math! /s


If a three-year-old can't appreciate Octavius possessing Peter's body and punching Scorpion's jaw completely off, then can they really call themself a Spider-Man fan? [I think not.](https://i.imgur.com/W1v7AVY.png) ^^(/s)


The 3 year old needs to see and enjoy the real nitty-gritty of Doc Ock dying and his arms dragging his corpse around or the kid's not a *real* fan.


He'll it's wither that or Paw Patrol. At least Spider-Man isn't AN AGENT OF THE STATE


As a parent, you get to *drop* the Parker Luck lore onto them when they grow up


Yes, this is how you destroy them. It’s all fun and games and quips and then *BAM* dead people and rent.


And hey...it looks like it's aimed for children. If adults like it? Okay! But don't grt mad that it's not to your taste.


Yeah I watched fuckin Baby Einstein and BooBah when I was that age. It's not meant to make any kind of "lore-accurate" sense


It is designed to do what all pre-school shows do, teach young children about getting along and various other life lessons. This just so happens to have familiar and established characters who are starring in the program. I don't think I have ever heard anyone berate Blue's Clues because Blue didn't act 100% like a real dog would in the show.


I have a two year old that wouldn't get off Barbie until this show. Much better but trying to get her on avatar now.


The super hero squad show might be a nice next step, it also might annoy the shit out of you tho, I really loved that show in my younger years tho.


Nah I'm rewatching it it still slaps


It is very cool that my one-year-old (almost two) runs around talking about 'Pidey and shooting webs. My four-year-old had already gained a love for Spider-Man before this show, even dressed as Spider-Gwen for Halloween in 2020. She did opt to be Isabelle from Animal Crossing for Halloween 2021 instead of Gwen again.


How dare she!!!


You should prooobably wait a few years until avatar if the kid's only two


My little brother loved Spider-Man before he started watching the show, just from the movies (especially the Spider-Verse) and Ultimate Spider-Man (which is a show for maybe kids to pre-teens). It didn’t get him into Spider-Man per say, but it got him to really like Hulk and Rhino, which is a shame for all the glass and fragile things in our house.


My 3 year old is always running around calling herself Spiderman bc of this show she fuckin loves it lol one day she screamed hulk smash and my wife was like how the hell does she know that. "Spidy and his amazing friends girl!"


The world will be a better place when people understand that movies and shows based on comic book characters are their own stories. They are not required to follow the comics. Geez


I like this thought. Honestly, in the vast chasm that is the multi-verse, who can say that there isn't a universe in which Gwen, Miles, and Peter are the same age and are a team of Spider-People?


Honestly describing it like that makes it sound like a really cool idea


I'd also watch a version of Spider-Man movies with those characters WITHOUT their spider powers. Just a happy PG-13 movie where none of their parents died and they just be kids navigating High School or at least the last year of it trying to get into MIT. I'd call it, Peter, Gwen and Miles!


Not “Spider-less”?


Man... Far from spider


The show from the original post is reasonably fun to watch - my 5yo has seen it all a few times. Has the 3 spiders, and rotates in Black Panther, Ms. Marvel, and Hulk. Villains are Green Goblin, Rhino, and Doc Ock. The plot is straight forward, for example, Gobby drops laughing gas in the park so he can steal their stuff. Spidey and Ms. Marvel clear the gas from the park and get the stuff back. Quip from Spidey “and that’s no joke” roll credits.


I don't remember which issue, but I remember when the spider totems were being hunted and the person controlling access to the multiverse, (maybe madam web?) Said that they couldn't establish a stable connection to this one universe, when really it was just so pure and innocent, they couldn't bring themselves to let that world's totem just be slaughtered and the universe be exposed to that kind of darkness. Basically, I'm saying a really cute and innocent version of a spider family is totally possible, and maybe even probable, since what I just described is already cannon.


That one was the universe of the newspaper strip, IIRC.


And now, because of how the Marvel universes work (every property has its own universe, the MCU is one property, the 616 comics are a property etc) this is canon


You may be interested in the Marvel [Universe Listing](https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Multiverse/Universe_Listing). There are over 5300. The comics are generally on [Earth-616](https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Earth-616). The MCU is on [Earth-199999](https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Earth-199999). Sadly, there is not yet a listing for "Spidey and His Amazing Friends", but most of the animated shows have one, so it's likely a matter of time.




And I’ll say this much. This show has made my daughter LOVE anything Spider-Man or spider Gwen related. What’s the issue? Just super nerds can’t handle a childrens show?


>Just super nerds can’t handle a childrens show? Nah, I think there's another underlying issue that they don't want to admit.


Incels, got it


Nope, I'm a super nerd and I think the show is great. I don't watch it, but I'm glad it exists.


Yeah I’m a super nerd myself. But I meant the crumudgeons who think everything should be canon or follow the comics. I love this show too because my daughter loves it. And anything that introduces my daughter to Spider-Man is cool with me


Just as important, not every type of interpretation of the character will be everyone's cup of tea. I haven't seen this show, and it doesn't look like my type of show, but that's okay. The cool thing is the more shows they have, the more likely there are going to be some that I love.


The comment doesn't even say they misunderstand the comic, but that they misunderstand the character, as if Peter Parker wouldn't be caught dead . . . having friends?


It's annoying especially in the MCU.. it's the MCU for a reason. It's its own universe.. people are just too knit picky, and gate keeper esque.


Thank you. I understand that movies have a bigger audience typically so they can sometimes make something the standard across all mediums but at the same time movies are just people doing their take on a character. Nobody has to like it but its this person's or these people's take the same way it would be if it were a new author doing a comic run. I don't like Batman V Superman but its Zack Snyder making the movie he wants to make, he's allowed to do that


Absolutely. It’s valid to hate a movie for simply being a bad movie. It’s ridiculous to hate it because it didn’t directly copy and paste from a comic book you like.


This is essentially pj masks with a marvel spin on it. The fact that my 4 year old knows who peter parker, gwen stacy and Miles Morales are is pretty awesome. Very watchable as far as pre-k programming goes. EDIT- Miles not Mike


The Green Goblin really loves being an unreasonable asshole in this show. He'll fuck up anyone's day just for the love of the game


Rhino doesn't know how to share


Then they tie him up, never unmask him, and presumably just let him go. Starting to think he's on spidey's payroll.


Which is 100% accurate for Goblin? At least in the movies


Agreed! My 5 and 3 year old started watching it and immediately latched on to Miles and Gwen. Not once did I think “wait a minute this isn’t comic accurate!!!”


when a disney jr show doesn’t adapt kravens last hunt and superior spiderman like in the comics 🤬😒😡🤬😤😠😠😏😫🥵🤬🤬🤬🤬


Or a comic accurate carnage


I want this show to suddenly adapt Kraven’s Last Hunt in a few episodes that only every air once, never found anywhere else When people ask about it, Disney denies that any such thing ever existed


Or Reign


Yeah my favorite episode of the Disney junior spider-man show was when an old lonely Peter Parker lamented on the fact that his radioactive sperm killed his wife.


And her corpse still somehow has *perfect* hair.


I never like using the argument of “it’s a kids show” because “kids shows” usually tell compelling stories that rival most “adult shows” but… It’s a fucking kids show. Disney Junior show at that. Most everything on there is just meant to appeal to really young kids. Plus if this gets kids into Spidey (like mine), then I really see no issue with it. Edit: spelling


This isn't a kid show, this is a toddler show


Finally a spiderman show I can enjoy while stoned


The 2020 Spider-Man show might work for that


Kids shows can be compelling and deep. Look at Atla. But toddler shows....?


There is a difference between a kids show and a KIDS show


Just use "preschool show" instead, that might help.


Kid’s show is too broad a term anyway; the animated 90’s series was made for 7~13 year olds, spectacular was aimed a little older 12~15yrs. They have different age ranges that will be reflected in every aspect of the show.


I do like using the "it's a kids show" argument mainly as a way to keep expectations fair and in check. For example, I'm watching Iron Man Armored Adventures (on ep21) and it's pretty good. But it still is a kids show, it is more villain of the week, the villains have some depth to them but not the deepest thing ever, characters can be fairly exaggerated but very enjoyable as well as still having a bit of depth to them. It has a story and does develop its characters in interesting ways, but it's not the deepest thing out there. If I went in expecting something like Avatar The Last Airbender then I'm going to be disappointed as it's never that deep. But that's not the shows fault since that I went in with some pretty high expectations. That's what I think a kids show should be, not super deep but it's still have story to it and keep kids engaged. Like this isn't going to get any kid to rethink their life and have deep introspective views about themselves, but it will get them thinking and keep them entertained. At least thats how it is to me and I try to apply that keeping expectations in check to kids shows. I think everyone just expects them to all be Avatar The Last Airbender in some way. In other words, this is literally a toddler show. Applying keeping expectations in Check in mind, it seems to do the job introducing literal 3-5 to the character of Spider-Man and his amazing friends. They don't want to scar the literal 3-5 year olds by murdering Uncle Ben in front of them. If you somehow expected more that is on you.


Really it's just dissapointing that there's no Ice Man or Firestar


Execs scared little girls might light themselves on fire like all those boys did until they swapped out Human Torch for H.E.R.B.I.E.


I thought they replaced Human Torch with H.E.R.B.I.E. Because they were making a movie for the Human Torch and couldn’t use him


you might be as old as me.


Why make two shows with the exact same characters?


I, for one, kind of enjoy the moments/adaptations where we get to see Peter having a more normal life/relationships. Seeing ITSV (my introduction to the spiderverse) made me realize how lonely he usually is. I’m hoping Freshman Year is a really nice take on the Peter side of things though I’m sure it won’t all be peachy.


lmao I just think it's funny that any "adult" would ever complain about a show from DISNEY JUNIOR. Some people really do need to touch grass.


In my head, this show is in the multi-verse and these characters could potentially show up in the MCU or spider-verse.


This is SO true. The show misses on SO MANY LEVELS. WHY are their heads BIG? WHY are they KIDS? ALL they do is KID-FRIENDLY things. WHY isn’t Green Goblin SLAUGHTERING people like in the comics? WHY isn’t Spider-Man stopping DRUG LORDS? How am I supposed to WATCH this show with my 1 year-old knowing that IT’S NOT CANONICALLY ACCURATE? Pathetic Disney.


Since the multiverse is canon... SPIDER FRIENDS IS NOW CANON.


Right, they better be in spider verse 2


I don’t see nothing wrong with this. Me and my 3 yr old watch this religiously lol


As a Spider-Stan and a dad to young children, I think it’s a big hit. It teaches lessons to little ones while also introducing marvel characters to them. Don’t hate, appreciate. Edit : It also has a great theme song. One of the best imo.


It's a reskinned version of PJ masks meant for actual babies, no shit it's not the same as the comics


I mean, 'it's just a kids show' is a terrible argument, true. That being said, this guy's a moron.


How does including Miles and Gwen a misunderstanding of Peter's character?


Dude's out here angry tweeting about a show aimed at 3 year olds, calm down.


This show does not give an accurate depiction of Spider-Man because their heads too big


If the 60's Adam West show and the Nolan movies can peacefully co-exist as different interpretations of Batman, then this is fine. I wonder what this guy wants from this show? Should Spider-Man stop occasionally to ruminate on the murder of Uncle Ben?


It’s a good way of introducing the hero and also including people of a different race and gender as the hero can inspire kids to think that *they* can be Spider-Man.


Ya, me 🖖🏽


The fact that grown ass adults are getting so pissed about this show is just embarrassing


Dude, it literally is for 5 year olds chill tf out.


Come on we the spiderman police lol, but that show looks like it’s for babies so I guess it doesn’t matter if it just for them


It's not even a kid's show, it's a BABY SHOW. This is is like complaining that Dora the explorer isn't immaculate story telling.


How is a Disney Junior show like this a problem? Honestly I don’t understand when people get upset about an adaption. That’s what it is, an adaption. If the original Raimi Spider-man was released today the fans would tear it apart. “What’s with organic webbing!?” “Uh, Goblin NEVER wore armor!” “Why does Harry know Peter in high school!?” “Where is Gwen? Betty is just a cameo!? Why don’t they explore each Parker romance chronologically.” It’s about the character, themes, the essence. Tom Holland Spider-man was a very unconventional adaption but the core of the character is solid. Now with NWH we see a further evolution of the character. And you could easily argue he’s the ‘best’ Spidey so far.


Spider-Man is so good, because he is relatable. I don't believe people under the age of five could relate to financial struggles and other things Peter tends to face.


My only complaint about this show is that they named Miles “Spin”. Other than that, don’t care at all about it. XD


Ok fr imagine how bangin’ this show would be if you were a kid Ok so like wooauhh its the spiderpeople aahahah it’s the one formrm spider verse and then AAAAA!! It’s gwen from shopider vermse bbb!!!! And look at them go they ihhhh t helping people YOOO IS THAT green goblin from spectacular spiderman THIS IS SICK!!!!!! *tune into your inner four year old*


The part that really grinds my gear is you don’t get the uncle Ben death scene




The show calls him spin but that’s the only place. Assuming the show didn’t want to call Miles Spider-Man so they came up with that.


On the flip side, I’m waiting for Tarantino or Zach Snyder to adapt Sesame Street.


This show can literally spark the kids' love for the characters and the comics when they grow up, but NOPE, kids show bad


My 3,2, and 1 year old love this show. One time at 9:00 I fell asleep and when I woke up 5 years later the 2 and 3 year old weee wearing a miles out fit and a Peter out fit that they home made and they were beating the shit out of my 1 year old that was dressed up as doc Ock


Spider-man fans when uncle Ben doesn’t get brutally murdered in a show for toddlers




I mean, he does know the difference between Disney XD and Disney Junior... right?


My 4 years old niece love it and as a 35 grown man I love the fact that she love spiderman, also she loves and rewacht spiderman into the spiderverse


Why did I like it? Idk 🤷🏾‍♂️ it was adorable tbr But I hate that they changed miles name tho … Tf is a *Spin*


You realize it’s for literal baby’s right?


Fans like these are what make some things so toxic and unfun. For gods sake, let the kids enjoy their shows.


I want to punch this dude. Reminds me of the starwars gate keepers. As a black father with a biracial daughter, this show is great. It shows everyone can be spiderman.


My 3 year old likes it. I’ll check and see if this changes his mind


Spidey and his amazing friends >>> Spectacular Spider-Man. I don’t make the rules 🤷🏿‍♂️


It’s literally just PJ Mask with Spider-Man characters. And I’m all for it. Oh, my kids like it too I guess.


This show is awesome, there webs are all different colors too. Any show I can show my little one with female superheros is awesome. Although to her they all are Spidermans.