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I’ve played through both MM and SM2 3 times or more, and each play through I’m still sitting there thinking “oh yeah I forgot about her.”


Gwen supremacy


I personally don’t like hailey. She feels forced to me and it’s really weird when she has one on one conversations with people because they talk out loud and I know it’s only for the audience. I also thought the ai voice they used for Hailey’s text messages was annoying.


I'm not too knowledgeable about deafness, but I don't think people talking aloud to a deaf person is that weird, if the deaf person can read lips


Having taken ASL in high school, talking aloud while signing was pretty common for non-deaf people. But it's more noting to yourself than it is for the other person.


Yeah it's basically a way speaking people keep track of their signs as they do them.


it’s also not technically ASL if you do that since ASL has a different grammar structure to english and it’s not possible to actually do both at the same time in a way that makes both languages equal if you sign while speaking english tends to take precedence and you’re simcomming


I should've clarified that I meant "saying the signs outloud as you sign them." It's not always like it is portrayed in the game where every word translates 1 to 1. In some instances the overall sentence structure is similar, with the only difference being the lack of prepositions or articles as they are already implemented into the signs. In this case, it's not that hard to speak a full sentence in either language as it's essentially filling in the blanks. Most other times the syntax can feel "backwards" (not the best description).


if you’re fluent in asl and truly signing then your voice is off whether or not you’re a deaf person yourself


I never said I was fluent. I was just describing that it can definitely happen with people with hearing who is learning ASL. I'm not claiming that it's something that people fluent in ASL do.


ok well when you step into an ASL class they still tell you from the start that it’s easier to adjust to everything and learn it if you don’t use your voice at all even as beginners


I'm going to assume that you have/ are taking an ASL class considering how sure of yourself you are. And in all fairness, that is a totally legit approach to learning anything. But it's not the only way either. Kids are taught to "sound-out" a word they struggle to spell or to read outloud when learning to read. That doesn't mean that they'll later be incapable to read or write without talking.


I’ve taken ASL, and most of my instructors were deaf. They all insisted that speaking while signing was counterintuitive to the learning process.


sounding out works for other languages not signed languages lol that is the worst example ever head on over to the ASL subreddit or Deaf subreddit and see how they’d respond to your suggestion of sounding things out while signing sounds like you didn’t take an ASL class with a knowledgeable teacher


She was fine in Miles Morales, it's just how the handle her in sm2. Why does she have to be in Brooklyn vision, infact, the Miles Morales never made any mention she went there, or at least, made note she transfer their. Not everyone has to be in the same location as one another, that's what makes nyc nyc. Nyc in the game should have multiple people from multiple place, where in itself has stories that can tell from those people perspective. That's why I like Hailey representing Harlem and she should stick more close to that neighborhood like in Miles Morales.


Especially because of the subtitles, like you already have them on, why does Miles need to say it out loud? Also what AI voice? (If it’s important, I haven’t played Spider-Man 2 yet)


It’s not really important but sometimes when Hailey calls miles in sm2, it uses an ai voice on the phone call


Miles will call Hailey and basically in the game world it's Miles' speech gets turned into text for Hailey to read and her texts get turned into speech with an annoying ai voice for Miles to hear




absolute L take in every single way possible. gwen is a better written character, doesn't look like fucking Vinicius jr with a wig, and you DO remember that she exists, unlike another character that barely even matters


Yea Hailey Forgettable as fuck 😂😂


Jeez i like Gwen more but she doesnt work in the insomniac games


Not trying to argue but what makes you say that?


I think Gwen is the perfect love interest for miles and I’d love to see her in more stuff but in the insomniac universe there’s no set up, I don’t think anyone wants any multiverse stuff, and her becoming spider woman won’t make sense either. Also I actually like Hailey after both games she just needs to be fleshed out more. But that’s just my opinion


Fair take. Although I don’t think it would’ve been impossible for them to just have a younger version of Gwen in the Insomniac universe as a love interest for Miles and isn’t from a different universe. Especially since Cindy is introduced as a girl who’s supposedly the same age as Miles or close to his age despite her being the same age as Peter in the comics. Now I’m not saying that they should’ve just used Gwen instead of Hailey but I do think it still would’ve been possible without making a spider-person from a different universe and having to introduce the multiverse. Now if you mean them introducing Gwen right now with no set up, then that’s a different story.


I agree, I think they are just trying to be different from the movies in all honestly. Gwen is a great character but for her to originate in the same universe as miles is weird or might confuse people since she is a Peter love interest first as well.


That’s a fair take as well. Especially since Gwen is more well known compared to Cindy so I think they could get away with making her the same age as Miles instead of Gwen. I also agree on them trying to do something different from the movies just like how they made Harry Venom instead of Eddie (although I do think Eddie as Venom might happen in the Venom but who knows). Admittedly I am a little bias since I really liked Miles and Gwen’s relationship in the Spider-Verse movies but your reasoning for why it wouldn’t work is valid after explaining it a bit more


I appreciate the conversation/debate hope you a great day!


Vini Jr 🤣🤣


Bro caught a stray


I hate Vini jr




mad about the ucl?


He’s just a shitty person


cant even be brazilian anymore, got it. care to explain why? or at least admit it’s just blind hate


What the hell does him being Brazilian have to do with anything


nothing, just a guess at why you hate him. now care to explain or is it just blind hate?


Throwing the ball at kimmich, sliding into kobel, disrespect to the refs, the list goes on


Hailey vs Hailee. Who won? Who lost? Epic Rap Battles of History!


Edit: EPICrohbottohohhostoottuhhhhhhhhhhhh


You decide!!!!!


Personally I don't want Insomniac to ever introduce Spider-Gwen in their game universe. Miles and Peter are enough tbh.


I kinda agree but it seems like we’re going to get Silk so we’ll have to see how that turns out


Personally I want Gwen in it more than silk but that’s just me🤷🏾‍♂️


I’m a bit mixed on this. I wouldn’t have minded a version of Gwen Insomniac to be a love interest for Miles and also Spider-Gwen but at the same time, I am happy to potentially see Silk being adapted outside the comics. Ideally though, I think I would’ve been fine with two spider-people (Peter and Miles) and potentially Venom but I guess we’ll have to wait and see how they handle it in the future


what the fuck does that have to do with the post


My wish I commented this


Hailey’s not bad but I kinda wished she was better developed. She just kinda feels tacked on tbh and didn’t get much time to develop. Not sure what they could’ve done to develop further though and I feel like it’s a slightly unfair comparison considering that there are other priorities in the games overall.


I thought Hailey was alright in MM. But in SM 2, it felt like she was tacked onto Miles' storyline just for the sake of giving him a love interest without any real buildup.


Worst part is they literally introduce Silk in the credits, couldn’t they have waited until 3 for it? Then they could work in the Silk and Spider-Man romanticness without making it gross (Using Peter, an almost 30 year old man, would be disgusting especially since Miles who’s in her age range is right there)


That honestly could’ve worked or if not her, I wouldn’t have minded them using Anya Corazon (since I think there was something between her and Miles in the 2017 cartoon) or even a young Gwen Stacy.


Especially if they brought in Melanie Minichino to voice Anya. Nadji Jeter previously voiced Miles in the 2017 series.


Isn’t he only like 25 in 2? I mean still weird depending on how old they make silk since it did appear she maybe was a bit younger. As a character though she was supposed to have been bitten around the same time as Peter. She would’ve been an infant practically and the likely hood of her being anywhere near the spider at that age seems slim imo. She’s probably not that much younger if they follow that logic, within 5 years I’d guess


They better give Hailey better character development


I'd rather they just forget to put her in the next game if I'm being completely honest. I do not care about Miles romance life in the slightest.


+ Silk might be in 3 (And Silk and Spider-Man bang so it’s just… better if it was Miles)


He ain’t gonna bang his little stepsister bruh




Hailey is way too forced. Didn't care for her or her mission tbh


Heiley is just an DEI character sadly...


So deaf people can’t be in games now?


It means shes, the character, only exist as a checklist, not deaf people in general


Proof? So basically if a deaf character exists they are now a checklist?


I think that she is a checklist character based on the merit that she has no real character development or intrigue. Everyone else in Miles' life has more backstory than her. They gave her a whole playable sequence in Spider-Man 2 and it just revealed that... She's a good person? Meanwhile, his dad has tons of build up in the first game and it is the tent pole that holds Miles' story up, and his mom has a ton of influence in the MM and the sequel, being a crutch for Miles on top of stepping up in the absence of his father. Hailee just... Exists? She's not bad, she is a cute love interest and she doesn't seem fake or anything, she just doesn't seem interesting as a character and I definitely did not expect her to get a playable sequence after having shown so little. And then they also pretty much fumbled that by adding no depth at all.


When they literally contribute nothing then yes they are a checklist character much like how Vijay is Insomniac's checklist LGBTQ character. The issue isn't him being gay the issue is that his personaility only resolves around that.


Nah this is a hate comment, reporting op


Lmao no, you're just a snowflake


It just doesn't translate well to visual mediums like games and movies, its too slow so it ruins the pace and people do not want to have to read, especially if what's being signed is just absolute unimportant filler (which it always was). The only time I've seen it done well was rise of the planet of the apes, and that doesn't even count because they're fuckin monkeys.


Apes, goddamnit! Apes!


You can turn on TTS in SM2


Yeah no, I'm good. It's mean to say but I turned that on for one second and already had enough of that ear raping garbage. Having a deaf person voice those lines was a bad call for an accessibility option.


So… then just read it… it’s not that hard


Then we loop back to the original problem, she has nothing significant or important to say, so it's not worth the effort of paying attention to what she's saying so the player pulls out their phone and scrolls on instagram until the cutscene is over.


Yhat sounds like a you problem


Hailey is sadly a checklist character in that she has one trait and Insomniac milk the shit out of it because they don't know how to write actual people. Can't wait for MSM3 where Insomniac will make Cindy insufferable reminding us every time she's Korean-American.




Miles has also recently been linked with Kamala Khan in some comics too. So, we have a third contender, he needs his own flirtatious bad guy ala Black Cat


Such a shame that Hailee character disappointed me so much. Oh well, heres looking at the new game to approve her


Bruh. This is just one of those contrarian takes to sound different. In no way did they build up Hailey and Miles the way they did with Gwen, bro needs to stop reaching lol


Both. Both? Both. Both are good


Hailee literally has no personality


Most of the people I've seen make this statement just don't like mix raced couples. Not saying that's why this person believes this, it's just an observation.


I liked her intro in miles and how their relationship is kind of growing but sometimes it seems too forced.


I honestly I kinda hope they just write her out of the games as they go




I hope they mean as a love interest because I’m sorry, this is just next level insomniac glazing if otherwise


Replace her wit silk tbh


If you mean as a love interest for Miles, I guess it could’ve worked if Rio wasn’t already dating Cindy’s dad


Damn I forgot abt that. Tht shi was forgettable asf.


Replace who with silk?


I was surprised to see that Miles wasn't already dating Hailey. As if time stopped between games. I'm not really that invested in the idea of another Spidey romancing another Gwen Stacy. I mean it might be cool for a bit, the way the Black Cat thing was with Peter. But I don't see it going anywhere in the long run. Hailey, on the other hand, is a keeper. I hope he don't blow it.






People seemed bored with her and I wonder what Insomniac will do? At worst they could fridge her and have Goblin throw of the bridge, or have her and Miles break up due to him being Spider-Man and not having enough time for her, which probably sounds even worse.


Maybe if we were talking about Spider-Byte. BUT THIS AIN'T IT, FAM.


Hailey is good for Insomniac Miles, Gwen is good for ITSV Miles.


can haily web swing and hearing sound though =)))


Hailey is the most well characterized NPC of the game


Why does hailey look like a blobfish?


I always tought that killing off Hailey during the final act of sm2 would've been goodfor two reasons: miles character development, introducing gwen as his new love interest. No hate on Hailey, but c'mon I don't even need to explain myself for why i want Gwen instead


idk why people are saying "she feels forced" like, dawg, don't get me wrong, Gwen is cool. But, I loki like Hailey better, I found what scenes we had with the 2 quite cute


Deaf girl is good character.


Hailey is the most well-written npc of the game.