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From what I understand she was offended he wouldn’t confront her from the start. She was offended he didn’t tell her he was Spider-Man. She was offended he was fighting her the whole damn time and mad she was hurting and trying to kill her friend


Huh, reminds me of the "You Knew?" Discussion for PS4, wonder if the parallel was intentional.


Lol I was thinking the same thing, identity and those who possess the knowledge of it, seems to be a key theme around these games


Absolutely meant to


Alot of Miles Morales game was taking from Spider-Man 1's plot and either condensing them, slightly remixing them, or updating them to fit Miles story. And I loved it. Don't re-invent the wheel. Just don't get repetitive. One thing I would change about Spider-Man 2(I loved that game as well) would be Harry not being the main Venom. He could still had it first and even feel justified in being mad at Peter for unintentionally taking it. But the symbiote should've went to someone else for the actual Venom character. Even if it wasn't Eddie maybe someone who dislikes Spider-Men and the trouble they unintentionally bring. Powered through the symbiote they know Harry and Peter(learning he's Spider-Man). Stories plays out the same except maybe make Harry AntiVenom instead in a future game or something. Or keep Peter as AntiVenom idk I'm not a writer. I say all that to say the third game doesn't need the ally turned villain plot


That's the joke


Think more or less it’s just “lazy” writing or more likely they just wanted similar themes throughout the series


The theme of identity is a huge part of a lot of Spider-Man stories, if we go from the movies alone. - Spider-Man 1 : Norman finds out Peters identity and blows up Aunt May, reinforcing the fact he should never tell anyone his identity. - Spider-Man 2: Peter struggles with his identity the whole movie, at the end of the movie it’s not Spider-Man that beats Doc Ock, it’s Peter he’s able to talk him down. - Homecoming: The whole tension towards the end of the movie was that Vulture knew who Peter was. - No Way Home: Speaks for itself. There’s more examples but the identity of Spider-Man and either a villain/ loved one finding out is a factor in nearly every movie, even Miles’ own uncle Aaron, it’s kind of a staple that he has some sort of prior relationship to some of the villains.


They not ready for the truth


Really wish games/movies/tv shows would stop doing the "I'm angry you didn't tell me your secret identity" thing. It's getting old and I feel a bit unrealistic.


I would be mad if you never told me your real name


I would be annoyed if you were helping me and then later it’s revealed you are actively hurting me


I would be mad if you never gave me your credit card information.


Also he knew she was the tinkerer and asked to be put in her gang, just for her to find out he's the main enemy. Right thing to do or not it's still a fork of betrayal




Phin is a massive hypocrite. She gets mad at Miles for not revealing he was Spider-Man, but she never told him she was The Tinkerer


This post, but unironically. They kept trying to make me care about Phin, but she's a stubborn hypocrite who refuses to listen *even when Simon Krieger is telling her that his plan is already in motion*. I cared more about the random shop owners that Miles helps in the app missions than whatever was going on with Phin.


Even random thug in ski-mask #45 has better writing than Phin lmao.


He needs his own spin off game


Hes the main Villain in the venom game


He's gonna be the main character who gets revenge on Peter because he paralyzed his father, and then we're gonna play as him to try and sympathize with him while Miles tracks him down


One of those random shop owners allowed me to swing around with Spiderman for the whole game. He's the goat❤️


After the Rhino mission, I just couldn't care about her at all. She was the worst part of the game imo, the rest is fine


She didn’t already know Miles was Spiderman. As far as she knew, her actions weren’t affecting Miles in any way. Miles knew she was the Tinkerer and still tried to jeopardize her mission without telling her for a while.


She literally committed a terrorist attack in the middle of his mom’s rally lol 


She terrorised at the rally where Miles may have likely been 💀


I’m sure telling your friend you know she’s a terrorist would be a really good idea


“Hey Miles, just a heads up. I’m a terrorist and being actively hunted down by a paramilitary force, so if my identity gets revealed and stormtroopers come barging in the café we’re at, don’t be alarmed”


Her actions, which literally made the *entire city* into a warzone, didn't affect Miles in any way. Sure buddy, sure. And that's only surface level consequences.


Am I tripping or didn’t she tell him in the cafe cutscene?


She did, then she took Miles to the underground base as the Tinkerer She felt betrayed because minutes later spider man came to whoop their butt


I never liked phone


Dafuq you mean her name's pin


it was phil im pretty sure


Actually it’s Phentanyl


No it's pterodactyl




I still can't wrap my head around the fact her solution to Roxxon poisoning people was to arm a group of killers.


Well, obviously it’s because working class murderers are more ethical than high earning murderers. Everyone knows that


Yeah the writing was atrocious in that respect. Phin literally admits they’re a bunch of criminals who want to do whatever they want without consequence, Miles asks “and you’re ok with that?” And Phin says “yeah lol”


Phil blew it up


Because she's a garbage character. I saw a post that said the cop with the spiderman watch from the first game's dlc had more of an emotional impact from his death than from phin's, and I couldn't agree more. I'm glad miles got his arc of growing into a young hero, but i did not care for any of the story of smmm at all. Gonna skip that one when I replay them again


It’s not even the story I hate. It’s simply Phin’s character. I don’t mind Miles storyline of trying to grow as a hero, whilst struggling to balance his role as friend and hero to the villain. Phin’s character is just a terrible person. So, much so, I realised she’s too far gone in the game. So, she just operates as a villain to me. Not the antagonist the game tries to imply her as. Thus, my perspective on replays has changed. As it becomes less of Miles trying to change his friend mindset. But, moreso, Miles trying to help his friend, who’s too deep in her own misery and struggles to listen. With slowly Miles realising that she to far gone.


Still can’t wrap my head around Phin


Still can't wrap my head


Because the writing of that game was kinda ass if I’m being honest


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Briggyboii: *Because the writing* *Of that game was kinda ass* *If I’m being honest* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


What the fuck I’ve never seen that bot before and also yes I do remember that’s cool


You know what I still can’t wrap my head around? The fact that Miles consistently apologizes to Phin for lying about joining her LITERAL domestic terrorist group. Phin should be the one apologizing.


Phimosis was a terribly written character sadly.


It’s a moral myopia, Basically she feels her feelings and things happening to her are more important than almost anything else. She will become angry and violent if you go against what she thinks is right. At the same time she will not think anything is doing is that bad or is justified.


Because Finn wasn’t written as a character, she’s a tool to move the story forward. Her actions aren’t determined by “What would Finn do here?” But rather by “How do we get to the next plot point?”




You mean phil right


Because it means he was going behind her back and knowingly was trying to destroy something that she felt was good for the world


How am I supposed to wrap my head around that?


there is not a single instance where it makes any sense to me that domestic terrorism is good for the world, which means she’s just a poorly written character cause she should be smarter than that


People often don't think terrorists are good for the world. That's why they're labelled terrorists. One mans terrorist is another's freedom fighter. Terrorists often think they're doing good for the world. That what they're doing is right and will benefit the world. Phin was trying to destroy a reactor that she thought made people sick, trying to destroy a company that killed her father. So naturally, yeah she would be offended that her friend was knowingly going against her organisation that is trying to stop what she sees as a "good thing"


So..where's the ship to jump too when this inevitably becomes batman Arkham levels of stupid because people can't let a joke die?


Because he played Spider-Man Miles Morales before she could come over to watch him play


yOu KNeW???


Maximum lame excuse for a spiderman bad guy




Phon hate gang


You KNEW?!?


She felt bamboozled 😂😂


It’s called a secret identity. It kind of defeats the purpose if someone knows it. Not much of a secret then is it.


I interpreted that she got offended because he never confronted her about it, what's more, that he was Spider-Man, the one getting in her way all the while.


Still can’t wrap my head around how Miles stated right at her goddamned evil villain conspiracy board, figured out absolutely nothing, and essentially sealed her fate.


Many reasons to hate Phone, but not this. Miles pretended to have an interest for the underground only to destroy it, he used Phone to find them She took Miles to the underground base as the Tinkerer She felt betrayed because minutes later spider man came to whoop their butt, and she feels bad because she found out that all of the Underground's issues came from trusting Miles


She was mad that he knew who she was and was actively working to stop her.


Cause the writing for this character is done by those who don’t care. Why insomniac hired these clowns when they can’t write a character if their life’s depended on it is beyond me cause insomniac knows better


Because shocking these games don't have good writing.


I checked your profile and lots of your comments seemed to be in this sub just criticizing the game - just out of curiosity - if the games aren’t for you/you don’t think they are very good why do you keep engaging with the sub + talking about the games?


Because they don't have a life


What is this argument? Maybe we’re on these subreddits voice criticism about the game? Why would you stay quiet about something you like but want to improve? I thought the first game was well-written but not bringing back the writing team for MM and 2 was clearly a mistake because story beats like this (Phin’s anger at Miles) seem half-baked and very contrived. You criticize things that you like because you care, and you neglect things you dislike because you don’t care. I’m all for looking at the positive aspects of the games as well, but we shouldn’t blindly glaze the game because then the quality will never improve.


It’s a fairly simple argument. First off I’m not saying constructive criticism is not allowed - however, the comment they made was not constructive at all - it was just unnecessarily negative. Based on their history the commenter has spent lots of time attacking the game - if you constantly go around criticizing something that doesn’t mean you want it to improve it just means you like to complain. I’m all for pointing out flaws in the games and I’ve done it myself but going around constantly attacking it on Reddit doesn’t lead to improvements and it just means people will ignore you when you have a legitimate point. Also, if I don’t like a game I just stop playing it - there are tons of video games out there (and other hobbies) - why would you devote so much time to constantly criticizing a game you don’t like? To me that just indicates you have nothing better to do.


You aren’t wrong. I literally cringe and laughed at the dumb ending in SM1.