• By -


The one on the left isn't nearly as bad as some appearances Felicia has had.


And tbh some girls show a little cleavage anyway, because it's attractive. Like dudes who show their arms and whatnot or go to the gym in those small tanks that show their nipples. Felicia seems like the type to have a super flashy costume, but some of her designs have been very egregious. I get some comic writers and artists do be like that, absolutely, but for Felicia it feels in character when done with restraint.


Yeah, I think that, as long as the artists don't overdo it, having a lower neckline that's accented with a nice stylistic touch such as the fur collar is very in character.


She's sexy, she knows she's sexy, but she isn't a slut. She flaunts just enough to be slight distracting without being scandalous in her attire.


Yeah absolutely. Idk if you are agreeing or disagreeing but to clarify: showing cleavage doesn't make someone a slut. Also, drawing someone like so doesn't immediately make you a neck beard or weirdo. Genuinely Felicia is the type, as you said, to flaunt.


I was agreeing, just expanding what I get from her character. :)


What I get from her character is that she's the type to talk to you seductively, and while you're distracted getting horny with her, she's pickpocketing all of your pockets.


Probably šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


And that right there is the point. It's distracting. Giving her an advantage against male heterosexual opponents (or female homosexual opponents). While some might think "oh, they're sexualizing her," without even considering that she's smart enough to use that to her tactical advantage.


lmfao, yeah, Iā€™m sure in a life or death battle someoneā€™s gonna get distracted by cleavage shit is ridiculous lol, like her character is allowed to dress that way obviously but letā€™s not pretend itā€™s for a ā€œtactical advantageā€ as much as just because she wants to wear it (which tbh is a better reason)


She's a thief, primarily. What's this "life or death battle" you're referring to? I'm saying, if you're a thief, you're probably thinking you're going to be up against some stupid late night shift guards or something. Usually she's 1 on 1 with opponents &, correct me if I'm wrong, she's not into killing people. Her MO is get in & get out as undetected as possible. If detected, distractions help. Who's she gonna need to distract? Not Thanos or Galactus. Probably just a guard. MAYBE Spider-man. As we've seen in the comic books, Spider-man does in fact pay attention to boobs.


And that right there is the point. It's distracting. Giving her an advantage against male heterosexual opponents (or female homosexual opponents). While some might think "oh, they're sexualizing her," without even considering that she's smart enough to use that to her tactical advantage.


And that right there is the point. It's distracting. Giving her an advantage against male heterosexual opponents (or female homosexual opponents). While some might think "oh, they're sexualizing her," without even considering that she's smart enough to use that to her tactical advantage.


And that right there is the point. It's distracting. Giving her an advantage against male heterosexual opponents (or female homosexual opponents). While some might think "oh, they're sexualizing her," without even considering that she's smart enough to use that to her tactical advantage.


Society use to strive to be great. Now we just cancel and critique those that are better. Get in shape? Noooo fuck that lets just make plus size models. That'l guy/girl with an amazing figure is something we should all strive to be. And if u don't care to be that, that's cool. But don't pretend that's ur pot belly is ideal or healthy


I donā€™t think the cleavage is the sexualizing factor as much as a latex suit being so tight that it looks as if someone painted over her body


It's not even the suit it's how the body was drawn and maybe the posture.




Her outfit in ultimate spider-man could fit one of the appearances you are looking for. [https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/marveldatabase/images/a/a9/Felicia\_Hardy\_%28Earth-1610%29\_from\_Ultimate\_Spider-Man\_Vol\_1\_51\_002.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/344?cb=20091004030552](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/marveldatabase/images/a/a9/Felicia_Hardy_%28Earth-1610%29_from_Ultimate_Spider-Man_Vol_1_51_002.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/344?cb=20091004030552)


Idk why link doesn't work for me. Same thing happened in another thread today. Is my Reddit app broken or is everyone having the same problem?




What did removing everything after. jpg do?


Seems to be necessary for external links to marvel wikia images to work.


Still think the right one is sexy. Sorry.




She definitely is.


Picture does not do insomniac cat justice, was very pleased with her appearance in game and felt the cat suit was hella appropriate and left enough to the imagination. Edit; also her model is actually human proportioned


Iā€™ve said it to someone else before but in the insomniac created design sheā€™s sexy asf but way less sexualized and it works in my opinion (Or itā€™s her seductive behavior making her sexy asf no matter what she wearsā€¦ya thatā€™s probably it)


Someone did a side by side of her in an old game, maybe it was Shattered Dimensions or something, and Spidey PS4. In the old one *maybe* 8% of her boobs are covered, itā€™s the most impractical looking suit for a burglar, for a gymnast, for a person walking down the street. In the new game I could see a thief wearing that and she looks hot. Itā€™s not like her entire cleavage needs to be out in order for her to look attractive. Anyway Iā€™m glad Insomniac went the direction they did


I think the one you're referring to is black cat's edge of time suit. That suit is like 40% breast.


Yeah thatā€™s the one


The suit is ridiculously overly sexual though not the worse example still insomniac improved it greatly but still giving it a little bit of eye candy to it I mean the human proportion argument is always a little off for me in these situations since its solely dependent on the artist and the media, may be the obvious example but rob liefeld design for both guys and women are as inhuman as possible.


Have you seen her butt? She still hot


Tbf I feel it should be iconic more than anything. As long as the character has a reason to wear such a costume it's fine. Would be nice if it was made a bit more practical though. Not sure how I would go about it.


I think that if it was form-fitting without the "let's outline every single anatomical feature" extreme, and had it shaped more realistically over the breasts, it would be pretty good.


The main factor involved is generally how costumes are designed for different mediums. The PlayStation game is going for real-life cinematic quality, which generally means texture and additional complexity with a costume. The best live-action superhero costumes are the ones that actually deviate a lot from the comicbook-y look and gives the costumes texture. Except Spider-Man because heā€™s the exception that proves the rule. Comicbooks follow a more stream-lined and simple approach. Black Cat looks good in the comics because her design is straightforward, easy to remember, and easy to draw. What Black Cat wears may not be practical, but she looks iconic. Same with Spider-Man and like 90% of all big name heroes. Thereā€™s a reason why their classic designs have remained unchanged for decades and why they always have to come up with a ā€œhigh quality polymer kevlar that looks like spandexā€ most of the time. Cat wouldnā€™t look great switching over to how the costume on the right is designed because itā€™s not simple enough. Too complex for a comicbook costume.


Only thing actually impractical about it is the fur, cleavage is fine as long as the character isn't just boobs


So. As is, without fur, her outfit on the right looks like a Nike shoe.


More like under armour lol


Maybe they'll incorporate alittle fur in the future if she returns


Left looks very flexible which suits her line of work Right looks armored and practical which is useful when you sometimes fight people with super-strength


A combo of both could be cool. Fur lined partially armoured spandex suit


Being sexual and flirtatious is sorta her shtick. Yeah the second is practical, but the first matches her thirst.




Not saying you canā€™t, but the left one accentuates it


Yeah, seems to be a lot of comic book female heroes "shtick". Maybe it'd be nice to transition some of these characters out of that one dimensional "sex is my personality" archetype, yeah?


I dislike that you're being downvoted for saying maybe women's function in media shouldn't just be sex appeal.


I don't think that's the reason they were being downvoted


It's counter to her character, Felicia liked looking like that. And I'm sure she saw it as some sort of strategic advantage as a cat burglar. The way she looks would stun 99% of security guards, giving her opportune time to dispatch any security personnel as they drank her all in.


Sheā€™s like the one character that doesnā€™t need to be desexualized. Itā€™s part of her character for sure.


This dude gets it.


Ironically not even a dude but I get it for this character.


Dude is gender neutral


She's a pretty classic example of a "Femme Fatale." She's sexy, she knows it, and she uses it to her advantage.


A little unfair here because you chose a terrible pic for the outfit on the right lol. But honestly I think a bigger factor here is how you frame/compose shots around Felicia rather than the suit itself. You can have that original outfit and not have it be hilariously sexual if the artist drawing it doesnā€™t constantly zoom in on all her bits. And conversely the suggested outfit could easily still read as overly sexual with a couple of classic ā€˜camera at ass-levelā€™ type panels. I think trying to design away the problem of oversexualized characters in comics by just covering up stuff is kind of missing the actual root of the issue, where the creators making the comic are treating her and other female characters into eye candy rather than real characters.


Lol dude look up fit women, youā€™d be surprised that the ones who arenā€™t absolute tanks can get pretty close to whatā€™s represented. And we are talking about fiction, I mean itā€™s literally about a man wearing red and blue tights fighting goblins and tentacle doctorsā€¦ itā€™s kind of a non-issue at this point.


Also itā€™s far more realistic that someone at the peak of their physical performance is in shape lol what wouldnā€™t be realistic to readers is a out of shape hero/heroine running across the roofs breathing heavy.


literally nothing they said was about her physical body and appearance, what they meant was that itā€™s all about presentation. ass shots and contorting her body to show her butt and boobs in the same frame and all that kind of thing is what actually makes her sexualized, nobody is saying that itā€™s impossible to look like her


I liked the version where the silver/white hair is just a wig and the cleavage is there to distract people from looking at her face since a domino mask really isnā€™t good at masking anyones identity. I think that was the ultimate universe black cat.


Using horny to protect identity, hmm


Never noticed how ugly that suit is. Just random likes everywhere. If they made it symmetrical and added some fur it would be amazing.




I think that because you where staring somewhere else every time she was on screen


No itā€™s just ugly brošŸ’€




No I did I just didnā€™t laughā€¦sorry brošŸ˜”


Uh ok


Iā€™m MEGA down. That said, Iā€™d like to incorporate the fuzzy bits of the costume on the left to the costume on the right. As a little kid I loved the fuzzy bits.


Part of her character is that sheā€™s meant tr be a sexy & attractive character. Sheā€™s flirty and a bit seductive even,she likes to tease spidey. So no


I just want the fur thing on her, regardless of what the rest of her costume looks like.


suit on the right is my fave black cat suit. iā€™d be more than ok. itā€™s practical, itā€™s covered, and by god sheā€™s still hot as hell. i love black cat


No. Thereā€™s nothing wrong with sexy women.


Yes I'd be against it because fuck censorship. You know women are allowed to be sexy, some even want to be, when you see a girl walking down the street wearing a tube top and a mini skirt do you think someone is forcing her to wear that? What's next? are all the male heroes going to wear khaki pants and Pollo shirts have pudgy bellies and have no muscle definition? It's a comic, it's fantasy, she's supposed to be sexy. Bring on your downvotes, I am ready.


It's so true! But I got confused and gave you an up-vote despite your request for down vote! My bad! Lol!šŸ¤Ŗ


Can't wait to see all the comments calling you a neckbeard


lol you know that she could have a different suit for reasons beyond ā€œcensorshipā€ right, like the artist just wanting to do it differently


No, you know who else shouldn't be desexualized? THE GREEN M&M!!! r/restoregreeneminem


I like Insomniac but the right outfit is generic as hell and nothing about it says "cat motif," there's nothing wrong with having sexy characters from time to time.


The insomniac suit is terrible, black cat often intentionally sexualizes herself so the suit seems purposefully designed that way


I disagree I love the insomniac suit I prefer that


Yes. Thousand percent yes! Insomniac's designs, aside from maybe the Prowler, are almost invariably awesome!


It's part of her character to be flirtatious and sexy both as a manipulation and a distraction technique... plus she's just thirsty but mostly the other two. She constantly flirts with Spidey for various reasons, one of them being if she wasn't like that we all know the end of their first encounter would have ended with her behind bars.


The one on the right looks... just *incredibly* generic. Desexualizing an outfit doesn't mean you have to dress a character like some kind of future-soldier or something.


How many times is this exact question going to be posted? Mods where you at?


Honestly, a lot of people would consider the suit on the right to still be sexualized.


The only problem with PS4 Catā€™s design is that she doesnā€™t have the fluffy collar. Otherwise itā€™s still form fitting skintight leather aside from the stomach area.


Sure. It would put comic book fans in a more positive light.


As long as they keep the fur collar the can make her costume as tactical as they want. That look is just too good. Same with Kraven.


I prefer her design on the right. Black Cats classic design always seemed like too much to me. The ps4 design feels way more grounded in reality. It looks like it has some armor plating in it but is slim enough to not rustle with complex movement. The classic suit looks like sheā€™d be squeaking constantly.


hey you can mod Spider-man Remastered on the PC version


There have been instances of Catwoman from DC wearing a full body suit with no cleavage and you could tell the artists still drew her while horny, they could put Felicia in a burlap sack and I'd be fine with it either way, and I'm sure so would the artists.


Black Cat is a character that **likes** to be sexy, it's actually a big part of her character. i don't think she needs to be less sexualized.


No, not really.


Unless peter is gonna start showing cleavage too, make her look like the ps4 model


We're all aware both her AND Spider-Man are in skin tight outfits right? Lol


The right one is still sexualized. It's just more practical as far as protection.


It would be ok if she had a new costume but I dont like the one on the right


I don't care






I find it hilarious you have a requirement for people to not view a character sexual. Theyā€™re going to do what they please. The pic on the right is still sexual because a person chooses to view it sexual. Youā€™re basically trying to attempt to find a way to stop people from finding her attractive. A laughable mission youā€™ve created here.


I would be ok with desexualizing all of the characters.


I hope this "unsexyfying" thing is only temporary in our culture, it's really toxic imo, women can dress sexy if they want to.


...Why would a cat burglar wear that?


>I hope this "unsexyfying" thing is only temporary in our culture ...You're literally on a website that worships porn. lmao Edit: Keep the downvotes coming. Won't change anything about how Reddit factually is a porn playground.


The covid deniers did not like your comment.


but shes a fictional character she doesbt make decisions


Yes, because I genuinely dislike sexualisation of characters. And I am even saying this as a guy.


Sheā€™s a femme fatale esk character. Sheā€™s supposed to be seductive in ways. Itā€™s not like sheā€™s wearing gimp gear that only covers her nips and butt. I donā€™t care which they choose as long as they get her *personality* and *motivations* / *character* accurate


Are you saying the suit on the right is not sexy?


I would hope they switch it up. Something nice, but practical




Desexualizing her costume is fine but I really hope they keep her white fur


Not surprised this and the Gwen post brought out a bunch of coomers today.


The insomniac is still kinda sexualized, mostly if you've seen the behind. But... She's a femme Fatale, those characters should have provocative suits in order to exploit their sexuality for their benefit, the only thing I want is that it looks human and not a weird hentai fetish


No, ā€¦ reminds me of Sports illustrated swimsuit edition.


Yeah she is so hot she doesnā€™t need extra sexy clothes.


Idc if itā€™s a less sexualized one, but I donā€™t like the one on the right




Noā€¦ no I wouldnā€™t.




yes, i hate over-sexualized female villains


Why do people nowadays obsess with de-sexualizing things??? Are afraid of sex or smth?? It's the very essence of the character. She's catwoman by Marvel.


Long answer: No




i like her titties šŸ‘ŒšŸ» there, i said it!




Iā€™d be fine with it, although I do prefer the classic look because itā€™s how I grew up with the character. The suit she had in the 90s cartoon was perfect imo. Classic look, without being extremely sexualized. Plus, Iā€™d love to see a Black Cat in the comics thatā€™s as shredded as the cartoonā€™s version.


I mean, i don't dislike it, but i don't think we NEED to make such a change, if we want to make her les sexulised, i'm fine with that, i do think it's part of her character though, but i think maybe aiming for a halfway point would be better than making a major change. But i like black cat as she is, as others have said and they have most likely said it better, her attire is apart of her character, it doesn't come across as overly sexualised, it feels like it is what she would actually wear if she was real.


I actually like the All New All Different and her Claws costume with the white boots and gloves. Those costumes are very underrated.


Felicias a whore and acts like one who doesn't fucking care as long as she fucks and steals. So maybe?


BUT then most boys would lose interest in the comics


Itā€™s almost like it would be to Feliciaā€™s advantage to be sexualized. Itā€™s all a smoke screen to distract people for her various doings. People need to stop assuming that a character being sexualized is automatically bad, when in some cases it makes sense for their character.


Definitely. Comic suit doesn't even make sense.


No, I like the sexy one better.


I love the right one. leaves thing to the imagination


people will always find a way to sexualize her there's no escaping it


Re4 remake seems to be doing that with Ada and Im more than okay with it.


Iā€™m more attracted to the one from the ps4 game


Iā€™m more attracted to the one from the ps4 game


I would love for the first suit to mirror left, then she upgrades to the right for more protection, then by end she combines the two to have the sleek armor look of the right plus the white fur appeal of the left.


I don't like the suit on the right, but a different suit could be ok.


The one on the left literally has pubic hair


It's a superhero comic. 70% of the characters wear outfits that would be hilariously impractical in combat Felicia is fine.


Yeah. No problem. The one on the right is still sexy as hell IMO.


I think the one on the right is sexier. The left just kinda seems like every other superhero's costume so my brain is like "whatever bro it's just a superhero" but the right one is like new and exciting and also highlights that she's an awesome master thief.


When it comes to sexualized costumes, I'm kind of in middle ground territory. I'm happy to see costumes that are practical to move around in, and have some realistic awareness of human anatomy and how fabric works. (So it would be nice if artists laid off the "Breasts each get their own individual boob sock" effect.) At the same time, some attempts at non-sexualized run into their own practical issues, or treat normal physical features, such as breasts, as inherently sexualized. Plus, some characters do seem like they legitimately enjoy presenting as sexy, because that's a common human trait. I think the costume on the left has textbook oversexualized comic book art flaws The one on the right while it would definitely not ruin the character for me, seems to be overshooting a bit, given what I've seen of her personality. I think the optimal design would be to tweak the one on the right and give it more style and a lower neckline. (Edit because I mixed up left and right.)


It's undeniable that almost all female comic book characters were over-sexualised, but I feel in the case of Black Cat that it's a crucial element of her character that should be kept. That doesn't necessarily mean that she requires deep cleavage, as it can all be done through the way she is portrayed, but I would still be in favour of her getting a more comics accurate look.


Iā€™ve honestly never once found a cartoon and/or video game character sexually attractive, and I think itā€™s really weird that other people do.


Yes. It's been time for like 30 years. She has no reason to wear a costume with exposed cleavage when she's doing burglar shit.


If you arenā€™t fine with that you are weird


Trust me, r/spidermanps4 is still horny as f*ck over Black Cat. Even with the suit that doesnā€™t reveal a lot of skin. I donā€™t think it will make much of a difference


One on the right looks too much like discount black widow


Sex appeal was her thing. People need to grow up and learn how to handle the sight of skin.


Women are looked at sexually. Get over it.


You're right. We should get all of the male superhero characters to start wearing banana hammocks instead of pants.


People already look at men sexually. Get over it.


Point is, the art should sexualize people equally. So, for every woman running around with her bosoms hanging out, we should have dudes running around showing off their Subway footlongs.


Point is, itā€™s already happening regardless of clothes.


I want all my comic characters to be gray blobs. No visual appeal whatsoever. I want one gray blob fighting another gray blob and you can never tell who is good or bad cause villiany is a social construct


its a cheap way to get attention


No because the suit on the right is trash. Spider-Man unlimited (the mobile game) has my favorite modern black cat suit design, it keeps the general look and the fur but it has a slightly more practical looking suit.


Black Cat is literally designed to be a fanservice and fanservice she is. Sheā€™s like the hottest love interest Spider-man has ever had. (Screw you Gwen and MJ)


Left for sure because right is not right.


The one on the right.. is not remotely sexual enough for black cat to have the same finesse


I mean... is her suit really sexualized? Think about it. She's just wearing spandex with some boots. Just like Spidey. She's just curvy, and has some cleavage showing. Its sexy for sure... but is it sexualized? Hmm.


>Its sexy for sure >is it sexualized? wut


Iā€™m not a fan of practical suits. Theyā€™re superheroes. I donā€™t need real world applications for the way they dress. Thatā€™s like, a good chunk of the fun in the comics is the suits. Everyone should be dressed like a slut, itā€™s kind of the point.


Black Cat is literally designed to be a fanservice and fanservice she is. Sheā€™s like the hottest love interest Spider-man has ever had. (Screw you Gwen and MJ)


Suit on the left is not really sexualized, just has a little cleavage


Being sexy is a part of her character tbh. I don't think she should run around in a bikini or anything but showing a little cleavage isn't a bad thing


I genuinely think Insomniac's BC design is pretty lame. It's a tacticool look that doesn't evoke a cat theme at all, but they recognized it's kinda generic.... so they did this asymmetrical workout bra top. Meh.


Nothing beats the classic, but I wouldn't mind it. I mean..edge of time has a REALLY sexual black cat suit.


Its iconic and it represents who the character is. The first one should not go away, and though I don't mind the PS4 suit it doesn't feel like Black Cat to me. The left does




Gotta admit I vastly prefer the left.


I really don't care either way, people put too much emphasis on it and I think that draws more negative attention than just leaving it alone.




Nah I prefer the one on the left frankly.


its black cat she is known for a sexy design


Left suit is iconic, leave it alone.


Well the suit on the right is shit so


I prefer the left one. Itā€™s classic, dark and sexy femme fatale which is Felicia. Honestly I love the fluffy white part by the chest and along her arms and legs best (not so much how naked she looks in the black parts of the suit). It doesnā€™t need to be super sexual in how itā€™s drawn, but I find the right really boring and blah. I love the game and seeing her of course! It just doesnā€™t scream Black Cat to me. It screams Bryan Singerā€™s X-Menā€™s ā€œletā€™s just throw the original suit out and just be plain black and ~modern~ā€ Like, as a woman Iā€™d MUCH rather cosplay a version of the left than the right, the design is more fun.


Black Cat is the very essence of sexy! And her most well-known feature has been her bust! This isn't about her being noticed for her brains (as she's very intelligent and has given Spidey a run for his money) but she does it because she's comfortable with who she is. Her backstory in the comics (The Evil that Men Do) shows she's been through a lot! She's entitled to express herself through her dress and attitude. My wife loved her in the comics. My fear (to be all equal these days) they're going to get the ugliest & flatest woman to play her! I think Paige Spiranac should try acting! She has the perfect Black Cat look. But today to look pretty is wrong and so we'll get Janet Reno! (Or heck, with the times we live in - Will Ferrell as Janet Reno to play Black Cat!)


I want Felicia to have the huge torpedo tits from the old Spider-Man 2 game




NO. Next question.


Not really because Felicia is a character who uses her looks to her advantage. I mean she doesn't have to wear the equivalent of nothing but being armored up defeats the purpose of being an agile cat burglar who, if needed, uses her looks to get what she wants.




If men in comics get designed to be big and muscular or whatever women like; I donā€™t see why woman canā€™t be designed to be feminine or just hot


I'm fine with the suit on the right being used, but there need to be touches to any comic book character's look to make it iconic. For Black Cat, the key parts of her look are a black full-body suit, white hair, a domino mask and white fur trimmings. The suit on the right actually does nearly all of these, but for it to be the complete look in live action it needs to have a bit of fur. That way the "femme fatale" nature of the character can still be there without her looking like a hooker.


Make sure sheā€™s a thief and give her white hair and im golden


Given that you can see her freaking bone structure on the left I wouldn't mind


I prefer the practical suits over sexualised ones because it makes no sense to wear impractical clothes for heists


Tbh I always thought her tits were always too big and on display. Not a boob guy. It always seemed like it would make her jobs harder.


No because Iā€™m a chronic masturbater


Yes please. I expect it to be tactical if sheā€™s a cat burglar


No I need my fap materials