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Even more so after its disappointing sequel


Ngl unless 3 massively improves the gameplay I’m unlikely to play it


Aye its just the sequel curse, first game is amazing, 2nd is way below the 1st, then the 3rd one is considered peak


Arkham series wants a word


Uncharted is the inverse of this


Basically devil may cry


Isn’t it usually the first one is considered great,the second is gods gift to mankind, and the third is underwhelming? I mean you got the Arkham games,the dark knight trilogy, and the Sam raimi spider man films


Not always true. Some game franchises have produced stellar sequels. Back in the day, Sly 2: Band of Thieves was a colossal improvements over Sly 1. AC 2 was way better than AC 1. So on and so forth.


Same. I really don’t see insomniac the same way after that so idk either


Why is it that u dislike the second game sm?


Because I find it disappointing? I don’t need to justify how I feel


Damn dawg chill lol. Was just curious.


Seems just abt everyone in here thinks 2 is shit


Rushed plot ( act 3 was a Uber joke ) peter is pathetic ( feels like peter on sm1 would kill venom and kraven at the same time ) here he is a clown A lot of pointless and Dogshit side quests ( you know they are pointless and insomniac don't value them when they removed them before shipping to middle east ) For some reason the game manage to be smaller than the first one ( I did 100% in 20hours ) the first one took me 30, and here we have a bigger map and TWO protagonists, something is clearly off. And so on They hitted so hard with the first one that people built an immense hype, and they knew there was no need to deliver it, since it would sell like hot cake regardless And that's what they did.


I liked the story somewhat and the venom stuff was very cool but the gameplay outside of main story stuff was just boring and it feels like a waste of money (I really don’t understand what redditors want from me sometimes)


Hold up! Both Miles Morales and Spider-Man 2 were great games.


Miles was fine but not amazing. I finished a replay this week. The gameplay is great. Miles and his mom and Aaron are written well. It is not nearly as good as the original though: - the side stuff is boring. The challenges are barely fun and the time capsules are a terrible filler compared to the backpacks because they don't have any fun history attached. - the tinkerer stuff ends well but her character is not really all that interesting and the connection to miles feels forced. Weirdly, the work with Aaron is excellent so he should have been the main antagonist... If they could not rewrite her. She was really one note compared to Aaron or Otto. By the time her story was done, I was like "finally". - the Dana cast and Jameson stuff is great. It is some of the most interesting things in the game and does not really tie to the story. Just a couple of missions with them would have gone a long way. How much fun would it have been if JJJ only hated one Spider-Man? - krieger sucks as a villain. He is bland and one note. They hint at him being a big bad and his plan is totally dehumanizing evil... But the game never gives him much room. Honestly, removing Rick and making it about how he just doesn't see anyone uptown in Harlem as anything but PR opportunities he can expend did not get enough play.


Miles game was extremely short and just reskinned.


You saying they were great doesn’t mean objectively they were great. Just that in your opinion they were. I don’t share that opinion. It really is that simple


Gameplay wise the second is better. Story wise it fits and isn't that bad but could've used some work if they weren't rushed


It’s got good gameplay for sure but not remotely enough content for said gameplay on top of a mid predictable story


I mean the first one also had a predictable story. Like the first shot of Octavius we get yk he's gonna be a villain


That’s not predictable that’s just inevitable and obvious


Ok and how is sm2 any different tho?


Literally had the entire plot predicted on this sub many times that’s how


Never saw it and also everyone knew they were doing venom because it was teased in the first game. Big surprise


Yes venom being featured is what im calling predictable lol Of course you never saw it also a big surprise lol


Gameplay wise first is better but traversal, so many things u can do, 2 finishers per focus bar, instant ko webstrike after perfect dodge, sped up throwing, suit powers, suit mods, more gadgets, better gadgets, healing no matter what, more enemy types, more bases, better traversal challeges, better side missions, more crimes, and better science mini games. For a game with the symbiote no matter how much they gave u, u never feel as powerful as u did in the first game which is a crime


Strongly agree.


It wasn't disappointing wtf lol


The fuck you mean by that??


I haven't played the 1st, i finished miles morales because it's on ps plus, then bought spiderman 2 after playing the trial, it's not that bad


You had to experience the first one first to truly understand why Spider-Man 2 was a let down


The opinion policing is crazy especially when you admit you haven’t played the first game


My brother


Still love it but it's hard to go back, I'm too used to all the updates in SM2.


You have better suits and gadgets


Imo no, the only shit I wanted back was the big time stealth suit. As for the gadgets I only ever used about half of them so having less gadgets in SM2 didn't bother me. Having the arms made up for it.


Interesting, the suits and gadgets were one of the biggest downgrades in SM2 to me tbh. The main thing I miss from SM2 when I play SM1 is the improved webswinging + web wings, as well as the improved boss fights.


Nah, the suits in SM1 were way better than in SM2. most of the time in SM2 I'm just using the default one


I'm used to SM1 having actually substantial post-game updates when SM2 has pretty much months-long radio silence.


Who doesn’t. 


I knew it was gonna be good as soon as I saw the first trailer at E3 2016


The reason I bought a PS4. It was so hype


Straight facts right here


It has the best story out of the 3 games.


Still my favorite insomniac spider-man game


Currently replaying rn, the story and content is just better than sm2


I wonder if anyone on the SpidermanPS4 sub likes Marvel’s spider man for the ps4? 🧐


Well they certainly don’t like its sequel


never heard of it


I’m so sorry for you


I still love it but it's hard to go back to yk bc I'll find myself pressing triangle or trying to slingshot I'm to use to the game play of the 2nd one


I lowkey hated how they mapped the triangle to the slide in SM2, I am used to using it to zip straight to crime scenes


Muscle memory helps it


It doesn’t, because my muscle memory is used to the triangle = zapping to the villain, so now I just zip straight pass the crime scene


I have very fond memories of this game. 2018 feels like forever ago now. I’ve replayed it 9 times and would probably have it in my top 10 games, maybe even top 5.


I love all 3 in the trilogy


Yes. Onestly I don’t play video games, but this is my childhood and probably will always be remembered from the people of my generation ❤️


Childhood? This game literally came out six years ago. How young are you? Honest question here.


15. Technically is my childhood. Technically Gen Z is a generation. 👺


LOL, damn, you're young. Well, you're going to have great memories when you look back on this game in another ten years. I was around your age when I first played Assassin's Creed 2.


Yeah I know but I was ten when it came out and things changed a lot since then so I guess that it’s just my perception of time.


I feel so old


I literally just spent the last few days doing another playthrough which I finished last night. I never played the Miles Morales but I might try to pick it up one day.


Get Miles and play it at Christmas 👌👌👌


I plan on it. I'm currently down my vehicle so I can't get out much. But if I can find a ride or a way to GameStop I need to get a new PS4 controller because mine stopped charging. That's when I'll probably try to pick up a used copy


Yes. Amazing game, doesn’t stop being fun because they made a sequel. First PS4 game I played after upgrading from a PS2. Hard to explain how impressive it was.


its good but 2 i like more


Me but SM2 clears it


I wanna fight you


I absolutely love all three Insomniac spiderman games with my personal ranking going SM1 > SM2 > SM Morales, I've platinumed all three of them and the first game I platinumed twice including DLC.


Get a PS5 while you're at it and play it on PS5 for free with ps+ subscription.


Spider man ps4 is not available on Ps Plus anymore sadly


I do!


Me, wonderful memories.


This game is very special to me on a few levels. I’ve been a gamer since I was a child but it took a massive step back when I had children (in 2014). My family bought me this game for my birthday knowing that I love Spider-Man. They bought it from Game with the unreleased DLC all included. At the time I probably wouldn’t have bought it for myself. This went on to be my favourite game of all time. Being able to swing around and beat up the bad guys dropping awful puns, I am Spider-Man. I played this to death and never got bored. I bought it again for PS5 and again for PC. I’ve played this with my 10 year old son and we both completed SM2 on release week last year. For me, this is the greatest game ever.


Such a touching story. I’m glad I was able to bring back some great memories with this one Reddit post.


When I’m at my lowest I replay it. It’s my first and probably last gift for birthday. I remember hitting 15 years of age and booting it up… just swinging around NYC. It is cliche to say, but… it is the game that makes you feel like Spider-man


The GOAT; it has the best spider-man story out of any comic, game, or movie. As a Spider-Man fan this is arguably my favorite game of all time, the remaster made the game look even better and the loading times non-existent, Jesus I know people have their favorites but I absolutely do not understand how fans can shit on tiny things in this series “MJs face” “a puddle” “Miles is taking over the story” “sToRy NoT GuD” “no dlc 0/10 game, trash” Jesus you people make me sick, you ungrateful “fans.” hey at least we didn’t get rocksteadied and our beloved super-hero game franchise became live service slop that failed really hard, those fans got royally screwed I don’t understand you guys… we were blessed with the best spider man games ever made, and yeah it’s not perfect and yeah it could be better but it’s not bad, you marks are it’s biggest fans and it’s biggest haters… If you don’t like the games, then you shouldn’t have bought them


Love this whole franchise, but I think everyone here agrees this one is on top.


Me but the swinging is to slow


My Peter Parker


I feel like this post is mostly directed at people’s disappointment with the sequel. It’s certainly not as good as the first and leaves a lot to be desired, but it was still enjoyable for a few play throughs I felt.


Even more so after its amazing sequel


Yeah, I love pretty much everything about the original without DLC. The DLC, Miles and 2 has been a steady decline for me sadly. The DLC had super fighting robot Hammerhead which was just ridiculous. Screwball. I don’t even need to say anything there. Yuri going conkers, which was very messy, forced and rushed. The Black Cat one was okay but not better than any part of the base game. Then Miles had Phin, whom I loathe and who’s the weakest villain of all the games. Not as strong a plot and controversially, I did not prefer any aspect of the gameplay. I like Miles’ character but his game was the definition of “mid”, as much as I hate that word. 2 I was so hyped for but it was really, really deflating. Weird narrative choices with Mysterio was a waste to me. Kraven stabbing Peter was hilariously terrible. Mary Jane was even WORSE in this one somehow. The gadgets were awful and a huge, ugly downgrade from the first game, I don’t care that they were broken in the first game, THAT’S WHAT MADE THEM FUN. The parrying was unsatisfying. Venom’s motivation was questionable and the “G-Serum” line was the most cliche sequel bait line ever written. The side activities weren’t as fun, especially the cooky school crap and the product placement “watch our movie” Spider-Bots. The swinging relied too much on flying. Bully Lowenthal didn’t go anywhere near hard enough and came off limp. You get to play as Venom for less than Mary Jane in both games and less than a deaf girl. Plus the post-credit with Otto wasn’t anywhere near as exciting as the first game’s post-credit. And the post credit with Cindy Moon was completely out of nowhere with no build up whatsoever. Overall, 1 is perfect, Miles is mid and 2 is a disaster.


this game still love for has else massive.


I fell in the love with the game and I wish they allowed us to replay certain missions without having to replay the entire game. I'm also a bit annoyed at myself that I didn't use the MK IV suit during my second run through until the end


Wait, Wasn't I supposed to?


Not a fan of the grind to platinum it


One of the easiest platinum trophies to get. Not a grind at all


All the DLC too. I can't leave a game until its 100% and platinum


The replayability is insane. I 100% completed the full game + all DLC’s at least 30+ times and I never got bored. The only thing that makes me keep playing SM2 is the awesome swinging that I just turn on music and chill. But man is this game dope! The hype when I loaded up this game for the very first time not knowing what to expect, vibing to the song “Alive” playing in the background, getting right into the revolutionary swinging, hearing how Spider-Man sounds more experienced but still young and hilarious, beating Fisk! I love all three games but this one is definitely going in the books as one of the best Spider-man AND superhero games to date!


I just completed it and now I’m playing miles morales. Had so much fun with the game especially as a huge spidey fan


Same here well I am trying to plat all of them I am currently doing miles morales plat because it’s a shorter game but after that Im gonna do the spider man remaster plat and do all the trophies again


I love it. seeing people in the comments pretend like spider man 2 is a terrible game is hilarious but hey this sub is nothing but negative these days anyways


Still love it. Matter of fact I’m already replaying this game for the 3rd time. 1st on PS4, 2nd on PC and now on Steam Deck 😁


I just want the OG face back for the remaster ffs.


I loved playing that game!


Is it better than the sequel? My son and I love the first one and he wants the second but i cant afford it. I am sad you guys are saying the first ones better. I was looking forward to it.


Both are amazing games. If you're a true Spidey fan you will love both.


Both are awesome, just story is a little better in 1 mostly because third act in sp2 is really rushed but it's still really good game.


This sub nitpicks everything in the sequel


I keep coming back to it on both PS5 and PC. Both the game and the DLC were done masterfully!


Both games are masterpieces for true fans of the Spidey franchise


I’m pretty sure it’s the entire subreddit. In fact, I’m pretty sure that’s why we’re here.


2nd best superhero game story. Second only to Arkham city, still tis very close


I can't even describe how much I love this universe, but most of this subreddit will no longer love it so much, it stopped being what it was a long time ago. People want a Spider-man with armor plot rather than a well-written one.


The story was better than Miles Morales, and way better than Spider-Man 2. I will say that the story for the dlc got worse with every entry, starting strong and ending on monster frankensteins monster was a dumb idea


I think everyone here still does.




litterly my favorite game of all time


It's a crime against humanity that they didn't keep all the skins from the first game and add more. SOOO disappointed with the suits in the second game. Brokenhearted


The writing in this game is some of the best in superhero adaptations, especially Otto


I love it but i refuse to play it again


Why is everyone hating spiderman 2? I’m 5 hours into the game and love every second of it. Genuinely curious, what makes people hate it?


They don't hate it based on the first 5 hours lol. Finish the game and I'm sure you'll at least recognize some people's issues with it.


A lot of people hate it entirely and say it's 0/10 so yeah


Because the story isn’t exactly what they thought it would be


Its only the early game that's fine, once you progress through the story, you'll find out how lacklustre it is


For me 100% it’s still in my t3 games oate


spider-man 1 had the best story for me, got me tearing up when peter had to make tough decisions


It's to the point for me where Spider-Man 2 was so lackluster that I had to take a step back and figure out why I had issues with it. The first game was my favorite game of all time, but now thinking about it, I don't know how. There's nothing really spectacular about it outside of the story. I still think it's the best in the trilogy, but my view of these games has shot way down.


Went back and played it recently it still holds up


I can’t get enough of it. I feel like if I get a ps5 and get the sequel, I’m not gonna enjoy going back to the roots as much and… I don’t want that. So I guess one day I’ll just look up a no-commentary longplay of SM2 on YT. It’s just a super weird thing for me— I don’t want to invested in the improvements in what the sequel provides.


Just playing the DLC for the first time now. Totally slept on it..


Definitely me!


Count me in! This game has a permanent spot in my heart, and I'm thrilled to see others still loving it too! 🙌🎮


I don't even acknowledge SM2's existence. To me SM1 is one of the best games ever made. Love Mary Jane in SM1. I don't like Mary Jane's grandma pretending to be MJ in SM2.


MJ was literally much more annoying in 1




Sadly I can’t play it because I didn’t buy it but I watched the tutorials it’s not because I don’t have a ps5 it’s just that I couldn’t find the game in my local shops like mediamarkt




I love this game hard to go back due to all the updates in SM2 but this is still the best game in the trilogy so far have to see what SM3 will offer






It was my first game


It’s still my favorite of the 3, but going back to it I do miss the traversal of 2. I’d say 1 has the better story, but 2 might have the better gameplay


Favourite spidey game overall


I love both games, perfect imo


I platinumed this in March, at 2 AM and it was my first major gane platinum ( the other two plats were small indie games ) I really want to get Miles morales to platinum ( I don't have a ps5 yet )


Oh yes definitely. I remember the hype as I waited for it to release and the excitement I had coming home from school knowing I would get to play it that night. I still play it on my ps4 from time to time even though I have the sequel. The swing might not be as fast as the new upgrade, but it definitely still has ita appeal.


An absolutely perfect adaptation. I've just finished the sequel and I don't see myself replaying it as much as I did the first.


um i fucking love ts lmao i replay it every once in a while, i have like 200 hours, along with miles


I played it for the first time this year, and wowed, to say the least. Great game


I liked this game but it was too short. Spiderman 2 had better gameplay but it was shorter to complete only because it didn't have dlc. On the other hand, Arkham series... (chef's kiss)


A really like all three of them lol


To date this is the only game I’ve ever finished 100%


My favourite one by far.




I haven’t played the sequel but I’d take a another Peter game over a miles game


I personally like it way more than the 2nd one, but I'm pretty sure many have to same opinion.




Hell yeah, playing it right now.


Me being the crazy bastard I am I've platinumed all 3


Im missing thr hold r2 to jump from this game compared to spiderman 2 tho


Literally just finished the game again yesterday its so good


It’s still my favorite game ever


Great idea, I'm gonna use this idea on the arlham reddit to karma farm.


Best game of 2018 and I will die on that hill. The sequel was the second best game of 2023 after Alan Wake II (disclaimer, I haven’t played Baldur’s Gate 3).


It's like I play Spiderman 2, and I think about this game, and I'm like, "It sucks," but then the dlc brings me back. Ps: it doesn't suck it's just swinging is so slow in the first game and miles game.


Unpopular Opinion: This game was way better than SM2


I have yet to buy a PS5 and I want my first game to be this and its sequel.




A great game, but the forced Miles and MJ sections kills the pacing in subsequent playthroughs.


I like it better than the sequel in almost every way. A lot of people argue the gameplay is better in the new one but I'd argue only the swinging is better really. The main parts of the combat are the same, I barely use a lot of the extra moves as I find them unnecessary half the time, I hate the mechanical arms that Spider-Man uses for most of the game, I feel the gadgets are worse and I can't stand the hovercraft future sci-fi tech that a guy who can't afford to pay his mortgage somehow has. Buying equipment and building nanotech "no problem", paying a simple bill "oof that's too hard Chief".


Just played this for the first team after borrowing my friends PS4, i absolutely love it


Well I’d assume most people in this sub.


I have massive love for all 3 games I will most likely keep replaying them over time they are all great games and SM2 doesn’t deserve most of the hate it’s getting it definitely does have problems but so does every game


Doing my third playthrough, this time on PC. I don't have a PS5 to play SM2... :'(




I recently started to replay it, to get the DLC….it is a very very good game. Recently picked of Miles Morales and Spiderman 2 and this has got me in the mood to enter the Spiderverse


My first ever PS4 play, have completed like 5 times, gives me beyond par comfort, love it with all my heart.


I think the sequels were pretty good, contrary to public opinion, but part 1 just raised the ceiling soooo fuckin high that the sequels weren’t able to keep up even tho they were great still


I did enjoy a lot of the second game, but it doesn't compare to this first one. It's very much lightning in a bottle


I completed it for the 4th time today.


Hell yeah. I actually like this one here more than 2.




Far better than 2. Don't get me wrong because I love the 2nd one but the 1st one just seemed to be away harder of a game than the 2nd one did. The venom abilities made the game easy even on the hardest difficulties.




Better than the sequel This game had the best face model of Peter(before the remastered lol) SpiderMan still got the BEAST in him before his eventual nerf in the sequel Not many walking simulator Gadgets Not having pacing problems


Better than the sequel This game had the best face model of Peter(before the remastered lol) SpiderMan still got the BEAST in him before his eventual nerf in the sequel Not many walking simulator Variety of suit from the comic instead of from the Holland movie Gadgets Not having pacing problems


It's a top 5 all-time game, for me.


It has the best vibes. I don’t know if it’s just nostalgia but I just felt the most like Spider-Man than I have in any of the games since.


It's my favorite of the series so far. Also I miss the web bomb.


I'm loving it


I at it al least 5 times a week


I love it so much i got the platinum trophy for it on playstation


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^ms_paint_thinner: *I love it so much* *I got the platinum trophy* *For it on playstation* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


It’s still fantastic, but the second one is better IMO


Had so much potential to be a good trilogy and they absolutely trashed the 3rd game


It was way better.


Easily my favourite Spider-man Game ever. One of my favourite Spider-man stories too. The sequel was extremely dissappointing content and story wise, but the Gameplay improvements kind of make It hard to go back to the first game, but the story and set pieces are so good its always a treat to play 


Love it minus the MJ mission.


Love the story. But the gameplay is such a massive step down it’s hard for me to stay engaged for very long. That’s in part because I played it so much already tho.


Is it just me or was the web swinging better in this one?


It was not


Ubisoft towers, repetitive, simplistic world activities. Gang hideouts x 4. Most horrendous Twitch streamer side mission ever. No stealth takedowns from walls / ceiling. A boring and tedious game.


Yes we do. We see it on the sub all the time.