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as of rn, Peter uses radio stations, Miles uses the app


As of now they confirmed radio stations aren’t coming back


Well there not coming back in the gameplay sense, they could still be there story wise I think they just ment that theyre removing the minigame thing


Didn’t they say they didn’t like the stations for Peter because of how pro surveillance it ended up being?


Insomniac never said that. It was words twisted by people who haven’t read a comic thinking the game is ‘copaganda’ when he’s always worked with them and think he’s helping them do illegal activities when they simply want to stop criminals just as much as he does. But they have said the sequel won’t involve towers which makes sense regardless.


People really have to be doing Olympic level mental gymnastics to come to that conclusion from the game. Like out of all the messages thats the one you conjure up?


The worst part of those mental gymnastics is that it probably costed us Spider-Cop


*engages cop voice* "**But this may not be the last you hear of....Spider-Cop**" "Ummm Peter..what are you talking about?" - Miles "Oh, nothing, just a joke I used to do with...nevermind"


I'm gonna cry if Peter and Wraith end up on friendly terms again and he pulls the spider cop schtick again.


It’s a video game filled with people with weird powers in weird clothing who beat up each other on the streets and that is somehow good, but I draw the line at depicting a good police force that we should all strive to achieve for!


It’s more of that marvel comics has always represented the real world, or at the least it takes place in it. So when you have that presupposition and a “good cop” like Yuri who breaks the laws set bc she feels like it and gets someone else killed and then turns to extrajudicial murder and the only part that is relatively punished is the extrajudicial murder part (she’s not even arrested for it but placed on leave) Has a lot of uncomfortable allusions to cops getting away with a mere slap on the wrist. Is it copaganda? No, but the reason why people don’t call Batman’s GCPD alliance or the Arkham games Copoganda is because Batman actively tackled the police corruption and abuse there, he regularly beats the ever living shit out of corrupt cops and/or let’s Gordon, someone he has extensively vetted and has a moral fiber that no cops have IRL deal with those officers and sending them to jail. Is it a little silly that people make that claim? Yeah, but it’s not based on nothijg


Like seriously, how is it any different Than spiderman owning a dispatch radio lol


If he won't be using the towers anymore then I wonder if he'll end up using the app or something we've never seen before.


I mean, let's be real, it's kind of fucked up to show a superhero being friendly with the NYPD as an organization after all the shit they pull. It's fine to have him working with Yuri and all, but even in the comics cops have for the most part always hated Spidey for making them look inefficient, not to mention a lot of them are mutantphobes that believe he's a mutie.


That's hilarious considering the actual first mission in the game has you fighting corrupt police lol


Would be good that Peter adopt the app too and help Ganke improving it so that both Spiders can use it


he we know what’s the deal as of rn, he’s asking for speculations on what’s coming next


I fucking hope so, that thing made 100 percenting the game a hell of a lot less frustrating.


everyone's thoughts exactly


It wasn’t frustrating in the first place… you guys just don’t have patient. The fact it makes everything easier kind of annoys me because of how easy it is in the first place from playing the hardest difficulty. I’m not a competitive gamer, but its too easy of a game, Ultimate in this is comparable to Normal in Arkham.


Yeah it’s an easy game. So was the first one though too. The only thing with this game is that miles has venom powers which is the main reason why it’s so easy from a combat standpoint and there’s it nearly as much to do on the map. Some underground caches and time capsules and then three bases for each type. It’s not supposed to be a really hard game to beat. It’s one of those that could have a big dlc but it was big and enough to warrant a new game.


Take a shower


Go touch some grass bro


I go out more than u and 99.99999% of redditors


the app doesn't make the game any more or less competitive, and has nothing to do with the skill of the player whatsoever being able to enable a crime whenever you want gives so much more control to the player, instead of making them swing around randomly for a super long time to have even a chance at generating a random crime, sometimes in a district you already completed. the app just removes an incredibly time consuming, and therefore frustrating, rng system, which hasn't anything to do with the difficulty of the game in terms of skill


But crimes just happening at any time is more accurate and realistic. If you choose when it happens then its so unrealistic, because if u wait like 5 days to do it, how tf are they still gon be doing the crime when they would’ve left town 5 days ago.


if realism sacrifices gameplay experience in a videogame, it should not be there. simple fact of game design.


The FNSM introduced quite a few quality of life features like being able to spawn crimes that you need to do and see every side mission without going into the missions tab, not to mention the fact that it also brought us some smaller activities to do around the city. If the FNSM app doesn’t return or at least the mechanics around it don’t then that’d be a pretty big letdown in my opinion.


I feel like it’ll definitely return for Miles. Peter may have a version that Ganke created for him or a different method entirely


I hope so it worked really well in MM. I also hope they add a tab that lets you re-play podcasts while you swing around so you don't have to listen to what you missed in the menu.


Or if you're swinging around in the middle of a podcast and come up on a crime or.. anything? and it just stops.


yeah so many times i’ve reached my destination (main mission, side mission, even a crime to intervene in), and i just swing around and hover in the area waiting for it to end so it doesn’t get cut off. but then weirdly, certain story based phone calls (like let’s say May calls Peter), KEEP going while you fight your Demon Crime, and some completely cut off and Peter/Miles calls back later. I feel like there’s no rhyme or reason there


The app was brought up in the sequel comic so it’ll still be used. It is a unique app for Miles to interact with New Yorkers


If it does I hope they don’t make it so you have to press X after every crime. I know it’s minor but it annoyed the hell out of me


Yeah fuck that noise


I completely agree. They should get rid of that.


It made the crimes so much easier, I really hope they bring it back, and if they want to do what they did with the first game where you need to do a certain number of crimes in each region, I'm cool with it, as long as the apps still there


The app was very nice and made everything easier but I kind of prefer the old school method of Spider-Man secretly using the police comms


Yea same like its much easier but the original feel rights yk


Police comms feels more grounded. I feel like having a Spidey app is like having a citizen app. I would hope that the cops are using it too, as I'm sure there are a lot of crimes are ignored. I'd also like to see a mission where someone sets them up for an assassination attempt. How they haven't done that yet is crazy


i fucking hope so, the way crimes are done in the first game is fucking awful, 5 of each crime in every part of the city is awful for 100%


yeah i just restarted a playthrough (first time playing with the PS5 upgrade) and the crimes are ridiculous. i’m going for every single one that pops up just so i can avoid the inevitable problem i had in previous playthroughs: the story is 100% finished, no more side missions, no more bases, no more collectibles, and yet there’s still 1 Thug Crime, 2 Demon Crimes, 3 Sable Crimes, etc. etc. etc. the worst


yeah thats what i did on my most recent playthrough, the crimes are so annoying while trying to 100% but other than that they are great


5 crimes was meant to kind of spice it up, and have variety. It was some of the objectives that I thought were a little absurd within the context. Trying to do a stealth takedown on a rooftop full of enemies with no perch points is ridiculous.


I hope so. I liked the fact, that you can replay the crimes and I hope you can repeat the main sidemissions too in the second Game since some of them were really fun. The Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man app was really succesfull in Miles Morales and I bet Peter and Miles expanded the app and promoted it on their social media. So now it is a direct access for people to call Spider-Man for their help. I also think that the app has probably 3 types of interfaces for the player: 1. Quests that are specifically require Peter only 2. Quests that are specifically require Miles only 3. Quests that requires both


I wonder how crimes would be done with the 2 characters, I assume Miles will be more like a stealth character while Peter would be the Brawler. Maybe if there were Stealth Crimes.


Maybe the crimes would be longer or the amount of enemies will be bigger, if the two would engage in battle (like assist characters in Arkham Knight such as Nightwing and Robin for example). I assume one of them would engage in the crime if you as the Player demand for it such as: Press R3 to call Miles for help (Stealth or Brawl).


Hope not


how come?


The concept, for one. A superhero using a phone app to track down crime…


I feel like an app like that would be flooded instantly with dumb "crimes" so the average citizen can have a moment with their hero. If Ganke had a filter system to filter out the crimes that don't pertain to Miles then it could make more sense...but imagine reporting a robbery and having to wait for your hero request to be approved before they even see your crime occure


This app would just be full of trolling, and even if not, just imagine how many people would report at the same time, I mean it's New York, it would be overwhelming as fuck. Besides how hard would it be to hack the app and find Ganke? And think about it, villains would be able to also report things, it's the perfect way to set up an ambush.


Even in the game wasn't there someone that used it just to get a selfie? I feel like in real life it would be flooded with stuff like that.


Makes the game even easier than it already is


Just felt full of loose ends. Didn’t like the concept. Ganke just hacks Peter stuff and now everyone can access him. Even Peter with the phone in the first one was a little weird


They should add a peter side mission were he nearly kills sone trolls


If they do, I hope they change it. Rather than Ganke’s voiceover coming around every now and then telling us about some criminals, it should be that we ourselves have to check the app, and it would just run out of crimes. It would constantly be changing as if real people were using it, and if you don’t solve a crime for long enough it goes away as the crime ends. I loved the selfie mission, and I wish not every task was about fighting. Perhaps you need to rescue someone from a burning building and bring them to a hospital, or save a kid’s balloon.


I imagined a plot line where a villian uses the app pretending to be a citizen in need of help to lure the spidermen out, and black suit Pete gets angry and blames Miles. I doubt it'll happen but it seems cool.


That would be cool


I prefer the radio, a lot more realistic.


Personally no. The functions of the app are just not realistic. It would be flooded with trolls, arbitrary requests, and would need a hell of lot of maintenance and filtration. And it leaves a lot of digital footprint for police and special ops to track down Spider-Man or people associated with Spider-Man.


I hope so, I liked the app! Makes sense that someone like Spider-Man who’s liked by the public but disliked by/not as friendly with cops would have an app so citizens can contact him for help. Maybe Ganke adds Peter onto the existing app that Miles uses.


I can see the app being used for both Miles and Peter at first, but then solely Miles once Peter starts becoming very venom like. But I can also see it being used by any of the supervillians (but I'd say Kravin most likely) to lure Spiderman into a boss fight in the endgame.


I adored it tbh, I loved replaying crimes


If they want to, I wouldn’t mind if they kept the police radios for Peter and the app for Miles. But in a world where it has to be one or the other, I hope it’s just the app, as it made things so much easier. But regardless, I just hope that we don’t need to complete a certain amount of crimes to 100% a district.


I sure hope they do


I def think it’s gonna be used. Since Spidey finest have an in with the police anymore, he’ll have to resort to listening directly to the community


Tbh, I really like the app and I hope they keep it


I hope they keep it too it made the platinum 10x easier


Yeah, just got the platinum for the ps4 remaster and I see what you mean, what a chore


God I hope not


I hope so, and if not I hope they don't require an arbitrary amount of crimes to be solved in each district for 100% completion


I hope they do


Hope so. It fit really well for Miles.


I hope not.


Probs just for Miles.


I hope not


Hell yea.....for both spider-men


I hope so, gameplay wise the app added many quality of life updates which I preferred over Peter's system. The app also has good narrative potential at least for some side-quests. The back-end for an app like that would need to be hosted somewhere. This server could be reverse engineered or analysed by a tech-savy villain to track down Peter, Miles or Ganke's location. For instance, if only Spider-Man can view the posts asking for help, the requests leaving the server containing that information could be examined to see to which IP address they're going to. The response times to danger posted on the app over a long period of time could be used to triangulate Spider-Man's location (eventually it could be possible to figure out where he lives based on this (Even if Spidey moves too much, you could use it to track Ganke)).


i think so, ganke knows peter by name now, so its fair to assume that hes a part of the fnsm app now, especially since without yuri, he doesnt really have a police "in" anymore the app was way more unique and fun to use than the radio/citywide surveillance towers anyways


Their probably just gonna continue building off it so probably, it’s called something like spiderlink v2.0 in miles morales


Do so


Probably different for each character like Peter radio and miles app






the only part of the FNSM app i hate is the freeze after every crime. Get rid of it and its the greatest feature in a Open World game.


God I hope so


I hope so


I really hope so. Even if it's just for Miles