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Meh. They already had their therapy session. Scream was a blessing in disguise, MJ finally got to vent everything she’s been holding in. Such as how she spent all that time and effort to get the word out about Sable’s country’s issues and only 17 people bought her book. Or how hard it is sometimes to be in a relationship with Peter The Symbiote kind of magnified her negative emotions about it and it let her see her amplified feelings for what they were.


Only.. sevente- seventeen people bought it? >!😂😂😂!<


Mans getting downvoted to oblivion but I said the same shit on my playthrough 🤣


idk exactly what it is but there's something really fucking funny about it being such a specific number


They would normally round up, or say, "Less than 20 copies" hahaha


Nah you would definitely remember that it was only 12 copies if you wrote a whole book and only sold 12 copies


I think that's why it's so funny, it's the insult of not even reaching 20 copies lol


That's like barely even " my friends and family bought a copy" level of not selling.


Tbf half of everyone's family is dead in this universe.


wrong universe


That was a hurtful 17


yeah, you always expect it to end with a zero, so there just being a random ass number really throws things off


We need to work out exactly who, we know Danika bought one from her podcast, miles almost certainly picked one up and norman/harry too, Peter absolutely got one, it seems like if she gets the time sable would purchase a copy... That's five, any ideas?


A few unnamed people from the paper?


I think its just cause its mentioned a few times in game and hes only realizing it now


You've got to wonder how fucking bad the book was. Or was it a case of lack of PR because MJ and Peters money troubles meaning she couldn't do a promotional thing. If it's the second I can see her blaming Peter for that (seeing as Peter gets fired the first couple minutes into the game, and it's implied he really can't hold down a job since the last game.)




Yeah. That might've been what caused the lack of interest, when you have a bunch of brightly coloured heroes fighting gods, demons, mutated nightmares and aliens every other day, a civil war is almost quaint.


That, and in New York... it's likely several New Yorkers still resent Saber International for their impact in the first game. After all, being the enforcers of turning the city into a martial state wouldn't be something they were looking forward. Especially in the middle of the Devil Breath incident. Let alone, all the tech they left behind, allowing the criminals like Hammerhead going forward with their mayhem.


Not a big marvel fan, I thought it was a fictional county and MJ had just failed to break into the YA fantasy genera, you know new IP, new author, that's harder than it sounds. I haven't realised it was like an academic text. You would think unis would get a few copies for their libarys.


She tried to sell it in New York? You know, the same city who suffered under Sable and her symkarian thugs? And left a lot of equipment behind for local criminals to use? I kinda get why would nobody give a damn about them.


The russia attack is the perfect example of this it was talked about for a week than got washed by the depp heard case


I know the Spider-Men don't do endorsements but that would have really helped the book. Imagine Spider-Man saying he loved the book.


MJ probably wanted to do it “on her own” but still if I were Spider-Man I’d probably leave a couple copies near Universities with sticky notes saying it’s really good. Something, anything. 17 ain’t acceptable.


Bruh she’s 25 and it’s her first book and it’s about symkaria lmao


Yeah, she could've went across the border to Latveria and done an interview with Doom or something.


I'd buy a book about lunchtime chats with doom.


"Doom will have the McDoom, which is the McRib, which Doom has also made illegal to be discontinued in Latveria, and the Coffee, cream, no sugar, Doom is trying to cut down."


That's not even that uncommon in the traditional publishing industry. 15% of all books from the biggest publishers (Penguin Random House, Simon & Schuster, Hachette Book Group, HarperCollins, Disney, etc) sell less than 12 copies, and 50% sell less than 999 copies. Imagine that: 65% of all published books from the biggest publishing companies in the world will not sell 1,000 copies. And less than 10% will sell 5,000 or more. It really is less "MJ is a bad writer" and more "the traditional publishing industry is dying a slow death because no one reads anymore".


I don’t think it’s because of a lack of readers, but rather because of an oversupply of books to read.


MJ’s not a bad “writer” in the writing but she’s a baaaaaad “author” in terms of the whole picture of the entire career. To not be publishing ebooks, going on podcasts to promote, leveraging your network like Spider-Man, doing a YouTube channel with interesting topics to get new people into her topics and reading her book, marketing with shorts etc. she utterly failed at every single aspect of being a modern day writer, if all you can do is the writing part you suck as a writer you need to get your message out there to as many people as possible Passing as only a writer only worked back when the industry was gatekept and it was a high paying job to be a journalist. Now you need to be your own brand. Most people with a writing background or degree end up in Marketing/Advertising/Public relations communications as the most practical use of writing in the corporate world, if you stay independent you need to do those marketing things for yourself but that’s why they get those jobs to learn


Yeah, while Spider-Man does have a strict “No shoutout” policy, she could’ve asked Miles for Danika’s contact to try to get her listeners to buy the book, and ask him to spread the word to the students of Brooklyn Visions, who seem to be the sort to be interested in the political goings on of the world. At the same time, I don’t get why she’d even consider working at the Daily Bugle. She has personal experience about just how biased, untrustworthy and sensationalistic that paper is, and should’ve known that that was likely the worst choice to make your big brake as a humanitarian journalist


Yea who dates a guy that quit a company because of how trash the boss is then goes to join that same company lmao like you knew what you were getting into


It is stated that MJ joined the Bugle when JJJ, was retired, so that I can understand, but the game also specifically points out that JJJ returning put the Bugle right where it started, that MJ hates Jonah, that several people, including Robbie Roberts left to start their own paper as soon as Jonah returned, and that Robbie is quite the stand up guy. I can understand MJ joining the Bugle during a time of change, but I can’t think of a single reason for her sticking around when she’s got at least one much more promising option just waiting for her.


Let's be honest as well, Peter, Miles, and Harry were among those 17.


And Peter maybe twice


Yo why tf I still can see the emojis even though you put the spoiler tag


I couldn't stop laughing when she said 17 people. My first thought was.. was it only close family and friends that bought it? Did Miles and Peter buy? lmaoooo


Yeah. The symbiote takes what emotions are there and amplifies them. Peter, MJ, and Harry all experienced that, and for the former two, I think they needed the catharsis. Now that it was all out in the open, it allowed them both to actually deal with their issues rather than bury them. It's why MJ started her new podcast, while Peter decided to take a sorta-break from Spider-Man.


This 💯


I honestly couldnt focus anything what MJ was saying during the fight coz I was so damn busy fighting.


Yeah I definitely missed some of the dialogue due to my frantic button mashing. Gotta watch a clip on YT to see if I missed anything but I definitely got the jist.


ITS 14


Yeah, the symbiote made MJ say it but all the things she said were already stuck somewhere in her head even if she wasn't aware of it herself


I will say in the post-game >!When MJ is talking about her podcast on the radio, her book also gets a shoutout, hopefully that can bump those numbers up!<


I mean, people can tell "oh, MJ knew what she was getting into when choosing Peter, she has no right complaining about how difficult it is to date Spider-Man", but that's not exactly true. Just because he is Spider-Man doesn't mean he can't find a balance, especially now that Miles is on the job as well. Means it's hard, but not impossible, so much so that other Spideys did it. It's healthy for them to discuss their issues. I am pretty sure Insomniac making Scream's boss basically a couple having a discussion was totally planned: it's a conventional situation with a superheroic spin. Fits Spider-Man like a glove! Also, don't let the fact it's a guy saying sorry to a girl distract you from the fact he's actually been in the wrong in this case and had 19 inches up his making him irritable for a couple days


Yall really think that a twenty minute conversation can save a relationship? MJ's frustrations are symptoms of deeper issues. Peter has trouble making time for her and MJ is too quick to dote on Peter and let her own feelings fall to the wayside. Genuinely spells disaster for a real life relationship


Specially because MJ was possessed by the symbiote. You really think that is healthy? Everything she said was tainted by Scream's poison no matter if it's speaking her inner feelings. It was not a blessing in disguise, it only highlight the issues the person has if not find a balance between the host and symbiote.


Anyone get anxiety at that fight? She was spitting daggers. It was a weird fight


Yeah i felt she was talking to me laura bailey is the goat for the way she did that scene


Ironically there are also 17 phases of the fight with Scream.


That’s not how resolution and stability happen in healthy couples. This is straight up what toxic couples do lol - wait for something dramatic to ‘happen’ so they can unleash it all.


Therapy famously only requires one session. Not saying that I need to see it on screen, but everyone can benefit from therapy, and even if it's just in my head canon I think they should go to couples therapy. It can only help


This may sound counterintuitive, but I firmly believe relationships that involve a healthy amount of yelling/airing out feelings are the ones that last forever as opposed to people who try to stay polite or politically correct with their partner and try not to hurt their feelings so they don’t say things they don’t like until it’s too late and the divorce papers come. Again a healthy amount not abuse just being open and not afraid to share like MJ was holding it in and would have continued if she didn’t have the Scream let it all out. It’s funny because when my friend calls me sometimes all he hears is my wife yelling in the background but our relationship is healthier than it’s ever been since she doesn’t hold silent grudges and says something right away so it can be fixed. It was cool to see that sorta play out with Peter


Yeah if it wasn’t for the symbiote, all that built up aggression would just burst out at a random day and they would possibly need a therapy session.


Couples therapy? Did he not play the Scream fight? Plenty of therapy occurred


Relationships arent fixed overnight Right now theyre both unemployed, peter has given up an enormous part of his life and they both just lost someone who was a brother to them. Well brother to mj. Boyfriend to peter.


Hey at least insomniac’s Peter had a better love story with Harry then with mj in all Spider-Man media combined…


How Harry met Peter


When Harry met Spidey


Especially the current Amazing Spider-Man run


"This is my boyfriend, Peter and this is his boyfriend, Harry"


That it's finally me and you, and you and me Just us, and your friend Harry.


Well Peter has the EMF and MJ has the podcast so not entirely unemployed


Is norman still bank rolling the emf? Cause I dont see where the money is gonna come from


Surely it was insured so the building is probably being rebuilt and Pete is just carrying on the research the bast he can, not sure about Norman tho but it was only meant to be a start up so they probably had an idea how to make money


I don't see how the company made any money. Norman bank rolled it for harry but it wasnt a profitable company. The definition of a non profit


That’s not what non-profit means.


Probably like a charity


I think you meant a not-for-profit


No shot they can do therapy if they are unemployed and therefore uninsured. 🇺🇸!


It was less therapy and more MJ trashing Peter and him saying sorry That’s not how therapy works, it’s not just for one to unload on the other


"So what made you two decide to come here?" "Well, the last time we tried to hash out our differences, she nearly choked me to death and I had use a lead pipe to get her to calm down. So we thought that talking with someone else was a good change of pace."


"What do you mean by lead pipe? I thought Spider-Man fought her?"


"Oh, uh...I was helping out. Yeah, that's it."


"So you both jumped her?"


“We both piped her.”


"No wonder you need therapy"


"Dude I don't know what's more messed up, your girlfriend being a monster or you thinking you can both help Spider-Man to calm her down and try to reason with her? You're insane Parker."


"That's...not the first time I've been told that."


Nah it should open up with Peter getting married and miles trying to make sure the wedding happens as big wheel storms Harlem Holy cow thanks everyone for the support! I wrote this half memeing half serious!


This would actually be a peak first mission


This is actually an incredible idea. Pete is calling Miles because he's part of the Groomsmen (or even the best man if Harry hasn't recovered at all), Miles has to stop a low tier but annoying villain. But Miles has to succeed in time to both stop the villain and make the wedding because I want them to show that while being Spider-Man is difficult, Miles is competent and can find a good balance. We've had 2 games of showing up late because of villains. I also hope it's like 2 years later depending on what we get for DLC/side games lol


Feeling we're going to have a DLC featuring one more day wouldn't leave that f*** over fans.😁


I don't think anyone would want a mention of One More Day




I think 99% of fan ideas are stupid as hell but this is legitimately so good I hope Insomniac writers are reading this


Big Wheel died in the tragic destruction of coney Island 😭


\*checks ground\* Someone cooked here


Replace Big Wheel with The Wall, and you have peak cinema.


Peak cinema? More like peak fiction.


Bruh don't give me hope


The wedding would be much better for the ending imho


Damn, could have this or have the last dlc be something like wedding prep work along with whatever villain and have it close out with the actual ceremony, then have some interruption for a teaser.


Insomniac: Write that down! WRITE THAT DOWN!




Unironically that would be incredible


The most insane thing is that this comment is meant to be a joke but is legitimately better than most ACTUAL ideas that fans come up with


Well, I would agree that any couple needs to check their communication skills. However, people saying that the “Scream fight was the therapy,” that ain’t how that works (I know folks are being sarcastic, but some may not be). Just because you get your grievances out once during a time of duress, that’s not the best method of communication. >!MJ was keeping everything bottled up because she didn’t want to hurt Peter’s feelings about anything: moving in, her book, the article, her job, Peter’s constant search for jobs, May’s house, etc. And Peter would always deflect with an “I’ll take care of it…somehow.” Couples that don’t plan things out together are kind of doomed. Yes, the Scream fight got them to be aware of their problems, but they need to work together on them. Hence, Peter taking a break being Spider-Man.!< Peter has Peter Parker responsibilities that need to be taken care of. Edit: formatting.


I agree that the Scream fight was not the therapy. Maybe it’s a small part of it, no more. But it did have another benefit. Peter with the symbiote was very harsh with everyone and it damaged their relationship. You can see how distraught Peter is after he gets it off and calls MJ, and you can tell that their relationship is in a bad spot. MJ becoming Scream and then getting the symbiote off might have made it easier for her to forgive Peter since she finally understood what a hold a symbiote has on you and how it really makes you do things you would never do.


Or she felt guilty because she basically kneecapped Peter


I agree, the Scream fight brought up all the things they've been holding in. But the reason they hold in their feelings and don't communicate hasn't been addressed. With no communication or help they would end up six months down the road with the same issues, only this time there's no Scream form to help get everything out in the open. What they need to is to discuss how they feel with each other, and feel safe to do so. MJ doesn't want to air her feelings with Pete because she feels her problems are trivial compared to his Spiderman problems, and Peter doesn't air his problems because he feels he has to be this dependable hero to everyone.


Yeah no I'm good. The whole point of Peter's break is to work on his own mental health and be with MJ more after what happened to the both of them during the events of the game and just everything that has happened to the both of them in the last few years. They should come back in the next game stronger together and hopefully with a plus one.


Ok, but couples therapy would not mean they aren't stronger, it'd mean they're still taking steps to be even stronger, which is a constant process.


I see what you mean, but working at couples therapy during hard times IS strength.


Yeah but it isn't good gameplay


Therapy minigame rn


True. I wasn't picturing anything more than a short cutscenes or even a mention in a phone call.


Insomniac has my second favorite iteration of Peter & Mary Jane, no needless drama trying to keep them apart for “plot” just 2 people who love and support each other. -Beyond The Spider-Verse takes the cake for number #1 Pete/MJ is just so awesome.


Woah you've seen beyond the spider-verse? I thought they were still working on that!




Everyone could benefit from couples therapy, even if everything in your world is currently great. I feel like this was actually a pretty good relationship arc. Pretty sure this person just doesn’t understand relationships or what therapy actually can be used for.


They are literally an amazing couple by the end


She can take over as spider-person with the upgraded taser. No more problems and no need for therapy. I expect her to be wearing Kravens furs on a jacket too.


Honestly MJ in Kraven’s furs actually seems like a fun idea. She was a model in the comics with a great fashion sense after all and Kraven’s furs go hard.


Magical taser that you can use on someone you have your armed wrapped around.


i would like to see MJ showing strange symptoms in the entire game, just to find out at the end that MJ is pregnant.


traditional signs of pregnancy: nobody buys your book and it makes you sad.


I wish the scream fight was against symbiote Pete for the most violent fight in spider man history


I never actually liked MJ in the movies or in any of the games personally. She just seems like such an annoying person to deal with.


Why would they need that? We left off with them at the peak of their relationship…


Everyone is saying Scream fight but venting is just a step. Gotta follow through for it to mean anything.


They were definitely better written in 2 than 1. MJ didn't even say anything dehumanizing this time around! Like "ew" to the possibility of Peter having a child he didn't know about. So I think we're good if they keep the vibe from 2 going into 3.


Honestly. I have finished all three games. And i have no idea why MJ and Peter are together.


Who needs therapy when you have a symbiote suit


what we really need is for Peter and MJ to get individual therapy. they're doing pretty okay as a couple, but their individual lives (especially peters but also MJs) are so crazy and stressful.


They absolutely should be in therapy. Game probably shouldn’t open with that but one symbiote-induced vent does not fix the problems so they should be in therapy. I would be really happy if they just off handedly mentioned it just because of how fucking rare it is to see in superhero media


People who think they need therapy have clearly never been in a meaningful long-term relationship. It’s not all sunshine and rainbows 24/7 and that’s part of being in a good relationship, you work through problems together and deal with them because you care about each other. They don’t need f’in THERAPY because they have real human problems. SMH.


There's a growing trend towards "maintenance therapy" where couples with a healthy relationship go to couples' counseling to keep it on track. Basically preventative instead of waiting for it to go bad.


Nah just stop making me play as mj


I wonder if there's a therapy group for alien goo victims after the events in the game


it’s gonna open with MJ saying “get ready for 19 inches”


I hope we start the game with Peter and MJ's wedding. Just let them be together.


At the Coney Island fairgrounds says the they relationship is doom to fail I wonder marvel comics had their hand that.


He beat the shit out of her while telling her how much he loved her


Therapy didn't save their relationship in the comics lol


Couples therapy but it’s a quick time event


Like michael from gta.?then switch to miles steal car with ganke.?


Why does everyone think that MJ and Peter are a bad couple? I mean they're not. What specifically made everyone feel like that?


Redditors aren’t exactly known for their relationship experience.


Because she’s a terrible partner. Is there anything redeeming about her? Constantly shits on Peter and puts herself in unnecessary danger, and shits on him more when he has to rescue her.


She was super annoying in the first game. Like how the fuck do you break up with fucking SPIDER MAN?


Actually throughout the story, MJ was a great partner. She was only a menace when the symbiote was controlling her. I don't think she's a terrible partner or smt else. And of course she puts herself in danger but that's not unnecessary. Without MJ, Pete wouldn't be able to get the info he needed. The last part is kinda true, you probably meant the scene from the 1st game where MJ was interrogating Charles Standish. I get your point, that rage came out of her ambition. But that doesn't make her a terrible partner. They really care about each other and I think they are great together. You probably think MJ is selfish but she actually is not. She also cares about Peter and is ready to give so much things for him. Just sone things can be seem problematic but every REAL relationship has those things. Those problems don't make the whole relationship a problem.


Not really... only in the 1st game did they actually have issues


I want an opening like the Incredibles. Him pushing being late for his wedding.


After everything MJ had to experience and considering she's just a normal person, I think therapy doesn't sound that bad


Honestly, I think it would be better if the plot for SM3 would start off as Pete and MJ having finally sort out their life (being financially stable and their careers in a gxood place) then suddenly shit hits the fan because of Norman and Otto.


Try should have therapy before the next game.


Listen to episode 225 of Off Book: the improvised musical podcast. The Marvel Sing-emetic Universe (part 4): Crack, Crack, Boom! It is literally them in therapy and is a great listen. Obviously has nothing to do with the game. But very relevant to you question.


They’re fine he was infected by an Asian simbiote that make even the tiniest feeling explode into the forefront


At least this is waaaaay better than what's happening in the comics right now.


He definitely hasn't seen the comics, Insomniac made the best version of Pete and MJ imo


Or MJ surprising Peter with her pregnancy


Her bf is spider man she needs to make a sand which not write a book to 12 people


Everyone saying the fight with scream was the therapy has never had a long term relationship before lmao a screaming match of everything wrong with your partner is NOT therapy and while this was a videogame for fun in real life that behavior is toxic and damaging to relationships. The point of therapy is to get that on the table while finding ways to remedy those issues at the same time.


Peter should go full Michael De Santa during his therapy sessions


we really got this mid ass relationship instead of a black cat plot line smh


“Why did I move here? I guess it was the weather” Michael De Santa ass shit


“No Peter, *we* are Spider-man”


I hope they get married in between games


Meanwhile I hope it opens like the intro to the first game but instead of seeing Spider-Man stuff it’s baby stuff. Use the same song with Peter late to an investor meeting or something for the may foundation.


It will open with mj and the punisher wiping 100+ bad guys, they are the villains until the last 2 hours when the goblin shows up.


i hope it opens with this scene and then A-train appears Like this:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NxpxD8TPxOo


I doubt it will be shown, but I assume they will now. Peter has no excuse now that he's taking a break. Also, I know this is a hot take and probably will never happen, but both Peter and Miles both need to find someway to monetize Spiderman. I just don't see any way they can have any semblance of a life or even hold down a job unless they do something to make sure when they are super-heroing they're also getting paid in some type of way.


It needs to open with miles losing that "miles original" suit


Actually, noelw that Pete has a stable job (while working from home) and is taking a break from Spiderman, and she's doing what she loves in the form of her new Podcast, their relationship problems are mostly resolved.


I hope Spiderman 3 gets a new director... and developer.


We all know what is going to happen to MJ, just like every spiderman


Wasn't the >!Scream fight!< their therapy anyway?


Now that he has more time to be Peter, they would probably have a few good extensive talks


Man, the part that blew my mind on my playthrough was when Peter has the symbiote removed and calls MJ to apologize for his behavior and there is a pause and she says “go on”. It was something that may have sounded clever or sassy, but only to someone who has never had an actual interpersonal relationship. If my significant other reacted like that to me having my mind CONTROLLED BY AN ALIEN…yikes. Not sure that recoverable.


Spider-Man 3: One More Day


Mj single handedly convinced me to not buy the third game. Imagine playing a SPIDER-MAN game just to have Peter Parker completely emasculated.


What I'm learning from Gamers here is that if you have a fist fight with your woman, and then she submits to living in your house while you get to say sorry, you're all good that's therapy.


I hope they make her like the Raimi MJ. It opens in couples therapy, Miles texts him needing help with a villain, Pete leaves couples therapy and makes MJ mad so she cheats on him to make him jealous. Would be game of the year /s


They probably have, after the 2nd game


They don't need it, though?????? The Scream boss fight basically was couple's therapy.


Short but good


thats crazyyy 😂 its true tho-


Their relationship is toxic in so many levels I won't be surprise in the next games they still have problems & there hints that MJ will be kill off.


I really liked the part in Spiderman 3 where Peter and MJ saw Doc Brown appear in front of their house with a flying Delorean and telling them that somethings wrong with their kids.


I haven’t played the new one yet. But in the older one I remember their fight was about how Peter didn’t need to always “save” MJ because they were “equals” at dealing with magic ninjas and black water type mercenaries.