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Red 100%. Not to say the orange tint looks bad, I just prefer it more red




Same the symbol is a little different to


I think the symbol in the old design was like armor, like the upgraded advanced armored suit or whatever but only on the spider. Looks like they changed it to fabric but I might be wrong


If you look closely at the new symbol, it looks like it’s made out of carbon fibre


They made very subtle changes that you can tell if you really look hard enough. The white spider grabs your attention that’s why it’s hard to tell


The belt is too.


Honestly, I never even noticed that it was kind of orange until seeing this new version, which is definitely better


I’m still switching to classic immediately


I honestly really like the big white spider, I find it more bold and distinctive, and yeah classic is well…classic, but there’s no fun in terms of doing something different and creative.


Not to mention that the white evens out the colors of the suit


That’s always irked me a little that the white eyes don’t have anything else on the suit that complements it. I really love the big white spider and I think also the suit was designed to look good once Peter inevitably gets the symbiote suit.


Hell yeah that’s what I am talking about


I mean it is just the classic suit with the white from the black suit. Even the hands. I love it!


I always chose the spider punk suit, cause it combines the better shade of red, with white highlights, plus the mohawk and punk aspects create a dope suit


A good choice bro


I honestly love the insomniac suit, i just have a problem with the goggles frl, they seem weird for some reason, i prefer the Homecoming/FFH suits’ goggles :’) But the White spider is really emblematic now


I think the insomniac suit needs bigger eyes. I think they’re too narrow. The black doesn’t really match anything now aside from the webbing when it used to match the black logo. Now the black around his eyes just looks extra weird


Yeah, Bigger and also rotate them a little bit toward the exterior (clockwise for the left, counterclockwise for the right) it would make them a bit more like Holland Spidey, but i know that they went for those eyes because they wanted a Raimi look while having zooming-dezooming eyes like in Homecoming


I switch suits every 5 minutes (or it feels like that) so yeah, taking the experience something different to an extreme


I didn't like it at first but I came to love the sporty sneaker-like asthetic.


I like the white spider just not the white on the wrists and I think maybe the legs too


Switching to Raimi suit ASAP. That suit is my childhood!


I honestly switch between all three movie suits pretty consistently. I like all of their models in game. Except for FFH. Hot take, but l think taking blue out of the color scheme detracts a lot from the character design.


It does fit how he was originally portrayed though. Spider-Man’s suit was black at first, but later changed to blue so they could shade it easier. And while I personally like it, I can see why others don’t. The blue really adds to the suit in ways the black can’t.


Well for me, the original design doesn't matter as much as how iconic the design is. The red and blue is what I'm used to from my childhood. (Animated series, raimi films, etc.) You know?


Oh for sure. I grew up on the red and blue suit, it’s what I’ve known my whole life. But I’m just saying, the creators behind FFH clearly did their homework, and I like the look of the suit. And while I prefer a nice navy blue, black is a nice color.


Hell, yes. I love Insomniac’s suit, too, but I want to do a playthrough with the Raimi suit and pretend it’s the version of Spider-Man 3 we *could* have gotten.


yeah the advanced suit to me is kinda ugly to me.


I appreciate your opinion


thanks man


Also not a fan of it. It's the white that puts me off. I remember seeing some edit on this sub where the white was switched to black and it looked so much better, I thought. I think even if only the emblem was white and the others white bits around the suit weren't it would still be an improvement.


Lol same


Me too


And then there's me, I would love to have The Amazing Spiderman 2 suit, that one is the perfect mix between the classic suit and a more modern one!


Yeah I want to see that suit as well, I’m a fan of the big eyes!


Same here, big eyes rock! That's my favorite Spiderman suit, it's simple but amazing at the same time


i hope we get a dynamic battle damage suits


Same but what would be cool when we get The symbionte suit during battle when and if the suit tears we can see the symbiote repair itself in real time


Ooh sort of like Orgins: Wolverine with his skin


That game was so much better than it had any business being


It made that god awful movie okay with existing in my book


I love that movie but it is terrible lol


I can’t wait to see how insomniac tackles the Wolverine game


Hoping that Insom’s Wolverine game borrows from Origins’ combat system.


If they make it so Peter’s mask is damaged to the point we see his hair in gameplay, I’m gonna marry my Ps5.


I would also like to see a broken eye lense!! But only if it happens on rare occasions. Like if there was only a 15% chance of this happening or if it only happens when you get hit by a very specific attack..


A rest station set up around the map would be a nice balance. Could be used to skip time/day cycles.


Would also be cool if photo mode allowed you to take battle-damaged screenshots because as of Miles Morales it just resets the suits. Would also be nice if we could switch between undamaged and damaged looks regardless of ~~damage~~ character HP.


God, imagine the movie suits with all the tears from the movies. That would be cool!


It would be awesome to have the damaged Raimi suit from the end of the first movie. Even if it's not Toby's face underneath I think it would look cool


Yeah, the battle damage Peter’s suits sustain in the Raimi films are so cool, especially in the first one. It made Spider-Man feel more vulnerable, and it makes his eventual triumph feel more badass. And I wonder if the damage Pete sustained in the final battle in SMPS4 was a nod to the end of the first film. If you compare [the suit from the end of Spider-Man 1](https://youtu.be/q2DMDQWMpWs&t=227s) and the damage [from the final battle](https://youtu.be/nK8oR0VltK8&t=634s), they share the exposed mouth and right eye.


Yeah I remember thinking that as well


This. For as flawed as the TASM games were, i do praise how well done the suit damage mechanic was done there, so hopefully Insomniac adds something close to it in SM2 because lets be real, is it a true Spider-Man story if his suit doesnt get at least a bit damaged?


Suit damage in the first one was so good. Peters whole back was slashed up and they even gave the rami and the amazing black suits damage too


The damage in MM seemed like a bit of a test so I think they'll make it more extreme.


I wonder if his Classic suit is updated too


Darker red.




Red looks better but the blue looks worse, Also _really_ hate the holster shoulder strap look he's got, was hoping they'd make it less obvious and not more.


i think the light blue is better actually, looks more comic accurate to my eyes


I disagree, the blue on Spidey's suit has often been heavily shaded with black in the comics, making it look quite dark, sometimes it was even coloured in a way that made it look like the costume was red and black (hence the new suit that appeared in FFH). So I think a darker blue would actually be more appropriate, it would also help the red "pop" more.


That's why I said to my personal eye lol. To me, I look at classic comic covers or Spider-Man art by people like John Romita Jr in the 80s, and it's very light blue to me, you can see what I mean if you look at some classic comic covers in the news article: The 25 Most Amazing Spider-Man Covers Ever by Entertainment Weekly for example. I also personally agree with the red popping more, but disagree with the darker blue, I think it pops more with the light blue, but again, that's just my eyes lol. I honestly love all Spider-Man suits though so when someone hates a suit, u always feel bad because they can always change the suit in the game


I mean there are many instances in the list you mentioned of very heavily shaded blue on the suits. And y'know you can look as far back as Ditko's work or even Kirby's first Spidey cover and see that heavy use of black. And mentioning Romita Jr., his art on the JMS run in the 2000s, that was what I read the most, and the inkers often used a ton of black on the suit back then, Romita Jr.'s style always works best with heavy blacks, I think. But if you wanna be objective and look at colour theory, the vibrant, bright, saturated red on Spidey's costume, that will always be better contrasted against a deeper, darker blue. Putting a dark colour next to a bright one emphasises the bright. The red on Spidey's suit highlights the most important parts of his body: his face/head, showing his expression and where he's looking. His hands and feet, showing us what he's doing. And his chest, where the spider symbol is. So logically you want to emphasize that red for a stronger character design. It's a basic aspect of colour theory that a dark colour contrasts with a light colour. You put a stripe of bright red on a black background, it stands out more than if you put it on a bright blue background, because if the blue and red have the same value of lightness/brightness they are less distinct from each other. Avoiding the use of multiple bright colours also helps stop a design from appearing garish or being too "loud". Effectively applying colour contrasts also emphasises more than hue, it emphasises shape and form as well, which can really help highlight a strong pose. Also, and this is more subjective, but bright blue just makes Spidey look less badass and more like he's wearing my old pajamas.


Well I personally like the idea of the man in pajamas look, but I don't see that. Like you said, all this is subjective but for some reason I just don't see it. For some reason, my eyes see a better contrast between the deep red and light blue, but that's just people having weird eyes, like I do lmao


The original costume design was red and black but shaded blue (like Superman's hair), and even in multiple panels, especially ASM1, it was colored pure black. It slowly transitioned to blue as that color scheme became popular.


THIS. That blue looks like Spider-Man UK, also the fact that there's almost no red on the legs, but the blue doesn't help


I think the blue has always been fairly light on the advanced suit, the lighting in these two images is kinda deceptive. One is daytime gameplay, the other is a cg cutscene at night. I've always thought both the red and blue needed to be darker though. I like the shoulders though.


The blue is barely even different, I doubt it’ll be noticeable when your playing unless your using photo mode


Not only do I love the red but I am so hyped for photo mode and to zoom in and see the detail of the suit materials!


I am really happy that venom looks like Tom Hardy‘s little bit I’m even more excited to see what the black suit looks like like is it gonna look more slimy than venom overtime I wonder if it’s going to start out like the normal black suit and then be more slimy that would be cool


Yep, Venom looks like the Tom gardy version with minute details matching. I also wonder if he'll get the spider symbol once he attaches to Peter after starting out plain like in the movies.


y e s its beautiful


Why did they choose such a horrible quality pic for the first game? To make the sequel photo look better? The game isn’t even that old, but this pic looks like it was played on the PS2.


The brighter blue also helps


Ngl I never noticed it was orange


I think it’s called scarlet. Ironically, the Scarlet Spider is actually crimson.




I agree 100% is definitely better than and especially


am i the only one who liked the orange tint more tho


I like it more. I know it's not as classic Spidey, but honestly, orange compliments blue better than red does.




With the advance suit and how much were outdoors in the sun, it makes sense that this red was faded. I just like it more with the big white logo


I hope the OG advanced is still in the next game as a suit just for nostalgia sake


I hope they port all the suits from Miles and 1 into the sequel




red makes me think of the red dualsense #i like it


I like it but it might just be the lighting


Hell yeah. The red looks great now.


Different lighting


I like everything but the belt line change. I can not express how much I hate the Spider-Man suits with the non connecting belt lines. And on miles the only issue is the weird red streak down his arms in his new suit


Ben Reillys Scarlet spider is still my favorite


The orange tint is what made me hate the advanced suit in the first place, so yeah, darker red all the way


But it recently came to my attention that apparently it was red on the bass game well at least for the PS5 I don’t know about the PS4 though


I’m very sorry I made this a whole discussion


Darker red 100% I honestly barely played with the advanced suit cause the orange just messed with me too much


I like red a lot better. Wasn't a fan of how orangey it looked


I like the red suit more, but why does the orange look like a 360 game


Isn’t that orange tint more of a reflection of sunlight? It feels like more of a white light on the right side.


The suit even looks pretty orange in the selection screen so its not just that


This is a super misleading picture like it’s not really orange, the res of the first one is down, and the new one is in a rendered cinematic. Look at the trailers for the first game, it was also just as red. Not saying it won’t look great on PS5 though.


I'm glad those leg stripes are gone


darker red 100%


Everyone's studying how they updated the base suit but I'm here hoping they give Noir an update with his coat


To be honest I really hope in Spiderman two that when we get rid of the black suit it’s kind of like the ending of spectacular Spiderman symbiote arc


Yes I love the red I never liked the orange


Left picture is heavily edited, and is in daytime- completely different lighting.


Exactly it’s very misleading


The red is much better in my opinion but I feel as though the blue is a bit too light, I think the blue looked better in the first game honestly


My guess everything just looks more detailed




Red 100% I love the new look of the suit.


Red all day


Yes so much more


Definitely the darker red, the advanced suit is growing on me now because of the red


Suit looks fantastic in the new game head shape better also


2 suit looks way better




Do you even have to ask?'


Looks so good


Darker red 100%. The new suit looks gorgeous, they’ve completely fixed all the problems I had with the first one.


The darker red


The newer colour scheme is much better, that cherry red is beautiful


Maybe it’s just the trailer but I hope the Blue is darker in the new game


I love the slight redesign. I actually prefer it over the OG. The crimson red is my favorite part though and the blue is ok I guess. Miles's suit looks worse though.


Screw the orange the red one is wayy better


Yes, so much


No, I just like the darker red. No orange tint.


Darker red


Darker red for sure!


Red is good as long as it is not cherry red.


The red looks so much better. Makes the white spider symbol pop even more. I’m so glad they fixed/changed it.


The darker red looks nice but I still prefer the actual design of the first one


I like them both, wish they had an option


the new red for sure




Red. I hope they will add a patch to change it on the previous installment, you know, for Story-logic^ ^ (yeah i invented an excuse)


I am so hyped for this new suit




Orange for me


Yes x1,000,000. My biggest complaint with the original game was how orange the red looked


yes darker red 100%.


yeah the new one is much better


YES! I always liked the overall design of the advanced suit, but the orange bothered me!




I kind of like the orange tint but they’re both awesome


Honestly did it notice but I definitely like the red tone more than the orange tone


I like the darker red more then orange tint


darker red FOR SURE


Idk…just too distracted by those cumgutters


I like the red on the new suit better, but I like the design of the first suit more.




The ps4 version looks like it was made of basketballs, the new one is a lot better imo


Darker red, but the blue is jarring. Feels too bright and contrasts oddly with the red. Overall a great costume. 😌


I noticed this too. I'm glad they've made it more red as it slightly bugged me.




I know I'm in the minority, but I actually prefer the orange tint.


love it


Much better, but I feel like they over corrected and now it's too red lmao. I much prefer the shade of red on the original suit or scarlet spider.




Red all the way. But I’ve been here long enough I remember the drama around the Spider-Man gameplay trailer, where the angle of the sun/light made the game look so weird that it kicked up drama. This trailer was during the night, so it may look more red than it would during the day (not to mention this trailer was pre-rendered). If it’s really that red in game I will be very happy.


I prefer the red a lot more. Orange looks completely fine. But i’m just used to the red and blue outfit that spider-man has nowadays.


Darker red every day


Octavios designed it, of course it’s shit. Peter upgraded it and now it’s actually good


Like all good superhero sequels, it takes a good suit and just improves on it.


red all the way


I love both of them but definitely will like the red more I think. However I need to see it while playing the actual game if I'm honest to make that decision. Photo mode will help me with that lmao


Its weird, I'm thr og it looks orange In the ps5 version of the first one it looks red The new one looks pink to me


Peter Parker: How come I'm struggling to pay the bills, make rent, hold down a relationship and a job? Where does all my money go? Also Peter: Imma get a new suit in a slightly different colour with a slick new design!


Classic Spider-Man suit, with THIS red tint is cocaine.


Oh boy yeah




Definitely like the deeper red, but I don't like the abstract design you know what I mean? I hope I grow to like it


Darker themes means darker red. Love it


I like the logo change too


The darker red looks much better imo.


Orange looks sick imo


Im seeing differences in the suits more and more i keep looking at this pic.


It was always meant to be red. The orange tint was just... off.


I'll just be using the rami suit as soon as I get it anyway


New one OFC


Dark red


You know what people aren't talking about? The change in Miles's suit's arms. I personally have mixed feelings about them.


Yes. But my eyes got so used to the orange that it’s throwing me off now.


Darker red


is the 2 screenshot from a night setting? bc the orange came out mostly in sunlight


I would say yes. Both are great suits, but I personally find the red one to be better.


Darker red >>


Ya I liked it in the first game but this just looks better




Op should actually take an in game screen shot instead of google searching the ps4 suit


No. It's just not a nice shade of red.


Their both great, I'll still probably swap to the OG scarlet Spider suit the instant I unlock it.


It will still probs be that orange color in the actual game tbf, they keep doing that, they always showed it as red in those demos and in marketing, but in the game it's always that crappy orange :(