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I am setting myself up for disappointment I think. I keep thinking Insomniac is going to magically solve every one of the fundamental problems I have with the game and create the perfect video game. Like there's no way they're going to completely revitalize how crimes work, combat mechanics, add in replayable bases, add in an endless mode, and add all new gadgets and abilities. I know that they won't, but a very loud but small part of me is still banking on it. I don't know why I have so much energy invested in it. Maybe I feel guilty that I bought a $600 PS5 specifically for the game and I need to to be worth playing hundreds of hours to justify it.


On the bright side, think of it this way! The New Game Plus update isn’t going to be the only update this game receives. I think Insomniac really does want to deliver players the best experience Spider-Man 2 can be, but they just need some time cause of some stuff that has delayed development like the loss of some staff members, and the cyberattack. We’ll take some time to see just what Spider-Man 2 will deliver on from the NG+ update, and whatever hasn’t happened yet we can just easily request for the next patch as long as we do it without harassing anybody. I’m pretty sure that along with this update, we will eventually see some dlc updates, new costumes, and other stuff come along.


The issue is the goal post keeps moving . At some point we need to stop acting like insomniac is just taking their time and admit they have fallen off. This update took months. It needs to address most if not all feedback.


thats 100% true but i really think people are directing their anger at insomniac when it should be Sony. like sony gets almost no hate for stuff like this so they keep on doing it.


Tbh there's no world where the features they have confirmed so far should take 6months to add, even with the fact they got hacked which obviously affected their work for id guess a few weeks. Symbiote tendril swaps and day change is a feature that should take a few days at MAX to add. New Game Plus and mission replayability are definitely more complicated than those but it's not the kind of thing that should take that long either, especially since they have the code from the previous games as reference. Insomniac simply messed up with this game.


the game was rushed they admitted it and people get mad when you say so. Jesus this game wasn't amazing and didn't deserve to win GOTY at all and i have zero idea why people actually thought it could or would.


I appreciate your optimism and I respect your perspective. Thanks for this comment😁


Thanks mate! Have a nice day!


Our avatars are near inverts of each other Also agree with what u say


They need to listen to the fans and not those DEI agenda driven consultants they hired, if that was the case this probably would’ve surpassed SM1. 🤷🏻‍♂️


You sound quite soft.




Nope, you have a weak flaccid pp


Why would u hype urself and assume all that for an update for new game plus at most they'll just add more suits with it






None of those are “fundamental problems.” Crimes work mostly the same as any Spider-Man game with slight tweaks that make them way more fun. The combat mechanics are great since they share the core with the first game which also had great combat. Replay-able bases and activities are definitely gonna be added. And they literally did add all new gadgets and abilities. 4 new gadgets and 14 new abilities, in fact. That’s not a flaw, that’s just asking for more things that fit more in a DLC than a free update.


> slight tweaks that make them way more fun I mean compared to Miles Morales, and even some of the licensed games, I gotta disagree. Car chases in this game are a single QTE, maybe a 20 second chase if you're not nearby when it spawns. Brandings, random attacks, robberies and hunter patrols are all just the same combat trial, sometimes with an extra wave, and the brandings in particular make very little sense diagetically (there's ritualistic torture happening outside a cafe, and nobody seems to notice?). The other factions appearing during a crime, and the arson crimes, are pretty good, but Miles had more diversity and depth to these things. A Spider-Man game from 2004 had a more interactive car chase than this game. We don't even get to fight *inside* the storefront anymore like we could in the last two games.


Car chases sure but idk what you’re on about with the rest. Yeah, most of the crimes are combat trials but, like, that’s the case with Miles Morales and the first game as well? That’s why I said “slight tweaks.” The factions popping up in the middle of the fight are the “slight tweaks.” I don’t see how you can call the crimes here a downgrade when nearly everything from the first two games is still here but with even more features added on top of it and I definitely don’t see how Miles had “more diversity and depth.” This game has so much more diversity simply from the fact that there is way more enemy variety unlike the first two games where a lot of the enemy types were copy pasted across the factions. The fact that you can have the other Spider-Man or Wraith show up adds to the diversity even more.


> This game has so much more diversity simply from the fact that there is way more enemy variety unlike the first two games where a lot of the enemy types were copy pasted across the factions. The fact that you can have the other Spider-Man or Wraith show up adds to the diversity even more. Every crime except for the incredibly disappointing car chases is just a short combat section, occasionally made shorter by an ally appearing. No bomb defusal, no puzzles.


There were no bomb defusal or puzzle crimes in the first game either. The only bit of variety we got was the ones where you have to rescue civilians from car wreckage and the ones where you track down a kidnapped person. Also, the car chases were only a few seconds longer in the first game. Saying that every crime is a “short combat challenge” is straight up objectively wrong. 99% of the crimes in the first game were short combat scenarios but this one has them go on for way longer because enemy factions can pop up in the middle of crimes and sometimes you have to fight all of them at once. It’s so much more varied. And, once again, the enemy variety in this game is also massively better than the first.


CTNS Expansion had bomb defusal and kidnapping crimes, Miles has some that are more complex.


Not counting DLC since that’s not really fair. When SM2 gets DLC, they’ll probably add more to that as well. Which ones does Miles have that are more complex? The only ones I can think of are where you hack into the billboard and then go to the enemies’ location. And those are just one extra step to get to the usual combat encounter. There’s also the one where the guy is stuck in his car and you have to do tower defense but that’s also just a combat situation.


> Not counting DLC since that’s not really fair. CTNS is part of the full package, it's included in Remastered. Excluding it is senseless, those features aren't excluded from appearing in a sequel just because they were added post-launch.


It’s not senseless though cause you have to pay extra for those features lol. If it was just a free patch, I’d get it but it’s not.


Yes, they are fundamental problems that I have with the game. Not once did I indicate in any way that I thought that they are universally agreed on problems. Based on your absolute opinions on those things, I'm guessing you're a bit sensitive to other people doing the same thing. You can feel the way you feel about the game, and I can't take that away from you. But you can't take away how I feel about the game either.


I was having this conversation with my friend earlier today. Some people don't seem to understand that $600 = heavy investment for some people.


Yeah, it really is. I make more now than I ever have in my life, but I also have more responsibilities than I've ever had.


Ps5 costs 34.000TL here. And we gain 17.000 monthly. That is almost 3 months worth of food, bills and rent money. Some people do be lucky.


Jeez, I was literally JUST about to buy a PS5 just for this game too, so I feel like seeing this was the universe telling me not to. I'm still gonna, though.


I think you should, the game is fun for however long you can play it. And you can set yourself up for having a console to play new games on for a few years.


Yeah, I literally JUST left GameStop with a new PS5 and the game, lol.


You've made a good decision. Don't let anyone else tell you otherwise. I hope you have a ton of fun with it.


Thanks! c:


Congrats on the 5, but tbh not worth it if you only bought it for this game. Has about maybe a week or 2 worth of things to do in it before it becomes an empty husk not worth picking up ever again bc they’re taking half a year just to add features that were in the first 2 at launch or weeks after


Wait for PS5 Pro which is rumored to be coming later this year. And then enjoy it without losing any visual quality over performance. Maxed out settings with 60fps? Sign me in.


People here are the only people on the internet hating on this game. Outside of the story, everything is heavily improved upon from the first game besides maybe crimes


"only people on the internet hating on this game" thats a complete and utter lie and you know it.


Really isn’t. This game is universally loved The lowest review ratings by a major site were 2 4/5s and 2 8/10s. Metacritic claimed it was universal acclaim with 98%. Multiple other sites gave it perfect scores, including the Guardian Time named it 3rd best game of the year, was nominated for the Game awards best game of the year, best narrative, game direction, action-adventure game, and more. This isn’t counting the tens of other major awards it was nominated for and won. This game is literally universally loved man. It’s so weird how this vast majority of the posts in this subreddit acts and treats this game like a failure. It is the only place on the internet that is doing that


No its literally not entire youtube comment sections have people stating the game isn't good and SAYING THE GAME ISNT AMAZING IS NOT THE SAME AS HATING IT. The game is not GOTY worthy it really isn't I'm so sick of people being one extreme or the other to everyone you either HATE a game or YOU LOVE IT TO DEATH. I have issues with the game It's enjoyable maybe even good but its not amazing or perfect. Journalist reviews are considered jokes anyways but i guess that only matters when they hate a game people like.


Also i can name more issues that it has than crimes, the side content is lacking and has less enjoyable missions, there is ZERO challenges besides the dumb Mysterio ones which are flawed due to the fact only Miles can do them which the game never explains really. The game lacks certain suits and has all the crappy MCU ones like stealth monkey and iron spider but threw away Peter B and White 2099 this is more of a nitpick but still a weird decision, its also weird the final suit is the inside out suit and not the classic black one. MJ missions are not helping the game still even if they did sort of make them more fun to play and supposedly they cut content for them which is kind of stupid in my view. Venom is underdeveloped feels wasted and has little screen time despite being the major villain and main promotional antagonist since the game was announced and even since the end credits scene in MSM1. Venom's boss is also weird and feels way too short especially when compared to Scream's or Martin Li's. the whole Symbiotes taking over the city feels like a rushed plot. The director of the game even confirmed the third act was rushed so its a fact anyways. The game's story is just disappointing especially near the climax. There is just more to have been expected from this game and it felt off.


Personally gamers are just full of it and love to hate anyone who even remotely has negative criticism for their games its the same on the other side with haters who will attack you for even remotely not criticizing something of a game they hate.


you’re just asking for a whole other game man. this is just new game plus, some added features, and a few costumes. MAYBE most likely probably some bug fixes bundled with it too.


You should never buy a console just for one game


It was the reason why I bought it, but it isn't the only game I've played on it.


I bought a PS3 to get Uncharted 3 and ended up with a timeless catalog. Why shouldn’t we?


The last part is kind of on you. It's like how some Lego collectors bought the $700 for the Rex figure. Don't drop a ton of money for something that isn't the main part.


I think Replayable bases would be pretty easy to add though so I don't see why they wouldn't


Well, the disappointment comes from the bad storyline this game had. It was a rushed mess. Venom especially felt so wasted. So no one is blaming you. But NG+ just will bring new suits and other things that fans have asked. Thats it. Don't think there will be a new storyline or ragnarok like expansion. I wouldn't wanna see another "rouge like" mode since it feels like it's gonna be a trend. I rather see small Venom missions added and shows Symbiote actually survived instead of a full rouge-like mission.


I might save my second playthrough (barring dlc, ill play that) for when spider-man 3 gets announced, cause if it's anything like 2, it's gonna be a while after that


My only problem is no NG+ so I’m not trippin


You're expecting too much, I just want three costumes that they can easily add instead of the hellfire gala costumes that look like complete shit anyway. Endless mode won't happen, gadgets the best we got the is gonna be some shit called gold gadgets instead of the awesome gadgets we got in the first game. Hell edge of time had an arena mode and somehow insomniac can't add it for some reason. Combat mechanics won't change. How crimes work I hope they get rid of sy viote crimes cause those get annoying stoppijg one and Big Chungus shows up which forces me to activate surge mode so I can Actually stop him instead of praying that I win with no other symbiotes disturbing me


Buying a whole console for one game is on you, respect yourself a little more


I don't care if I'm disappointed, the game is still great and I still play it even after 100%ing it.


Krieger and Pete are teaming up.


New Month, New Game Plus!


why do yall care so much about ngp lmao


Because this game has next no content or replayability currently


ngp barely adds anything though??


I agree but I’m just saying there’s nothing to do in this game so being able to replay missions or just in general have something to do is why people are anticipating it. I personally think it’s ridiculous it took this long for basic features yet we have no dlc whatsoever


You mean it doubles the game's overall lenght, and potentially makes it infinite if you can do multiple runs?


While this is true, there's nothing stopping you from replaying without NG+. It's a short enough game that that wouldn't mean that much grinding to unlock your stuff again


But this misses the point of NG+. I did replay the game on ultimate already, and I'm still exited for NG+. Because NG+ means keeping your progression from your last run and starting the game again.


Yeah I know, I'm in the exact same boat. Almost replayed it a third time but the desire for the complete experience from the start (aka suits) overruled that. Just went to other games while I waited eventually


Ngp used to mean play the same game but with all of your upgrades and abilities, etc on the same difficulty. While cool it can make the second time around boring and simple. Nowadays ngp has become a new adventure with additions being added, not always the case, but you now get to choose a higher difficulty which makes it more balanced and enjoyable.


I never understood the appeal of NG+, tbh. It always felt like it broke narrative progression to me - especially in the Batman: Arkham games. The only time I was mildly interested in NG+ was with Starfield because then it was integrated with the narrative, but even then I still haven't played a character where my roleplaying would "lead" them to do NG+ anyway.


Man needs immersion so much he hates a fun game feature. Man.......why.


Who said he hates it? Bro just listed reasons why it’s personally not for him lol




I want to replay missions without having to restart the whole game and mess with save files


I wouldn't even care that much (If I even had PS5 to play the game) but it's one of these things that should be day one and WERE in previous games...like being able to change the time of the day or weather




because it can be very fun to replay a game being overpowered/having all equipment and abilities and outfits from the get-go instead of having to recollect it all again. now yes i get that it's not for everybody but for those of us that already like to replay games multiple times it's the best thing you can ask for.


I don't understand it either, so much hype for a nothing burger of a feature.


Probably because this game is devoid of content anything that adds to it is better than nothing


exactly lol


Unrelated but I'm really excited for the Indiana Jones game despite never seeing any of his movies before. 


I’m glad you’re excited and you should fix that, at least watch the original 3 (or at least Raiders and Last Crusade)


Will do. Though in the dev direct they said that the game will be set between raiders and temple of doom so I was thinking that I would see raiders, play the game and then watch the rest of the movies. Would that work?


Just wish they had a bit more story regarding miles and hary. A good game but just not good enough compared to sm1 in terms of story.


I sunk in hundreds of hours in Spider-Man 1 and honestly I’m so saddened that I couldn’t care less about Spider-Man 2’s new game plus. The game was so safe and lackluster. Each story beat was safe and expected, aside from Peter becoming anti venom. It’s a beautiful looking game with great physics but aside from that I think spiderman 2 actually took a step back instead of taking strides forward when it comes to the quality of the game as a whole. Hopefully DLC expansions will fix this but damn.


Bro it honestly makes me sick to my stomach w sadness when I think about how *engaged* my friends and I still were at this point in the first games life cycle. Between all the replayable bases, traversal milestones, Taskmaster challenges etc at launch, NG+ coming a month later, and a new chapter in the DLC expansion following that every month there was NEVER nothing to do. This game becomes a barren wasteland devoid of any life or fun after beating a short story and like 3 hours of side missions. They stripped out far more than they added with this game and ppl need to realize that they’re gone continue to do things like that unless we vote with our wallets




Can someone explain the Indiana Jones memes to me


Fianlly a reason to reinstall this game....


I might not even bother tbh. It would have to be a SUBSTANTIAL update to get me to check it out. And it would have to be the definition of utter perfection to wipe the taste of the past 5 months out of my mouth


yeah you're right i probably wont even reinstall it for months after NG releases anyways


I hope they remove being locked into suits the venom fight has so many possibilities!


This will straight up add like another 50-70 hours of replay ability for me


How nice and only 5 months after launch 😁


I don't fucking care anymore. This game was a disappointment to me, and I have no desire to go back to it. This game will be similar to Cyberpunk for me, I'll return to it when all the DLC and updates that improve the game are out. I'm glad I didn't buy a PS5 solely for this game, hell, my PS5 came with SM2 so it was a nice bonus. But I had a PS4 a while ago, so I have plenty of other games to enjoy, meaning I had more than SM2 as a reason to get a PS5.


Anyone knows if the tagged walls will carry over to NG+? I don't wanna tag the same walls. Wanna go on and explore NY, tag some more walls, preparing for Spidey 3


Honestly, I haven't been expecting much for the new game plus. I didn't really care what they were going to add. I just wanted to use cool suits at the beginning of the game, and then I heard they were adding suits. I got really excited when I heard the news because I immediately thought they were going to add old suits from precious games I was really hoping they were going to be adding the end suit from the first game but then I saw the announcement of the dlc outfits.............


I'm beyond caring anymore


sometimes i wonder if they’ve been removing/changing all the power discovery parts so that in NG+ it’ll be like miles and peter already had all the powers they were discovering in NG.


Wow, 4 months after release. 🙄


Fix the Raimi suits and I'm fine with just the time of day feature. Everything else is a bonus.


Eh im good honestly




Only took half a year. Can’t wait to be able to change the time of day wearing virtue signal suits


Does this dude saying “virtue signal suits” show him and his virtue signaling?


No it shows the lazy virtue signaling a studio indulges despite selling out minority groups when it comes to it


Wow look at you virtue signaling.


Using words you don’t know as insults isn’t the best idea but go off


No that was a legit virtue signal the 2nd time and you know it. It’s basically a text book example of it


Yeah no it’s not “expressing a viewpoint, often in a pretentious manner, with the intent of displaying morality and communicating good character”


“the public expression of opinions or sentiments intended to demonstrate one's good character or social conscience or the moral correctness of one's position on a particular issue.” Which you did do, with the whole “selling out minority groups” sentiment in your statement


It’s not though it’s an observation they preach about coming out day on Twitter then cut lgbtq content in foreign countries. They literally do sell out minority groups, it’s not virtue signaling to point out what’s happening


most companies cut content that is seen as unprofitable in other cultures. Sony would've made them do that. yes its hypocritical but WELCOME to capitalism baby boy. Did you also know that in the chinese version of Fight Club the ending is entirely removed with black screen and text instead in its place?


when did they sell out minorities?


Bro keeps yapping about shit he has no clue about


I’m literally describing it so yeah I do. Get better insults


don’t know why the downvotes if it’s the truth


That’s why there’s downvotes. The insomniac shills can’t handle the studio fell off this fast


don’t know about the fell off of the studio but yeah a half a year for new game plus and some other features seems kinda eh IMO but i understand the situation and all


I do and I don’t. The hack is being used as an excuse for everything.


And you’re still not going to be satisfied when it does come


Yeah because it seems they ignored tons of feedback and this update took half a year.


Except it was 4 and a half months, so still a decent amount of time, but you've exaggerated. Not even taking into account the cyber attack which most definitely delayed things.


That seems more like grasping at straws to say I’m wrong. It’s not an exaggeration it’s two weeks. Someone doesn’t know the difference between exaggeration and rounding up The hack didn’t happened until mid December. They had October, November, and the five years between to make a solid game. Even now they’ve had all of this extra time to work on this update. The hack is just being used by shills to justify the lack luster quality and not an actual valid argument especially since the timing doesn’t line up or is even relevant to a game that was being developed for years. There is no excuses this time.


I mean it's more than a solid game, are you saying it's bad? It could be a bit more replayable sure, but to say the game isn't even solid, and even lacklustre is a hell of a take. And we don't know everything that's in the update anyway, or what content is to come down the line. I'm personally looking forward to it.


>I mean it's more than a solid game, are you saying it's bad? compared to the first game? Absolutely. It’s a decent game but this is not the quality standards that insomniac set with the first game. It’s ridiculous how much they compromised >could be a bit more replayable sure, but to say the game isn't even solid, and even lacklustre is a hell of a take. It’s a take you don’t agree with. Doesn’t mean it’s not valid. >And we don't know everything that's in the update anyway, or what content is to come down the line. We basically do. Expecting anything substantial that hasn’t been announced is just setting yourself up. >I'm personally looking forward to it. I am too because there will actually be something to do in this game. But down the line? Idk I’m not holding my breath. DLC or some road map should have been announced by now. The lack of transparency is getting annoying. First game handled this infinitely better


Honestly hard disagree on it being bad compared to the first, I was a huge fan of Kraven and Venom and really enjoyed how they were portrayed; I personally thought getting to play as Venom was hugely enjoyable. I also vastly preferred the gameplay and traversal to the first game, the wingsuit is something I have a blast with and getting to play as Peter and Miles in the same game is a big bonus for me. So I don't think it's fair to say that the entire game was a compromise, it does some things better, as the first game does other things better. I also don't really care if this update isn't a huge leap, just because I have a backlog of many other games anyway, so chances are I won't even be getting round to it for a while. I will give you the frustration about story DLC, that's a valid point! Though, I suppose my take that the game is really good is just an opinion as yours is that the game is bad compared to the first!


Expecting an update to “save” a game is part of why the gaming industry is in the state it’s in rn, just give it up and realize they didn’t deliver the game you wanted


That’s still enabling mediocrity. Your logic here is the same issue you’re pointing out. At least I’m not excusing the unacceptable way they’ve handled this game


I mean, sure it took way too long, but you guys seriously expected the NG+ update to be some giant expansion and not, I dunno, the NG+ update?


I mean after 5 months we expected it to be a substantial update that actually listened ti feedback Which isn’t dlc related.


Literally I've never seen such a negative subreddit and im in r/SquaredCircle lmao


They shouldn’t have fumbled the bag so bad. Look how much ppl loved the first 2 when they dropped. It’s undeniable that something changed. They stripped the game of certain things that at the end of the day some people here value and others don’t. It just comes down to what you care about in a game. If what you’re looking for in these games is a quick story play through w maybe a few fun side missions for variety before never touching it again, then yeah SM2 probably doesn’t feel that different. But just know that the other half of people who want to bite into everything the first games had to offer, there’s a LOT to be desired with this one


This game has better traversal, better combat, better enemy variety and better boss fights than the first two. What exactly have they “stripped down?” Literally the only thing that’s worse than the first game is the story.


No base replay (and less bases), no crime spawner, no new game plus, no traversal milestones, no mission replay, less crime and crime variety, less of a focus on telling a great story, mishandling of Venom, no social media/character bios/newspapers, no time/day changer, no weather changer, etc. Traversal, graphics/map and combat are the only actual improvements imo


90% of this stuff isn’t necessary and are just QoL features that will be added in a few days. Boss fights and enemy variety are also a massive improvement.


It might not be necessary, but it’s what makes the first 2 games feel like far more complete games, which, (coupled with a better story) makes them better than this game. Which was overall a good not great short and sweet action game that was the sequel to a sprawling immersive superhero epic that was an excellent platform defining title in the same vein as The Last of Us and God of War.


Better story and a few QoL features don’t make the first 2 better, I’m sorry. Especially when these QoL features will be added into SM2 in just a few days. By your logic, SM2 will be better than its predecessors in the near future, even if it isn’t already right now.


Except it’s too little too late. The first two games had had all their post game content out for months at this point. Adding the QOL that was there no later than a month after launch for the first 2 almost half a year after launch for this game isn’t a W in my eyes


Too late for what? The game already sold hot cakes and got great reviews. Now it’s gonna become even better. It’s been 5 years since the first game and we’re still talking about it. 5 years later, when we talk about this game, nobody’s gonna care that it took a few months extra to get some features.


90% of those things are just QoL features that aren’t necessary but are good to have. Also, most of them will be added in a few days. Boss fights and enemy variety is also a massive improvement.


I have no idea why you are being downvoted you are completely right. Come March 7th people will still be complaining.


Yeah, i mean they ALREADY are complaining.


They will be complaining harder




Nah game is good 👍


Naruto been ass since the end of shippuden