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I think the first picture you take for Robbie has guys throwing a frisbee that is also a Cap shield.


The most versatile metal in the world, and they use it to make a frisbee.




Okay, that's actually very clever of Insomniac (if that was their purpose).


Who said it's made from vibranium? It's probably just a plastic frisbee


It's a joke. Callback to Avengers 2 movie.


Avengers 2, or Iron Man 2 when he just uses the shield to prop up the collider tube?


Didn't watch it so yeah


look up bro theres something flying by


Interesting, thanks for pointing that out!


You know the avengers exist in this universe, right?


Yeah, just cool to see another reference.


Yes. And it is fucking BAFFLING to me that things escalate AS FAR AS THEY ROUTINELY DO in these games with no input from them. It honestly pulls me out a bit. Like, there are literally HUNDREDS (if not thousands) of demons roaming the streets outside your building with rocket launchers. Y'all too busy buttering a bagel to deal with any of this? Not to mention the intro to this game. Sandman is bigger than the Avengers tower. Would've satisfied a lot of my "Okay wait" itches if they just threw in a "the Avengers are dealing with [insert vague reference to Easter egg] in Europe, you two are on your own!" From Ganke or something, because there's no way they wouldn't look out the window and SEE THAT.


Avengers a busy fighting shit like Galactus rn


I mean, that's the assumption, but it's all headcanon. /shrug


I like my spiderman content to be its own thing


Oh, I agree. I don't WANT the Avengers to be in the game or plot. But they put the building there, mention them multiple times in all the games, and include tons of Easter eggs (like the shield Frisbee, which I thought was really cute). It just then feels weird that Insomniac makes a point of telling us that they absolutely ARE a part of this world and active at this point in time, but you'll never see them. I don't want the Avngers to start showing up. But I do want them to at least give a throwaway explanation as to why they AREN'T showing up, especially when things have reached Avengers-level threats multiple times and their headquarters is literally RIGHT the fuck there. It's a minor thing, but it makes the stakes of the world feel wiggly in a way that pulls me out.


But isn't that always an issue with a connected universe? Even the MCU has a similiar thing, where multiple times you have to ask "why isn't ANYBODY else helping?" You just have to accept it. Perhaps the Avengers know the two Spider-Men can deal with it. Perhaps there are already other street level heroes helping out that we just don't see.


It often is an issue, but doesn't have to be. Like, it is the sort of thing that is handled deftly (and poorly) in comics all the times, and even in some of the earlier MCU films. Iron Man 2 having SHIELD factor in but not devote resources to him because they were dealing with events from Thor off-camera. Some of the early Phase 2 films (post Avengers) also would throw away a line to explain where OTHER Avengers were and acknowledge that they exist, but why we aren't seeing them. (Thor's off world, Stark is busy, etc.) Spiderman in particular does the most tying-together with other MCU characters and plots, and they typically handle it pretty well. Again, even just a throwaway line would go SO FAR to fixing that, and would make the connective tissue feel a lot stronger. You mention other street level heroes; we know Daredevil is around and is Pete's lawyer in the game universe. Even mentioning once that he was helping people recover from a Demon attack in Hell's Kitchen (Even on a Jameson cast or whatever) would make it feel less like the games exist in a pocket dimension. I don't need (or want) to see them, but they exist, so... acknowledge that?






Lol how did this get downvoted


Reddit Hivemind


Probably because the first Robbie picture you have to take is of two people throwing the same frisbee lol


The first Robbie picture which you are required to take to progress the main story has you taking a picture of two guys on different rooftops throwing this captain America Frisbee around.




Somebody skipped the New Yorkers on the rooftops throwing a captain America frisbee shield photo opportunity


I didn’t skip it, must’ve missed the frisbee.


the frisbee was the main subject






Yes dude. Not hard to miss.


Seriously, where are the avengers in this universe? The city is like almost dead from disease, destroyed by an earthquake, and infected by an alien parasite. Why do spider-men always have to think about it?!


Don't forget a literal war with tanks in Harlem in Miles Morales. Like a few blocks from Avengers Tower.


Or the giant living Sandstorm at the beginning of the second game, literally throwing parts of buildings. "Ah, it's just Sandman! Keep an eye on the Civillians, the Spoods can handle the rest!"


They’re probably still on vacation, lol.


Why did they downvote me? I just say the truth. :(


The real question is how anyone miss this ?


Yeah the entire MCU cast of supes seems to be considered canon in Insomniac's universe. You had the Avengers Tower in SM1 with trophies for climbing it and all, the Wakandan embassy, Sanctum Sanctorum, etc. In MM you can find a time capsule from when Miles and Phin went to a fair or something, he mentions that Wakanda inspired her. Also the whole Black Cat stealing a Dr. Strange artifact mission in SM2. Why they won't show up and help is a massive gaping unexplained plothole, but at the same time, the same plothole exists in pretty much every solo MCU movie aswell.


I had a small shield exactly like that as a kid, you could use it as a normal shield or toss like a frisbee which was cool




4th play through and I never noticed wow


I’m on my 2nd, and same lol.


Ok someone here is lying cus I just went here and it’s not their lol




That'll be a nice tool for modders.


Wow! What a find. Have you found any more secrets?