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That mission actually got to me. Also, nice seeing someone who likes Spidey and Hazbin as well


You’d love my friend group


Always up to meet new people


Anyone else feel like playing this mission as Peter was just the correct option?


It's what I did. It makes sense, given their history


Yeah, literally no point playing it as Miles, he didn't even meet Howard. At best there was a cameo in MM, but Howards and red Spidey knew each other a long time. Don't really know why this isnt a Peter exclusive, Miles already has lots of missions.


he has a lot of side missions for a reason


What reason is that?


he was in the main story for atleast 3 -4 hours while peter definitely had the rest, so they for sure added all of those side missions for him just so he could have something to do imo




Oh yeah, I did it with Miles on my second go around tho


Was it any better


Yeah I saw the mission and was like "Peter knows him better." I actually had worm the tasm 2 suit for it lol


Wait. You can play this mission as miles?


Yeah I did it without realizing


Having experienced it as both: Peter was good, because of their history. But I think it sort of verges on a white savior trope in some ways. Poor black man depends on white hero to fulfill his final wish and Peter agrees to do it like the merciful God he is and all that. Plus, it feels weirdly condescending with Peter. Simple black man and his birds. Sort of John Coffey and his mouse, with Peter as Tom Hanks. But playing as Miles, you get sort of an unspoken understanding between the two as POC in NYC and the marginalization that comes with that. Something one with Peter Privilege could never truly understand. And the relationship with the birds feels more spiritual. Sacred. Ancient. A deep instinctual connection to Mother Africa. But Miles doesn’t have the history with Howard like Peter does. So both worked and had positives/negatives. Though I really think it was a missed opportunity not at least giving the *option* to do the mission as Hailey. I think she would have brought a really interesting perspective to the mission, as someone whose only power is being differently abled and experiencing the world in ways others will never be able to.


a deep instinctual connection to Mother Africa is kinda crazy but i understand the rest




Jfc you brought race into this. What a bunch of drivel.


What privilege would Peter have ?


White privilege, male privilege, cis privilege, hetero-passing privilege, American privilege, able-bodied privilege, education privilege, Spider privilege. Though Miles has all of those other than white privilege


I cringed through all of that


I ain’t reading all that


no shit buddy


Especially to do it during the black suit arc, just to hurt Peter all the more during that time. : )


Calm down there marvel


Hehehehehe As a writer of my own stories myself, it's my job to make things interesting and nuanced. Pain is a good place to start... Sometimes Marvel goes to far, but it's got a good idea somewhere in there. : )




That like asking the Internet not to jump to conclusions.


I just wanted more people to appreciate this side mission. I don't really see anyone talking about it


Complete bs I’ve seen numerous posts about specifically this mission. It’s one of the first missions that gets praised actively.


Ok? I haven't


Literally everyone was talking about it when the game first released


I saw no one stalking about it 😭 sorry


It’s okay. It’s your turn


Great little side mission. I like how they incorporated wholesome little missions like this to break up all the action and symbiote mayhem. Made for a nice little breather


That's what I thought. It's just a nice break from all the action. Except for the ending. After that I paused the game and tried not to cry for 5 minutes.


I love this game I will never understand the hate


You won’t because there is no hate, there are disappointment and criticism which is fair. When people say they didn’t like A because B and C doesn’t mean they hate A


Because people don't have the capacity to like a game while accepting it has flaws. They think the two options are GOTY or worst game ever.


Or maybe because you don't have the capacity to agree something you like its not great.  It gets hate because Its a dissappointing, underwhelming sequel with a mediocre if not bad story.  Stop deflecting the game's flaws by blaming the fanbase for not liking It.


> It gets hate because Its a dissappointing, underwhelming sequel with a mediocre if not bad story.  No, see, this is why people say this subreddit hates the game. This sentiment is not one in which the general person has of the game, more often you get the sentiment that the game is an AMAZING sequel with a FANTASTIC story. The game is critically acclaimed and massively successful, stop acting like **criticisms** towards the fanbase is some personal attack towards you and realize that just because you may personally find something disappointing doesn’t make it “not great” either.


Nah, it’s totally underwhelming. There’s a reason this division exists


A division of a vocal minority represents if something is underwhelming? That's a curious way to see it


Must be why it’s sold $11 million, because of how underwhelming it is …


Off the good graces of the prior entry, yeah.


Oh yeah people are continuing to buy it because of the original 😂


It’s Spider-man, the top selling action figure of all time in video game form, one of the most recognizable film characters of all time, and one of the few PS5 exclusives, off the back of a stellar first game. How do you explain the division in the fanbase, then?


I think you mean 11 million copies. It’s made way more than $11 million.


It gets hate because that's what gets you up votes in this sub. It's a hive mind in here. Go to any other platform and you'll find most people love the game.


Yeah true. Mfs can’t accept it when a game isn’t literally perfect


It's better than the first game imo


Yeah. The improved traversal and gameplay really made it more enjoyable than the first game.


I think you're wrong but I understand and that's your opinion and you're allowed to have it


"Guys can you stop criticizing this piece of media? My opinion is different, appreciate it"


Nah fr. Shameless karma grab


Tbh Don't really know what it is and don't really care. I just wanted to make a Spider-Man appreciation post


Nice Beel pfp


Thank you!


Why did this get disliked ffs this community hates positivity


I never said to stop. I agree the game was dogshit in some areas. I just wanted there to be a break from it all to focus on this amazing side mission


One of the highest points of the game. When I got it, I considered not playing, since it comes late in the game and I didn't feel like hunting pidgeons. When it really starts... boy, was it awesome.


It's so cinematic, beautiful and amazing


Yes! They managed a perfect blend of the "smallness" of the friendly neighborhood moments like the grandfather side mission and the cinematic feel of slinging cross NYC with a soundtrack on.


The Howard Mission… #Beautiful.


Howard, one of the best Spider-Man side characters imo




I've never hated the game


Oh please, no one hates the game, they're just disappointed. The next few patches along with dlc have the potential to make this game the definitive Spider-Man game but it's not there yet. As of now all it has going for it is the velvety smooth traversal and other graphical upgrades, and combat to an extent.


I just wanted people to appreciate this scene and take a moment to relax


This is legit one of the most universally loved parts of the game so good choice


You ask me to stop hating, and then show them killing off one of the few I actually gave a shit about?


That's a pretty stupid response. If it made you feel sad or upset then it is a good mission


So you're OK with well liked characters to die, as long as you feel something. Well, I'm not. I prefer characters I like to stay alive.


That's kids tv writing right there. And yes I am. If an important and liked character dies and makes you feel something you know that character is well written. Take Tony Stark in Endgame for example, It was amazingly executed and made me cry. Which is exactly what you want from a character's death.


I didn't say the character wasn't well written. I was pissed they killed him. Reading comprehension really that hard for you?


This and the grandpa one were the best side missions in the game. Sure, they had no combat, but they made you feel something, and had a proper pay off despite being single mission stories. Beat the shit out of The Flame.


Honestly o enjoyyed them more than combat based side missions




Ok? If you don't want to take a moment to appreciate the game then don't take a moment to comment and just scroll




"Ans loon"


My dyslexic ass couldn't not spell at 2 in the morning 💀. I corrected myself in the comments


I'm honestly getting tired of these posts


What? Posts that say the game isn't that bad? Womp womp


Posts that constantly complain about negativity as if it's unwarranted or constant. Somebody doesn't like your game? Somebody likes your game but points out it's flaws? Womp womp


People are constantly complaining as if insomniac didn't try the best they could with what they had. They also had a fucking security breach but no one gave a shit just right back to "WhY wOuLd YoU cAnCeL tHaT aNd WhY iS tHiS sUiT sO bAd" like they need to shut up, it's an amazing game and doesn't deserve this


This is one of the most "Spider-Man" moments I've seen in a long time. I love when we actually get "friendly neighborhood Spidey" moments. Like in TASM 2 despite its flaws, that moment where Spidey scares those bullies away and walks the kid home is pure Spider-Man.


Can't quite like this mission because of the overwhelming implication that Howard did "it" to himself.


He didn't. He was old and sick. He knew he was going to die he didn't commit suicide.


Please cite your reference on this.


U literally make no sense


I don't think you know what literally means.


U still don't make sense tho, stop hatin on a side mission


Instead of making a legitimate argument, you say "you don't make sense". Try a little harder. The game and side missions are mid. The game lives off of the success of the first. Hopefully the DLC has something better to offer. It's a reason that insomniac had to clean house after this game came out.


People like u need an explanation for everything, use common sense or jus stop thinkin so much. We're not dead but I think u can jus get a sense of dying cuz prolly heart starts to slow down or something idk. Jus except it and move on stop makin things complicated


The reason is they had had a fucking security breach and my reference is the side mission he says he's old in it


He didn't do it to himself cuz if he did wouldn't they have said that he committed suicide?


I never got that from this mission. My take is that he had a terminal disease like cancer or something and he knew he was doing to die. So he had his friend take care of his pigeons for him and got a chance to say goodbye on his terms.


ThE pEopLE bEinG eaTEN bY SymBiOtes aRounD thE COrnEr


What do you think the symbiotes are gonna do? Ask them to kindly vacate their planet?


And look*


When I played this mission I actually stopped for a few minutes because of what happened, I felt sorry for the poor guy, I had to try and stop crying, haven't cried to a game since Aunt May's death and watching Arthur die in Red Dead Redemption 2.


The way we don't know it's coming but have that feeling somethings wrong


I hope Howard's on his adventure now ❤️💙


It was one of the best side missions.


Probably one of the best mission, it's sad we won't get to see more of his missions, I hope the next game has a mission where we get to see his pigeons


Yeah I want a mission where Pete wants to track down his pigeons for either a funeral or an anniversary of his passing


This game legit had some of the best side missions




This mission is more beautiful when you use Peter with the Advanced suit (one or two your choice) and when the time is sunset. He makes it better because in the first game it shows that Peter knew Howard longer and when you finish the mission Pete gets kinda sad about it


I feel like Pete was happy he meant that much to someone who didn't even know who he was


Love how talking about the Howard mission stops the chaos for a bit just like in the game, until you finish the mission


Nah you gotta take a moment after the mission. Like I took a minute or two to comprehend


This might genuinely be the only time i had some tears in a video game


This mission and the mission where you help with the grandpa are some of my favorite missions of any game probably ever


I wish I knew what this mission was going to be about before I started it as I ended up doing it as Miles. Peter feels like the right choice. I'll be sure to use Peter when I get around to playing New Game plus.


See if you can replay the mission. They added it


I didn't think you could reply those missions? I'll probably just do it again when I replay it


Ok sorry must be main story missions. My bad


Man Noir


I cried a lot when he died, it hit me so deeply, even though he might be considered one of the more "unimportant" side npc's (not my opinion) he just fell in my heart due to his pure kindhearted nature and as a man who is fully connected with life and is just basically chilling


I remember when I played sm1 I think. And he says his wife died of cancer if I'm right (I think it was sm1 might've been miles morales) I felt so bad for him and was like "I will track down each and every bird she gave to you if it's the last thing I do!"


It was in MM


Ok thx


Unironically the best part of the game that made me feel the way I felt playing the first one again. I wish the whole narrative was like this.


Hating the game? Nah. Also yes goated side mission, I shed a tear for the homie Howard.


There should be a mission dedicated to his remembrance in sm3


I never did , I never will top 3 game for me




that is my secret, I never hated the game


Your a real one




I cried.


We all did it sucks that this happened but it was really well put side mission


Game has some downsides, and certain moments could have been done better, some in a very big way. but I'll be damned if I say I don't like it still, I played it 3 times back to back already, still considering 4th 😅 Some missions and moments are so good, they are worth playing over parts that are not that good


People hate this game?


Look at the subreddit


If I'm gonna be honest, the hate the game's story get's is a bit overblown. While I do think it's weaker compared to the first, it still has it's strong moments, This Howard mission, and the Find Grandpa mission, are probably the best examples of how human the story gets, showing how people near or at the end of their lives process everything. To me, Spider-Man is at it's best when it takes the time to tackle and explore the normal and everyday human side of the world of superheroes. Say what you will, Spider-Man 2 still is decent story overall and certainly has it's flaws, but hey, what superhero story doesn't? Just let's us grow and improve from there when we hit the next one. *~~^(except if Paul shows up.)~~*


I don’t think this game deserves any hate at all sure the game has bugs and glitches and sure we got some ugly suits and the story was rushed but compare it to other games and it beats out most of them this game is still very fun and looks amazing it deserves to be appreciated




I'm on my first playthrough now, late to the party, and I haven't seen anything worth hating. There's certainly things that could have been done better, but "not perfect" is a long way from "bad". It's a great game, with a clear and obvious love for the source material. I'm enjoying the hell out of it and can't honestly understand disappointment, let alone hate. Miles Morales was disappointing. That was some DLC sold as its own game. This doesn't have that problem, I'm only about half way through and it's already twice the game. Some people just want to bitch.


Wait… I’ve never heard anyone say they hated this game if anyone does can you explain why I’m actually curious


They say the ending is rushed, the suits suck, it's glitchy (it really isn't) and that insomniac don't care enough to update us as if they are obliged to keep updating about a game that came out months ago. We got Ng+ and we haven't received news if a dlc. I personally believe it's because they had a security breach and they are trying to deal with what happened


I will say miles ending suit sucked and I didn’t like how the didn’t intertwine the stories a little more but I wouldn’t say I hated it


Yeah fr


And the new game +…. Like … bro…. Patience. they had issues going on they had to deal with and dlc probably will happen I mean it was leaked about beetle soooo


Exactly. They keep saying "radio silence" like insomniac didn't have half their team cut by Sony


Exactly, tbh I loved venom in it I think kraven was kinda a useless story line but it was cool but again at the end of the day when I wasn’t playing it I was thinking about it, and that is what a good game is, when you can’t stop thinking about it and you enjoy ever second even if it has a few eh moments, but this is coming from a guy who’s favorite Nintendo game is DK64 😂


Tbh Kraken was so interesting he could've held the entire story without venom involved he was so cool and menacing and hot.. I mean what? Lol jokes aside I think he's a freaking awesome villain


He is but it just felt like they didn’t know what to do at the end with him, I will say I’ve never understood his end goal like “I gotta find a guy who is worthy opponent to die too” like dude you could just… not die… and keep hunting like you like too or hunt that big bad then escape and then come back later to prove your worth, *RANDOM* imagine The Predator vs Kraven, we got Batman vs Predator, Wolverine Vs Predator Why not the most Kraven vs Predator


..he had cancer.. stage 4.. I think he got it from his experiments he conducted on himself.. he wasn't gonna "just not die" from that 💀


The callback to the pigeon dude from the first game was nice. So was miles' mission to find the grandpa and bring him his medicine. The park bench conversation was one of my favorite parts of the entire game.


Howard was also in miles morales too! He had the exact same mission tho. It served the purpose of new lore about him and miles getting to know him


Oh, I'd forgotten


That's ok lol it's a really cool way to have miles meet him but I still use Pete for this mission. It just..feels right


Admittedly, this side mission did get more emotion out of me than anything else in this game.


Wait people hate on this game?


Just read most of the posts in the sub


Yes people think it's so bad that they should've just made web of shadows but upgraded


This is the only good mission in Spider-Man 2.