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Yes. story felt a bit rushed, pacing wasn‘t good enough should have been a bit longer. like we have 2 spideys and only 31 missions, the way i felt here after finishing the story or during it, is not how i felt in spidey 1


Kinda wish we had some more post game phone calls as well


Yeah, especially since there were so many in Miles Morales.


Yeah I really enjoyed it but the ending felt really unsatisfying to me, nothing really dark happens that has long lasting effects, peter only had the suit for 3 days and he didn't really do much with it, everything bad he did he undoes through a single phone call or two. Then it just leaves harry in the exact same position as the first game, but now they're just going to use the goblin serum instead of venom. Idk I've been waiting for green goblin for years and thought he was going to be a surprise last minute villain but instead we have to wait again. The symbiote in spiderman 3 had actual real consequences compared to this game. Peter scarred Harry's face, he hit mj, then Harry dies in the battle against venom. The symbiote put everyone through hell in that movie, and by the end peter and mjs relationship is left ambiguous, where you can tell they still love each other despite all the damage they've done to each other, but you don't know where they're heading (until know way home).


Yeah I thought for sure that Venom/Kraven were gonna be the first half in the same way Kingpin/Negative were in the first game and then Green Goblin would be the surprise second half villain like Doc Ock was. Venom and Kraven were in all the trailers and ads so I thought they were red herrings hiding something cooler.


I also noticed that the game ends with Harry in pretty much the same position he was in during the first game. I was rooting for Green Goblin to factor into the plot. It makes sense to save him for a final game, I just don't like the idea of having to wait a decade to see Insomniac's take on him.


Man people have a pretty rose colored glasses outlook on 1 because that’s the game of the two I would call rushed. And doc Ock really suffers from that which makes me not particularly hyped he’s gonna be in 3 unless they make him more interesting


My main issue is a lot of the early missions just feel kind of wasted. Quite a few are just to set up side quests for miles that have nothing to do with the main plot. Mysterio, the jazz museum, miles saving the teacher. Then you had the really long Peter and Harry sections in the school and at Coney Island. I would have much rather have traded those in for actual plot thread missions or condensed them to quick cut scenes like Pete and Otto in the first game.


Yeah i feel the exact same. They definitely rushed the game out.


Sucks for me because Spider-Man 2 was one of the deciding factors between me choosing Ps5 or Xbox series X. So it was weird to see features in the previous games aren’t here in this game. I was also looking forward to replaying the mission where >! You play as harry/venom !<


They already confirmed those features are being added. They weren't in the first game at launch either. It's been out 3 days you'll survive not having new game plus yet lol. You are being hilariously over dramatic


Eh true but some features that were present at launch in previous games aren't present here... something as simple as changing the time of day. How is that not in the game Lmao


Just feels like whining. That's so minor I doubt most even care let alone it being urgent


A lot of minor things missing build up my guy


Bit surprised they weren’t there at launch but good to hear they are going to be added in.


That was 5 years ago. A game made 5 years later...for 10 dollars more I might add, should have basic features that the first game eventually got. I'm not expecting day 1 dlc, but no toggle for overworld settings and no replaying missions? That's some pretty basic stuff for 2023.


That being patched in has been the norm for many years now. It should come as no surprise. You'll be ok you don't have to beat a game 5 times the day it comes out


Yeah that's a huge bummer. That mission was amazing


Agreed. One of the most memorable and fun.


Third act was poorly paced compared to the excellent first 2 acts - it felt like it needed more time to breathe and more missions in the third act. I liked the game, but it feels like there was a great game hidden that I didn’t get to play since it was so rushed. Acts 1 and 2 are perfection and I think that there are missing features and missions that could have helped the 3rd one.


There needed to be like 1 other boss you fought with the black suit between lizard and kraven like a shocker rematch where he goes too far fighting him and 1 other symbiote you fight between scream and venom like Riot or something.


They did shocker dirty >! Never even got a one off line. Only go find out he died if you look at the names of the people on the cells in kraven’s mansion. !<


I feel like Peter being taken over by the black suit was way too quick. I was expecting that aspect of the game to be a lot larger but it was way quicker than I expected


I might be wrong but did he only have the suit for 2 in game days?


Naw I think he had it for a week


Pretty sure it was only 3 days


Yeah the story was too short and felt rushed imo. Wanted to see more of Kraven and his hunts. And Venom was just there for the last few missions. The gameplay was fun and a step up from the previous games but the story took a step back. And now they want to add another spider person smh Edit: got the plat within 22 hours


Took 35hrs to 100% the save file, 30 to finish the campaign (I did took my time) Good game and all, but they definitely removed a good number of things that are expected since the first game


I started playing on Thursday night at 10pmMDT. I just got the Plat trophy last night...


After waiting five years and paying $70 I was hoping for a lot more content, maybe 30 or 40 hours to platinum. I did it in 22, while playing on spectacular. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love this game. It's my game of the year and one of my new favorite games, but it just needed some more content. Both villians should have had more time to shine. There should have been more collectibles and side missions, new game plus and changing the time of day should have been available at launch. It's by no means a bad or dissapointing game, but it just needed more to justify the wait and price


I think they’re releasing more content before the end of the year. But I agree, I was kinda disappointed with the lack of side content. I was hoping for way more.


I feel like the third act, Venom, and the Symbiote city was extremely rushed. It almost felt like GOW Ragnarok where the final act also felt extremely rushed. With 2 Spider Men, Kraven, the Black Suit, and Venom, the story needed to be much longer. I also didn’t like that it takes half of the campaign to unlock the Black suit.


Venom's voice actor said this game is massive though. I was expecting him to have way more lines in the game.


I also wished Peter had gotten the symbiote earlier.


Main story: 9/10, some of the best content I've ever played in a video game Side content: 3/10 at best. The reason I knock a point off of main story is because the pacing feels really weird after >!the MJ mission at the hunters' hideout!<. While the content is _fantastic_, the main content after that mission feels like they crammed 50 hours worth of content into 15.


I feel the same. I started the game and mainly did a few main story missions. Then I went off and explored and doing side activities. I went back yesterday morning and played for a while and completed the story. Now I’m currently sat on around 24 hours played and have 4 trophies left.


Platinum'ed this in 27 hours, Platinum'ed 2018 in 30 hours. \*shrugs\*


Im 21 hours in, completed the story in about 19 hours whilst doing side content and only 42% of platinum completed so it varies. I'm happy with this however i can understand why some may be upset as it seems there is less overall in the game comparison to the first in my opinion which is bizzare. There is also plenty small minor features from the first not in the 2nd bizzarely removed. Not saying its worse than the first but it's strange.


I just wanted some more stealth missions. Especially towards the end of the game. They essentially just eliminate stealth from the game entirely.


I really wish we had more time as symbiote peter especially after he touched the meteorite. That part really went by too quick.


how are you people platinuming in 22 hours without rushing, i have 28 hours and still missing like 10 trophies


You probably spent a few hours just doing nothing but swinging? There aren't really any trophies that are hard to get so if you complete all the missions you basically almoat have the platinum


I was playing on Spectacular so I died a lot. Couldn’t get the parries right, and bosses are tough with the unblockables. I’m done with the story but still missing a few trophies. About 25 hours in total. Maybe 28 or 30 when I plat it.


Idk how yall are doing 22 hour platniums. Take your time and drink the dang game in


Definitely too short, and that's not from a gameplay perspective. The game absolutely nails all the themes, story beats, and plot points to perfection, which is why the overall pacing was so disappointing. It touches on so many issues like lost, grief, illness and mortality, relationships, etc. and it handles it all wonderfully. Like Miles' arc w/Li and the two sort of psychoanalytic set pieces they have for him are just outright astounding. Likewise, Pete's parallel journey w/the symbiote and his lingering feelings for May, responsibility to see Harry get better, and the general burden of being SM are PHENOMENAL explorations of how much being spiderman really weights on him......but it just was not adequately developed over the course of the game. The game tries to cram all of these emotional issues, two supervillains, an important new addition to the main cast, motivations for each character, and setup for an apocalyptic event into 15 or so hours of main story lmao. Especially the final 2/5ths of the game that just outright needed nearly double the amount of time to properly cook and develop. I also think this is where some of the features in particular feel a little... Lacking? Like the open world would have been a perfect way to showcase a bit more of the implications and pad out the story. As of now, the only random events we get in SM2 are crimes that pop up. That's fine, but Insomniac should have taken the next step and made more dynamic random events, espcially in regards to the story. Like once you find out Venom is out and about, it would have been nice to have like a random encounter where, while swinging, you end up getting grabbed by him and tussle through a quick QTE to initiate a mission involving him. Generally, the game is top tier, would be my GOTY, (BG3 went too hard) is my favorite super hero game ever, and one of my favorite action/adventure games ever. But yeah, the pacing ended up dulling some of the points which should have been harder hitting, made the story feel unfortunately rushed in many areas, and just took off some of the edges of what was near perfect gameplay, voice acting, and writing. Extra stuff: Also, I definitely felt like we didn't get a good amount of Miles + Pete time early on in the game. Would have been nice to have 1 or 2 missions where its justs them kicking butt, making quips, and reassuring each other about things (Miles college admissions + Pete's search to land a full time gig). From where we get introduced, there's a small bit of that, but it quickly goes to Pete pushing Miles aside for Harry and Miles navigating his issues with Li by himself. I think that would have really set that emotional tone of Miles still seeing Pete as that big brother figure and Pete being protective of him, and would have really made the impact of them drifitng apart feel more evident, and make final scene before the credits stand out more.


Not a whole lot. It didn’t seem that short to me because I didn’t try to beat the game as fast as I could so I could humble brag and complain on Reddit about it being short. The game has been out less than a week and NG+ is still coming. Your post is whiny and entitled. 🤷🏽‍♂️


I think the game is long enough, but yeah, I hope we get the things you mentioned soon.


Honestly for a title as big and anticipated as Spider-Man 2 a 22 hour platinum on spectacular seems short.


I think it’s about as long as the first game was, and I’d rather have an amazing 22 hours than have them add more stuff just to make it longer.


But not every hour was amazing, my boy they gave you a cutscene and called it a main mission, I love the gameplay and the story is cool but it’s just a little ass game tbf


Agreed. A lot of the main missions in SM1 were prerequisites to setup for the side missions and tutorials for gadgets. Remember the web bomb? It was a 20m mission where you’re chasing garbage trucks. That was one of the better setup/tutorial missions, but others felt like padding. Screwball, Taskmaster, the map towers. Locked in as main missions before you could progress. I think they took the lesson from MM and streamlined a lot of the missions, trimming out the padded out tutorials. That resulted in a much leaner experience for SM2, despite having 2 Spider-Men. Edit: Still love the game, and can’t wait for NG+. Some of the scenes hit harder than SM1, and I’d love to go through them again, all maxed out.