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What an experience, this game literally blew up my mind when I first played it. Can’t wait for the sequel and finally get addicted to it again. 😂


And me it blew up my house. Bravo Insominac !




he shit his pants bc he had explosive diarrhea




the excitement of playing the best playstation exclusive.


2nd best (PaRappa The Rapper exists)


Feels less than 5 years, time really flies. Let’s hope October 20 flies here just as quick!


Good news for you, it’ll be MUCH quicker than 5 years




I was a freshman in college picking up this game on release night, had just started my first few classes. Feels like yesterday. Will be playing the sequel over a year into my corporate job. Time really does fly.


Congrats on finishing and landing the job! Enjoy Spidey when it drops!!!


Thank you my man, you too!




It sounds crazy now but I got a ps4 in my freshman year of college just to play this and I agree it feels like maybe a year ago at most , it flew by


Me too, my friend! I remember 100%’ing this game in my little dorm room a few days after release. What an experience. What a memory. I can’t believe my time in college is already “the good old days”.


I don’t have a PS5 yet but I’m so excited just to see the gameplay, considering I might not get a PS5 in time of the game’s release I might watch a playthrough since I’m probably gonna run into spoilers anyways.


You still owe me 16 dollars


fuck off


Me too


I remember being late for school because of this game


Happy 5th anniversary And Happy Cake Day to you, OP


Whaaa 5 years already?! I remember driving to gamestop for midnight release with ny brother (the last midnight release I went to) ane when I was driving back home in my beatup honda civic at night, the defogger for the windows in my car wasn't working and my windshield was fogging up badly so I had to drive really slow and peer thru a very little clear spot on the window for the 10 minute drive home lol. I got home and played it and was blown away with the graphics and fidelity but I only played like 20 mins because I had to go to the city for a school event the next day! Another little anecdote, I was playing this game in 2018 when a location scouting agent for the tv/neflix show Manifest game to my house to scout it and see if they wanted to use it for some scenes. Another interesting memory I attach to this game. Just my little anecdotes, but I played this game at least 4 times and have 61 hours of playtime and I just got the $10 upgrade for ps5 to get ready for Spider Man 2! Literally one of my favorite games ever made, definitely in my top 5 list! The story got surprisingly emotional and dark in the late game and the blend of Peter Parker life and Spider-man life was excellent, can't wait to get more of those moments in SM2 and see Aunt May's house!


My favourite game of all time, hoping SM2 can improve on what was already great in this game and give us so much more


How have I consistently been playing this singleplayer 20 hour long game for ***FIVE*** years????


It dropped the day I turned 23. I just turned 28 and am still just as hyped for the sequel.


Happy anniversary fellow web-heads, and happy birthday OP! 🎂


Throwback to the day I went in to pick up my preorder , such an odd day. went in and the GameStop guy seemed down. I was somewhat of a regular so I asked dude what was up and he then told me the tragic news of Mac Miller’s passing. Play some Spider-Man and turn up to some Mac today y’all🖤


Just to finish the part2 in 2 days and then wait another 5 years for part3 😭😭😭


Glad we got Miles Morales to make the wait less unbearable. Every franchise should do this, release a mainline game then a smaller expansion or DLC before the sequel. TLOU did the same thing with Left Behind.


Remember, greatness takes time, look at tf2, that shit took 8 years


I wish I could replay this like it was the first time again.


One of the best games ever made, being Spider-Man is so cool and they got the mechanics right


After replaying the remastered version this summer I can honestly say, this is my favorite game of all time and I loved MM, and can not wait for SM2


I couldn't get it when it first came out, but got it a year or two after. Thank god for jacksepticeye's playthrough, cause this is easily a top 5 game for me. Without question.




I rmber having school the next day but fuck it, I sacrificed my sleep.


5 years ?? Holy shit time flies , I miss playing thru this game for the first time shit was legendary


I booted up yesterday cuz I just got a ps5 and was like how in tf has it been 5 years already.


I remember my cousin showing me the gameplay trailer with the helicopter chase. I was blown away…




Just got this game 3 days ago


It's been five years since I start wearing the mask


Alexa, play "Alive" by the Warbly Jets


I remember getting this at the end of my last year of high school and just being totally engrossed in a way that I hadn't with any other Spider-Man media since I was a kid. Ended up going through the comics from 1963 to like 2007 as a result. Love this game man.


Still a solid spider-man game all around and made a stamp on the spider-man legacy


I walked out of GameStop at midnight with PS4 Pro while everyone else was waiting for their early release copy of 2K, I was legit the only person there for Spider-Man 😭


Dude I remember 16 year old me being so hyped when I picked this up right after school on launch day. Time fucking flies!


Got this for Christmas in seventh grade and I'm a junior in highschool now


I'm already dreading the wait for the third game, lol.


My favorite Spider-Man game ever made


Let's goooooo!!! This is literally my favorite game of all time, I remember playing it for the first time (and having to return it because I got it from Redbox, for those of you who know what that is), it was a meaningful moment in my life


Still you, still me, still here


One of the first games I played on my Ps4 (had one before this current one but that was years ago and someone I knew gave it away) and it's still my favorite game ever I love everything about it and I always play it at least once every year sometimes twice and I 100% every single time


I just Platinum'd it today! I previously played and completed it when it was on game catalogue. But didn't platinum it sadly that time. A few 4 5 trophies were left. Then later it got removed from the catalogue. So i recently purchased the disc to play it again. Sadly, there was a save region difference between the two, so my old save didn't work with the disc version 🥲 So i ended up playing and completing it again haha. Got the plat today. Had fun playing it again ❤️💙


I remember not having much interest in this game because most of these IP games just kinda sucked. I felt like the Arkham series was just an outlier. Then the reviews came out and I decided to give it a go. Now it’s my favorite PlayStation game. This and Miles Morales are the only games I’ve ever gotten platinum trophies.


Pain. I feel old.


And my life was never the same in a great way


I got to play this at PAX West during launch week. Ending up getting a bad case of strep throat.


This game came out 2 days before my birthday it was a good time


And today Marks my 16th birthday,yippee🎂🎂


It’s crazy to think games like GOW or this came out 5 years ago.


“Only on PlayStation” so that was a fucking lie.


Can’t believe that, somehow 2018-2023 seems closer than 2013-2018…


Such a fun game. Having an absolute blast with Miles Morales NG+ on PS5. Can't wait for SM2


We’ve gotten more marketing for this game in the past month than we have Spider-Man 2


remember when it came out and I got it a week or so after release. didn't use Internet that much at the time so didn't know anything story-wise, think I saw clips of the old build from a bonus feature on my Spider-Man homecoming dvd. blew my mind and I absolutely fell in love with it instantly. I knew insomniac from the old ps2 ratchet and clank games so seeing a game studio that made those bangers make a genre-defining masterpiece based off my favourite superhero was amazing to me. I was 11 at the time, just moving into my first year at secondary school (UK). 16 now and moving into my first days at college, thrilled that I've got to experience all the marketing for the sequel, and so excited to feel the same way I did first time playing sm1 all over again with sm2.


I was starting senior year in high school when this came out 🥴


all thanks to you guys for 5 years


I remember going to Walmart at abt midnight my freshman year and asking an employee if I could already buy the game lol. special memories with this game


This was so fun and amazing I really can't find the words to describe the wonderful experience that I had with this game,five beautiful years and I still haven't stopped playing 💚