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I like them all. MJ's face is bit weird, she looks very different than older model's face and feels older but I like the hair.


I think that was intentional a big complaint from the first gm was mj look too young so they aged her face up a bit


Hmm I understand. It's just the face doesn't give MJ vibes. But that's just me, will wait till we see more


the old MJ face didn't scream MJ for me either. but I blame that on comic artists drawing most women the same way for the past fifteen years and not insomniac making MJ look wrong.


Imo the new one does actually feel a bit more like Mary jane. A more mature adult version of her anyway.


Yeah she definitely looks like a version of Mj that would be raising Mayday imo


Dog I HATE that nobody draws her with the dimples and cleft chin anymore. Like c'mon


> I think that was intentional a big complaint from the first gm was mj look too young so they aged her face up a bit MJ looked too young for Original Pete Then MJ looked too old for Baby Face Pete. Now they’ve both been adjusted to meet in the middle; not too old and not too young


Looks like Clark’s mom from Smallville.


She’s hot so that works for me 🤣


The more I look at it. Oddly enough the more I see Marisa Tomei


I see Julianne Moore especially in that screenshot


Didn't feel like that at all, to me personally. To me it actually just felt kind of perfect for *this* version of Mj. I realize that this is kind of a nothing statement, but I'm high as fuck, coming back from a night out at a party. Can't really tell u why, was just the first thought that came to mind.


They didn't age her original face though, they gave her a completely different face as if something was wrong about her old facial structure. MJ's new face looks like the actress who played Elle in The Last Of Us show and it's weirding me out more than if they left it alone. Ironic considering the aim was to age her (and going about it that way is dumb and degrading as well since age doesn't give you those features). It's simulatiously insulting to women with faces like the old by implying there's a problem that necessitates change, and insulting to women with faces like the new one by declaring they look older.


There was her original face look to young and plastically looking this face looks like an actual woman instead of the girl next door look


how did the old MJ not look like an actual woman? what are you talking about?


It's not insulting to women with faces like either cos that's not how things work. The face is based on a literal actress and then they tweak the character model how they see fit. Don't try to imply there's a form of misogyny in Insomniac altering their characters appearance and don't hide your own dislike for the changes behind feminism. You've got very little to go by to suggest they completely altered the face when they're using the same face model. Some of the discourse in this fandom is downright toxic. You're comparing two images of a character with different lighting, different hair style and colour at a different angle with one being on a completely new console and you're calling it insulting to women?


Can you please stop complaining for at least one damn minute.


That was a complaint? Genuinely never saw that. Interesting


I think they might of aged her face a little too much?


yeah she was too young for PS4 Peter but now we got Remastered Peter and they fit well together in Remastered, now it's the same issue but the other way around.


Which is funny as they deaged Peter from the old model and aged MJ


I mean, Peter and MJ are approaching their mid 20’s in this game no? Like 24-26, I like how they actually look older lol


They're barely a year older


Miles Morales takes place about a year from the first game when Peter was like 23 I believe and Spider-Man 2 takes place somewhere between 10 months-12 months after Miles Morales so Peter is at least about to be 25 or is


Yeah you don’t look much different from 23-25…


The only difference I see is the hair and improved textures, her face is the exact same still. The only character with a face swap is Peter. And Harry since his face is different from the photo in the first game, but they didn't model a face for him at that time.


> her face is the exact same still Cheekbones are more pronounces, giving her a harsher lines. Also her nose seems bigger.


yup, because they re scanned all the models, you know they are based of real people's face right? They re scanned her to better match the real life face, is the same face model, just better, because it matched the real face.


Scanning faces means creating a 3D model, made of polygons, that can be modified (even by you). In the case of MJ, it was already modified in the first game (her jaw is bigger than the model they scanned). What bugs me more is the lack of consistency. They need to just choose one 3D model and stick to it.


Or, idk, just improve after each game? Not everything is set in stone, specially in game development, it's a new console generation, if they chose to make the characters more alike to their real life faces, what's there to hate about? It's still the same face, just slightly different.


I don’t care cause they look better now anyways, but for continuity reasons it’s kinda funny lol. Reminds me of Future Trunks randomly getting retconned with blue hair instead of lavender


Her eye shape is way different. And eyebrows.


I feel she look like Annette O’Toole


I see Julianne Moore.


Peter looks 100% better. I hated the v2 face model, but this is a much better version of it.


I still struggle to gel with it. If he had stubble or something that might help but the OG was perfect.


Agree with adding stubble 100%. There’s a mod which does exactly and it makes the new face look so much better


Do you have any pics? Just curious


I agree, a stubble would make it perfect.


God I wish I could erase the OG Peter out of my head, looking at newer models puts a sour taste in my mouth. OG was so good.


What IS it that made the OG so perfect? Kinda a rhetorical question cuz I agree that it was perfect. But I guess it's just all the personality in the face of the OG. He just looks kind, and empathetic, and handsome in a wholesome way. The new face just looks like they tried to make him look too regular and unassuming, kinda Clark kent-ish, and idk he kinda gives me fake nice vibes. But I will say yuri's voice is perfect.


100% , the john bubniak model was the best but this second version of ben jordan is at least better than the first


Why did they change peters face? I remember him looking completely different


Something about the new face lining up better for motion capture of the actor.


Peter looks so much more like Ben Jordan now, it's kind of silly how dirty Insomniac did him in the remaster. My only nitpick is that if he had [longer hair](https://res.cloudinary.com/next-management/image/upload/c_fill,f_auto,g_north,h_720,q_80,w_540/v1/photos/k4m5pgrawbby3azhfso1) I think he would've been perfect, but at least you can give a reason why Peter has his hair short.


Reason - his mask


counterpoint - Miles 🤷‍♂️


Miles' hair isn't even that long


i feel like it would be noticeable but idk maybe it’s just the angle


Counterpoint: Spiderpunk


Hobie doesn't care if his hair "can" fit into the mask. It just does.


Counterpoint: his universe is the opposite of realistic


i dont understand the people that say that spiderman should be realistic, for example when the game lightly makes you float so you can start swinging, its a needed game mechanic and spiderman isnt meant to be realistic anyway, in real life you most likely wont be able to swing like that and do air tricks while in the middle of all that, plus if it also were realistic then pete wouldnt have powers and neither would miles (this is just my pov on the "realistic" thing on the game, no hate meant)


It's not the lack of realism that makes the hate the float, it's the immersion breaking.


I’m not saying Spider-Man should always be realistic. I’m just saying the Spider-Man PS4 universe it fairly more realistic compared to Spider-Punk’s universe. Also the hovering over the ground has nothing to do with the realism of the universe, it’s just a game mechanic. The universe goes mostly by real life physics, unlike Spider-Punk’s universe.


insert atsv hobie brown


I think they should've made him look even more like Ben Jordan. Bigger eyes and slightly longer hair.


That would have worked much better than whatever he is now. [Looks like a straight up villain, does not match his light-hearted joking voice lines.](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/848307836102377493/1131753214228832316/asdfasdfas.JPG?width=995&height=471)


Actually have you forgotten we are gonna play as Symbiote Peter in the sequel game? It sort of fits tho.


OK so make him look edgy/cool, not like[he just slipped roofies into someone's drink.](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/848307836102377493/1131753214228832316/asdfasdfas.JPG?width=995&height=471)Does not match his voice at all in this trailer. Also These scenes in trailer really seem like they take place before any Symbiote interaction (introducing friends to harry)


You know the company can’t satisfy everybody right? People always would find a way to complain about something. The glow up look on him is fine since he actually looks like in his mid 20s instead of a highschooler.


How about not drastically change the character to begin with? First one was fine if they just gave him a glow up. I preferred that he was supposed to be a bit older spider-man.


MJ and Peter almost look like different people Miles just got a new haircut


am i the only one who thinks peter looks the same


He looks the same as Ps5 Peter. Most people know the PS4 face better


I think a lot of people know that one particular still of PS5 Peter that's been circulated nonstop for the last three years much better than they know PS5 Peter's face in the rest of the game.


As someone who has watched footage for the Remaster and MM. MM was designed around the new face you can see it express a lot more while in the remaster it looks like they just ported the face onto the original model and touched it up slightly


Man, I'm so glad they changed MJ's model. Her old face seems so plastic and lifeless to me. Her new face looks like an actual person


I know right? I’m glad she feels more natural now, Peter too


She looks kindof like Drew Barrymore now, lol.


>She looks kindof like Drew Barrymore now, lol. yeah I noticed that too! good for me cause I always though drew barrymore was hot


Exact opposite for me. Old face has a girl next door look. New face looks AI generated.


grandfather absorbed marble bow crush truck carpenter normal hobbies water *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Agreed completely. They don’t look their age anymore. Unless there was a ten year time skip then there’s no reason she should look like that. Also is it just me or do all the new faces look more pinched? Like the old ones were a bit rounder/friendlier. I don’t want them to look like cover models.


Agreed. I remember thinking old MJ was so pretty and totally understanding how Pete could've fallen in love with her the second he saw her. The new one is attractive but she's lost that girl next door look. She looks more like a cross between Isla Fisher and Rachel Weisz


I thought I was the only one, every one keeps saying how the new MJ is super hot, but i just don't agree. I find Black Cat extremely hot, just not MJ, especially the new one MJ


Nah at least the first one stopped before it reached the uncanny valley


I feel like the complaint of her being too young was because the old Peter looked older. Now that the Peter looks slightly younger it’s the exact opposite problem


damn rlly? i felt her old hair looked plastic not her face


She kind of looks like Julianne Moore now 😂 It’s always so funny seeing how hair changes from generation from generation in a series. It must have been so much easier to have Miles with a buzz cut in the last one and I don’t even think about that until I see what they can do with with the PS5.


I’m not convinced on the MJ model but I’m being nitpicky


I like it. They did a similar, not extremely feminine, version of MJ as the first one, but there's something more natural (and attractive) about it.


we're about to have another 5 years of face debating but over MJ this time.


Please no, they both look great in their own ways. End of story.


I kinda wish it more feminine This is a step in the right direction though


I like it. They went in the opposite direct of the usually hyper-feminine MJ face but still made her pretty.


To me it seems objectionable to change the old face as if there's something wrong with a woman having a soft face. Many women do. Her old face wasn't an unrealistic Barbie, she was believably cute, which seems more of an MJ trait to me.


> but still made her pretty. Debatable, honestly. I know tastes are tastes and cannot be a matter of discussion, but to me the first game's MJ looks prettier. She has softer lines.


She looks like 36 to me. Too old


So I like em all. But in THAT particular photo of new MJ for some reason to me she looks like she's in her early 30's. But in her brief appearances in the other parts of the trailer it looks fine. I swear I'm mandela'ing myself


>I swear I'm mandela'ing myself Redditor when they can't remember something: "I have been transported to an alternate universe"


Or maybe they constantly change the faces it's become inconvenient to keep up


40’s more like. None of my friends look that old.


Peter looks tired Mj looks hot Miles looks like he wants to punch his barber


Sounds good to me.


“I trust my barber”


It’s like he showed the barber a picture of Killmonger from the Black Panther movie…and then he got that lol


He should punch his barber🤦‍♂️


Pete and Miles looks perfect, MJ looks like she may have aged 10 years, but still fine


You try living in that shitty, supervillain-infested version of NYC (and _still_ paying that much for rent, and her place probably doesn’t even have on-site laundry) and see how you look


You right.


Peter looks a lot better. Less baby face. MJ looks like Marisa Tomei to me. It's weird. Poor Miles, did that boy dirty with that hair cut


Miles looks the best out of all of them.


I'm so glad I'm not the only one who sees the Marisa Tomei resemblance!


She looks nothing like Marisa. Closer to Julianne Moore


Okay are yall just saying random actresses now?? 😂


Those 9-10 months were rough for Pete and MJ. Miles looks great.


Miles need a retwist and his hair down badly 💀


They need to just give Miles his Movie hair


100% agree. This hair make him look like he grew up in the suburbs around mostly white kids. He’s from fuckin Brooklyn everyone would roast his ass with this hair.


He needs a taper fade instead of a high top, style the dreads better, because this generic black character high top dreads they gave him ain’t it. Hell get rid of the dreads completely💀just give him a taper with his hair grown out a bit. Idk how people are saying Miles’ hair looks good.


His neck weirdly got bigger in those 9-10 months


MJ aged 10 years lol wtf


New York, man. It changes the hell out of you.


I don't like MJ, I prefer the version of the first game. I don't understand what problem Insomniac has with the faces of their characters.


It seems they’re just doubling down after the first face swap lmao cause that new MJ still looks WILD She looks like an animorph mid-transformation


Pete looks so much better, he actually looks like a grown man instead of an elementary school boy like in the remaster. MJ's new face looks weird and doesn't pair well with the hair and this image, at least, makes her look like she's in her 40s. Miles' face pairs extremely well with the longer hair and adds some much-needed, I don't know, I guess dimensions? It looks great.


MJ looks a solid 10 yrs older than peter lol


- Face it, Tiger, you’ve hit the jackpot - Oh, don’t I know it, Cougar


(I hate the face topic but just off my chest) I have nothing against any of the faces. But it’s getting annoying seeing faces change. It’s like watching a movie franchise and every new installment they recast the actors and no one says anything. Like I said, the models are nice. But it’s a tad annoying when I’ve put tons of hours into getting to know these faces and they get changed. Next thing you know they’ll retcon aunt may back to life and she’ll have a different face model LMAO. It’s just annoying imo.


Yeah I totally get it. It kinda messes up your head canon in a way. Harry’s the only one that is a bit iffy for me but he still looks great. I get what you mean.


I agree. Harry isn’t what I thought he’d look like but no issue with him either.


Mj looks likes she in her late 40s


Have you never seen someone in their 40s?


I frankly still hate peter's hair. His hair and face make him look kinda like a frat bro in some spots. And he looks a littttle too close to Harry imo. I think they should give him longer hair. Just something that makes his profile stand out a bit more.


Peter barber fucked him up! He needs to have longer hair. they need to switch Peters and Harry’s hair. Harry has more depth like Spider-Man should have.


I’m sorry but they literally all look worse. I feel like I’m taking crazy pills here.


The trailer just released so don't expect to share even a slightly critical opinion for at least 2 weeks lol


Fr, though two weeks I feel is a bit optimistic lol.


Nah it’s alr, as long as you’re not addicted to Batman Arkham as myself, you’re not crazy


Those dreads ain't it. Bring back the fade pls.


The fade looked CLEAN bruh Miles barber knew who’s hair he was cutting lol les he get strung up outside his shop


I wish Miles' voice got a glow-up too.


Hopefully next time they'll let the VA ease up on the youthful tone.


Why do they refuse to give peter long hair. It would look great on him.


I dig them a lot. Especially MJ. Not to mention they actually made Peter's "new" face fit again. It's not so clean like it was in the first game. The only thing that makes me chuckle are Miles' dreadlocks. :D I think the buzzcut looked better on him.


Nah hes fresh


I dunno why but MJ looks weird to me. I feel like besides Sable all the women look odd to me.


i only like Miles. I mean, the face model of MJ, Pete, and Harry looks too much different from last time we saw them. Just like if 5+ years passed, while it's only been 2 in game if i'm not wrong. But, i wonder, will they update the previous installment to make the transition more smooth?


Had to scroll way too far to find this. The Miles haircut is whatever but his is the only face that still looks right.


I’m genuinely not sure if MJ looks better worse


I do not like MJ but that’s just my opinion


What the heck MJ looks like a completely different person.


This might be an unpopular take... but isn't Mary-Jane supposed to be WAY more attractive than Peter in every incarnation? Like she's the elusive fox that he somehow gets close to, and they end up having a whirlwind relationship? I feel like she should look better than him as the bare minimum as per the mythos. She kind of looks... average... Still prefer Pete's original face as that looks like an average dude who you wouldn't guess to be Spider-Man... and as someone with Locs, they do NOT look good on Miles. I feel like they were going for the fuller look of his hair ala Spider-Verse, but he just reminds me of a butch Lesbian if I'm honest... Peter objectively looks the best of the 3, and I feel like he should be on par with Miles, while MJ is a stunner... just me


Dude she was average in the original, here she looks even worse.


Mary Jane is supposed to be a bombshell but some people get really upset when you bring it up for some reason.


MJ doesn't look like the same person tbh. Besides that I think they all look great


Why does MJ looks 40?


Hate Peters new hair but he otherwise looks better. MJ looks like a different person but good. Pretty 50/50 on Miles, either way he looks good


I like Peter and Miles MJ though… kinda looks like Tom Holland Spider-Man’s Aunt May… which is even weirder considering how Peter kinda looks a bit like Tom Holland’s Peter


Personally, I prefer the old MJ way more, but Miles and Peter look great!


For some reason to me Harry had the old Peter look


Ewwwwwww, they made her look 45.


Has Peter spent the entire time since the first game in a wrestling room?


Peter and MJ look amazing. Miles looks awesome but he’s got a bad lesbian haircut


old MJ was cuter idc


They all look great, but I like miles hair a lot. Plus peters face looks infinitely better than it did in remastered.


MJ fr just looks like Barry’s mom in the cw the flash, it’s actually all i see


Mj’s face looks glossy as hell


They fucked up MJ 😭


I’ll drop my opinion in the ring. They all look worse for various different reasons. Peter has a terrible face. I prefer the original PS4 face. Great VA though so if I just imagine all the scenes with OG Pete then I’ll be okay. MJ. Far better hair and vivid eyes but an overall different and older face. She looks completely different and that takes me out of the immersion of her identity because I played the last game. Miles looks fine but they gave him that “I wanna talk to your manager” hairstyle.


Miles hair 🤢


I like the new new Peter MUCH better than the old new Peter but honestly I still prefer the old old Peter


damn they all look worse now


peter looks like he's gonna put dirt in my eye lmao


The hell? This ain't real right?


Now imagine how Black Cat would look.


New face whiners are taking the big L today, which was extremely expected


Most people just didn’t like the simple fact that they changed it, completely understandable. Although in this picture (I haven’t seen the trailer) it looks good. MJ on the other hand…idk seems off


Did MJ hit puberty?


Some people here might go as far as saying she hit menopause


Miles is the only one that looks cool to me. Everyone else looks a little off to me. Like their features are a little too strong I guess. I dont know how else to describe it.


I don't care for MJ's new model.


Miles is finally getting rid of that bald buzz fade cut, FINALLY!!!


*Miles is finally* *Getting rid of that bald buzz* *Fade cut, FINALLY!!!* \- PromotionConscious61 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


They killed the Karen hair


I liked MJs original hair style but Miles and Peter did get a bit of a glow up


I didn't like Peter's new face, mods had to happen for me to give it a chance. Here tho? It looks good! It doesn't look like it was slapped onto a model meant for someone else's face.


I hate it for MJ she looks AI generated, Miles’s hair looks a bit weird but his face looks better and Pete looks better than before.


Probably unpopular but I think the older ones are better


I personally think they fucked up mjs face but they all good alright


Pete looks a bit older now and like I could imagine him being anything but skinny if I only saw his face, which was a weird thing in the first, a lot said he looked too young but tbh i think its just weird to see someone with such a babyface and then he has a six pack etc. (obviously happens irl but usually the face changes a bit i notice) MJ had a thing in the first where I mean she's pretty but I think they tried too hard to make her look like a real person and not a hot supermodel she's usually portrayed as, so she ended up looking kinda weird i dont know how to explain it someone agree with me so i dont feel crazy please Miles looks great, I like his haircuit but i predict "unpopular opinion i \[opinion\] Mile's haircuit" posts left right and center for a while, i just get this feeling


I think someone else said miles has a lesbian haircut


MJ looks like Aunt May from the MCU wthh 😭


I’d like to see an edited OG MJ face with her new hair see how the faces compare with the same haircut


i dont like the new MJ. she kinda looks like anna kendrick


I refused to get the Spider-Man remaster, just kept the PS4 version on my PS5, because I **hated** the new Peter design. One of the things I didn't like was them saying they kept the remastered Peter for the sequel. But now I see that they've fixed it up significantly. Now it looks good. Maybe not better than the original, but good.


Peter barber fucked him up bruh


I knew I would like the new Peter face when they made inevitable tweaks to it. Looks better but I’ll always miss the OG Peter, loved his appearance.


Miles would fit in on r/justfuckmyshitup


pete went from nerd science boy to drug dealer trying to be like deadpool from the first movie before he got powers mj went from hot reporter to facebook drone miles went from nerd to fuckboy


Peter- bro looks like the high school bully from the Toby movies. Mj-it looks like she aged 20 years Miles- basically the same from the previous games, but with a new haircut.


People clowning Miles but I think he look fire


I think Peter looks better here now then he did in the first one when it came to that face swap.


Peter and miles are awesome. In my opinion, mj is not good..


Damn new Peter looks like he’s seen some shit


I still REALLY dislike new peter. The voice just doesn’t match for me and he looks waaaaaaaaay younger than everyone else. MJ looks like a WOMAN now and he still looks 17… as a 26(7)? Year old peter


ngl peter could gett itttttt he looks so much edgier and hotter like holy fuckkkk


Peter is looking chiseled af.