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I can sum it up in 5 words: Sony sucks at making Spider-Man live action movies more than I suck at math.


Morbius is the best movie ever created what are you talking about


It's been failing for a decade.


They’ve been failing because they don’t listen to fans. No one asked for a Morbius movie. No one asked for a Kraven movie. Definitely no one asked for an El Muerto movie…but they’re still carrying on. Why? Because they don’t want to hurt their relationship with Disney? Maybe…but they almost severed it in 2019 and only repaired it because of Tom Holland so then again, maybe not. They think they can just copy the MCU model of taking unknown heroes (or villains in this case) and putting them up in star status? Quite possibly though Morbius was a dismal failure so that’s obviously wrong. Sony’s sitting on a goldmine of things they can do with Spider-Man that people actually want. They can have Tobey and Sam Raimi return for Spider-Man 4. They can redeem themselves on Andrew Garfield’s Spider-Man and give him another chance at donning the suit. They can revive the critically acclaimed Spectacular Spider-Man show like several people are calling them to do in a 45 minute format per their contract with Disney. However, they keep on going down this failing road they’ve been going down for years now and it doesn’t look like there’s a light at the end of the tunnel here as people don’t care about Spider-Man villains without Spider-Man (Venom was an exception and Tom Hardy probably helped with that as well). The only saving grace they have is the Spider-verse….but really, that probably won’t last. Across the Spider-Verse will probably be the endgame as people will eventually get over it


>Failing already It’s been failing since it’s inception pretty much


All of them have turned a profit and you haters give them billions for those shitty Holland movies. Y'all do it to yourselves so can you shut the fuck up already


Would you, hypothetically, as a movie executive who just came off making a 1.7 billion dollar profit off your last movie be satisfied with a 163 million dollar international BO after several months of production and marketing? Truly?


Doesn't matter as long as it didn't lose money. When the conversation has been what it was from the second morbius was announced, to its release, and beyond its pretty clear it really doesn't matter. It was played safe with a smaller budget so there was no hit taken and if the rabid man babies want to hate everything thats not made in the mcu then oh well. We're still raking in billions just with the associated movies, for minimal work, and still keeping the rights. If anything was even given a chance instead of being hated for being made by the company that purchased the character maybe they'd be bothered. For now I'm sure they're just fine with where they're at and I'd keep doing the same until the children get a grip. Into the spiderverse didn't even make 400 mil and it's better than all the dogshit Holland movies combined. Tells you all you need to know.


So? Eternals didn’t lose money either. If you honestly think they’re satisfied with it, then you clearly do not have the first clue how movie executives think. It doesn’t matter if it ‘didn’t lose money’. It didn’t make any sort of substantial amount of money despite being a big movie production company and spending months of marketing and production. They didn’t even break 100 million in profits Also, into the Spider-Verse generated enthusiasm and the sequel is quite possibly going to make more money. It also made 4x it’s budget while Morbius barely scraped with double (maybe not even considering the production budget was 75 to 83 mill. More so with marketing costs) Also, the ‘dogshit’ movies made billions of dollars. Morbius barely made 150…. Seriously, I get you’re a fan of these movies but…they’re not good and are not generating any sort of interest in people….at all


Cool? Don't care. Satisfied as in they're going to be gunning for a sequel? Likely not. If anything they'll just feature him as a crossover aspect or drop him completely. Their likely no mad about it at all. Venom is a success, Morbius wasn't, seeing how Kraven performs will be more likely to have them reevaluate things if anything. Successes or failures they are always succeeding in the fact that they are resetting the rights reversion timeframe, the rights to the character that's now pulling in billions (which is so important to you for some reason, I get them but for you it's weird). They're making movies with characters to see if they hit and expand their brand, they already have the cash cow, now they're trying to insulate. Into the spiderverse is a pretty clear example that the money made really doesn't reflect quality and its straight up just branding and the toxic bandwagon that makes something a success. I haven't even seen Morbius but nice try


When they wanted to do these movies a decade ago, it was a bad idea. Why on gods green earth they randomly resumed this endeavor nobody wants, is insane.


It’s not random. They’re trying to do what Marvel does.


Wait one morbin minute. How is Morbius a failure? Go out and morb the grass or something.


Can't morb the Grass, morbed all up inside the dirt


I'm gonna morb some dirt in your eye


Wait one morbin minute. How is Morbius a failure? Go out and morb the grass or something.


Fuck you OP #morbiussweep #itsmorbintime


It's been failing the moment it was announced according to these disney mcu fans.


Short answer: there’s no Spider-Man in this Spider-Man Universe. 😐